The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 181 Spoils Feast

On the surface, the Outlying Island War is a proxy war initiated by the Divine Fire Sect against the Infinite Sword Sect.

Under the surface, Lin Jianxing, the head of the Wuliang Sword Sect, and Mo Yunlan, the elder of the Duzhi Hall, are competing for their interests around the battle plan to support the outlying islands.

The situation on the outlying island is in such a state of collapse mainly because of Tian Beixi, a monk from the Shenhuo Sect, who uses strange methods.

Even the top leaders of the Wuliang Sword Sect don't know exactly what means Tian Beixi used to defeat the outlying island coalition's wheel battle.

Under this situation, no matter how many mortal troops and combat supplies the Wuliang Sword Sect supports the outlying island, it cannot guarantee that the forces of Huo Yunzhou will be defeated. Before the Shenhuo Sect's trump card is figured out, the outlying island will be a bottomless black hole.

It may be that a budget of 5 million yuan is enough to protect the outlying islands, or it may be that a budget of 50 million yuan will be a drop in the bucket.

As the top person in charge of the sect's finances, the sect's finances are Mo Yunlan's invisible source of power. Asking for money from the sect's budget is equivalent to depriving Mo Yunlan of the power in disguise. From Mo Yunlan's perspective, he certainly hopes to save the sect's expenses as much as possible.

Because of this, Mo Yunlan immediately proposed a very conservative budget - 10 million yuan of spirit stone coins.

But budget issues are not the primary consideration for leader Lin Jianxing.

Lin Jianxing directly raised the banner of "keep the outlying islands at all costs" and asked Mo Yunlan to significantly increase the sect's budget for supporting outlying islands. Apparently, he wanted to take the opportunity to exploit Mo Yunlan's sphere of influence.

This was an upright conspiracy, and it was difficult for Mo Yunlan to accept it.

If Duzhitang vetoes the sect's budget of 30 million yuan, and ends up failing to save the outlying island, then Mo Yunlan will bear the main responsibility for losing the island; if Duzhitang passes the sect's budget of 30 million yuan, then regardless of Mo Yunlan's Whether Lan can keep the island or not, he has tried his best, and the responsibility for losing the island will no longer be borne by him.

After weighing the two aspects, Mo Yunlan could only choose to compromise.

That's why Dozhidang suffered a huge hemorrhage and passed an outrageous budget of 30 million yuan for the outlying island war.

Now that Mo Yunlan has adopted a "no matter the cost" attitude, the pressure of public opinion to defend the outlying islands has once again been passed on to the leader Lin Jianxing.

However, Lin Jianxing is not too worried about this pressure, because he has the strongest bargaining chip in his hand——

Lin Dong!

Lin Jianxing's judgment was the same as everyone else's. No matter how strong Tian Beixi was, he could never be a late-stage Qi Refining monk.

Not to mention that except for Tian Daxiao himself, the development level of cultivation economics in the Shenhuo Sect lags far behind that of Zhongzhou. There have been no famous cultivation management experts and cultivation economists in history, and there is no superfluous merit treasure at all.

Even if the Shenhuo Sect could come up with merit treasures similar to the relics of Elder Luo Shen, they could not find talented monks who could cultivate two golden wheels of merit during the Qi refining stage. This could only be achieved by legendary figures such as Bo Nanke and Lu Yang. realm!

As long as Lin Dong's beheading operation succeeds, even if the Infinite Sword Sect does not send any reinforcements, the offshore coalition forces will not necessarily lose.

In this case, there is naturally no need to implement all the special allocations of 30 million yuan of spirit stone coins.

Thinking of this, Yang Lu couldn't help but shook his head and said: "No wonder Island Master Xu did not continue to pursue this matter. As long as the forces of Huo Yunzhou can be finally defeated, Wuliang Sword Sect and Master Lin can win face, and the island lords can keep their For my own sake, no one cares about whether the outlying island was taken down by Du Zhidang with money or saved by Leader Lin’s beheading operation.”

Han Fulai said with a mocking look on his face: "Who says it's not the case? As long as Mo Yunlan refuses to bleed, Lin Dong will not come to the outlying island, and Mo Yunlan can only try to save the outlying island with a mere budget of 10 million yuan of spirit stone coins. This is undoubtedly It's a gamble with no way out. But since Mo Yunlan is willing to bleed a lot, then Lin Dong will come to the outlying island to prepare for the beheading operation, and all parties can happily divide the 30 million yuan allocation."

After hearing such nonsense, Yang Lu didn't know what to comment on. This operation to support the outlying islands is simply a gluttonous feast to carve up the "Infinite Sword Sect's assets"!

Except for Mo Yunlan, who was very embarrassed no matter what choice he made, and the Infinite Sword Sect's account had a huge deficit out of thin air, all other forces were guaranteed to make a profit without losing money.

Yang Lu was still curious before. The Haiya Department and Lin Jianxing were obviously not from the same group, so why did the Haiya Department resolutely cooperate with the action led by Lin Jianxing this time.

Now it seems that it is all business behind this!

So Yang Lu asked in a meaningful tone: "If you can pave roads and build bridges for Lin Jianxing, the Haiya Department will also benefit a lot, right?"

Han Fulai did not hide anything and directly reported the figures: "The profits flowing into the Haiya Chamber of Commerce's account totaled 2.64 million yuan in spirit stone coins!"

Yang Lu had known for a long time that the Haiya Department must have made a lot of money, so he was not surprised by this astronomical figure: "Military operations reimbursed at public expense are indeed a good business with huge profits!"

However, Han Fulai waved his hand very modestly and said: "The Haiya Sect's income is not much, it can even be said to be a reasonable profit. According to our estimates, the 30 million yuan of spiritual stone coins allocated by the Wuliang Sword Sect was finally fulfilled. I’m afraid it’s less than 6 million yuan.”

"Good guy, you have only implemented 20% of the allocation! Which god took away the rest of the special allocation?"

Han Fulai did not continue to beat around the bush and answered honestly: "Lin Jianxing and Liu Hanxing took away at least several million, and the remaining millions fell into the pockets of the senior leaders, managers at all levels, and captains of the Haiya Chamber of Commerce. For The suppliers who provided manpower and material resources to the Haiya Chamber of Commerce took away millions, and there are still millions more, and even I don’t know where they were misappropriated.”

The total cost of the offshore operation was only 6 million yuan, so the figures Han Fu mentioned were all real net profits!

If Han Fulai did not exaggerate, everyone who handled this operation to support the outlying islands would have benefited more or less.

Yang Lu originally thought that the management level of the Qingning Chamber of Commerce was bad enough. Now it seems that the management level of the Wuliang Sword Sect is probably even worse. They turned a good special military operation on the outlying island into a spoils-sharing conference. !

He couldn't help but smile bitterly: "You embezzled public funds so blatantly, wouldn't Mo Yunlan raise any questions?"

"What qualifications does Mo Yunlan have to raise questions?" Hearing Yang Lu's questions, Han Fulai spread his hands and looked disdainful, "He is far away at the headquarters of the Wuliang Sword Sect. Does he have the ability to verify the costs of our various circulation links? Not to mention anything else, just the cost of our Haiya Chamber of Commerce deploying a fleet to transport strategic materials and troops, not to mention Mo Yunlan’s calculations, even we ourselves can’t be sure!”

Han Fulai's words were really not modest.

Because the Kyushu cultivation world is too vast, even if the ocean-going merchant ships of the Haiya Chamber of Commerce have speeds comparable to modern cargo ships, and each fleet can achieve limited instant communication through communication spells, the geographical barriers between Kyushu are still no less than those on Earth The age of geographical discovery.

According to Han Fulai, the stewards and captains of each merchant ship in the Haiya fleet had no way to accurately verify how much expenses they had falsely reported, even the senior officials of the Haiya Chamber of Commerce.

Because the business scale of Haiya Chamber of Commerce is so large, most ocean-going merchant ships operate on distant overseas routes that are tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of miles away from Haiya City. Ocean-going cargo ships cannot operate in overseas ports tens of thousands of miles away. After maintenance, the senior management of the Haiya Chamber of Commerce will send someone to check whether the captains have falsely reported their expenses...

Even if the Haiya Chamber of Commerce wants to learn from the advanced management experience of the Qingning Chamber of Commerce and implement strict financial management, the out-of-state chamber of commerce will not cooperate with your Haiya Chamber of Commerce in issuing invoices.

After all, the Jiuzhou cultivation world has neither international accounting standards nor international standard statements (GSD) based on international accounting standards, nor does it have a SWIFT system or a letter of credit system. International trade is still in its primitive stage. In this case, Haiya Chamber of Commerce It's pretty good if you can manage yourself well. Trying to get involved in the bookkeeping work of overseas chambers of commerce is undoubtedly a daydream.

Therefore, Han Fulai repeatedly emphasized that the 2.64 million yuan in spirit stone coins were profits that flowed into the "Haiya Chamber of Commerce's big account", not profits that flowed into the "Haiya Chamber of Commerce". The money that entered the Haiya Chamber of Commerce but did not enter the Haiya Chamber of Commerce's big account is probably not even clear to Jiang Hua'an and Su Yuanfeng. Yang Lu even seriously doubted that Han Fulai's uncle and nephew made a lot of money in this operation. !

This is true within the Haiya Chamber of Commerce, and of course it is even more true for the Wuliang Sword Sect. It involves large-scale coordinated actions by multiple different cultivation forces. If Mo Yunlan investigates carefully, he may only get a confused account.

Often the more inexperienced people are, the more they like to talk about very imaginary concepts such as country, government, enterprise, and civilization. However, after working for a few years, they will suddenly discover that everyone is actually a grassroots team.

The grass platform of the government, the grass platform of the enterprises, the grass platform of the cultivation sects, the grass platform of the Cultivation Chamber of Commerce, you are the grass platform, I am the grass platform, everyone is the grass platform, they are just making do with each other, no one should laugh at anyone.

Many large organizations, on the surface, look like luxury cars running on the highway, but inside they are actually just a few people pedaling bicycles with beautiful shells on them, and each person pedals the bicycle in a different direction. You Don't think this car is too broken. In fact, all cars on the road are like this, but no one has broken it.

If you comment outside and say, "This sports car is so good", "That sports car is so good", the guy riding three wheels inside the sports car shell will just want to laugh.

Yang Lu took a deep look at Han Fulai and said meaningfully: "Haiya Chamber of Commerce also has scriptures that are difficult to recite!"

Han Fulai defended himself in a matter-of-fact tone: "Haiya Chamber of Commerce is huge in scale, and its business spans hundreds of ports across the four oceans of Kyushu. Even if all non-core businesses are outsourced to partners like Qingning Chamber of Commerce, our internal It is still very difficult to manage. Brother Yang is also an expert in management, so he must understand our difficulties..."

Yang Lu picked up the tea, took a sip and said, "Brother Han, don't worry, I have never underestimated the abilities of the Haiya system."

It is easy to talk to smart people. Han Fulai also nodded with satisfaction and said: "Well, just like this special military operation to support the outlying islands, despite all kinds of minor problems, despite the financial difficulties of various gods and boundless sword sects, The funds were all divided up, but in the end we quickly raised a huge fleet and successfully organized the operation. If it had been replaced by the Wuliang Sword Sect to personally supervise the operation, all the money might have been spent, but the fleet has not yet been able to leave the port. Woolen cloth!"

No matter what action is organized, implementation is the most difficult.

If it were so easy to organize a fleet, Mo Yunlan could kick out the Haiya Chamber of Commerce and go it alone, not letting the middlemen make the difference. But as Han Fu said, even if the Haiya Chamber of Commerce is handed over to him, does he have the management ability?

Definitely not!

It involves the coordination and mobilization of a large amount of human and material resources, and it is not just a matter of the Nascent Soul monk having a big fist.

The Caotai team is also a team, and organizing the Caotai team also requires corresponding management capabilities. Just those people who work under the Caotai team. If you do not straighten out the interests among them, you will soon find out:

Why did this fine tricycle suddenly collapse while pedaling? Why is the direction of the three-wheeler suddenly wrong?

Since the various managers who support the outlying island operation dare to openly misappropriate public funds, they are certainly not afraid of Mo Yunlan's investigation. For such an unexpected military operation without any prior plan, there are not many steps that can be manipulated. Even if Mo Yunlan If you insist on a thorough investigation, the final result may be that there is nothing to investigate.

Since everything was said to this point, Han Fulai did not hide the Haiya Chamber of Commerce's money-making methods from Yang Lu.

According to Han Fulai, the salary of each of the tens of thousands of "elite" mortal soldiers who were aided by Zhongzhou on the outlying islands this time was as high as two hundred yuan of spiritual stone coins, not counting the full six hundred yuan of spiritual stone coins as compensation for death in battle. gold.

For the labor cost alone, the Wuliang Sword Sect would have to spend millions of spiritual stone coins.

If you ask why the benefits of Haiya City’s mortal mercenaries are so good, the Haiya Chamber of Commerce will tell you that it’s because the mortal soldiers sent by Haiya City are all the best among the best. The cost of elite soldiers is of course higher than that of ordinary soldiers. Taller!

This is just like an old man who is called "loyal to the whole family". Since he dares to ask the company to give him a salary of 100 million, he is certainly not afraid of others asking him. Asking questions means that he is strong, and you can never prove that a person is not strong. …

Because "strong ability" and "elite" are both metaphysical concepts that can neither be verified nor falsified.

In addition, not only does this mortal army's salary and benefits seriously exceed the standard, but its logistics support costs are also ridiculously high. Both food, clothing, housing, transportation, and weapons and equipment are obviously an order of magnitude higher than those of ordinary mortal soldiers.

However, the Sea Cliff Chamber of Commerce does not need to explain this too much.

Don't ask, just ask and you will be the best!

This is not the most outrageous thing.

Just like the Qingning Chamber of Commerce's charity can deduct Li Qingning's rations from homeless people, can't the Haiya Chamber of Commerce misappropriate soldiers' military pay and death pensions?

The answer is of course yes.

However, as the Haiya Chamber of Commerce is a long-established chamber of commerce with thousands of years of history, they will definitely not transfer this amount directly to their own account. This operation method is too simple and crude.

Even if it is to fool the Wuliang Sword Sect, the Haiya Chamber of Commerce must still do enough to save their face.

In fact, these tens of thousands of mercenaries are all Haiya natives with innocent family backgrounds, and they all have direct family members living in the Haiya area. The military allocations of the Wuliang Sword Sect must first be transferred to the family accounts of these Haiya natives.

But don’t forget that the Haiya Department is the emperor of Haiya City who dominates the sky with one hand. Even though the money flowed into the pockets of these mortals first, it does not mean that the Haiya Department cannot take this money out of their pockets again. come out. After all, these soldiers are old and young, and the monks can escape but not the temple.

The main government of Haiya City levies a "special urban construction tax" or a "civilized city creation tax". Do you dare to resist and refuse to pay the tax?

Moreover, the Haiya Clan has always used gentle methods as the main method and violent methods as a supplement. They had already passed the drawer agreement in advance and discussed the "70-30% split" working regulations with these soldiers.

In the end, the salary that falls on these soldiers is only 30% of the salary, and the remaining 70% will be "recycled" by the Haiya Department through clever naming methods.

If you don't agree, you don't have to sign up to join the army.

If you don’t do it, there are others who will!

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