The first taboo in the world

Chapter 535 From Five Thousand Years Ago

The woman in green appeared again. At this time, her body was no longer illusory, but a real solid body. Next to her, Xu Zifan could even smell a faint fragrance emanating from the woman's body.

Looking at the abyss and sea of ​​blood in front of her, the woman's expression was indifferent and there was a hint of coldness. Her green dress had an ancient meaning, which was different from what Xu Zifan had seen in other worlds. The style was simple and noble, and she looked extremely extraordinary.

The woman in Tsing Yi approached, but Xu Zifan didn't react at all beforehand. At this time, he was sure that the woman in Tsing Yi a few meters away was far beyond him. She was an unimaginable master. Some of the other party's methods were already extraordinary, unseen and unheard of. .

Qingyou Devil, Huangtian Shenzi and the like, although they are super masters in the realm of gods, Xu Zifan is about to reach that realm now. Although their methods are extraordinary and look a bit scary, he can also see some ways. , there are traces to follow.

But the woman in green clothes in front of her was far beyond them, and the methods she displayed were completely incomprehensible, like ghosts and gods. This was the reason why her realm was far beyond her own.

"Are you a senior expert in the world of Kyushu? You brought me here. What advice do you have?"

Xu Zifan looked at the woman in front of him and asked. What the other party said before made him have some guesses about her identity.

"Senior Master...?"

When the woman in green clothes heard this, the cold color in her eyes turned dull, revealing a trace of memory.

"The world has undergone tremendous changes. Unexpectedly, five thousand years later, the catastrophe of the heavens has occurred again, and you have become what they call a lowly person!"

After the heaven and earth have not changed, we are all human beings. Living for more than a hundred years is considered a long life. Perhaps, seven thousand years sounds like just a number or a symbol, but when you really think about it, it is a very long history. There is no dynasty in civilization, it is extremely long.

Moreover, what excites Xu Zifan is that judging from the tone of the other party, he is really from the four native states.

The four states are not so low-handed. As long as they are born at this time, they will definitely be able to sweep across the sky. What strange things in the world, gods and gods, are all just chickens and dogs in front of the man in front of them.

At this time, Xu Zifan's heart was also filled with little desire.

Apart from this, there are not many otherworldly beings from all over the world who have come to the Four States World. Everyone knows that no matter how fearful Xu Lisi is, she still cannot avoid feeling powerful.

How could the Four States world be afraid of these alien beings if they were not so incompetent?

"Thank you for your compliments, I would like to ask you, who is this great man?"

From now on, seven thousand years ago, the civilization of the earth's world will only be in its infancy. Seven thousand years ago, China will still be in the Yanhuang period.

When Xu Zifan heard this, he was shocked. The other person turned out to be a person from seven thousand years in the future.

The man in green sighed, with no sadness in his expression, but with a look of memory. Over the past seven thousand years, many legends and many myths have been buried in the dust of the years.

The man in green clothes in front of him actually came from that era. Xu Zifan was shocked and at the same time a little bit surprised. The man in front of him must be a divine man from ancient mythology.

The man in green clothes spoke, with a trace of memory in his expression. But after a while, his eyes became intense again. Without any trace of emotion, he looked at Xu Zifan and said, "In error, you are a demon!"

A pale palm poked out from the white mist, and the smell of blood suddenly became stronger. The sea of ​​blood surged in the abyss above, and all the blood steamed up from the abyss, converging towards that side, and more and more were coming. It all seeped into that pale palm and was completely absorbed.

At that moment, Xu Zifan shuddered involuntarily, his whole body was instantly covered with goosebumps, and his body instinctively gave birth to a creepy feeling.

Seven thousand years have passed, dynasties have changed, and the world has gone through great changes.

In this era, legends are full of ancient strange beasts, fairy mountains and rivers, clouds and rain, not to mention dead grass, dragons and phoenixes contending, immortals and gods coming to the world, etc. However, with the development of the times, these are all regarded as fairy tales. Let’s take a look at it and become a conversation piece between tea and dinner.

Seven thousand years later, this is the mythical era recorded in ancient books. This is an extremely fascinating period of time that has always been regarded as a myth and legend.

[Search "Spring Gift" on Xiaoxiang APP and new users will receive 500 book coins, and old users will receive 200 book coins] "The calamity of the world is coming again. It is a mistake for him not to have the achievements he has now!"

A moment ago, the man in green clothes woke up from his memories and looked at Xu Zifan, with a hint of warmth in his cold eyes.

At that moment, Xu Zifan had a completely new understanding of the man in green in front of him. He was a super terrifying low-handed man, and he was definitely a powerful opponent in front of him.

It is extremely unimaginable to think that the man in green clothes in front of you is actually a figure of this era. If word spread, the heavens would be shaken.

The man in green sighed, his expression not a bit confused, but not a bit sad.

By the sea of ​​blood in the abyss, surrounded by white mist, a man in green clothes with white hair moved like a silver snake dancing crazily in the void. The two blood-colored eyes were extremely hot, and the coldness was biting. White mist swept towards Xu Zifan.

Speaking of that, the waist-length black hair of the man in green gradually turned white, and a faint blood-colored demonic light flashed in his eyes. An icy-hot breath seemed to be able to freeze everything in the world, and from his body It spread out from below and instantly filled the entire void.

Thick white mist appeared out of thin air, lingering around the man in green, and slowly and completely submerged his figure.

Xu Zifan was a little horrified in his heart. The opponent's target was the abyss of blood behind his eyes, and it was me after all. Even so, I was only affected, and I almost had to control the blood in my body and be sucked dry by the opponent.

"Godly man?"

At this time, Xu Lisi suddenly discovered that there were no such terrifying low-hands among the creatures in the four states of the earth. Xu Lisi was naturally very excited, and her tense heart became much less tense.

Xu Zifan opened his mouth and asked directly. For those people with unpredictable means, I wanted to do this, so I asked in a roundabout way.

The alien creatures have always been weak and terrifying, and have been the lingering cloud that hangs over the creatures in the four states. Even though his strength is weaker than ever before, he is still no different from the alien gods.

They all thought that the target of the other party was me. Even if my Yinbi real body is small, it will definitely be useful. The other party will instantly suck all the blood from my body and turn it into a mummy.

And during that process, the blood all over Xu Zifan's body boiled, as if it was under control, rushing into his body, and the silver divine light shone. At that moment, I operated the Silver Wall True Body to the extreme, and the skin all over my body turned into one piece. The bright silver finally controlled the blood all over the body, allowing it to seep out of the body.

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