The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 180 Another secret

Looking back at Ji Sihan's escape, Yang Lu had to admit that this guy was indeed a ruthless person.

First, he decisively ordered the steward who came to report to the Qingning Chamber of Commerce headquarters to commit suicide, and burned all the account books to hinder He Mingyuan's case handling work; then in order to eliminate all evidence, he also arranged for the low-level miners who had participated in the reselling of black iron ore to be exposed. In vain, I'm afraid the situation is already in danger; when He Mingyuan finally built the plank road, secretly infiltrated the warehouse, and found the breakthrough point of the Far East Chamber of Commerce through the Haiya Commodity Exchange, Ji Sihan once again decisively cut his losses, abandoned his wife and son and fled to Haiya City under his nose. Hooked up with the Zhu Family Chamber of Commerce; this was not enough. In order to get rid of the roots and retaliate against society, he actually hired Li Wen, the killer of Tingheyuge, to try to eliminate Yang Lu physically; after discovering that the Zhu Family Chamber of Commerce could not protect him, this guy ran away Faster than a rabbit, he immediately fled to Yanbo Island on a speedboat; he still felt it was not safe enough on Yanbo Island, so he ran all the way to Tian Beixi's territory to seek shelter.

With this powerful ability to act, Manager Ji's ability cannot be underestimated.

Although the Qingning Chamber of Commerce founded by Li Qingning is just a grassroots team, it can definitely be called a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger internally. Yang Lu discovered a "selfless" He Mingyuan from the Luoxia City branch, and he already thought it was very rare. Unexpectedly, the Luanshi City branch also hid a "strong man with broken wrists" whose level was no less than He Mingyuan, and his mobility was even better. "Ji Sihan.

My eldest daughter simply possesses the hidden attribute of [greatly increasing the recruitment probability of super corrupt criminals].

It is said that one person can bring peace to the world. The Qingning Chamber of Commerce hides two big corrupt criminals at the same time, but it has not closed down until today. It must be said that the capital of Lao Li's family is indeed very strong.

If the Chamber of Commerce boss were different, he might not be able to survive for two years before being corrupted by internal moths and going bankrupt!

But for Yang Lu, it wouldn't be a big problem if Ji Sihan simply fled to Tian Beixi's territory.

Li Qingning once told him before leaving that although the relationship between Shenhuo Sect and Wuliang Sword Sect was not harmonious, because they were both registered disciples of President Lu Yang, Li Qingyang and Tian Daxiao had a good personal relationship, and Tian Daxiao regarded Li Qingning as his own. treated by the younger generation. Otherwise, even if Tian Daxiao is a Nascent Soul stage boss, he would not be able to casually give Li Qingning a portable magic weapon worth millions.

According to Li Qingning, the crescent hairpin on his hand was jointly made by Tian Daxiao and Ye Wan.

If you encounter a danger that cannot be solved, you only need to take out the crescent hairpin given by Tian Daxiao, and the forces in Huoyun State will give you some face.

In this case, if the Haiya Fleet wins, Yang Lu can beat the lost dog. If the Haiya Fleet loses, the worst he can do is use Li Qingning's banner to re-integrate with the forces of Huoyun State.

Therefore, no matter who wins the war on the outlying island, it does not prevent him from going to Tian Beixi's territory to capture people. If he could not advance, attack, retreat or defend, Yang Lu would not be able to come to the outlying island and put himself in danger.

What Yang Lu is most worried about is that Ji Sihan continues to escape further away. If this person gets on Huoyunzhou's transport ship and escapes all the way to Huoyunzhou, and then finds a corner to hide, then he wants to continue chasing him. In the past, the price paid was too high.

Considering that Ji Sihan ran faster than a rabbit along the way, Yang Lu really couldn't completely rule out this possibility.

But it was too early to consider this now. In any case, he had to go to the front line of the island with the Haiya Fleet to check the situation. He could only consider the next plan after passing the Tianbeixi level.

So he followed Han Fulai and praised Lin Dong's strength, and then ended the banquet where the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves.

According to the plan formulated by the Wuliang Sword Sect, the Haiya Fleet will stay on Yanbo Island for a period of time. However, due to the rapid deterioration of the situation on the outlying islands, if they wait until the Yanbo Island troops are trained before setting off, I am afraid that the outlying island coalition forces will have completely collapsed.

After discussion, Han Fulai and Xu Tong decided to immediately send a fleet with elite reinforcements to the front line, allowing Lin Dong to find an opportunity to get rid of Tian Beixi first and defeat the vanguard of the Fire Cloud State forces. Only in this way can the military morale of the major lords on the outlying islands be quickly stabilized and avoid the danger. A situation arises that is difficult to deal with. After the forces in Huoyun State are leaderless, the coalition forces on the outlying islands can calmly organize their troops to regain the lost territory.

As the ace of the Haiya Fleet, Lin Dong had a completely indifferent attitude towards this. In his opinion, Tian Beixi was already a withered bone in the grave, and it was just a matter of time to take her life.

So everyone agreed to use two days to unload the military aid shipped by the Wuliang Sword Sect on Yanbo Island, and then the Haiya Fleet would carry the elite troops from Zhongzhou and go directly to the front line of the battle between the outlying island coalition forces and Tian Beixi.

After the banquet, Island Master Xu Tong grabbed Lin Dong and whispered a few words. Then Yang Lu saw several beautiful maids in scantily clad clothes taking the initiative to get up and lead the talented monk of the Wuliang Sword Sect to Xu Tong to give him Arrange temporary accommodation.

On Yanbo Island, Xu Tong is the supreme dictator.

The beauties that Xu Tong could take into his palace were naturally the best in shape and appearance.

These beauties who were accompanying the banquet hall clearly understood what happened at the banquet just now. They knew that these guests were distinguished guests that Lord Huang Island should take seriously. For Lin Dong, a monk of the Infinite Sword Sect who is admired by all the stars, , naturally showed great attentiveness.

Although Yang Lu didn't know what Xu Tong had just said to Lin Dong, looking at the lewd smile on Lin Dong's face, Yang Lu could guess what he was going to do.

Yang Lu didn't feel any fluctuation in his heart, and even wanted to laugh a little.

Not to mention how old these mortal beauties were when Xu Tong entertained his guests. Even if they were to compare with appearance, these women were still far behind Li Qingning. After all, Yang Lu is also a modern earthling who has passed the test of makeup skills and PS armor. He is not like Lin Dong, who can't walk when he sees a beautiful woman.

After all, compared with Li Qingning's appearance, the gap between these women's looks is still obvious to the naked eye.

Xu Tong originally planned to follow the same pattern and use a honey trap with Yang Lu and Han Fulai, but before Yang Lu could refuse, Han Fulai took the initiative and said that he and Advisor Yang had their own residence in Haiya Fleet, so they would not bother Island Master Xu. Specially entertained.

In terms of luxury, the flagship of the Haiya Fleet is no less than the palace on Yanbo Island. It's just that Han Fulai specifically mentioned this matter, which was obviously a drunkard's intention.

Feeling that Han Fulai intended to talk to him alone, Yang Lu agreed with him and declined Island Master Xu's kindness.

After returning to the flagship of the Haiya Fleet, Han Fulai took him into his private reception room.

Compared with the nouveau riche style lord's palace on Yanbo Island, Han Fulai's reception room is obviously more in line with Yang Lu's aesthetics.

Although the entire guest room was built on the deck of an ocean-going merchant ship, the wealthy Haiya Chamber of Commerce still decorated the guest room in the style of a classical study. They even used a fairy formation to isolate the moisture outside the study and prevent moisture. The sea breeze caused damage to the exquisite collection of books and ancient scrolls in the drawing room.

After sitting down on the antique solid wood tea chair, Yang Lu took the initiative and asked: "Brother Han came to me alone. He must have something to discuss, right?"

Han Fulai did not answer this question directly, but asked instead: "At the reception banquet just now, when I introduced the situation of this reinforcement to Island Master Xu, Brother Yang seemed to have some doubts!"

Han Fulai is indeed a master of observing words and emotions.

Yang Lu has been presiding over the work of the Qingning Chamber of Commerce for several months, and he basically has a good idea of ​​the price situation in Haiya City.

When I heard that the Wuliang Sword Sect paid a special allocation of 30 million yuan in spiritual stone coins for the war on the outlying islands, but in the end they only had such a small amount of reinforcements, I was inevitably a little surprised.

At that time, Yang Lu did show a stunned expression for a moment, but he didn't expect that Han Fulai noticed it.

You can't blame Yang Lu for making a fuss.

According to the information coming from Tianshu City, the Wuliang Sword Sect's allocation for rebuilding Tianshu City is only 20 million spiritual stone coins, and 30 million spiritual stone coins can be used to hire 600 Tingheyu Pavilion killers!

After throwing down so many spirit stone coins, he only armed tens of thousands of elite mortal soldiers and provided equipment and supplies for tens of thousands of mortals. Yang Lu did a little mental calculation and discovered the problem.

Although the organization and mobilization ability of the cultivation world is much worse than that of modern society, it is not so bad.

Han Fulai's excuse of a long journey can only deceive a guy like Lin Dong who is industrious and inseparable from grains. It cannot be deceived by senior shopping mall veterans like Yang Lu and Xu Tong. This is why Xu Tong first heard Han Fulai's offer. would look so angry.

"Of course I have questions!" Since there were no outsiders here, Yang Lu raised his questions directly, "The Infinite Sword Sect has made it clear that it requires support for outlying islands at all costs. This special allocation to support outlying islands is a red line that must not be touched! Fortunately, Lin Dong is a fool, and Island Master Xu did not pursue it, otherwise if the Wuliang Sword Sect knew about this, can you afford the consequences?"

"Brother Yang misunderstood, things are not what you imagined!"

Han Fulai didn't mind Yang Lu's outspokenness.

People like them in the city, if they really want to stab each other, they will only do it behind the scenes. This kind of attitude of opening up the sky and speaking openly just proves the close relationship between the two parties who talk about everything!

Han Fulai's calm look made Yang Lu realize that there might be something hidden in this matter.

Sure enough, Han Fulai then gave an explanation: "Brother Yang has also worked in management positions, so he should be able to understand how difficult management work is. The Wuliang Sword Sect is high on the top, but it wants to rule Zhongzhou, which covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of miles, and wants to promote any decision-making To implement it, you need to use 12 points of ruthless words, preach 10 points of policy, hope that the vassal sects will listen to 70 points, and then implement it in detail, and finally gain 3 points of results. This is considered a very successful policy. "

Not just the Wuliang Sword Sect, almost any large-scale organization, enterprise, or political power has similar problems. Although Yang Lu agreed with this statement, he still shook his head and said: "This does not constitute a reason for you to misappropriate special funds..."

"Brother Yang still didn't understand what I meant!" Han Fulai sighed deeply and continued to explain: "The Infinite Sword Sect has always been results-oriented in doing things. 'At all costs' is just a rhetorical technique. The real key is 'Support the outlying islands'. As long as the clear strategic goal of 'driving out the forces of Fire Cloud State' can be achieved, the Wuliang Sword Sect doesn't care about the execution process... Having said that, what should be done about this matter specifically, for Wuliang Sword From a high-level perspective, the difference is huge!"

Han Fulai clearly divided the "Infinite Sword Sect" and "the senior officials of the Infinite Sword Sect" into two different entities.

This slightly weird expression made Yang Lu vaguely understand what Han Fulai wanted to express.

After silently sorting out the interest relationships within the top management of the Wuliang Sword Sect from beginning to end, Yang Lu considered his vocabulary before speaking again: "The special allocation of 30 million yuan for the Wuliang Sword Sect should be personally approved by the leader Lin Jianxing. Right!"

Hearing Yang Lu's question, Han Fulai burst out laughing and said, "Brother Yang is indeed very clear, unlike that foolhardy man Lin Dong. You are right. According to the information our Haiya Sect has, According to the information, Mo Yunlan originally only approved a budget of 10 million yuan of spiritual stone coins, but the leader Lin Jianxing repeatedly emphasized that the outlying islands, as the gateway to Zhongzhou, must not allow any mistakes, so the budget was increased three times!"

Sure enough!

Yang Lu showed an unexpected expression.

Now that Han Fulai had confirmed his guess, Yang Lu did not continue to ask about the matter, but changed the topic and mentioned another matter: "In this case, Lin Dong should not have come to support the outlying island under the orders of the Wuliang Sword Sect. Bar!"

This sentence has no beginning or end and sounds illogical.

If Lin Dong was not ordered by the Wuliang Sword Sect, then who could have sent him?

However, Han Fulai is also an old fox. He heard the elegant meaning of Xiange and immediately realized what Yang Lu really wanted to ask.

"Lin Dong is both a member of the Wuliang Sword Sect and not a member of the Wuliang Sword Sect, but he must be a member of Lin Jianxing!" Han Fulai's answer was quite awkward, as if he was deliberately telling a tongue twister, "If the budget proposal of the leader Lin Jianxing is not passed, , it is impossible for Lin Dong to come to the outlying island to perform tasks. It is precisely because the budget of the leader Lin Jianxing has been passed that Lin Dong will appear on the outlying island. But he is only doing things for the Wuliang Sword Sect. In the final analysis, he is still sent by Lin Jianxing. people!"

Although Han Fulai's answer was a bit confusing, Yang Lu had already understood what he meant -

Lin Dong represents Lin Jianxing's personal will, not the sect's will of Wuliang Sword Sect!

Although Lin Jianxing is the contemporary leader of the Wuliang Sword Sect, the meaning behind whether Lin Dong represents Lin Jianxing personally or the entire Wuliang Sword Sect is completely different.

If it is the latter, then the action to support the outlying islands is just a dispute over geographical interests between sects; but if it is the former, then the matter is likely to involve an interest struggle within the Wuliang Sword Sect.

As we all know, war is the most expensive human social activity.

For the Wuliang Sword Sect, supporting outlying islands is related to the core geopolitical interests of the sect. Therefore, "support outlying islands at all costs" is a very politically correct slogan that no one can openly stand up to refute.

Blatantly refuting this political slogan is equivalent to openly advocating "curves to save the country" and "reconciling the internal situation first" during the Anti-Japanese War. Even Chairman Wang and Principal Jiang were nailed to the pillar of shame in history. .

Although the "Anti-Japanese National United Front" is a very noble and upright slogan, this does not prevent the four major families of the Republic of China from making a fortune holding high the banner of "resisting Japan and saving the nation." It can even be said that it is often this kind of war at all costs that is most likely to bring horrific wealth to the war dealers.

Because "at all costs" itself means that power has the opportunity to seek unfettered rents.

Who can make a lot of money from the war on the outlying islands is not important to the Wuliang Sword Sect, but it is very important to the senior officials of the Wuliang Sword Sect. Han Fulai's meaning has actually been expressed very straightforwardly, to support the special military force on the outlying islands. Action is actually a new round of political wrestling stage for the top leaders of the Infinite Sword Sect.

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