The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 201 Chain Reaction

Although Yang Lu followed the Haiya Fleet to the outlying island, he never regarded himself as a member of the Wuliang Sword Sect.

Not to mention that Yang Lu was a serious disciple of the Golden Sword Sect and was allowed to follow the merchant ships of the Haiya Fleet to the outlying islands. This was because he used his personal relationship to exchange benefits with Su Yuanfeng and had nothing to do with the Wuliang Sword Sect. Even Lin Jianxing himself was not supporting the outlying island war for the benefit of the Wuliang Sword Sect.

Whether Lin Jianxing or Tian Daxiao won in the Outlying Island War, it made no difference to Yang Lu, an earth traveler.

Even Yang Lu's favorability towards Tian Daxiao was higher. At least Tian Daxiao was playing upright conspiracy, while Lin Jianxing did not hesitate to destroy Tianshu City in order to fight against Cheng Shuying, and he did not hesitate to destroy the sect's finances in order to fight against Mo Yunlan. It is obvious at a glance which of the two parties is more suitable to be the Lord of Kyushu.

Therefore, the reason why Yang Lu got rid of Lin Dong was very simple:

Only if Lin Dong dies can he maximize his own interests!

Lin Dong was Li Qingning's creditor, and his death would be equivalent to erasing the debt of hundreds of thousands of spirit stone coins for the Qingning Chamber of Commerce. This was very important to Li Qingning, who was short of money and jealous.

More importantly, as long as Lin Dong, the official supervisor of the Wuliang Sword Sect, exists, the leadership of this special military operation on the outlying island will be difficult for Yang Lu to control personally.

Now that Lin Dong is dead, as long as Yang Lu and Han Fulai conspire together, they can completely control this outlying island war. No matter how outrageous things they do, they will die without proof in the end. Even if the Haiya Department finds out that he was the mastermind, I will only try my best to cover him up.

What's even better is that taking the initiative was a strategy proposed by Lin Dong himself. As long as his dirty hands were not discovered, even Lin Jianxing, the leader of the Wuliang Sword Sect, could not blame him and Han Fu for Lin Dong's death. Origin.

Although the Wuliang Sword Sect has various magical detective skills that can be used to restore the crime scene, as long as these cultivators cannot enter the island, this murder case will inevitably become a complete no-brainer case.

As for killing Lin Dong and causing the situation on the outlying island to get out of control, it doesn't even matter!

Now that the war situation on the outlying islands has been completely controlled by himself and Han Fulai, they can advance, attack, retreat or defend. Even if it doesn't work, Yang Lu can still blend with Tian Beixi privately.

Therefore, the worst result of getting rid of Lin Dong, which is to return to Plan B, does not cost him anything, and it is nothing compared to the potential benefits gained from success.

We can’t blame Lin Dong for his unjust death.

At the moment before his death, this guy didn't know that Yang Lu didn't come to fight the offshore war at all.

He thought Yang Lu was a backup thug hired by the Haiya Department!

If he knew that Yang Lu was close to Li Qingning, he would definitely be on guard against him. However, he didn't ask at all, and Han Fulai couldn't find any trouble to tell him the details of Yang Lu. This made Lin Dong a complete fool.

Lin Dong's sudden death also caused a chain reaction.

Lin Muhu, who was originally going to watch a show, was in an awkward situation.

Although he is in much better condition than Tian Beixi, he is only a third-level Qi refining monk, while Tian Beixi is a sixth-level Qi refining monk. If there is a head-to-head fight, his judgment will be the same as Tian Beixi:


Lin Muhu three, Tian Beixi seven!

What's even worse is that although Lin Muhu has practiced the Thousand Winds Running Thunder Technique and can move at an astonishing speed, he cannot control light-escape flight.

The two are currently facing off at Tian Beixi's lair, surrounded by indigenous soldiers from Guhong Island. Even if Tian Beixi doesn't take action personally, just by forcing mortals to besiege him, they can kill him alive.

Without being able to fly in the air, Lin Muhu could only fight his way out of the encirclement through brute force. Even if he can escape by chance, as long as the mortal army pursues him, sooner or later he will be exhausted by the opponent and become a piece of fish on the chopping board.

Tian Beixi obviously thought of the same thing and immediately cast his malicious eyes on Lin Muhu.

Lin Muhu noticed the other party's gaze, his heart trembled, and he immediately made his best choice:

Run behind you!

To be precise, Lin Muhu escaped in the direction where the Haiya Fleet was anchored!

Now Lin Muhu is surrounded by Tian Beixi's men from all directions. Only the Haiya Fleet anchored outside the coastal beach cannot be controlled by Tian Beixi. If he can escape into these fleets from Zhongzhou, Tian Beixi will be unable to do anything to him!

Seeing that Lin Muhu was about to run away, Tian Beixi called for the mortal army to surround and kill him, and at the same time transformed into a dodge light and chased after him personally.

But after chasing a few hundred meters, she had no choice but to give up.

The Yufeng Sect is indeed the best at running away in the Kyushu cultivation world. Lin Muhu's running speed is very amazing. Even if Tian Beixi controls the escape light, it will be difficult to close the distance between the two parties. If he continues to chase, he will only continue to consume what he has left. Not much aura.

There are no heavenly restraints on offshore islands, and it is very dangerous for cultivators who have exhausted their spiritual energy.

Not to mention that the mysterious power that had just killed Lin Dong in a sneak attack still left her with lingering fears. Even the soldiers of Guhong Island under her command might have different thoughts about her after discovering that she no longer had extraordinary power. Tian Beixi was not a woman like Li Qingning who was prone to passion. Seeing that the risks and benefits were not proportional, she immediately stopped trying to hunt down Lin Muhu.

At the same time, the flagship of the Sea Cliff Fleet.

Seeing the various special effects magic spells of flame, thunder, sword light, and frost erupting in the direction of the Guhong Island military camp, Han Fulai asked repeatedly: "Brother Yang, what happened in the front? Is Tian Beixi dead? ?”

Yang Lu calmly put away the Crescent Hairpin and said with a sad expression on his face: "Just now, Lin Daoyouzheng and the monks from the Wind Control Sect who suddenly appeared joined forces to besiege Tian Beixi. Although they severely injured the Shenhuo Sect demon girl, they accidentally hit the opponent's side. The treacherous plot may have already..."

"Already what?"

"I'm afraid he has unfortunately died!"

Lin Dong is dead?

A look of shock flashed across Han Fulai's face, as if he didn't expect Lin Dong, who was so awesome and coaxing, to die like this.

"What's going on with the Wind Control Sect monk you mentioned?"

"I don't know either. This person seems to have been ambushing near Tian Beixi's tent for a long time. It seems that your previous judgment was correct. It is not only the Shenhuo Sect and the Wuliang Sword Sect that intervened in the war on the outlying islands. It is a pity that this person's cultivation level is not high. , and failed to reverse the situation."

Han Fulai was silent for a moment, and then said in a faint tone: "Master Lin Xian was unfortunately killed in battle. It is indeed a regrettable thing!"

Although Han Fulai said he was sorry, looking at his expression, it was clear that there was no regret at all.

Yang Lu asked calmly: "Brother Han, what should we do next? Do I want to continue fighting this battle?"

Han Fulai stared at the Guhong Island army camp in the distance with a gloomy face, and there was a hint of chill in his tone: "Since Master Lin Xian of the Wuliang Sword Sect has died here, we can't even think about fighting this battle. No! We not only have to fight, we also have to fight with all our strength. Either we will win a big victory, or we will lose more than half of our soldiers and then be defeated. There is no third option!"

Yang Lu was not naive enough to ask Han Fulai if there was any way to deal with Tian Beixi's evil spells.

For Han Fulai, whether to win or not is a question that the Wuliang Sword Sect needs to consider, but whether to fight or not is a matter of attitude for the Haiya Sect.

If the Immortal Master Lin of the Wuliang Sword Sect were all killed, but the Haiya fleet sailed back intact, the Wuliang Sword Sect would definitely not be able to spare Han Fu Lai, not to mention that the Wuliang Sword Sect had already paid out a huge pension for those killed in battle, even if the Haiya Fleet If half of the fleet's soldiers really died, the Haiya Sect would not only not lose money, but could also make a fortune by receiving pension kickbacks.

Since we have to fight this battle regardless of whether we win or lose, does it matter if we have a way to deal with Tian Beixi?

Of course it doesn't matter!

Seeing that Han Fulai was about to give the order to command the soldiers of the Haiya Fleet to land and die, Yang Lu raised his hand to stop him.

Yang Lu has never been Lin Dong's kind of person who doesn't distinguish between priorities. When Han Fu came to see Yang Lu taking the initiative to interfere in his command behavior, he couldn't help but be a little surprised and said: "Brother Yang, what do you mean?"

Looking at the thick and gloomy cumulonimbus clouds on the horizon, Yang Lu slowly said: "Look at the weather, it seems like it's going to rain in the Outlying Islands Strait!"

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