
Fang Wen, who comes in later, looks at this scene with some surprise. In her eyes, Qin Chuan's practice is more like not giving up to his wife. Fang Wen can't help but have a hazy good feeling for her so affectionate.

Qin Chuan was not disturbed. He was running the Vientiane Sutra rapidly. An invisible force overflowed from his palm and entered Lu Xueqing's mind to explore the situation. A moment later, he began to see the situation.

"The Vientiane Scripture is really powerful."

Qinchuan opened his eyes, bright eyes flashed a touch of confidence.

"What's so powerful?" Fang Wen can't help wondering.

"No, nothing." Qin Chuan glanced at the duck faced little nurse, immediately looked away and looked at her in the emergency room.

"What are you looking for? I'll help you find it Fang Wen volunteered to go to Qinchuan.

"I need a needle." Qin Chuan said hesitantly.

"Needle... Is this OK?"

Fang Wen then picked up a finger thick needle from the tray.

"No, it's too thick."

Qin Chuan helplessly shook his head, this is obviously to spank the needle, how can you stab his daughter-in-law's head?

"No, it's the finest." Fang Wen flattened her mouth, though she didn't know what Qin Chuan wanted.

"Well, you lend me one of your hair."

Qin Chuan didn't find the tool he wanted, but accidentally saw Fang Wen's beautiful black hair.

"Well... OK, but you have to tell me what you want your hair for?" Fang Wen hesitated for a moment and gave Qin Chuan a piece of hair.

"You'll know in a minute. Turn on the light for me."

Qinchuan two fingers holding this hair, slowly moved to the operation lamp below.

"What on earth is he going to do?"

Fang Wen turns on the operation light and stares at Qin Chuan's action.

With the mobilization of the whole Vientiane Sutra in Qin Chuan's body, the long soft and curved hair slowly turned into a straight line, just like a silver needle, which Qin Chuan held in his hand.

"Why, how could that be?" Fang Wen covers small mouth surprised way.


Qin Chuan motioned Fang Wen not to make a sound. He put his hand on his long hair like a steel needle and slowly inserted it into Lu Xueqing's eyebrow.

"You'll infect the patient like this!"

As soon as Fang Wen's face changed, she hurried forward to stop Qin Chuan's action.

"Don't touch her. I'll take care of anything."

At the same time, a dense bead of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Under Fang Wen's astonished eyes, Lu Xueqing's long hair, which was inserted in the center of her eyebrows, turned red at the speed visible to the naked eye.


A drop of blood condenses from long hair and drops on Lu Xueqing's pale face, adding some vitality out of thin air.

Tick, tick, tick

Ten drops of blood condensed from her hair until Qin Chuan pulled her hair out of Lu Xueqing's eyebrows and sat on the ground breathlessly. Fang Wen reacted and wiped the blood off Lu Xueqing's face in a hurry.


Fang Wen points to Qin Chuan and doesn't know what to say. Although Qin Chuan was surprised at what she did just now, Fang Wen can easily guess that Qin Chuan was draining the blood stasis in her brain, but it's too shocking to use a hair to treat it.

"Shh... Don't say anything."

Qin Chuan's pale face shook his head, just to Lu Xueqing treatment, has consumed all his physical strength.

"All right, all right."

Fang Wen hesitated and nodded. She didn't wake up from the shock just now.

Bang Dang!

At this time, the closed door of the emergency room was suddenly pushed open, and Lu entang and his wife, director Li and the little freckled nurse came in in a hurry.

"Qin Chuan, the patient has just finished the operation and needs a rest. You can't disturb her for a long time."

Director Li pointed to Qin Chuan sitting on the ground and called out that he had learned about the Lu family from the conversation just now and that Qin Chuan was a son-in-law. He could not help but despise Qin Chuan.

"What does it have to do with you that I am with my daughter-in-law?"

Qin Chuan looked up at him and threw the bloody hair under the bed without any trace.

"Well, that was before, not now."

Director Li hummed twice and looked at Qin Chuan with pride.

"No, what do you mean?" Qin Chuan was puzzled, and his eyes swept over Chen Haiyan.

"Little white eyed wolf, I have discussed with Xueqing's father just now. Xueqing has become a vegetable because of you, so you don't have to stay in the Lu family. Tomorrow I will formally sue you through the court and divorce you instead of Xueqing!"


These two words are like thunder on the ground, which makes Qinchuan feel at a loss.

"What? Do you want to stay and spy on our Lu family property? I tell you, there's no door! "

Chen Haiyan holds her hands in front of her chest and stares at Qin Chuan with a mean face, just like a thief.

"Ha ha, well, you've done a great job."

Qin Chuan was stunned for a moment, and suddenly laughed. He laughed at himself and his painstaking treatment of his wife, but what he got was such a face, such a heartless and mean face!

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