The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 202 Determining Strategy

The outlying island area itself has an oceanic climate, and there are often intermittent rainfalls. In addition, thousands of miles of smoke waves gather water vapor from thousands of miles of nearby oceans. It is not uncommon for sudden heavy rains to occur.

Han Fulai himself was an experienced captain. He observed the shape of the clouds, raised his hand to feel the leeward direction, and then nodded and said: "According to the wind direction and the conditions of the clouds, in an hour or two, there will be a rainfall. It might start soon."

"I suggest waiting for the rain to start before attacking!"

Hearing this statement, Han Fulai frowned: "It is taboo for military officers to attack in the rain! The soil on the outlying islands is soft, and when the rain starts, the entire tidal flat will fall into mud... Since there are no outsiders here, I will tell you the truth. Well, although winning or losing this outlying island war doesn’t matter to our Haiya Department at all, we can’t make an interstate joke!”

Whether it is a cold weapon war on earth or in the world of cultivation, attacking in the rain is a very stupid strategy. It will exponentially amplify the role of defenses and exponentially reduce the mobility of the attacker.

In the most classic Battle of Agincourt in the Hundred Years' War between England and France, the French heavy cavalry and heavy infantry planned to launch an attack after the rain based on their equipment advantages. As a result, the battlefield land washed away by the heavy rain became very soft, which not only made the French charge The speed could not be increased at all, and it was very difficult to even climb over the simple wooden fence set up by the British army in the mud. However, the British archers and spearmen on the defensive side were waiting for work, condescendingly poking the French knights and heavy infantry in the mud. Can't get up.

If the Haiya Fleet fights to the death but is defeated in the end, this is called inferior skills; if the commander's random command leads to the annihilation of the entire army, then the nature of the matter becomes "one general is incompetent and a thousand troops are exhausted."

Although Lin Dong, the supervisor of the Wuliang Sword Sect, has been tricked to death, there are still 20,000 soldiers and sailors in the Haiya Fleet. These people are not blind. After the remaining soldiers are defeated and escape, the Wuliang Sword Sect will definitely investigate the battle. Reason for failure.

If it is found that Han Fulai was incompetent and deliberately ordered his army to attack in the rain and die, then even if the Haiya faction came forward, they would not be able to save him.

But Han Fulai didn't know that heavy rain was the nemesis of gunpowder!

It is precisely because attacking in the rain is very beneficial to the defender, so when the outlying island coalition launched wheel battles and tried to consume Tian Beixi's "spiritual energy reserves", they deliberately chose a dry environment suitable for attack. They never tried to launch an attack on a rainy day. This As a result, Tian Beixi's gunpowder position has never failed due to moisture, and the weakness of the gunpowder has never been discovered.

Seeing Han Fulai's confused face, Yang Lu did not explain the scientific principles of gunpowder. This kind of thing could not be explained clearly for a while, but took the initiative to ask another question: "How do we compare between the soldiers of the Haiya Fleet and the soldiers of Guhong Island?" , who has stronger fighting power?"

Han Fulai replied without hesitation: "The army on the outlying islands are just slave soldiers. They can't defeat the regular army that our Haiya City has poured out with real money and silver. If it weren't for the fact that the combat effectiveness of our Haiya soldiers was far superior to the natives on the outlying islands, this gang would have dozens of soldiers." There is no way that the outlying island lords who have thousands of native slave soldiers will get into a quarrel just because we sent 10,000 troops."

Lin Dong is dead, and Han Fu has no motive to brag.

As the saying goes, good and bad are all determined by comparison. Even though the senior officials of the Wuliang Sword Sect knew that the Haiya Department would definitely make a fortune from the outlying island war, they still entrusted the Haiya Department to organize the operation because the Haiya Department was the least bad among many choices. Although its lower limit is very low, the lower limit of other chambers of commerce is probably even lower than that of the Haiya Chamber of Commerce.

From the perspective of ordinary modern people, Haiya Fleet is terrible from top to bottom, but if you compare Haiya Fleet with outlying island warlords like Xu Tong and Shi Yi, then Haiya Fleet is definitely synonymous with advanced productivity and production relations.

Although most of the funds for the Haiya Fleet were embezzled by the Haiya Chamber of Commerce, the remaining funds that fell on ordinary soldiers still far exceeded the troops recruited from the slums by the lords of the outlying islands, not to mention the soldiers recruited by the Haiya Chamber of Commerce. He is a son of a good family, and the soldiers under the warlords of the outlying islands are poor people who have nothing to eat. If Tian Beixi's influence is not taken into account, this war is equivalent to a dimensionality-reduction attack launched by the cultivation capitalist tycoon against the mortal slave city-state.

Now there are about 20,000 people on Guhong Island, and the Haiya Fleet has 10,000 people. Although the Haiya Fleet is at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, due to the sufficient supplies of the Haiya Fleet, the soldiers are far better than the Guhong Island army in terms of morale and equipment. .

Yang Lu looked in the direction of the Guhong Island military camp and said, "If Tian Beixi's magic method fails, what are our chances of winning?"

After Han Fulai pondered for a moment, he answered honestly: "At least 50%. If the outlying island coalition forces can cooperate with our actions, the winning rate will be at least 80%! But the specific chance of winning depends on how many percent of Tian Beixi's combat strength is left. After all, Tian Beixi is also a cultivator. Even if he doesn't count the weird magic, he is still very lethal to mortals... You ask about this, is there a way to break the magic?"

Yang Lu pointed at the top of his head and gave a random reason: "Tian Beixi's magic method is to activate the power of earth fire. She is most afraid of rain. As long as we choose to attack in the rain, her magic method will not be able to take effect normally!"

In the worldview of the indigenous people in the Kyushu cultivation world, the power of earth veins is the basis of all spiritual energy.

The seven attributes of spiritual energy in the world are all derived from the power of earth veins. The spiritual stones were originally ordinary stones. It was only after being affected by the power of the earth veins seeping out of the earth vein nodes over the years that they were slowly transformed into spiritual stones. , and cultivators also need to be enlightened by earth vein nodes such as fairy stones before they can step into the threshold of cultivation.

The so-called ascension in the daytime means that the cultivator has accumulated enough power of earth veins to break through the barriers between the immortal and mortal realms. The barriers between the two realms of immortals and mortals correspond to the power of the earth veins, which is also called the power of Tiangang.

The Nine-Turn Tianshu Formation relies on activating the power of Tiangang and Earth Veins to allow low-level monks to master the power to kill late-stage Jindan monsters.

In the eyes of the people who don't know the truth, Tian Beixi relies on gunpowder to exert strength far beyond his own, which is very similar to a cultivator activating the power of Tiangang and earth veins.

After listening to Yang Lu's nonsense, Han Fulai also showed a look of realization: "So that's it, but the fire of the earth's veins can be extinguished by heavy rain. It's really unbelievable..."

"The power of cultivators to activate the earth's veins is fake from foreign objects. It is normal for there to be flaws like the Nine-turn Tianshu Formation."

When a ghost started talking about the mysticism of cultivation, Han Fulai was completely helpless to resist. Considering that Yang Lu would not make fun of his own life, he could only choose to believe: "If the heavy rain can really hinder Tian Beixi's magic, then our chances of winning are indeed not small. From the perspective of the sea cliff system, I definitely hope This battle can be completely won, after all, Lin Dong is dead. If our Haiya Sect attack suffers another major defeat, even if I escape alive, I will definitely be held accountable by the Wuliang Sword Sect."

Yang Lu nodded and said: "The Wuliang Sword Sect has always been results-oriented. If we can win this battle, then all doubts about us will be eliminated. Since we have a chance to win now, we should fight for it. Besides, , if the war starts later, we still have time to contact the outlying island coalition forces to carry out a pincer attack. Even if the Wuliang Sword Faction is held accountable, we can argue that it is not that we failed to seize the opportunity, but that the outlying island coalition forces did not cooperate with our actions in time. "

Although Yang Lu had given Han Fulai all the excuses for his failure, Han Fulai still looked a little worried: "But after Lin Dong died, Tian Beixi no longer had anyone to check and balance her. Although her spiritual power reserves are limited, if she chooses to do this to us I'm still worried about beheading... our lives may be in danger!"

"What if I have a way to deal with Tian Beixi?"

"Then I have more than 95% chance of winning, even if I attack in the rain!" Han Fulai answered decisively this time, but he quickly changed the subject and said, "It doesn't matter that you can break Tianbeixi's magic, but you How do you plan to deal with her in person?"

Yang Lu turned to look in the direction of the tidal flat and said: "Tian Beixi has gone through a hard battle, and her spiritual power has been reduced to ten percent. Although I still can't deal with Tian Beixi, there are others who can deal with her... and now they are here!"

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