(Today's article also has 6000+!)

Reality, a supermarket in an unknown province or city.

Although this is a supermarket, the goods on the shelves have long been moved away, and now the shelves are filled with heavy books one after another.

In the aisle between the shelves, a tall and thin young man in a jacket is leaning over a wooden table and writing furiously.

He is copying something on a huge blank notebook, while mumbling to himself as he reads out the copy, his expression is fanatical and distorted, as if he is immersed in an indescribable comfort.

"Under the Tomb of the Corrupted Blood, beside the Corrupted Blood Lake, the soil overflowing with black blood is not the flesh and blood of the [Decay] pilgrims, but the accumulation of [Prosperity] ash for countless years.

As for where those pilgrims who went to the Tomb of the Corrupted Blood went, this question may be unexpected, because they all sank to the bottom of the blood lake, turned into a member of the chorus of blood figurines, mechanically and dully chanting the lament of [Decay], begging for one day, their benefactor to grant them freedom again."

This tall and thin young man is obviously Zuo Qiu. He looked at the "history" he had transcribed and smiled contentedly.

History is not completely true, and even most of it has been polished by the recorder. He understood this since he joined the historical school.

So he was not transcribing the real history, but adding some of his own private goods to the history he recorded.

As for whether those blood figurines sunk to the bottom of the lake were begging for freedom...

Who knows.

These truths will be discovered by the next person who seeks the true history.

After all, [Memory] needs to be passed on. I only need to throw a fishhook that is difficult to distinguish between true and false, and then quietly wait for the next devout [Memory] believer who takes the bait to find the truth. He will definitely discover his own history in the process of seeking the true history, and then remember it together.

In this way, my "existence" will also be recorded endlessly.

Oh, by the way, I have to thank the puppet master. At least she also witnessed a part of my "existence". Maybe when I die, I will have a chance to live in her memory.


Reality, an apartment in an unknown province or city.

Sitting quietly by the coffee table, wiping the dirt and stains off Xiao Caiwei's body.

Her wish to meet [Decay] failed, but it didn't matter, because she was not a believer of [Decay]. She was just eager to see [Them], but she didn't have a specific goal.

As she wiped, she recalled the incredible situation before the end of the trial.

When she and the historian desperately ran out to avoid being swallowed by the violent sighing tide, she clearly felt as if she saw a [Him] on the huge tree canopy.

But she was not sure, because she remembered that the [God] under the tree canopy had a very complex aura, and it seemed that there was not only one.

But the question is, in a trial of [prosperity], how could there be several [Him] descending at the same time?

She couldn't figure it out, so after wiping Xiao Caiwei, she silently chose her next target in her heart.

Since the memory is not very clear, why not pursue [memory].

In this way, maybe she can be a quiet undercover and provide Xinxin and Yiyi with some information about [memory].


Reality, a movie theater in an unknown province or city.

A man lying on the ground looked at his rotten hands and broken body, punched the ground with hatred, and roared unwillingly and angrily.

"No! No!!!

Why! Why!!??

Why is it like this! Why is it like this!!"

This poor man with festering all over his body is obviously a poison. As for why he has changed back to his current state after abandoning his oath to [Prosperity]...

Of course it's because he is still alive.

Yes, the reason is that he is still alive.

When the unbearable [Decay] frenzy like a mountain fell on his head, he was completely annihilated and his heart was ashen. There was only one thought left in his mind, that is, His revenge is coming!

Poison didn't want to die, otherwise he wouldn't have abandoned his oath at the bottom of the blood lake, so when he had no way out, he had to pray to his original benefactor again, asking for His forgiveness, and was willing to give everything for it.

At that moment, he was desperate and had almost no hope for his repeated belief, but no one expected that at that moment, [Decay] actually responded to him!

He forgave him for abandoning his oath and accepted him again.

So when the icy tide of [Decay] hit him head on, not only did the poison not die,He was also healed by the infinite power of [Decay].

Of course, the healing of [Decay] may be different from that of [Prosperity], so he became the dying state he is now.

The good news is that he saved his life in the trial.

The bad news is...

He was burdened with two [Abandoned Oath Curses]!

One is from [Decay], and the other is from [Prosperity]!

[Decay] accepted him again, but did not remove the curse for him, so after a series of operations, he was still the fourth-ranked Rotten Chanter on the Ladder of Audience, but he had two new Abandoned Oath Curses.

Do you think this is the end? No, this poor double Abandoned Oath was even deducted 20 points after the trial.

No one knew that players could be deducted 20 points in the trial, but in the eyes of the poison, this score undoubtedly showed that [Prosperity] hated him very much!

He is a [God] who likes revenge. As long as he thought of this, his heart became more terrified.

"No! Why! I don't accept it! Fate is unfair! Fate is unfair!!!"


Reality, a villa in an unknown province or city.

When Hong Lin opened her eyes, she did not find that she was any different from before. She returned to her familiar rest area, still in the form of a normal human, and even received trial rewards and extra points at the settlement.

Except for having some special powers and a stronger vitality in her body, she still looked like an ordinary player.

Of course, the God's Chosen is not ordinary, but from the perspective of [them], He is indeed very ordinary.

Thinking of what happened just now, Hong Lin couldn't help laughing, and at the moment when she raised the corner of her mouth, the phone next to her rang.

It was Tao Yi calling.

The first sentence she heard when she picked up the phone was the doubt and confusion from the other party.

"I feel a little strange!"

Hong Lin raised her eyebrows, as if she had expected it: "What's strange?"

"After this trial, He gave me 3 points. It's strange, isn't it? I haven't even received 2 points of "honor". This time, I didn't do anything but got 3 points.

A Tu, didn't you always say that 2 of His 3 points were malicious? Could it be that He has also started to pay attention to me?"

After hearing this, Hong Lin almost laughed out loud.

But she held back, suppressed her smile and replied: "Yes, yes, He has started to pay attention to you."

"Yes? You laughed?

Did you laugh?

You know it, right? This is not an accident, right?"

"Ah? I don't know."

"No, you know!

You are too quiet today, not like you at all. Something big must have happened that I don't know about, right?"

The little fox is indeed a little fox.

Hong Lin finally couldn't help it. She laughed loudly, holding her stomach and laughing for a long time, but she didn't know what she was laughing at.

She turned on the speakerphone and threw the phone on the ground, then lay on the floor and looked at the ceiling, with a strange and complicated expression, saying:

"I saw the liar, he is indeed a liar."

"Huh? Who? Cheng Shi?"

"Hehe, I just said a liar, and you knew it was Cheng Shi?"

"......I guessed."

"You guessed wrong, he is not a liar, he is a fortune-teller."


"Also, I gave you the 3 points."

Hong Lin smiled and waited for the other party to be shocked. Asked in return, but after a while, he got a sentence:

"How could he be a destiny weaver?"

"......" Hong Lin's eyes instantly became extremely resentful, "Xiao Yiyi, you really changed your mind."

"Ah? No, what did you just say?"

"I said I gave you those 3 points!!!"

"But what does this have to do with him being a destiny weaver?"



The great [Prosperity] eldest daughter Furadore, at this moment, sentenced a phone to be scrapped.


Reality, a museum in an unknown province or city.

Zhen Xin woke up, with some disappointment in her eyes, but more confusion.

At the end of the last trial, she stayed in the rain forest that suddenly changed and waited for whether there would be other opportunities to find the predicted future. She vaguely saw several [Him] descending on the endless treetops.

Just when she thought she had waited for the opportunity, she was thrown out of the trial by an inexplicable force and returned directly to the rest area.

So Zhen Xin was very confused about what happened in the trial that squeezed the players out of the trial.

She was puzzled, so she called Aunt Jing immediately. However, Aunt Jing also knew nothing about these drastic changes, but she could get some information from Aunt Jing.I know that except for myself, other players did not seem to be thrown out at the first time.

So, it was not an accident that I quit the trial!

It is very likely that someone, or someone, sent me out of the trial.

But the question is, who is "he" and why?

This kind of doubt without any logical basis may not be answered after three days and three nights on other people, but Zhen Xin is different. She is a liar, and a liar with rich associative ability.

She thought that since she was thrown out of the trial without any harm, it means that the other party has no malicious intentions, and since there is no malicious intention, it must not be a casual move.

So she immediately connected the places that she felt wrong in the whole trial, and thought of Cheng Shi's shadow, the void, and the "future" that had no response.

So is it possible that the "future" did not respond at that time, but responded just now?

Only the illusory "future" would act so illogically and throw herself out of the trial.

Because if it was [them], I think the place where I woke up now would not be a rest area, but an audience place.

So... what is the response of "the future"?

The answer is simple, it is the shadow!

Zhen Xin frowned slightly, turned on a magic lamp collected by Zhen Yi in the museum, and reflected her own shadow.

She looked at her shadow and prepared to step into the void again, but at the moment when she stretched out her hand to break the void, she suddenly found that the outline of her shadow seemed... a little weird.

The shape can only be said to be barely like herself, the outline of the upper and lower body is a little distorted, and there are even some depressions and incompleteness in the corners and curves, as if eroded by some sourceless light.

Zhen Xin was stunned, and then immediately stood up again, posing the posture she stepped into the void in the trial to seek the "future".

As she adjusted her posture, her shadow slowly changed, and finally turned into a more weird outline.

It looks a bit like herself, but it is obviously more like a symbol.

Zhen Xin's eyes fixed, and she quickly wrote down the symbol, then she took out a piece of white paper and traced it.

Looking at the strange symbol, she murmured unconsciously:

"Is this... a text?"

She frowned and began to look through her collection of ancient books from the Isle of Hope, trying to find text with a similar style.

But she searched through countless books from the Age of Civilization and failed to find any clues. It was not until she expanded the scope and began to look for tribal relics from the Age of Life that she finally found the same text on an ancient, almost decayed bone fragment that was strung into a book chain.

Not similar, but identical.

She saw the exact same strokes.

"I found you!"

The tired Zhen Xin finally smiled. She disassembled the text on the bone fragment, mixed it with other symbols, and asked for relevant information from various channels and contacts separately. Before the next special trial came, she finally solved the symbol contained in the shadow.

The meaning of this stroke, after translation, became two words:


This is obviously a name of a god, but strangely, Zhen Xin has never heard of Him. Even though she has collected countless anecdotes about gods, she has never heard of this name in these historical scraps.

"【源初】...Who is He?"

She read the name repeatedly, searching her memory for all the history that might be related to Him, but Zhen Xin, who was too focused, did not notice that when she whispered the name, her strange shadow slowly returned to normal.

At this moment, she suddenly froze for a moment, and her expression quickly became happy, her eyes were raised high, and the corners of her mouth could not hide her smile, and her mouth could not control her tut-tut sound:


My dear sister, why don't you call me?

I'm so anxious.

Since you don't call me, I have to come to you~"


[Volume 1: Faith Game, End. 】

In order to prevent [fraudulent] believers from causing trouble, I have to make it clear again that it is the first volume that has been completed, not the book, and the book is still early! Everyone, beware of fraud!


Words written at the end of the volume:

First of all, thank you all for your love and reading!

I never dared to think that this book would have such a good result when I started writing. I originally just wanted to write a light-hearted and interesting infinite flow short story, but I didn’t expect the story to drift while writing. Fortunately, it didn’t run out of track, and it was liked by so many friends. I am really very happy. Thank you again.

Actually, I didn’t want to divide it into volumes, but later I thoughtIt's a bit of a stretch to not divide the book into volumes. Many readers have mentioned that the main line of this book is not strong. Indeed, the first few trials are passively connected one by one, and time has become the only main line. Although time is indeed the main line, this also fits Cheng Xiaoshi's character, lying down and playing badly, and getting by as long as he can...

But now Cheng Shi doesn't want to get by, so the tone needs to be changed. The second volume is probably a story about someone cheating people while gaining points (tentative).

In addition, I have also noticed many of your opinions on this book. I also know that this book still has many shortcomings. I will try my best to repair it without changing the big framework, at least to ensure the smoothness of the logic and the fun of the story. When you find problems with the story logic, you can also @ me to revise the text. As long as I see it, I will revise it as soon as possible.

As for some requirements that are too high and too professional... I humbly accept your criticism and strive to improve as soon as possible. After all, Cheng Shi's cooking is just pretending, but I am really a novice...

I am not a professional author, and I am constantly learning while writing. In the first volume of 800,000 words, almost 90,000 words were written as scraps, not including the small chapters that were revised and deleted. The chapters written on the first day may still be revised frantically even before they are published, so you will see a lot of extra words, fewer words, and incoherent sentences in the text, which are all caused by not proofreading the revisions in time.

I would also like to thank all the friends of Woodpecker here. It is your seriousness that has given later readers a better reading experience. Thank you!

I don't always have inspiration when I'm writing, and I can't guarantee that my ideas will always be interesting. I usually get stuck when writing, but every time I see the fun in the comment area, I feel that I'm doing it again. I also thank everyone for their encouragement.

To be honest, a large part of the joy of reading "Foolish Play" comes from the comment section. This is a novel that cannot be closed. Believe me, even if there are indeed a few comments that slightly affect the viewing experience, most of the comments are fun, and reading while reading can significantly increase the reading pleasure.

Ps. When writing the above sentence, I switched back to [Destiny], not [Fraud] believers.

That's probably all I want to say. I hope I can live up to everyone's love and continue to write the second volume. The story is continuous, just adding a sub-volume, which does not affect the reading.

The name of the second volume: [Nothingness] Walker.

Praise [Nothingness]!


Regarding the update time, two chapters will be updated every morning.

Don't ask why it is early, workers need to catch up with their novels while commuting, that's it.


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