Drop ~

At this time, the brain wave instrument on the cabinet suddenly issued a harsh sound. Then, Wen on the display screen immediately exclaimed, pointing to the brain wave instrument and exclaimed“ The electroencephalogram is fluctuating! "

"Get out of the way."

Director Li immediately rushed up and pushed Qin Chuan away, while he was lying on the complicated brain wave instrument.

"Well, it's impossible. How come there are fluctuations?"

Director Li scratched his hair in bewilderment. According to his previous diagnosis, Lu Xueqing has become a vegetable, and the chance of waking up is very small. How can it be that there are signs of waking up after a while.

"Well, Xiao Li, what does this thing mean?"

Chen Haiyan some don't know why of point to the line that jumps inside the screen to ask.

"Er... Aunt, if I guess the flower correctly, your daughter may have recovered from vegetative coma, that is to say, she is no longer a vegetable."

Director Li wiped the sweat channel on his forehead. Such a serious misdiagnosis will affect his official career if his family members make trouble.

"Really, really? Xiao Li, thank you so much. You must have cured Xueqing. "

Chen Haiyan excitedly grabs director Li's arm.

"Er... Yes, i... cured her..."

Director Li clenched his teeth and said, waking up.

"Well, it was he who used his hair..."


Fang Wen just wanted to tell everyone about the scene just now, but Qin Chuan quickly coughed twice and interrupted her.

Qin Chuan's voice attracted Chen HaiYan's attention. Seeing that he was still here, Chen Haiyan immediately scolded.

"What are you still doing here? I tell you, even if we wake up in the snow, you don't want to stay in my house. Now get out of here for me! "

"Haiyan, since Xueqing is no longer in danger, I think it's better to leave Qinchuan behind. After all, he has been in our family for several years..."

Lu entang looked at the pale Qin Chuan and couldn't help persuading him.

"He's been eating and drinking in our house these years, and it's a waste of food to keep him!" Chen Haiyan took the words directly.

After all, Qin Chuan didn't intend to stay. The woman lying on the bed was another Qin Chuan's wife. Although Qin Chuan inherited the memory, she had no feelings for her, not to mention such a bitter mother-in-law.

"Needless to say, I have planned to divorce Xueqing, but I just don't know how to open my mouth. Since you can make a decision for Xueqing, it's OK. Let's see you later!"

Qin Chuan looks at his ex mother-in-law and says these words word by word. Under Chen HaiYan's eyes full of consternation, Qin Chuan doesn't look back and turns to walk out of the emergency room.

"You, you ignorant thing, just wait to starve to death."

Chen Haiyan was trembled by Qin Chuan's words. She pointed to Qin Chuan's firm back and scolded him. Somehow, she felt regret in her heart.

"Aunt, your daughter's condition has improved. Now I want to report to the president immediately and integrate all brain experts in the hospital to consult your daughter's condition to ensure her real safety."

At this time, director Li appeared in Chen HaiYan's sight.

"OK, OK, I'll trouble you, Xiao Li."

As soon as Chen HaiYan's eyes brightened, the idea of regret disappeared immediately.

"You're joking, auntie. As a doctor, I naturally have to think about my patients. What's more, she..."

Director Li turns his head to see Lu Xueqing on the eye bed. This scene also falls into Chen HaiYan's eyes.

"Hey, what's that Qin from? Wait for me."

Qinchuan just entered the elevator, the duck faced nurse ran after him.

"What can I do for you?"

Qin Chuan was in a bad mood. Anyway, he was kicked out.

"No, nothing. I just want to know why you didn't tell the truth just now."

Fang Wen looked at Qin Chuan with some puzzlement. If he followed the normal order, he could tell all the things that had just happened, and he would not end up homeless.

"No, I don't know them well." Qin Chuan shook his head.

"Not familiar? Well, can you give me the treatment you just used? "

Fang Wen put her two little hands on her chin and looked at Qin Chuan expectantly.

"I'm sorry, it's from my family. It's from men to women."

Qin Chuan has some helplessness. How can this little nurse look like a dog skin plaster.

"Well, if you don't teach, don't teach, cheapskate."

Fang Wen curled her lips, as if she had thought of something again. Her big watery eyes gave off bursts of light“ By the way... "


Qin chuanmeng's a wave, interrupted Fang Wen's words, in the heart did not have the origin of a burst of irritability, roared at her.

"I don't know you. I'm not familiar with you. I'm in a mess now. Would you please don't disturb me?"

"You, you, what are you fierce at? If people ask more questions, you will be fierce at them. Wuwu..."

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