Reality, a laboratory in an unknown province or city.

Li Zhi woke up on an operating table, he slowly opened his eyes and took off his glasses.

This is a plain mirror, a small trick used to disguise his vision, but it was obviously not used in this game.

He stood up, first looked at himself, and then began to carefully look at the operating room where he had lived for "a long time".

This is a completely closed operating room, with walls on three sides and a steel door comparable to the wall on one side. The usual ventilation and air exchange all rely on the vents outside the air wall above the head. He always thought that this was a medical room in an underground military facility, but today, this idea has changed.

If I am a slice, then the main body must not allow myself to grow into an independent player. He must be staring at me in secret, observing me, and even never letting go of control.

So... is this really an operating room?

Is it possible that it is connected to other spaces? Logically speaking, it is impossible, because Li Zhi has confirmed that the air wall around the wall does not seem to be fake.

But today he suddenly found that he had missed one thing, that is...the vent!

In his memory, he had tried to climb that vent, but the air wall blocked him back.

But pay attention... that was in memory!

So Li Zhi held a scalpel tightly and began to explore in the space again. This time he no longer believed in his memory, because the memory of the slice was meaningless.

And when he had explored all four walls again, his sight finally turned to the only vent.

He moved the operating table and tried to climb up on it, but just at this moment, the vent that was only big enough for one person to pass through actually opened by itself!

Yes, it opened by itself!

The sound of mechanical gears rang out, and the shutters of the vent pushed open to the left and right, revealing one of the dark passages, and at the other end of the passage, a hoarse voice was laughing.

"You still found it. Come on, come here, here are all the answers you want."

Li Zhi's pupils shrank suddenly, and then his whole body tensed up.

He had a hunch that this talking life form might be his original body.

Finally, it was the moment when the slices came face to face with the body.

Li Zhi held the knife tightly in his hand and injected himself with three tranquilizers before crawling towards the depths of the unknown passage.

The being at the other end did not move when he was restrained and crawling.

Until Li Zhi crawled to another space and poked his head out of the ventilation duct, he suddenly found that there were more than a dozen devices exactly like Serius's experimental culture dishes in this space, and in the middle of the devices, there was a young and old weirdo, squinting at him.

"You are a smart man, come down, I won't hurt you."

Li Zhi's breathing stagnated, and then he jumped down cautiously.

He stood in front of the half-young and half-old weirdo, his eyes full of suspicion.

"You are..."

"You know who I am, don't you?

Yes, your guesses are probably right. When you see me, you should know that I am the beneficiary of this experiment and also the victim of this experiment.

And you... are also the victim of this experiment like me."

"Heh." Even Li Zhi, who has a good temper, laughed sarcastically when he heard this, "It turns out that I have never been a beneficiary."

"Our goals are the same. Someone has to sacrifice himself for the experiment, right?"

"Why isn't it you who sacrifices?!"

"How do you know I haven't sacrificed? Look at this [prosperity] flowing through me, look at this [decay] rotting through me, look at me becoming neither human nor ghost. Isn't it scary?

This is my sacrifice."

"So you are trying to cultivate Raise your original self, that is, me, as a carrier for you to shed your shell, a new body! ? "

"No, no, no, I don't mean that at all, don't get excited."

"No? Then why did you create me? To prove that your scientific research ability can replicate Serius's slice experiment?"

"You are still so paranoid, and the most irreversible paranoia is hidden under all your calmness." The weirdo sighed, "I stripped you out just to be able to continue the experiment with peace of mind. In this way, you go your way and I go mine, isn't it good?"

"Sorry, I can't tell whether what you said is true or false, but I... I don't need to tell whether what you said is true or false. The moment you let me come over, you should have known that this matter could not be resolved peacefully!"

Li Zhi's eyes condensed, and he took out from his armsThe concentric dagger that he exchanged with Cheng Shi, then kicked the ground and suddenly stabbed the old and young body fiercely while talking.

However, unexpectedly, the weirdo did not hide, he just stood there waiting for Li Zhi to stab him in the heart with the dagger.


The tip of the knife pierced the flesh and broke the heart, but not a drop of blood splashed.

Li Zhi looked at the weirdo who had never died, with horror on his face!

" is it possible, how can you not die! This is..."

The weirdo laughed strangely, he stretched out his skinny hand to hold the concentric dagger, and then pulled the murder weapon out of his rotten heart bit by bit.

"Is this the concentric dagger that sliced ​​Serius? This is what you want to say." The weirdo's laughter was like the breath of a dead person, intermittent and creepy.


Li Zhi's pupils shrank suddenly, and he looked at the weirdo in disbelief, speechless.

He knew!

He had expected it!

"Are you shocked?

Are you wondering how I know that the dagger in your hand is the same dagger that sliced ​​Serius?

There are two daggers in total. One is Serius's, which is specially used to dissect weak personalities. If there is a conflict between the same personalities and one of them has a dagger, it can be used to deal with those disobedient slices, which is the most effective.

The other one is for slicing Serius.

As a slice, he naturally cannot hold a dagger that can kill him at any time, so he modified this dagger and turned it into a weapon that only kills strong personalities.

This is the weapon he uses to kill the original body, and you also want to kill me with the same dagger, Li Zhi, you are very smart, but you overlooked one thing!"

As he said, the weirdo pinched the tip of the dagger and stabbed the dagger into Li Zhi's heart at a speed that could not be seen by the naked eye. He also stabbed the entire dagger into Li Zhi's heart in reverse by stabbing the handle.


Li Zhi suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood and staggered to the ground, holding his chest. The fear on his face became stronger, because he felt that his life was slipping away and his personality was dissolving.

This concentric dagger used to kill strong personalities actually killed himself! ?

How is it possible! ?


"Confused? Puzzled? Shocked?

The concentric dagger that only kills the strong actually killed itself. I like your expression, Li Zhi. Although I have seen your look of doubt and fear countless times, every time I see you again, I feel happy physically and mentally.

Yes, I am a slice like you, and I am the weakest of all the slices, so I used [divinity] to complete my personality.

As for our great original body, I have already killed it in the same way.

Ha, hahahahaha, how about it, it seems that I am as smart as you!

Not only So, I also stuffed this cognition into your memory.

Have you ever thought that since the memory of the vent is false, then the method you remember to kill me, can't it be false too?

The method is indeed true, but unfortunately, that is exactly what I taught you on purpose.

Ha, are you happy?

Yes, that's it, I like your fear!"

As he said, the weirdo lifted Li Zhi directly with his fat hands, and before he was dead, he slowly, bit by bit, and with a look of enjoyment, stuffed Li Zhi... into his mouth that was as wide open as a giant python.

Swallowed it whole.

"Crunch, crunch, crunch..."


Today's [prosperity] is finished.

Unfortunately, there is no [germination of divinity], it seems that fear is not enough. "


Next chapter, meet the gods, open the market, guess which one!


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