(D cup!)

The old man couldn't bear the torture, so he answered all the players' questions.

As he said, the imperial court of this [Decadent] country has become an empty city.

The emperor ran away, taking his ministers, nobles and guards through the teleportation array engraved under the imperial court to a place unknown to outsiders.

The reason why the Rossna royal family abandoned the entire country and made such a rout was that the current era was no longer the time when [Decadent] prevailed. Faith gradually collapsed, power was being reconstructed, and more and more people who called themselves "Destroyers" emerged in the entire Continent of Hope.

They believed that the gods no longer looked at this continent because the filth and filth of human beings polluted the eyes and ears of the gods, so they began to destroy the world under the banner of purifying the world for the gods.

Many neighboring countries of Rossna have been destroyed by the Destroyers. Under the wanton killing of these lunatics, no life can escape this disaster. Not only life, but also the traces of life and the accumulation of thousands of years of civilization have been dealt with by these Destroyers.

The entire continent was shrouded in the shadow of destruction, and panic was everywhere.

When this wave of fear spread to the Rossna Empire, the declining imperial family was afraid, so the current scene happened.

They abandoned their homes and country and left Cannar through the ancient formations handed down from the Life Era, leaving the people of this country without any resistance, waiting for the approach of the butcher's knife of the destroyers.

It is said that at this time, except for the capital Cannar, several other cities have already been reduced to ashes.

The people in the city are still looking forward to the royal family to revive and fight to the death, but these so-called most devout [Decay] believers have already secretly betrayed [Decay] and abandoned this mess of faith.

Since [Decay] has not given them power, it will naturally not punish these unwatched people, so out of consideration for cherishing their lives, the Rossna royal family chose to preserve themselves in the destruction of the world.

The old man who was left in the palace was the "lucky guy" who was chosen to clean up the mess.

Once the teleportation array is activated, it will not be interrupted unless its key engraving is damaged. The Rosna royal family was afraid that the destroyers would catch up, so they left a minister who knew how to destroy the engraving.

After destroying the teleportation array, the minister had no way to go. He foresaw his own end. He knew that when the destroyers came and found that the Rosna royal court was empty, they would only vent their anger on him. In order to make his end less tragic, he decided to end his life before the destroyers came, so he went outside and wanted to freeze to death in the snow.

But who would have thought that the players would come at this time, and Dayi found him before he died and brought him to everyone.

After listening to the old man's story, several people looked at each other, with both sighs and enlightenment in their eyes.

They were not surprised by the fate of the Rosna Empire, and even thought of the existence of a [Him] from this description, and that [Him] was...


[Decay] has decayed, [annihilation] will be born.

It seems that the background of this trial is the time when the two beliefs of [Sinking] era are alternating.

Therefore, those who call themselves the destroyers must be the believers of [annihilation].

The believers of [annihilation] are not easy to mess with. Most of them have an uncontrollable desire for destruction, not to mention that this is still in the Continent of Hope. In this era of worshipping God, nothing can stop this group of crazy people who advocate destruction!

No wonder the Rossna royal family was so scared and rushed to escape.

After understanding the historical background, everyone fell silent at the same time, because they suddenly thought that the current scene seemed to be completely different from what they thought.

They originally thought that the person surrounded by the people in the scroll was a person in power, or at least a pious person with status, but now it seems that there is no pious and powerful person in the Rossna Empire.

From the emperor to the ministers to the nobles to the soldiers, all the oathbreakers who had abandoned their faith disappeared into a damaged teleportation array and survived, leaving only the ordinary people in the city who were kept in the dark and waited for death.

It was really ridiculous and sad.

So it seems that the scene depicted in the scroll really happened in the past?

Dayi scratched his head irritably:

"Damn it, I knew this matter was not simple. All the people who could gather the masses ran away. It seems that we have to start from [memory].

Brother Jiang, I have to count on you next. Don't worry, you will be rewarded."

Jiang Chi did not respond. He seemed to be still thinking. Instead, Cheng Shi shook his head at Dayi to signal him not to worry, and then smiled and looked at the old man in front of him and said again:

"So, you are also a minister in this Rossna Empire.? "

The old man pursed his cracked lips and nodded stiffly. He could tell that these people seemed to be looking for someone.

"Very good, then what is your position?"

The old man stammered for a long time and trembled: "Historian, I am a historian who records history..."


Everyone was stunned, and Cheng Shi grinned directly.

Look, this is fate. It constantly creates detours, but it always gives people surprises at the end of the road.

He looked at the old man with a complicated expression and laughed even happier.

"Then I can probably guess why you stayed, Mr. Historian. This teleportation array that has been passed down since the Age of Life is probably not used by many people in the entire empire, or it can be said that few people know how to destroy it...

But you who are familiar with history are probably one of them, right?

You are really euphemistic, lucky man, tsk, it seems that this luck is quite predetermined.

I'm curious about what the Rosna royal family used to threaten you to stay, but it doesn't matter. The moment you said you were a historian, you had already saved yourself.

Believe me, the history you love will be the power to save you.

I wonder what we should call you, Mr. Historian?"

The old man was confused, but he still heard a glimmer of hope in Cheng Shi's words, so he cooperated with a little trepidation:

"Gallon, my name is Gallon."

"Gallon, what a good name!" Cheng Shi clapped his hands lightly and continued to ask, "As a historian, Mr. Gallon should know Rosna's history well, so I have a question for you.

I wonder in this short century of Rosna's history, in which year has a super-large rally appeared in the square outside the imperial court?

I can give you some more hints. This gathering is about your beliefs, and..."

Before he finished speaking, Gallon's face froze.

Seeing that the other party's face looked different, Cheng Shi's heart skipped a beat, and he asked with a slightly bad feeling:

"What did I say wrong?"

Old Gallon twitched the corners of his dry mouth and said carefully:

"My Lord, I have to remind you that the square outside the imperial court you mentioned is called Rossna Recruiting Square. It was built in the second half of this year in order to recruit soldiers to support other cities outside the capital.

But in the second month after its completion, that is, now... His Majesty took his conscription minister and chief war minister... and ran away."

After speaking, Old Gallon grinned stiffly: "If you still have questions about this short history, I think I can go to the attic of the Minister of Construction to look through the construction details and give you an answer."




Cheng Shi's face turned black: "This square has only been built for a month? "


After several players looked at each other, they all looked at Du Yao. Du Yao's face condensed and he said with great certainty:

"I will not forget, nor will I be wrong. It must be that square. The positions of the stone pillars and steps are exactly the same."

As she said that, she took out a dagger and started to carve directly on the snow-covered ground. This time, the speed was obviously much faster than that time in the civilian house. She outlined the lines and contours with a few strokes.

Du Yao's painting skills are good. Soon everyone saw that this was indeed the Rossner Recruiting Square, and this perspective was probably drawn in the direction of the Imperial Court. It didn't seem like Du Yao had made up the perspective position after temporarily deconstructing it.

Then Da Yi, who had just been hopeful, looked gloomy again.

And Cheng Shi also stared at him and fell into deep thought. He didn't even need to look at the ground. , because the master of deception told him that Du Yao did not lie.

Since the content on the scroll did not happen in the past, it means that it will happen in the near future.

But the question is, who summoned the people of the city?

Is there really a savior who descended from the sky in this Kanar city?


It can't be the Gallon in front of him, right?

The black clothes are right, but...

Cheng Shi took a step back, turned his head and looked at Du Yao and whispered:

"The puzzle you saw is... colorful?"

Du Yao was stunned, then shook his head and nodded:

"How can the color come from the painting of skin? There are only blood-red grooves on the flesh, but I can confirm that the clothes the man is wearing are black, because only that set of clothes is painted black.

The painter seems to remember this feature of the other party, and that is the only color in the puzzle.

You... suspect it is him, historian?"

Cheng Shi nodded. At present, this one looks most like old Gallon, and his identity isThe timing was barely right. If it wasn't him, then finding another person in the painting would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Poison carefully examined Gallon and said seriously:

"His clothes don't have a hood, but the man in black has a hood."


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