Snow is like salt, wind is like a knife.

Several people climbed up the high wall in the wind and snow, and sighed at the scattered palace in front of them.

It is difficult to say what kind of architectural style the Rossna Royal Court is.

The palace here looks very majestic from a distance, but when you get closer, you will find that the materials used for the pillars, walls and corner eaves are somewhat rough.

It's like a craftsman picked up a piece of stone casually, ground it into bricks and piled it up directly. The pitted bricks are piled up high and have no aesthetic feeling, but after a longer viewing distance, the overall building feels so harmonious and magnificent.

Looking at this scene, Cheng Shi actually thought of Kanrival, which was also shrouded in extreme cold. There, the fate of [life] is used for production, and here, the traces of [decay] are embedded in the foundation of this city.

A group of people jumped down from the high wall of the Royal Court and went straight into the empty corridor. As they walked, they found something strange.

They didn't meet anyone along the way. The unattended area seemed a bit too large.

Da Yi frowned and stopped. He listened for a long time with his ears twitching, and then said solemnly:

"No need to be silent. Unless the chameleon has the ability to split himself, it is impossible for him to silence such a large area at the same time.

There is no one in these palaces."

"No one!?" Cheng Shi was stunned and said with a little surprise, "Is this really the Rossna Imperial Court?"

Du Yao nodded with a solemn expression. The scene in front of him was indeed contrary to common sense. Even if it was a bad weather with strong winds and snow, it could only explain why there was no one on the street, but this was the Imperial Court. It couldn't be unattended, right?

Even if the Rossna royal family sympathized with their subordinates and let the guards avoid the snow, there couldn't be no one in the palace, right?

"It's strange, but I don't feel any traps. Wait for me here, I'll go check it out."

As soon as he finished speaking, Da Yi took out an iron needle from each hand and clamped it between his fingers. He kicked the ground and rushed up against the snow, and disappeared in front of everyone in a blink of an eye.

Seeing this decisive scene, Cheng Shi was amazed.

This guy is really brave. Facing the unknown, he not only did not retreat, but took the lead and was willing to be the pioneer. If he and Mi Lao Zhang were to get here, it is estimated that the next second the two of them would have to retreat hand in hand and find another way.

Facts have proved that sometimes it has to be [war]!

The three people waited in the shadows under the wall for a while, and Da Yi came back, but he did not come back alone. When he appeared in front of the three people, he was holding a thin old man who was frozen to the point of only having one breath left.

"Damn it, this is weird, he is the only one left in the imperial court, brother Cheng, hurry up and save him!"

Without Dayi saying anything, Cheng Shi, a conscientious pastor, had already raised his hand. The moment the two landed, a strong healing spell was poured on the old man's head.

The old man in black clothes and wrinkles on his face trembled all over, and slowly opened his tightly closed eyes. Looking at Cheng Shi who was puzzled in front of him, he stammered and asked:

"You... are not a guard... trespassing into the imperial court... should be considered as blasphemy..."

Before he finished speaking, Dayi threw the old man to the ground, and then slapped him in the face, and said irritably:

"Damn it, I didn't save you to listen to your rules. Where are the people in the imperial court?"

The old man was stunned. He touched his face tremblingly, and a trace of redness appeared on his face.

Don't get me wrong, it's not a quirk, it's just swollen from being beaten.

He rubbed his face and looked at the people in front of him with a slightly dazed look. Especially when he saw that the man who beat him was a burly strong man, he trembled as if he thought of something, and instantly closed his mouth and stopped talking.

Seeing his stressed appearance, Cheng Shi frowned slightly and asked Du Yao beside him:

"How did the Rossna Empire fall?

It's impossible that the people of this city all decayed and died of old age in the same year. Does the citizen just now have children at home?"

"Little priest, do you treat me as a history textbook? It's already difficult to piece together something in a limited trial. Now there is a living fossil in front of you. Why do you ask me?"

Du Yao's eyes turned slightly, pursed his lips and said:

"Are you doubting that I'm lying? Do you want to use this old man's words to verify me?"


Top players have many minds.

Cheng Shi didn't have this idea. He just asked casually, but he couldn't stand others thinking so, so he didn't explain.

Dayi glanced at Du Yao, snorted coldly and said nothing, then grabbed the old man by the collar and pulled him up, frowning and asking:

"Damn it, I'm asking you, where are all the people in the imperial court? Speak!"

The old man was rootHe had no power to resist, even though he looked like the most devout believer of [Decay]. But Poison was right. The Rosna people did not receive His blessing, so he was just an ordinary old man.

Under Dayi's strong questioning, the old man still did not answer. Not only that, he even secretly pulled out a dagger from his waist and stabbed himself in the back.

He wanted to commit suicide!

But this slow action seemed like a child's play in the eyes of several players. How could the believers of [War] let their "captives" be freed in front of them so easily?

Dayi sneered, directly crushed the old man's wrist, and at the same time crushed the dagger in his hand into a ball of scrap metal, and then repeated his question again in the old man's painful wailing.

Too cruel, [War] is too cruel.

Cheng Shi couldn't bear it any longer, so he found the right time to cast a healing spell on the old man, and then kindly comforted him:

"Don't be afraid, I won't let you die before you tell me something."

Although his expression was kind, his tone was so sinister that the other three people looked very strange after hearing it.

This fortune-teller wouldn't have any shameful habits.

The old man was howling, and after hearing this, he was so scared that he began to twitch. In his eyes, this endless torture seemed to be more terrifying than direct death. So after feeling that the injury on his wrist was really recovering, he cried for mercy:

"Run away, all run away, His Majesty ran away, the ministers ran away, and the nobles ran away!

You are too late, they betrayed their faith, abandoned the empire, abandoned the people of Cannar City, and all ran away.

Please, don't torture me anymore, kill me, kill me, why save me, I'm already dead, I'm already dead!!"

Listening to this miserable wailing, everyone frowned.

This is too weird. No matter from which angle, the words of this old man are full of weirdness.

How can a believer who believes in [Decay] be inclined to accept death instead of enduring torture? They obviously torture themselves, but at this time they seek relief from others.

But now is not the time for you to be free. Cheng Shi kindly sent another healing spell and asked:

"Not bad, very energetic, next question:

Who are we?"


The old man was stunned. He didn't know whether the healing spell was too effective to relieve the pain of his wound, or Cheng Shi's question was too absurd to make his brain crash for a moment. Anyway, the old man suddenly stopped twitching, looked at Cheng Shi with a pair of slightly turbid eyes, and asked in disbelief:

"You...are not those destroyers?"

"Destroyers?" Cheng Shi raised his eyebrows and shook his head with a smile, "No, we are saviors, we are here to save you."

As soon as the voice fell, the old man was stunned, and the other players were also stunned. They looked strange but didn't say anything. It seemed that they gave the center of the stage to Cheng Shi in tacit understanding.

The old man's eyes swept over several players again, and then looked at his broken wrist bitterly. After a moment of silence, he chose to believe.

Seeing the old man deceiving himself, Cheng Shi laughed even happier.

"Very good, let's talk about the suffering you have encountered. Only by knowing what Rosner has experienced can we rescue you from suffering.

Believe me, because we are the saviors."


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