"Your clothes!" Chen Haiyan has been completely out of control of Qinchuan gas, not to Rao road.

"The clothes belong to the hospital, not your family." Qin Chuan pointed to his clothes.

"I'm talking about underwear!" Chen HaiYan's eyes turned, thinking that this time you can't help it, waiting to make a fool of yourself in public.

Who would have expected that Qin Chuan would open his trousers and grin.

"Sorry, I didn't wear it..."

"You, you!"

Chen Haiyan only felt a burst of anger, and her body could not help swinging.

"I'll leave if it's all right. I'll be waiting for you in the court tomorrow."

Qin Chuan shrugged casually, bypassed Wang Dachuan and others and walked out of the hospital.

"You white eyed wolf, come back to me!"

The more she thinks about it, the more angry she is. However, she is about to chase Qinchuan, but Lu entang drags her back.

"Come on, isn't it disgraceful enough?"

Lu entang yelled angrily and dragged Chen Haiyan upstairs. At this time, Wang Dachuan was confused.

Although Qin Chuan didn't agree just now, at least he didn't say to leave. After his mother-in-law's mediation, how could he leave.


At this time, Su Ru suddenly rushed up and stopped Qin Chuan, screaming.

"What do you mean, our husband and wife are begging you for your full face, and you don't ask. In Dongjiang, as long as our husband and wife wave, I don't know how many famous doctors are eager to see my son!"

"Oh? It is Qin Chuan sneered: "then go to the doctor who is willing to flatter you. I'm in the mood to listen to your boasting."

"I'll give you a hundred million! As long as you cure my son's illness, I will not only give you 100 million yuan, but also make you a guest of our Wang family. In the future, all your consumption in Dongjiang will be on my head! "

Wang Dachuan suddenly walks up to Qin Chuan. He doesn't believe that there are still things that can't be done with money in the world. If there are, it must be that there is not enough money.

"Sorry, I don't have money, but I won't stoop for it. If you want to buy your son's life with money, I suggest you go to someone else."

Qin Chuan sneered, 100 million in the eyes of ordinary people is absolutely astronomical, is able to sell all the price! However, Qinchuan happens not to be an ordinary person. Even in his previous life, Qinchuan is worth more than ten times more than this king. How can he care about this little money?

Ding Ling Ling

At this time, Wang Dachuan's phone suddenly rang, Wang Dachuan quickly picked up the phone, only a few seconds of effort, his face fierce pale up.

"What's the matter?"

Su Ru also had a kind of foreboding, asked in a hurry.

"President Chen called and said Xiaobao is going to die. Let's get ready. I'm just such a son!"

Wang Dachuan wailed. The man in his forties cried like a child, and Su Ru couldn't stand the blow. She shook her body and fell to the ground.

"Brother, I beg you, I beg you! You must save my son. I'll give you whatever you want, and I'll give you whatever you want! "

Wang Dachuan completely collapsed. He knelt down in front of Qinchuan, with a runny nose and tears. He meant that Qinchuan would not let him go if he didn't save people.

"Now you know that money is not everything?" Qin Chuan looked at Wang Dachuan's fat face and suddenly asked.

"Yes, I know."

Wang Dachuan didn't understand why Qin Chuan asked this question and raised his head in tears.

"Just know. No matter how much money you have, don't feel superior."

Qin Chuan finished this sentence and quickly returned to the hospital. He didn't want to save people because he couldn't see Wang Dachuan and his wife's behavior. Now that he knew his mistake, Qin Chuan didn't want to see a life disappear before his eyes. After all, the child was innocent.

Wang Dachuan sees that Qin Chuan rushes up the stairs without looking back. Naturally, he knows that he has changed his mind. He quickly wipes his tears and wakes up Su Ru. The bodyguards limp behind Wang Dachuan.

On the tenth floor, in the operating room, everyone looked at the little boy on the operating table with a sad face. His heart had stopped. If there was no miracle, he would have been declared dead.

"Grandfather, Dean Chen! Brother Qin is coming! "

Fang Wen's joyful voice rang out at the door, and then Qin Chuan rushed in.

"Brother Qin, I didn't mistake you. You are a good man." Fang Wen's eyes flooded with little stars. Now Qin Chuan is a hero in her heart.

"Who made you come so late? Young master Wang is dead. It's all your responsibility. "

Zhang Qiang immediately jumped out and pointed to Qinchuan, trying to buckle the excrement basin on his head.

"Didn't I say don't touch him before? Who touched him?"

Qin Chuan ignored Zhang Qiang and pointed to the boy covered with blood on the operating table.

"Who else is the one who is eager to put the blame on you

Fang Wen looked at Zhang Qiang scornfully, yin and Yang strange airway.


Zhang Qiang's guilty stare at Fang Wen.

"I don't care who it is, except this little nurse, all of them will go out for me now!"

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