Cheng Shi lay powerless on the rooftop, staring blankly at the sky, from the rising of the rosy clouds to the sun at its zenith, without moving.

He was reviewing the trial, recalling all the details of the trial, wondering how a trial with six liars ended.

You know, when there is only one liar in a trial, there will probably be unknown fun in this trial;

And when there are two liars, there will definitely be fun in the trial;

When there are three liars, the trial is full of laughter and joy;

With four liars, the fun doubles!

If there are five liars, then anyone could become a fun...

But if there are six, believe me, this will definitely not be a fun, it will only be a tragedy.

The result of Cheng Shi's trial has already explained everything.

He did not dwell too much on how the six liars calculated each other, he was just thinking about what the five "selves" in the fantasy trial deduced by [Chaos] represented.

Li, Ji, Gao, Zhao, and Su undoubtedly represent five different personalities, but for Cheng Shi, they are different from ordinary personality slices.

Because in addition to this identity, they seem to have some slight overlaps with some figures in his memory.

As Serius said, his self-identity is too high, so high that every slice feels that the self is the self, and there is not even a common recognition of "I am Cheng Shi" between them, but only the obsession of "I really exist".

And when this obsession reacts wonderfully with fragmented memories, living "others" appear in Cheng Shi's self-fantasy.

Why is this?

Cheng Shi asked himself more than once, but he did not think of the answer.

Maybe it's because he observes other people too meticulously, maybe he can always see through the hearts of others, or maybe he always uses other people's thinking logic to reason. In short, the deeper the substitution, the less like himself.

But he can stick to himself. He always believes that he is not someone else, he is just Cheng Shi, and can only be Cheng Shi.

Perhaps it was this most "stubborn" obsession that made him win this fantasy trial.

Of course, [Fate] must have favored Him. This script written by coincidence is almost everywhere with His handwriting.

It seems that He does not want to make himself become someone else.

Why is this?

Cheng Shi still couldn't guess the answer, but the answer was actually very simple, because in the script he couldn't see, [Fate] had left enough hints.

The one with the surname Li chose to give up when embracing [divinity];

The one with the surname Ji, as always, was belligerent but lost to fate again;

The one with the surname Gao hid everything from everyone and heard something he shouldn't have heard;

The one with the surname Zhao still decisively saved himself at the moment of life and death;

The one with the surname Su thought he had set up a good game but couldn't escape the frustration of death.

Each of them is a reflection of Cheng Shi's thinking, distorted memory, and a slave of obsession... In this [chaotic] ​​game, they couldn't escape the [fate] of "self" after all.

This is: established!

Even if it is always changing, it has never changed!

Perhaps because of the lack of some perspectives, Cheng Shi could not guess the reason, but it doesn't matter, he has already walked on the established path.

This is why someone can become a [Fate] dependent.

But the person concerned was unaware of this. He still stared at the sky in a daze, and his complex eyes were full of vivid stories. Thinking about it, he sighed with endless emotion:

"How about drinking some snot water at noon today?

I don't seem to be too hungry."

Yes, the [Fate] dependent's thinking has long been divergent, and he has never been a sentimental person.

"By the way, Brother Zui, you never refused when I drank snot water. Does this mean that you like to drink it too?"


I saw his mouth opened, but didn't spit out a word, but closed it tightly.

Feeling Brother Zui's speechlessness, Cheng Shi laughed and rolled on the ground with laughter.

"I found that since returning to [Destiny], Brother Zui has become stupider.

Yes, that's right, Zui has become stupider."

As soon as the thought fell, his vision suddenly went dark.

"Brother Zui!??"

Cheng Shi was shocked and realized instantly that it was not Brother Zui who was causing trouble, but a [Him] who dragged him into the void.

"Boom... Boom..."

His heart began to beat violently.

Who is it?

Who will it be this time?

I hope it's not [Memory]. I have already renounced my oath once, no, twice. It's hard to be a slave of three surnames...

It's better not toIt's [Order], because I don't get along with that chair...

[Nothingness] is fine, but it's definitely not, because the time when my vision went black was a little too long.

I seemed to be traveling in the void, traveling towards the end of the universe.

Just when Cheng Shi wondered if he was killed by some unethical [Him], his vision finally brightened up.

A beam of dim light pierced through the darkness and squeezed into his eyes. Cheng Shi slowly opened his eyes and looked at his body.

Very good, flesh and blood, first rule out [Death].

Then he looked in front of him, but this time, there was nothing in front of him.

He only saw endless chaotic air surging and flowing in front of his eyes, turbulent airflow blowing everywhere, and thick yellow fog was extremely sticky.

"This is..."

He was stunned for a moment, and there was an endless roar in his head.


He seemed to have guessed who it was.

No way, brother, are you serious?

At this moment, a huge hand made of rolling yellow fog suddenly dragged Cheng Shi up and sent him to a platform at an infinite height.

This was a real platform, a huge and complete stone slab, on which countless words were engraved, but each word was severely scratched by various knife and gun marks.

There was also a book that was so huge that it could not be described in words on the edge of the platform. Cheng Shi looked up, but still could not see the border of the book hidden in the thick yellow fog.

He only saw that this "giant book" was cracked, just as if it was torn apart by a pair of invisible giant hands, and the debris turned into splashing stars, and a terrifying black hole was revealed between the sticky pages.

The book cover and the bottom of the book separated at both ends were like a door that was pushed open, waiting for the lucky person who was summoned to step into it.

Cheng Shi was stunned. It was hard for him to imagine where else such a scene of blasphemy against [order] could appear.

Yes, blasphemy against [order], not blasphemy against [truth].

Because the style of that giant book is not a book of truth that records knowledge, but a code of order that transcribes countless laws.

It is indeed Him!!!


There is no doubt that on the other side of this torn [Order] door, it must be the first god of [Chaos], [Chaos].

Why is He here?

What is He here for?

Didn't participating in the trial add points to yourself? What else is there to be dissatisfied with?

If you are satisfied, wouldn't it be better to stay at home?

How tiring is socializing?


Cheng Shi panicked, because he found that the big hand that sent him here had quietly retreated, and there was no way to retreat behind him. At this moment, the right to choose came to his hands.

Looking at this "still orderly" door, he inevitably sweated profusely.

The real master is here...

Go in or not?

Or, can I not go in?

If I go in, should I be His Ultraman?

Cheng Shi wanted to ask first, can the bad things done by [Fraud] be counted on him, but he dared not open his mouth again and again.

He was afraid that [Fraud] and [Chaos] would stand on the united front of the disgusting [Existence]. In this case, the above question might become his own death question.

So, should I be?

My Lord... You have given me a big problem...

This pot is too big, I am afraid I can't bear it! ! !

Help... Help!


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