If the hair of a three-color cat looked like a spread pattern of two types of paint dropped on a white canvas, the scales of a three-color dragon remind us of a cross-section of strata separated by era. The golden scales of Kentius’s three-colored Dragon Lin revealed the Lord’s genes. 

Therefore, Minjun naturally expected. That he would be a strong dragon for his age. The Dragon Lord was the strongest of the earth dragons until he died, and he was naturally the longest alive, but there were other reasons as well. Minjun knew that he was classified as a monster even among dragons since he was young. And so, he could have put his hopes on the abilities of Kentius, who inherited relatively thick blood. 

However, the way the two dragons were fighting right now, Kentius’ hard struggle felt very disapproving. First of all, the magic she performed was not bad compared to her age. It was a little slow, but it made it right and poured it out. On the other hand, the opponent, Bogor, did not memorize a plausible spell. Just ignorant and honest, he bumped into magic with his body and crushed it with his innate resistance. 

However, that ignorant method worked well. Kentius seemed perplexed by that fact. There were often fatal spells that a dragon of his age could not block with his bare body, but Bogor smashed them with a head-butt without exception. From there, he rushed to tear his half-brother by color and cut him into thirds. 

Kentius was being pushed back little by little by him. The fighting spirit that had endured by biting the brain dragon’s neck like a Taoist dog a while ago gradually lost its luster. Seeing that, Minjun’s thoughts changed. ‘No. It’s not that Kentius is weak…’ 

Looking at it, his skills aren’t bad for a dragon of that age. And so, the problem wasn’t with Kentius, it was with him. ‘Bogor, that bastard’s body is stronger than I thought.’ 

The committee’s understanding of the dragon’s personality was not perfect. It hadn’t been long since he became an adult, and the less active he was outside, the more hidden parts were bound to be. Minjun updated the information about Bogor in his head. ‘The Lord gene doesn’t show much, but… that’s a monster in a different sense.’ 

It wasn’t a body that excelled in every way like his father. As for the advantages, it was extremely durable. The magical power that supported magic resistance was estimated to be similar to that of a dragon hundreds of years old. On the other hand, the sensitive senses unique to dragons seemed to be declining. 

Some of Kentius’ attacks pouring in from all sides drew a trajectory that would easily flow from other dragons. However, Bogor could not avoid many of them and was hit. The loophole created by the blow was too great for him to believe in his strong body and do it on purpose. A body with an excessively unbalanced ability graph. In a way, that too… 

‘It’s some kind of mutation.’

Minjun, who concluded, pointed to the void. If the current battle of consuming mana continues, Kentius would be defeated. It was necessary for him to intervene by changing the plan. The beautiful picture he had envisioned in the first place goes wrong, but he couldn’t help it. 

In his hand was a frying pan that emitted a brilliant silver light. 

Shhh! Prisoners soared into the sky. The air ripped from his ears and a crackling sound rang out. The two dragons soar fiercely toward the tangled sky. “…!” 

Of the two immersed in the fight, Kentius was the first to recognize that fact. He noticed his intentions and moved his body to create an artful angle. Instead of being entangled and covering the target, it opened the way for an easy attack. The numb Bogor was still focused on attacking Kentius. 

He was ready to tear his half-brother apart like chicken. Then he saw Minjun a beat late. Among the fire dragon’s twelve pupils, the one at the back caught him. Immediately after that, Bogor’s reaction was…

“Kyaaaaaaa!” It roared with anger and annoyance as if it was insignificant. There was also a color of bewilderment mixed with that feeling, 

‘…Frying pan?’ 

Although his intelligence was low, Bogor was still a dragon capable of discerning the minimum. He laughed at the alien who ran in with the cookware. In addition to this, he sent the name of annihilation that other dragons used to ridicule him, this time towards Minjun. 

‘Little head…!’ Bogor focused on Kentius again. The back of his head was exposed. However, he did not completely ignore Minjun. The original shield covering his body was maintained. However, it was a shield that could block common sense attacks. Bogor could not have imagined. The attack that Minjun was preparing for exceeded the level of common sense. 

Shih! Minjun rushing towards Bogor made him feel nervous for the first time today.

It was like electricity running through his body. He rewrote it in his heart. ‘Don’t kill it.’ 

After realizing that this object was unusual, Minjun went through various experiments and training in his own way. He was on the verge of unfolding it before his eyes. He absolutely didn’t want that dragon’s head to explode like a soft giant egg. 

And so, he adjusted the power as precisely as possible… ‘Here it is!’ 

Drawing a cheerful arc. Booung! With a silver blunt weapon. “·······?!” 

He hit the back of the dragon’s head and broke it! 

——–! At that moment…


The moment Bogor’s neck snapped violently, he heard a terrifying roar that overshadowed even his own screams. It was a noise that, to put it likewise, was like putting the sky and the earth together in a mess and then separating them again. 

The sharp pain splitting the top of his head came a little later than the sound. Even when Bogor was struck by lightning, he didn’t think it hurt that much. However, that awareness quickly faded. His mind was so far away that he could not keep his thoughts. 

‘This… thing…?!’ 

At this, the world turned red. At the same time, a storm came that seemed to split the head into cells. On the contrary, the roar went away. Power drained from his body, which easily blocked Kentius’ magical baptism. A feeling of irresistible helplessness. 

Everything he could see was blurred and turned upside down. The earth pulled him with an invisible hand. 

Whiing! The ground approached. Feeling all his senses recede, Bogor passed out. 


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After finishing the explanation, Minjun asked as if to confirm. “I get it.” Kentius replied. Returning to human form, he nodded with a serious expression. “I will declare it to all the dragons around me. There was a battle between Bogor, Halisnaim, and me over inheritance, and I, who won, made a deal with you alone. As a result, the legacy the Lord passed on to you has passed on to me again.” 

At this, the two of them left the national forest in a mess with the fainting dragon brother and sister and moved to a safe place. “I’ll make something similar to the real inheritance, so you can use it to attract other people’s attention.” 

It was a plan to hand over the dragons that target and track him to Kentius. In the meantime, Minjun, who had some spare time, would then study the real heritage and reveal the identity of the contents. Of course, he had to confirm one thing with Inais before that. 

“By the way…” Kentius started. “Wouldn’t it make things better if you let others know you’re a dragon? The reason why Bogor and Halisnaim forced an unfair contract was because they didn’t know you were the same people. The moment you reveal your identity, you will receive unparalleled respect and respect.” 

What kind of bullshit is that? Minjun, who listened with a smile on his face, immediately realized. 

He knew that he had hinted at Kentius with a ridiculous lie as an experiment. “Oh, I’m not a dragon.” 

“Is it? Well. Then you can’t.” 

Just as he easily believed when Minjun declared himself a dragon a few tens of minutes ago, he accepted the words he denied over and over again without any resistance. 

It was so easy. In a normal state, he should have been suspicious of the words that came and went like flipping his palm, but Kentius, who had been brainwashed properly, did not harbor any suspicion. Seeing that reaction, Minjun thought to himself again. 

Didn’t Kentius seem like a fanatic who accepted whatever he said as the truth? Perhaps, the religions of the world were born in this way? Minjun quickly erased those thoughts from his mind. It was a moment when a quick clean-up was needed. 

‘Even if Halis Naim wakes up like this, it’s okay since he only has memories of being beaten by Kentius.’

From there, he turned his head. There was Bogor, passed out with blood pouring from the back of his head. Thanks to his exquisite control, Minjun was able to avoid crushing his head. 

‘That guy is the problem. You saw me using a frying pan.’ Kentius moved as if he noticed that gaze. He muttered as he approached Bogor, examining the wound on his head. 

“I’ve already been wearing a large cob as a decoration, but I don’t know if I’ll become more stupid after breaking it.” 

It was a word devoid of any emotion. He didn’t feel any pity for his half-brother. The prisoner then asked him. “Are there any other monsters like that among your brothers?” 

Even in his eyes, who had seen all kinds of dragons in the past and present, it was a very strange entity. “No, no. The only mutant among us is this guy.” 

As Minjun guessed, it seemed that Kentius and his brothers had also regarded Bogor’s characteristics as a kind of deformity. Although he was recognized as an adult because of his mother’s Yunheo, it was said to be very close-knit.

“Just as low intelligence is abnormal, it is actually not normal for a dragon less than a hundred years old to have that much magic and body. At least the latter was recognized as an adult because it was not a disadvantageous characteristic.” 

“It is a miracle that Lord has so many children on the earth and only one deformity.” 

Although a dragon was considered to have the most powerful body among creatures in the dimensional world, the birth rate of deformed babies was bizarrely high. “You mean there’s no one else besides this bastard?” 

“As far as I know, yes. Unless there is a child of a lord nobody knows about.” 

Minjun felt his heart thump. Kentius, unable to see that expression, said. “But it is unrealistic. Seventeen is already too many, so there’s no need to hide it and give birth to another one.” 

Then, in a self-talk, he said, “Yes, seventeen is too many. Now that I think about it, the load is strange I was so obsessed with having children. And that’s only one for each spouse… Moreover, if you look at the criteria for choosing a wife, there is no dragon that is similar. Not only did they choose a variety of genus, and even if they overlapped, they were women whose appearance and color of scales were remarkably different. It’s as if… they’re experimenting with how many different forms their offspring can be born.” 

However, there was no dragon more like him than Kentius. Like dragons, most of them were born with a copy of their mother. ‘Actually, Kentius is also relatively similar, but in an absolute standard it’s ambiguous.’ 

Thinking so, Minjun put the silver frying pan in. And this time, he took out a black fan. The magic tool that came out of subspace leaked mental waves. 

=Isn’t it okay to hold one fan in each hand without putting one in and taking out another? It’s bothersome every time like this… = 


That was unacceptable. He cut open the frying pan’s suggestion and asked. What was omitted between the words ‘How many more dragons are possible?’ was the word ‘brainwashing.’ 

The frying pan pondered and replied. =I think it’s possible to have one more with the extra dishes I brought.=

However, he said he wasn’t even sure how long it would last. Minjun nodded and summoned a shadow. A black hand then burrowed between the stunned Bogor’s jaws. His mouth fell open and his throat was exposed helplessly. 

Minjun then took out the dishes he has prepared from the subspace. The scene that unfolded after that was similar to that of a goose farm that produces foie gras. Gluck! Cool! 

At this, Minjun forcefully stuffed food into the esophagus and then closed his mouth. If the dragons knew the power of the silver frying pan, a situation like today might be reproduced. 

Due to this, brainwashing two dragons seemed like a good option. Externally, today’s victory remained intact and belonged to Kentius. It was an achievement that was not a waste of anything to pass it on. After that, Minjun instructed Kentius to do one more thing. “Did you say Inais is in Rare right now?” 

“Yes. I couldn’t remain in Hong Kong like other heirs and guardians.” 

Her child was yet to hatch. As everyone knew, eggs were more vulnerable than hatchlings, so Inais went back to Lair after checking Rod’s body. She was incubating her eggs, so she wouldn’t even allow another dragon to visit Lair. As long as the child’s father, Rod, was dead, it was safe to say that no one could step in. 

“Call on magic communication. I will accept that much.” 

Kentius nodded as if it was not difficult and said. “What are you talking about?” 

“I tried Nego with me to find the culprit who killed Rod… They say the response is strong. If we don’t tell you in advance how to evade talent taxes, the discussion can’t go any further.” 

Kentius hesitated. “You must have doubts about the fact that I couldn’t subdue one of you.” 

Except for the fact that he absolutely trusted Minjun, his thinking ability was normal, so it was a question that he could naturally think of. “He moderately says that he was a tougher guy than I thought.” 

Kentius then nodded and asked, “So, are you really going to help me? Find the culprit.” 

Minjun pondered for a moment. ‘Shall I help the brainwashed heir get the dragon heart?’

The answer that came back was negative. If successful, it would be a jackpot, but it was thought that the possibility was slim. Of the possible scenarios, the one that would benefit Minjun the most was that Jenkinson would be elected the next Dragon Lord and the Dragon Heart would fall into his hands. Jenkinson was the most friendly dragon to Minjun (except for the brainwashed dragon) and at the same time…. because he was also a debtor who had not yet fully repaid his debt. 

Of course, even if that situation were to come, he had no intention of blackmailing Jenkinson into giving up even the Dragon Heart. Minjun thought that he had that kind of conscience. “Let’s look at the situation first.” 

Despite Minjun’s attitude, Kentius’ trust was not shaken at all. The dragon just vaguely thought like this. “Then, I will contact Inais.” 

The moment Kentius decided that Minjun would not help him, he wished he would tell him quickly. There would be nothing to be ashamed of. He had reason to be so hopeful. Up until this day, his short-term goal had been nothing other than obtaining the Dragon Heart, but now things had changed. If the search for the culprit became distant, the second task had to be given up and sold out immediately. 

In order to move to a wider lair, there were not one or two things to prepare from now on. 

“Connected.” The air in front of Kentius’s eyes distorted, and then Inais’ lair was reflected in the distance. 

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