Although Cheng Shi had expected the so-called "power to grant the trial of [Prosperity]" that Hong Lin had taken over, he was still stunned when he saw his settlement page.

Good guy, halfway through the exam, the examinee turned into an invigilator and started to cheat blatantly.

This is so interesting!

Fortunately, I was the one who cheated, otherwise I would be jealous to death watching others cheat and get bonuses.

He sat on the roof and reviewed his scores again and again, and suddenly shook his head and laughed.

The road to the gods added 20 points. He had never heard of adding 20 points, and the most he had ever added was only 17 points.

But this is not a good thing, because adding points to the road to the gods will only make the trial more difficult. It is better to add more points to the audience ladder and cheat directly to become the top scorer.

Unfortunately, even if Hong Lin can really add points to the audience ladder, only the believers of [Prosperity] have this good luck. After all, their benefactor is still alive, and it doesn't look so easy to die.

But apart from this score...

Cheng Shi's face straightened, and he took out the so-called God's gift, the partial authority of [Prosperity] Vitality!

This is a branch that is slightly thinner than the real authority.

Looking at this thick branch that he stuffed into Hong Lin's arms without hesitation, and now it is "partially" returned to his hands in the form of trial settlement rewards, a strange smile appeared on his face.

Is this a gamble?

Not really, after all, he gave it away after listening to his benefactor's words.

But who says that honesty is not another kind of fraud? Maybe this is not an absolute fraud, but it must be a generous temptation!

If you want to go further on the road of walking alone, you always need some companions who can keep up with your pace on the parallel road to help you. It seems that you do have a friend who knows you well.

But to be honest, Da Mao is really... willing to give.

Yes, Hong Lin is really willing to give.

When she left the trial and found that the power she inherited was to distribute the [Prosperity] trial rewards, she became shrewd.

She did not return to the rest area immediately, but appeared at the top of a grayish-white tree canopy, and at the top of this tree canopy there was a treasure house of [Prosperity] embedded between reality and illusion.

It was filled with all kinds of props, some of which were created by Him, some were spoils of war looted from other gods, and some were [Prosperity] sacrifices found or offered to Him by players in the trial, which were salvaged from the long river of time by Him using the [Covenant] and placed in it casually.

In short, all the gifts related to [Prosperity] came from here.

At this moment, Hong Lin became the head of this place.

The head in the true sense.

From then on, every prop related to [Prosperity] would leak from her fingers to the players in the trial, so to some extent, she was indeed different from the players.

Because she really became Fula Drool, the eldest daughter of [Prosperity] recognized by the [Covenant].

And this Fula Dro is undoubtedly a generous person. When she learned that she had the power to grant, she thought of her friend first, and then gave the most precious thing in this treasure house.

Of course, the most precious thing in this treasure house is not in the treasure house, but in her body.

She took out the remaining authority of [Prosperity] and gave it to her friend, Cheng Shi, without hesitation.

"We won the bet together, and you have won enough for me, so this authority from heaven should belong to you, and it is the chip you won for yourself, Master of Destiny."

Her heart is generous, but the act of granting failed.

Because for players who do not have the identity of an emissary, [Covenant] does not allow them to exercise complete authority.

In desperation, Hong Lin had to split the power of vitality and gave away the most life-saving part of it.

When the gift of [Prosperity] was issued with the reward, a pair of laughing eyes quietly disappeared above the [Prosperity] treasure house.

"【Destiny】 is indeed the god in charge of 【Good Luck】. You are lucky. It's a pity that I should have snatched her earlier."

Another pair of cold eyes also disappeared, leaving only a cold snort in the depths of the void.

"You can't fool her."

"What a silly little cat, how easy to fool, you don't think you are the only one who can fool her?"


"......【Destiny】 is really changing all the time, and it is getting more and more shameless."

"You want to fight?"

"Why not?"


A big battle broke out in the void again, but compared to the sound of 【Prosperity】's self-destruction, no one knew about this sound at all..


[Prosperity] Authority "Life" (part): The authority of the true God recognized by the [Covenant], granted by its holder, so that the holder has partial power to act on behalf of this authority.

Authority effect [Endless Life]: The agent is affected by the authority, and the vitality is vast. Before the vitality completely withers, there will be no weakening of vitality.

Looking at this authority effect, Cheng Shi was confused.

He didn't know how many effects there were in this "Life" authority. Just looking at the effect in his hand, it can be seen that the big cat really doesn't want to let himself die...

Isn't this "Endless Life" just a cheat to lock the upper limit of blood?

According to this description, as long as the damage received cannot directly kill me, then my state will not decline!


I didn't expect that I, Cheng Wenjian, would have a day to stand up and wave!

From the advent of [Faith Game] to now, where have I ever encountered damage that can directly kill players?

Oh, by the way, being crushed to death by them doesn't count...

Now, the priest's skills are no longer useful to me, oh no, they are still useful, and it is still necessary to dispel the negative status.

But even so, this wave is also a great enhancement!

Cheng Shi's eyes flashed with excitement, look, look! Greedy dog, greedy dog, greedy to the end, everything you want!

After understanding the role of this authority, he quickly put away the thick branch, and then took out another cheating reward, the lush horn crown.

This is a hat ornament, somewhat similar to a headband carved from wood, but on both sides of the headband are two very domineering-looking deer antlers.

This horn crown is not light, Cheng Shi tried it on his head, and the first feeling was that this thing put too much pressure on the cervical spine.

"What does this mean? Are you targeting me?

I said Tao Yi has a spinal disease, and she gave me a cervical spondylosis?

Not really..."

But after seeing the effect of this horn crown, Cheng Shi realized that Hong Lin was not referring to something. She still had the same purpose, which was not to let him die.

She was too cautious, even more cautious than himself.

As she said, when she inherited the power of [Prosperity], she wanted her friends to prosper forever.

Lush Horn Crown (SS): A crown made of millennium antlers and immortal wood presented by the Deer Horn People of the [Prosperity] tribe. When you wear this crown, your healing effect will have the attribute of resuscitation. When you treat a life form that has lost its vitality, it will be revived. The same effect will only take effect once on the same life form.

Resurrection artifact!

Today, after the advent of [Faith Game], Cheng Shi finally has a resurrection item of his own!

Although its effect can only take effect on himself once, but!

But this is not a consumable item, and this means that he has the ability to resurrect others!

And this ability is often the most valuable, whether it is kept as a backup in the trial or as a trump card in the game.

Now, I have to praise [Prosperity]!

Just these two things, Cheng Shi felt that all the risks taken in this trial were worth it!

What's more, he also gained the friendship of an envoy, the true friendship of Fula Drool.

And the divinity that the bald man forgot to return just now.

You can't just be so greedy, right?

Is this good?


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