The first taboo in the world

Chapter 494: Heaven and earth are all on the ninth level, the person who used to be

Chapter 496 Heaven and earth are all on the ninth level, the person who used to be

With the vicissitudes of the world and the vast Qinling Mountains, everything is different. The familiar mountains, rivers, and lakes have all disappeared, and the familiar people are no longer visible.

Since entering the Qinling Mountains, although Xu Zifan has seen many humans or monsters, none of them are familiar to him.

This can only explain one problem. In this year, the Qinling Mountains have suffered too many casualties and injuries, so that they are now unable to occupy the entire Qinling Mountains and can only shrink the defense line.

Thinking of this, Xu Zifan felt pain in his heart again, and at the same time, his hatred for creatures from other worlds became stronger.

According to the information obtained from the five Liu Yunshan people, the alien creatures that came to Qinling came from three major realms, the Black Mist Realm, the Netherworld Realm, and the Snow Demon Realm.

Among them, the Black Mist Realm has the most people coming to it, and it is also the alien world that has the most fights with everyone in Qinling Mountains, and it has also caused the most serious damage to Qinling Mountains!

The Snow Demon Realm is second, and in terms of the scale of descendants, it is far less than that of the Black Mist Realm. However, the descendants of this realm have formed an alliance with the Black Mist Realm to advance and retreat together to kill all life on earth. For everyone in Qinling, they are also mortal enemies. There is a blood feud between them.

As for the Netherworld, it is a bit mysterious. Not many people came, and they disappeared soon after they arrived. On the surface, they did not participate in the battle between the two sides.

However, there are rumors that some people have seen people who have descended from this world come into contact with people who have arrived from other worlds, and there seems to be a gap in status between the two parties. Whether they are ordinary people who have arrived from other worlds or they are the commanders of a city, for the Netherworld The descendants were extremely awed, which surprised everyone. They belonged to different worlds, and logically there was no superior-subordinate relationship. There was no need for this to be the case.

Most people can't figure this out, and the All Worlds Communicator is also very tight-lipped about it. Even those who have descended from other worlds seem to have received some unified message, and no one dares to say anything.

Only one messenger from God once said a few words about those who descended from the netherworld, but it was not clear!

"The sky has nine levels, the earth also has nine levels, and the heaven and earth have eighteen levels, governing all realms!"

As soon as the messenger of heaven said this, the descendants of the world were silent in response, as if in acquiescence, while the creatures on the earth were still confused and did not understand the true meaning. However, it can be imagined that it involves the game of the supreme power in the world. This may not be a secret in the world, but because the creatures on earth are too weak, they are not qualified to know these things.

However, Xu Zifan knew a thing or two about the Netherworld. A year ago, he discovered a space node in Qinling Ghost Village, which was an advanced base for the Netherworld on the earth.

The Seven Seals of the Demon that he now masters came from there, and it was from that experience that he knew that the Nether World was not friendly to humans, or to all living things on earth, and could even be said to be full of malice. Man, there is a multi-armed demon statue inside, and the blood food in its hands is human.

Therefore, although the descendants of the Netherworld did not openly kill humans, they still harbored evil intentions and were definitely not good things. Perhaps they were planning something more terrifying and important.

Therefore, the three world descendants who descended on the Qinling Mountains are all powerful enemies. If there is no good enemy, there will be a battle in the future.

Xianwu City, above the Xianwu Sect lobby!

After making some arrangements for the upcoming war, Feng Qingyang looked around at everyone, his fighting spirit gradually rising in his eyes, and he said: "You don't need to be too nervous. The alien creatures are not so strong that they are invincible. They are also Will die!"

"Yes, I have a hunch that something unexpected will happen this time, and Black Mist City will be completely defeated, or even cease to exist!"

On one side of the lobby, a white-faced man spoke. It was Yang Lingzi, the Great Sheep Spirit who joined the Qinling Mountains a year ago through the Great Master Hu Ling. At this moment, the two horns on his head had long been restored, and they looked more and more crystal clear and flowing. The mysterious jade-colored brilliance is lingering with a faint radiance, as if it can stir up some of the most mysterious things in the world.

Hearing this, everyone in the hall, including Feng Qingyang, looked sideways at him. Everyone here knew that in terms of combat power, this person might not be as good as many people here, and he was at the bottom, but he was Possessing a mysterious ability to predict many things before they happen.

"Yang Lingzi, can you elaborate?"

Next to him, a young man in green clothes with a colorful horn and a pair of vertical pupils had a hint of surprise in his eyes. It was Xiao Lu, who was the legendary snake snake who Xu Zifan once took him from. The world of Swordsman has been brought to this world.

Yang Lingzi was silent, but his originally white face became paler and paler, looking sickly, while the pair of jade horns above his head were flowing with mysterious colors, becoming more and more brilliant, shining with a faint clear brilliance. .

But his face was getting more and more ugly, and his whole body was even trembling slightly. It was obvious that it was very difficult to predict the specific future given his current behavior.


Feng Qingyang shouted loudly, his voice deafening, interrupting some kind of mysterious energy. At the same time, Yang Lingzi was sweating profusely, and his whole body went limp, and he staggered forward. If not The man in green clothes with one horn next to him saw that something was wrong and helped him in time. Yang Lingzi must have collapsed on the ground.

Predicting the future is disturbing the order of heaven and going against the laws of heaven. Disasters will come from somewhere, which is the most terrifying thing. Therefore, Yang Lingzi almost encountered backlash again at this moment.

"Yang Lingzi, try not to use your powers in the future, and improve your cultivation as soon as possible!"

Feng Qingyang spoke with a serious heart. The demon cultivator in front of him was very talented and had extraordinary abilities. He valued him very much and didn't want anything to happen to him.

"Thank you, Senior Feng!"

Yang Lingzi cupped his fists and saluted, with a look of fear on his face. If Feng Qingyang hadn't reminded him in time, he might have caused another horrific disaster, and his life or death was uncertain.

Hearing this, Feng Qingyang waved his hand, indicating that there was no need to be polite. To everyone here, he was like the most kind elder, affable, and his peerless edge was reserved for his enemies.

"Everyone has heard what Yang Lingzi said just now. His predictions have always been very accurate, so you don't need to worry too much!" Feng Qingyang said, and then smiled and said: "Just like a few days ago, the Demon Prison City suddenly It was destroyed, and the Gray Moon Devil is missing. From this, it can be seen that even if it is as powerful as a descendant from another world, accidents will happen. Maybe in a few days, Black Mist City will be like the Demon Prison City, and will be destroyed by unknown people. The master might be suddenly razed to the ground!"

Speaking of this matter, Feng Qingyang couldn't help but smile, because for them, the biggest enemy was not only the aliens who descended on the Qinling Mountains, but also the Demon Prison City far to the northwest.

A year ago, Xu Zifan, the lord of the Qinling Mountains and his most valued descendant, fell there. Naturally, he will not forget this hatred, and neither will everyone in the Qinling Mountains.

A few days ago, a piece of news that shocked the world was suddenly posted on the Wanjie Communicator. The Demon Prison City was suddenly razed to the ground by unknown masters, and the Gray Moon Devil was nowhere to be found.

Legend has it that a terrifying aura of world destruction came from the direction of the Demon Prison City that day. It could be clearly felt hundreds of miles away, and it was suspected that there was a fierce battle between real gods.

When everything calmed down, everyone went forward and found that the mountains and rivers were overturned and the earth was devastated. The entire Demon Prison City was destroyed and could no longer be seen. All the living creatures within it disappeared, as if they had been wiped out from the world by a terrifying existence. .

This matter, in recent days, has shocked the whole world. It has been regarded as one of the hot spots in recent days. It has attracted no less attention than the fact that Black Mist City declared war on the human Xianwu City. In a certain aspect, , which is even more amazing.

Because the creatures in Demon Prison City come from the Demon Prison Realm, which is a great world of demons. There are real gods and demons that exist in the world forever, shocking all the heavens and worlds. This great world of demons is considered the most powerful among all the worlds. It is the top world, and the creatures that come to the world of Kyushu from it are naturally extremely extraordinary.

Although the Lord of the Demon Prison City, Gray Moon Devil, has not made any big move since his arrival, in the ranking of the strongest men in all realms, everyone agrees that he can definitely be ranked in the top 100, and even more terrifying.

And the city where such a terrifying person lived was suddenly destroyed by an unknown master, and Gray Moon Devil also disappeared. It was very likely that the situation was in danger.

Although this incident has nothing to do with other cities, it has set a terrible precedent. The destruction of the city and the death of people are not just an imaginary thing, it is entirely possible to happen in reality.

Some people even believe that it was precisely because of the excitement of this incident that Black Mist City thought of completely destroying the human Xianwu City to eliminate the serious trouble.

The descendants of all the worlds are not monolithic. They are even real competitors to each other. There are also killings among them. This time, the sudden destruction of the Demon Prison City made all the descendants of other worlds feel the same and be careful to guard against the enemy. At the same time, he is also thinking about how to get rid of his biggest enemy.

Therefore, the sudden destruction of the Demon Prison City had an extremely far-reaching impact. It seemed that an invisible shackles had been opened between the entire world. In the future, there will be more wars and wars on this land. Horrible killings.

As for the sudden destruction of the Demon Prison City, the happiest people are the people in the Qinling Mountains. They hate that piece of demon land to the core, but unfortunately they are unable to avenge Xu Zifan. Now a supreme master has come to destroy the entire Demon Prison City. This can be regarded as an indirect breath of bad breath for everyone in Qinling.

"It's a pity that I can't avenge Brother Xu with my own hands!"

Mentioning the destruction of the Demon Prison City, Liu Jing, the female swordswoman in white, blushed. For Xu Zifan, the man who once saved the lives of her whole family in the most dangerous moment, she had a complex feeling in her heart, including admiration, awe, like, and admiration. , both.

When it comes to Xu Zifan, others are silent. Many people here have a close relationship with Xu Zifan. A year ago, the news of Xu Zifan's fall into the devil's cave came out, and the whole world was in mourning. Everyone in Qinling felt as if they were struck by lightning. They did not want to believe that it was The truth is, in their hearts, Xu Zifan is the synonym of invincible.

In the eyes of people in the world of Swordsman, Xu Zifan is the number one person in ancient and modern times, a living god in the world. He is not only invincible, but also opens a new era of martial arts. He also breaks through the door to the fairy world, brings myths into reality, and helps countless people. When a person ascends to the immortal world, such a character is a legend and a myth. How could he fall into the devil's cave?

From the perspective of people on Earth, Xu Zifan, as one of the first batch of mysterious alien kings, was extremely powerful. He was able to unify all the monsters in the Qinling Mountains a year ago, and then went north to kill the extraordinary powerhouse, the Howling Moon Wolf God. , such a record is there, no one does not admire him, even those who have ill intentions towards him can't say anything about his strength.

And it was such a human being who fell into the devil's cave. This news was like a bolt from the blue. Many people sighed with regret and shouted that God is jealous of talents.

At this moment, Liu Jing mentioned Xu Zifan, and everyone was silent. Combined with the current situation, she couldn't help but think about how powerful that person would be if there was no accident and he was still alive at this time. , maybe everything is different.

"The descendants of the Demon Prison World have more than one Demon Prison City. When we increase our strength in the future, we will definitely go and destroy all the cities built by the descendants of that world."

Qu Feiyan opened her mouth and mentioned the Demon Prison City. The murderous intent in her eyes was so intense that it almost burst out. Obviously, Xu Zifan's fall into the Demon Prison City has always been an unbearable pain in her heart. She will remember it in her heart. Deepest in my heart.

"I, Lin Pingzhi, will definitely avenge Senior Brother Xu!"

Lin Pingzhi spoke. Although he only said one sentence, everyone could hear the firmness in his words. They were definitely not just empty words.

"And I, Brother Xu's hatred is also part of my family!"

Xiaolu, a young man in green clothes with a horn, opened his mouth, and a dark and eerie color flashed through his vertical pupils, which made people feel frightened when looking at him.

Suddenly, everyone expressed their opinions. Everyone here, even those who joined later and those who had never met Xu Zifan, were also in awe of the former Lord of Qinling.

Feng Qingyang looked at the people below and nodded slightly, feeling very pleased in his heart. After a moment, when everyone was silent, he spoke again and said, "Although Yang Lingzi has this premonition, we still need to be prepared." Be prepared and be prepared!”

Above the Qinling Mountains, Xu Zifan walked in the air. Although the distance was not far, he walked for a long time. It was not until two hours later that he finally arrived at the eastern foot of the Qinling Mountains, close to Xianwu City.

Just as he was about to continue moving forward, suddenly a demonic mist surged in front of him, and a three-foot-sized bird fluttered its wings in the sky.

"Comers, stop here. The Xianwu City ahead is in a special period of war preparation. If you want to continue deep into the hinterland of the human race, you need to register information."

This flying bird is a bird monster that has almost reached the realm of a king. At this time, it serves as a patrolling spiritual beast, reminding passers-by to register information.

Seeing the little demon who took the initiative to chat, Xu Zifan suddenly felt a sense of familiarity. In the Qinling Mountains in the past, humans and demons coexisted and lived in harmony.

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