Qinchuan big ah, pointed to Fang Wen.

"Well, little brother, can I stay and watch it?" Professor Fang came over pleading.

"Yes, you can see enough, but the child may not be rescued."

Qin Chuan picks his eyebrows and stares at the old man with white hair in front of him.

"Er... I understand, I understand..."

Professor Fang walked out of the operating room with an embarrassed face.

The operating room suddenly empty, Qin Chuan and Fang Wen immediately busy up, is still the previous steps, gouging open the wound, wipe blood, and then in Qin Chuan's firm eyes, Fang Wen put the medical mask to the eyes on a mask, breathing turned to think of the wall.

This time, the situation was obviously more serious than last time. The boy had no signs of life. Qin Chuan ran the Vientiane Sutra in a hurry and almost made every effort to heal the wound on the boy's heart. Then he sent the blood to the boy's body. Qin Chuan was slowly relieved.

After all, he promised to save the child. If something really happened, Qin Chuan couldn't explain it.

"Brother Qin, have you finished it?"

When Fang Wen heard that there was no more than a gasp behind her, she couldn't help looking back.


Qin Chuan suddenly drinks, hastily restores the translucent finger to the original shape, only then lets Fang Wen turn round.

"Well, that's stingy." Fang Wen curled her mouth and didn't notice Qin Chuan's bloody index finger. She went straight to the boy.

"Ah, brother Qin, how did you cure it?"

Fang Wen pointed to the boy who had recovered his heartbeat and said in surprise.

"The secret."

Qin Chuan hooked the corner of his mouth, pushed the door out of the operating room.

Outside the operating room, Mr. and Mrs. Wang Dachuan just came to see Qin Chuan come out with a pale face. Wang Dachuan asked in a hurry.

"Brother, brother, my son..."

"Mr. Wang, your son was put to death by this boy. It's none of my business!" Before Qin Chuan spoke, Zhang Qiang immediately tried to get rid of the relationship.

"Screw you, your son is dead!"

As soon as Wang Dachuan's face changed, he slapped Zhang Qiang's face directly. He also hit the muzzle of the gun. In this case, he dared to mention dead words.

"Your son is OK." Qin Chuan waved his hand and looked indifferent.

"Brother Qin, thank you so much. You are my son's savior." Wang Dachuan went in and took a look. He was sure that his son was not in danger. Then he was grateful to Qin Chuan.

"Yes, there was some misunderstanding before. I hope you don't mind. I..."

Su Ru bit her lip. She scolded Qin Chuan the most just now. Now it's Qin Chuan who saved her child. How can Su Ru not regret it.


Qin Chuan was stunned to see Su Ru biting her lips. Su Ru looked pretty good in her early 30s. She kept a good figure, especially her complicated eyes, which gave Qin Chuan an ominous premonition.

"Well, brother Qin, do you want to pay attention to my son's injury?"

The beautiful woman in front of her suddenly disappeared and turned into a greasy pig head, Wang Dachuan.

"Well, it's nothing. It's mainly that he can't move. Besides, this man had better keep him away from the operating room."

Qin Chuan pointed to Zhang Qiang, who was shrinking in the corner of the wall. It was he who caused the boy's injury.

"It's natural!"

Wang Dachuan nodded. Without Qin Chuan's words, he couldn't let Zhang Qiang go.

At the moment, he pointed to Zhang Qiang and said harshly to President Chen.

"President Chen, I don't want to see him in the hospital."

"I'll let him go now!"

Chen Dean Leng for a while, said to Zhang Qiang in a hurry.

"Zhang Qiang, it's not that I don't keep you. Mr. Wang's son almost killed you. You're so impetuous that you're not suitable to be a doctor."

"Dean, it's not my fault. I don't know who peed at the door. I..." Zhang Qiang explained quickly.

"Enough." My son wants a quiet environment to rest!

Wang Dachuan interrupted Zhang Qiang's wailing and waved to the bruised bodyguard behind him“ Go and throw him out to me

"Yes, boss!"

Several bodyguards immediately rushed up and scattered all the shrivels they had eaten in Qinchuan on Zhang Qiang, one pulling his head and the other his feet. The remaining two bodyguards aimed at Zhang Qiang's stomach, and they only beat Zhang Qiang, but they couldn't make any sound. They were carried out by several bodyguards.

"Qin, brother Qin, this is the consultation fee I promised you. Please accept it."

At this time, Wang Dachuan suddenly took out a check from his arms. With a big wave of his hand, he quickly drew a few strokes on it and handed it to Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan took it and took a look at it. He saw only one in the front. As for the number of zeros that followed, Qin Chuan didn't remember.

"Do you have a lighter?" Qin Chuan suddenly asked Wang Dachuan.

"Yes, yes!" Wang Dachuan was stunned for a moment. Although he didn't understand why Qin Chuan wanted a lighter, he took out a Zhibao from his pocket and handed it to Qin Chuan.

"The lighter is good."

Qin Chuan nodded and flipped his fingers flexibly. With a click, the lighter immediately lit a bunch of flames.

"Brother Qin, you are..." Wang Dachuan looked at Qin Chuan puzzled.

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