A player? Minjun turned his head. 

Ha Eun-seong’s eyes followed him. A man was sitting there with blank eyes and a faint smile. As soon as Ha Eun-seong saw him, he knew he was a dragon. He began to ask questions that he had put off because the situation was circumstantial. 

=Who is that dragon and why is it like this? And can we talk like this while standing next to you? Even if I can’t hear my Youngpa, I can hear the agent’s story. = 

At this, Minjun replied calmly. “Ah, it doesn’t matter.” 

The agent then tapped him on the head with his fingers, then raised the frying pan. Ha Eun-seong was surprised to see that. 

=No way?!=

“As you think.” Ha Eun-seong put on a tired expression when he realized how frightening the frying pan he once admired as the hope of mankind and the revolution in eating habits could do. 

“You go back to your body for now, and hide inside my barrier.” 

=···Yes, I understand.= 

After Ha Eun-seong disappeared through the wall, Minjun looked at Kentius. “Now, listen carefully to me.” 

After a while. Minjun felt that two signs had arrived a little later than Ha Eun-seong, and stepped out of the residence. Then, he looked at the street scene and began to lament. ‘If you want to use your hands secretly, do it well. Anyway, these bastards aren’t doing anything right.’ 

It was only a pity that he had to deliberately fall into such a child’s play trap. “Ye Min-un?”

He heard him calling, so with that Minjun turned his head. A strange elf woman was watching him in the crowd. It was the dragon Ha Eun-seong had seen. 

At that moment, the magic power around them fluctuated like a storm. ‘Do it quickly. Let the others notice and intervene.’ 

He tried his best, but in Minjun’s eyes, the spell was slowly activated. Joy was reflected on the elf’s face, which was one with guilt. The joy of a predator who had snatched the prey flashed. 

Pod! At that moment, the magic circle spread by the polymorphic dragon was activated. After the light enveloped all sides. The scenery around him changed in an instant. 


The place where the teleportation magic circle threw up Minjun again was in a forest with few people. A national forest in New Jersey, quite far from the center of New York City where they were located. 

‘You’ve done it yourself.’ 

The sound of car horns filling the narrow streets and the 24/7 construction noise in downtown New York disappeared like a lie, and the silence in the forest surrounded them. Minjun confirmed that no one else was detected nearby. It was the reason why he suffered even though he clearly knew what the trick was. 

In that respect, both sides agreed. He didn’t want to make a fuss in the middle of New York. He saw her male and female, each wearing an elf and troll shell. Dragons each had their preferred body and preferred appearance. However, the two did not match any faces Minjun knew. It was an act conscious of other observers. 

Minjun then asked as if he didn’t know anything. “Where are you from?” 

At this, the dragon wearing an elf shell laughed viciously. “To pretend to be indifferent.” 

Pretending that Minjun kept his composure, he thought that he was cheating. In fact, they couldn’t imagine how he had even perceived the situation. “You don’t need to say much.” 

The man behind him, Bogor, kept his mouth shut and remained silent. The conversation was led by Halis Naim. She took a piece of paper from her bosom and threw it in front of Minjun. It was stiffly spread out as if coated and fixed in front of his nose. 

Minjun then spoke. “Are you asking me to sign here?” 


Minjun, who was once involved in Korean education, chanted quietly. “…Eulsa Treaty probably wasn’t like this.” 

It was a grossly unfair contract. The content was simple. An irreversible agreement in which ownership of all the inheritance inherited by Minjun from Lord was transferred to the two dragons who signed the contract at the bottom. 

At this, Minjun looked at Halis and said, “Is that a threat?” 

“You are quick-witted. I know. With that look, you must have understood that I had no choice but to sign.” 

The dragon raised its magic power. The air around him shuddered. It was an ulterior motive to show a difference in hostile power and overwhelm them. 

However, Minjun, who saw that, was just not the same. “What if I don’t sign? Even kill?” 

“Don’t treat us like fools. I know you’re a prisoner. The fact that you shouldn’t kill because of the committee. But I don’t want you to forget that there are infinite ways to harass you without necessarily killing them.” 

“Have you heard of the crime of destroying property…” 

“Even if you fight, curse, or injure each other, instead of being purged, you survive just fine. I can barely move my body, I can make your life hell while keeping just that much line. And… shouldn’t you also think about your surroundings?” Read the most updated version of this novel and other amazing translated novels from the original source at Novel Multiverse – “NovelMultiverse dot com”

How come they always had the same repertoire? Minjun sighed lightly. At Edelines’, he was so angry that the tap turned, but now he was just annoyed. What has changed was more than the circumstances, it must be Minjun himself. 

He looked at the contract again. In fact, there was a way to just take it away without leaving such a legal document. Nevertheless, leaving trivial evidence meant that they were also paying attention. “Do you know who is behind me?” 

“Jenkinson? You mean the old dragon with the taste of calling his own people as friends? He’s busy earning tickets now. He’s tied to Hong Kong. Do you think they would fly halfway around the world for a prisoner like you?” 

Halis Naim began to think, ‘Al you have to do is force them to sign before another competitor or Jenkinson arrives.’ 

The inheritance would be officially handed over. The Dragonic Code, which restricted their actions, was created to protect the dignity and rights of the Balaur. Even an old dragon couldn’t do something that robbed the treasure that had already belonged to Halis Naim for a prisoner who didn’t even know what his real race was. 

She laughed. “You are wasting your time.” 

Minjun did not deny it. “You’re right.” 

“You are doing something stupid. Do you think Jenkinson will come this far?” 

Sting! The wave of magical energy that filled the surroundings became more intense. The intangible fragments that had stabbed everywhere like needles gradually became thicker and sharper. Invisible blades hacked everywhere. It wrapped around Minjun’s wrist, trying to force it to sign. 

Looking at the dragon’s attempt insignificantly, Minjun spoke. “You are misunderstanding. Who said they were waiting for President Jenkinson?” 

Like that idiot said, that friend was busy right now. He just didn’t mean to call it that. “·······?!” 

At that moment… “Uh?” 

Bogor, who had been silent for a long time, spoke for the first time. “Ha, Harley…”

Instead of answering with her nurturing, Halis Naim rang her mental waves. = Oh, why?! Even if it’s frustrating, wait a minute. You can’t kill him! = 

“Oh, no. That’s not…” Bogor stretched out his finger and pointed to the sky. Only then did Halis Naim turn her head to the blind spot she hadn’t seen because of her position. There was a small speck in the sky. Smaller than her fingernails, it gradually bulked up. As time passed, the sharp outlines became clearer and more prominent. Something was approaching at great speed over the horizon. The two siblings confirmed the identity at the same time. 

‘Dragon!’ Halis Naim gritted her teeth. ‘Damn it, did the observers arrive already? How? It’s a magic circle that I worked hard on for several days… but the disturbance was perfect. Unless it’s an ancient dragon, it will take at least a few dozen more minutes to track it down…!’ 

However, it was not Dragon Heart. How could an ancient dragon get involved in such a trivial competition? 

‘Who the hell is that?’

After a while, Halis Naim was able to confirm the answer. ‘Kentius?!’ 

He was the eldest of the half-brothers that Lord left behind on Earth. He was flying at breakneck speed. He left the dragon’s body exposed. 

‘Damn it!’ The brother and sister flew up into the sky. The human form collapsed and transformed into a dragon. Halis Naim’s body was covered with jade-colored scales and elongated like a snake. 

From there, she returned to her thunder dragon body. Meanwhile, Bogor, who was by her side, became a black-scaled lumbering fire dragon. He was a giant that did not suit his age. There was hardly any trace of their father, Rod, in their appearance. Dragons usually took the form of their mother overwhelmingly. Like Halis Naim, a child with a Fire Dragon as her father and a Thunder Dragon as her mother had the characteristics of a Thunder Dragon. In the case of the flying fire dragon, Kentius, at least a little of the load’s genes were visible. The scales, which were divided into zones of color in elegant stripes, sparkled in gold, reddish brown, and crimson, respectively. Three-color dragon. It was shaped like a dragon after layering rubber clay of three colors. 

Halis Naim rang her mind waves. =Wait, stop! Kentius. We caught this prisoner first!=

Kentius didn’t answer. Just as he was ordered, he crossed the air with fierce hostility in his eyes. Seeing the dragon rushing at him, Minjun got a little confused. ‘I’m going to do what the fighting dragons used to do.’ 

As a dragon lover, he didn’t enjoy dragon fights very much. The teacher’s request rang in his ears. -Keep in mind, if you treat it as a toy and roll it carelessly, you will not be able to use it. He murmured something unreachable. Forgive me just this time. On the other hand, it was only then that Halis Naim felt that the situation was taking a strange turn. She thought that the reason Kentius was rushing so quickly was to snatch that prisoner. 

=···This crazy dragon!= She belatedly tried to return magic, but Kentius was faster. He judged that he had reached enough, and at the last minute he exploded his magic power. 

The air exploded behind Kentius’ wings. At that moment, Minjun thrust his will into Kentius’ mind. It was a two-syllable command with a clear meaning. Bite.

“Kyaaaaaagh!” Kentius bit Halisnaim’s neck as hard as he could. 


Above Minjun’s head, in the sky above the national forest, a dragon fight involving three dragons unfolded. 

“Kyaaaaaa!” Bogor, who allowed the same team to take the lead even with his eyes open. 

However, the trajectory to ram her torso was too honest. Kentius took Halis Naim’s neck and flew up. He molded his magic in that state. A huge magic circle unfolded and white phosphorus bullets poured down like meteorites. 

Bang! Kwak Kwa Kwak! Cheeik! The magic bullets exploded one after another on Bogor’s black scales, splashing sparks and smoke. The chemicals that penetrated through the gaps in the scales made the black dragon go wild. 

For a human, it was like having thousands of needles stuck under his fingernails. He struggled with pain. In the meantime, Kentius widened the distance with Halis Naim bitten like a trophy. In that state, it descended to an altitude and landed obliquely in the burning forest. Then, as if hitting a wet towel, he swung the elongated thunder dragon on the floor. 

Then the sight of a whipping with his mouth unfolded. 

Whiik! The sound of breaking air. 

Bang! There was a roar of shattering trees and splitting the ground.

Even as the thunder dragon struggled against the holds, Kentius clenched his neck tightly and did not let go. It was a tenacious will and a terrifying grip. Kentius whipped the earth with his dragon, moving his body and head vigorously. After beating the innocent land and forest several times, he opened his mouth. 

Thud! Halis Naim’s head fell helplessly to the floor. The battered brain dragon convulsed intermittently. It was wriggling like an eel in a rice paddy field exposed by a drought. At the moment, he suspected it was post-mortem rigidity, but in Minjun’s eyes, he could see vitality that hadn’t faded. 

As instructed by her, Kentius did not kill her. 

“Kyaaaaaaa!” Bogor, who managed to get rid of the gas and flame created by magic, rushed towards Kentius. The two dragons collided with a heavy crashing sound. Scales and blood clots rained down like meteorites everywhere. 

The siblings, who shared half the gene, slammed against each other and wiggled their tails. Watching the scene, Minjun noticed that the situation was a little different from what he expected. ‘What is it, Kentius… Why is he so weak?’ 

The plan to organize this situation into a battle over the legacy of dragons had then been disrupted.

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