The first taboo in the world

Chapter 490: The sound of the piano is lingering, and the feeling of being close to home is timid

Chapter 492 The sound of the piano is lingering, and the feeling of being close to home is timid

There is not just one person, but multiple messengers of God, who appear near every city. Moreover, whoever buys the treasures of the messenger of heaven, no matter who they are, will be given a teleportation talisman for free to protect them and leave safely.

It is precisely because of this that the five people raised funds to purchase a communicator of all realms, using which they learned countless information that ordinary people did not know.

And when Xu Zifan communicated with them just now, a lot of the information he got was obtained by the five people from the Wanjie Communicator.

At this moment, after understanding the current situation in the world, Xu Zifan was eager to return home and did not want to stay for a moment. He wanted to return to Qinling Mountains quickly to see how his relatives and friends were doing and whether they were okay.

However, just when he was about to leave alone, the five people tactfully expressed that they wanted to follow him and go to the habitat of the earth's creatures.

Xu Zifan was a little embarrassed about this. After all, with five people, his speed would definitely be slowed down.

Without the five people, the journey to the human settlement would be nearly 200,000 miles. The journey would be extremely dangerous, and the five people would probably not be able to get there.

The five of them had just been explaining to him for a few hours, but he couldn't just leave and ignore the five of them.

At this moment, Xu Zifan looked at the expectant eyes of the five people, thought of a way, and said: "It's not impossible to take you with me, but I need to aggrieve you."

Having said this, without waiting for the five people to react, Xu Zifan tapped his fingers five times, and the five people fainted. Then he waved and disappeared together with the five people.

In the world of Swordsman, Xu Zifan appeared in a house with five people and placed them in a room. Then his figure disappeared again and appeared in the earth world where he left just now.

He has a side of the world, and it would be extremely easy to lead a few people, but people's hearts are unpredictable, and he is not sure whether the other party will reveal his trump card in the future, so he just knocked out five people and sealed their souls. Then he brought them to one of his own private residences in Swordsman Jianghu World.

When he reaches a human settlement, he will unseal the souls of the five people and release them.


Xu Zifan's figure flashed, shot up into the sky, turned into a silver divine light, and headed towards Xianwu City. It was a distance of two hundred thousand miles, and even he would not be able to get there in a short time.

Moreover, he is eager to return home and does not want to waste time on other things along the way, so if he encounters a city belonging to someone from another world, he will stay away from it.

However, if he encounters aliens who come out to harm the creatures on earth, such as those Fire Cloud Evil Gods just now, then he doesn't mind taking care of them easily.

The wind was flying along the way, and Xu Zifan's speed reached the extreme. In one step, the mountains and rivers were far away, and they were at the end of the sky. This speed was extremely amazing. Not to mention a king-level practitioner, even an ordinary extraordinary person. He could barely be seen clearly.

And along the way, Xu Zifan also realized the vastness of this world. There are mountains and rivers everywhere, and the roar of beasts and birds in the vast wilderness. Galloping among these magnificent mountains and rivers is like living in a mythical era. .

At this time, Xu Zifan still couldn't believe that the vast world he saw in front of him was actually his hometown, which evolved from the former earth.

At the same time, he felt heavy in his heart. What kind of existence was out there that was dominating all of this? Even the movement of the heaven, earth, and universe could be changed. What was his purpose? Where is the future of mankind?

At this time, even Xu Zifan felt powerless. Not to mention the black hand behind the scenes that could dominate the ups and downs of the world. In the face of countless descendants from all over the world, even if he is so powerful, can he sweep them away? ?

The answer is absolutely impossible!

If the demon in the Demon Prison City really wants to leave, he can't do anything to him. What's more, in these countless cities, there must be existences more terrifying than that demon lurking, and he may not be able to push him away. And passed.

In addition, who is the messenger from heaven? Could it be that he comes from the vast fairyland beyond the nine heavens? What is their purpose?

What is the purpose of those who descend from all heavens and realms? Why do they come every once in a while and destroy the civilization on this land?

Kyushu is a place where thousands of races compete for hegemony. What are the countless descendants from all over the world fighting for? What are you planning?

Problems troubled Xu Zifan one by one. Along the way, he was also thinking and pondering while rushing.

For two consecutive days, he didn't stop for a moment and kept running at full speed. If he didn't have the Silver Heart, which provided an infinite source of energy, he wouldn't have been able to persist until now.

And along the way, he encountered dozens of alien cities of all kinds. Looking from a distance, there was a terrifying force dormant in each city.

In this regard, Xu Zifan naturally went around and did not want to cause trouble.

In addition, he also conveniently killed more than a dozen waves of alien beings who came out to hunt intelligent life on earth. Facing these alien descendants who came out to hunt, he only had to rush past, leaving behind a shower of blood.

The human beings or monsters he rescued were even more confused. They felt a silver divine light streak across the sky, and those arrogant alien creatures exploded into pieces one after another. Their bodies and spirits were destroyed, and they were completely unable to fight back.

Finally, he found a messenger from God near a city named Ziyun. This messenger from God had a childlike face, a fairy-like demeanor, and an amiable face. He was a little old man who always had a smile on his face. His temperament looked like He is a compassionate and enlightened immortal.

And the reason why he could recognize that the little old man was a messenger from God was because there was always a fairy stele surrounded by a faint fairy mist following the little old man. There were four shining golden lights engraved on the stele, which could almost blind people. The big words on the eyes: "Messenger of God!"

As long as you are not blind, you can definitely see clearly even if you are more than ten miles away.

When Xu Zifan discovered this messenger from heaven, there were already several people queuing up around him, including humans, monsters, and extremely weird-looking aliens.

However, no matter who they were, they were full of respect for the messenger of God, and they lined up there obediently, without daring to complain at all.

Seeing this situation, Xu Zifan became even more confused. What is the origin of God's messenger? Even the alien descendants who are usually aloof from above do not dare to show any disrespect in front of them.

However, although Xu Zifan was confused, he did not stop at all. The silver figure flashed across the sky, much faster than a shooting star.

He just wanted to rush to Qinling Mountains and Xianwu City as soon as possible to see what happened to the people he cared about most.

But what he didn't know was that at the moment when his figure cut through the sky and disappeared, the eyes of the messenger of heaven with a kind and smiling face flashed, as if he had discovered something interesting, and he stared straight at him. Looking at the direction Xu Zifan was leaving, he remained silent for a long time, not knowing what he was thinking.

The people queuing up next to him to buy fairy treasures were also a little curious. They followed his gaze and looked into the distance, but they saw only a blue sky and white clouds, and nothing unusual.

"Immortal, wake up, I want to buy purple patterned copper!"

A figure shrouded in purple mist saw him looking into the sky, silent for a long time, and couldn't help but remind him. His voice was clear and sweet, like the sound of fairy music, which could wash away people's souls.

When the little old man heard this, he came back to his senses instantly, looked at the person standing in front of him, and the smile on his face suddenly became even bigger.

" turns out that the Fairy from Ziyun Pavilion is here, and I'm sorry to welcome you from afar..."

"Why did the immortal envoy find something interesting?"

The figure shrouded in purple mist spoke again, smiling and speaking in a melodious and soft voice, extremely kind.

"Ahem...No one else, I'm older, I'm always lost in thought, I can't compare to you young people!"

The little old man's smile became more and more peaceful. At this time, he looked like an old grandfather looking at his granddaughter, kind and kind.

"The immortal is so stingy!"

The figure shrouded in purple mist knew that it was impossible to get anything from the little old man's mouth, so he didn't bother anymore. Then he completed the transaction with the little old man, and went straight towards the mist of purple mist not far away, with thousands of auspicious colors, and a fairy atmosphere. Go to Ziyun City.

Not long after, in the center of Ziyun City, above a magnificent pavilion, a voice sounded in the misty purple mist.

"Miss, I saw with my own eyes that that person attracted the attention of the messenger of heaven. I think he is definitely not an ordinary person."

It can be heard from the voice that the speaker is the woman who just bought purple-patterned copper from the messenger of heaven.

"The Kyushu Realm has been abandoned for a long time. I never thought that such outstanding people would appear again!"

Above the pavilion, another voice sounded, flowing like a fairy sound in the misty purple mist. It was in harmony with the Taoist rhyme. It was just a voice, but it exuded a kind and peaceful atmosphere, and I couldn't help but feel good about it.

The voice paused for a moment, and then sounded again, saying: "The great catastrophe of the era is approaching. This kind of outstanding people should not be silent like this. Zixue, you put on the purple ribbon fairy clothes and go forward and bring him back here."

The flow of fairy music makes people friendly and peaceful, and at the same time, there is an irresistible aura of supreme majesty contained in it.

"Zixue takes the order!"

The clear and sweet voice sounded again, with a hint of excitement. She knew that the purple ribbon fairy clothing was a body-protecting garment specially made for the young lady by her master. It was the nine-immortal soldier Bagua Zi who was very famous in all the worlds. The imitation of the Purple Ribbon Immortal Clothes is a magical and unparalleled treasure. It is said to be unparalleled in defense. As long as you wear the Purple Ribbon Immortal Clothes, you will be innately invincible in today's Kyushu world.

The purple clouds were dim, and Zixue took the order to retreat. After a while, a burst of piano music sounded from Ziyun City, brushing through the flowers, blooming in an instant, crossing the clear spring, steaming, and flying high into the sky. Birds came to approach, and the piano music curled up like wisps. Immortal sounds flowed, echoing in the vast world, and visions abounded.

Outside Ziyun City, whether they were humans, monsters, or people from other worlds, they all stopped at this moment, listening carefully to the fairy sounds, cleansing their souls, and not wanting to miss it.

Even the messenger from heaven looked back intoxicated by the melodious music. After a long time, he came back to his senses and sighed slowly: "The wonderful sound is shocking to the world, who can hear it? Fairy Zixia, her reputation is well-deserved!"

The sound of a piano washes away the worldly atmosphere, causing flowers to bloom, birds to come and all living beings to fall in love.

Although there is no player in sight, from these wisps of fairy music, one seems to be able to see a peerless fairy, extraordinary and uncontaminated, sitting high in the incense pavilion, surrounded by a mist of fairy mist, with delicate and delicate hands, and a light body. Gently pluck the strings to play the supreme fairy sound. The flowing sound of the piano triggers countless visions, washing away the vicissitudes of the world and aligning with the Tao.

On the other side, Xu Zifan was walking at full speed, like a silver lightning flash across the vast sky. He didn't know that he was trying to avoid trouble, but he had unknowingly attracted the attention of others.

The sky and the earth are vast, the mountains and rivers are majestic, the sun rises and the moon sets, the moon sets and the sun rises. After two more days and nights, a familiar scene finally appeared in front of Xu Zifan.

At this moment, Xu Zifan was standing above the clouds, his eyes were complicated, filled with excitement and sadness. A few dozen miles ahead was the western foothills of the Qinling Mountains.

When he arrived at the door of his home, he gradually stopped, not daring to go any further. He was timid about being close to home, which was exactly his mentality at the moment.

The world has undergone drastic changes many times, and too many people have died in the world. It is inevitable that the Qinling lineage has passed away, and countless people have passed away forever and will never be seen again.

At this moment, when he really faced his hometown, he became more and more timid. He was afraid and afraid of hearing bad news. There were too many people he cared about here.

He didn't want to face the separation between life and death and feel too sad. That was the biggest sorrow in the world!

But...everything has to be faced in the end...

Xu Zifan took a deep breath, walked in the sky, and headed forward.

When we arrived here, it already belonged to the human race area. We could see figures on the Qinling Mountains in front of us. There were also various streams of light piercing the sky from time to time in the nearby sky. These were human race or demon race who had mastered the secret of flight. Haunted and passed by this place.

No one has noticed Xu Zifan's appearance yet. Even if Xu Zifan stepped out of thin air at this time, it is just like that in the eyes of everyone now, far less shocking than a year ago.

Because, in this year, the world has undergone many drastic changes, the spiritual energy has become more intense, and the world is more suitable for enlightenment and practice. Although the number of people who have broken through to the extraordinary realm is still small compared to the total population, it is not surprising. .

Nowadays, there are extraordinary powerful people passing by here every day, so Xu Zifan's appearance did not attract anyone's attention at this time.


Xu Zifan's figure flashed, speeding up, and flew straight towards the depths of the Qinling Mountains. It didn't matter what he was afraid of, everything would eventually have to be faced.

This was the first time he had overlooked the Qinling Mountains from the sky since he had the power to fly. Many places had changed, and the terrain he was familiar with was no longer what it was before.

The seven continents merged into one, and China returned to its original position. Terrifying earthquakes or super volcanic eruptions occurred all over the world. Many places have long been changed beyond recognition, even the Qinling Mountains are not immune.

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