The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 210 Broadcast War

The special effects of spells are far cooler than gunpowder.

Although the mortal soldiers of the Haiya Fleet have no magic power, they often see the Immortal Masters of the Haiya Sect cast spells, and they can still tell the difference between magic and magic.

After Yang Lu’s explanation, it turned out that Tian Beixi’s magic was louder than thunder, and even the magic was successfully blocked by his own immortal master. The morale of the Haiya City mercenaries was greatly boosted, and they once again shouted "Capture alive" Tian Beixi, give a gift to Master Lin" and attacked him.

In this way, Yang Lu was responsible for opening the mic to commentate, and Lin Muhu was responsible for resisting Tian Beixi's killer moves. With the tacit cooperation of the two, Tian Beixi couldn't do it even if he had all kinds of means, and he stamped his feet in anger.

Seeing that Yang Lu quickly calmed down the chaos and boosted morale by deconstructing Tian Beixi's magic, Han Fulai, who was watching the battle from behind, couldn't help but marveled: "Advisor Yang is indeed a master at manipulating people's hearts! The most important thing for a mortal to fight is The morale of the people, using the lion's roar to mobilize the fighting will of mortal soldiers, this fighting method is probably unique to Kyushu."

Yang Lu waved his hand modestly and said, "No, I'm just cheering everyone up with my magic!"

But Han Fulai shook his head and said: "Even if they use the lion's roar, others will never be able to completely change the general's morale and morale in just a few words... Capture Tian Beixi alive and give it to Chief Lin as a gift... Don't talk about those big-headed soldiers. Yeah, even I got a little excited after hearing this slogan!"

Yang Lu chuckled and didn't say much.

He would not tell Han Fulai that he actually got inspiration from the documentary about the liberation of Southwest China, but the protagonist changed from Bai Chongxi to Tian Beixi.

But Lin Muhu was not as easy to fool as Lin Dong. He immediately frowned and said: "Fellow Daoist Yang, I have experienced Tian Beixi's demonic method at close range. Its power should be more than this. Could it be that...the weakness of Tianbeixi's demonic method? Are you afraid of water?"

However, Yang Lu just replied expressionlessly: "This is the secret of the Golden Blade Sect. Fellow Daoist Lin should not ask any more questions!"

Seeing that Yang Lu was still arrogant and secretive, and even his expression did not change, Lin Muhu had no choice but to give up his attempt to talk.

And as all Tian Beixi's tricks were cracked, the balance of victory began to tilt towards the Haiya Fleet.

Realizing that his gunpowder offensive had failed and the situation was about to get out of hand, Tian Beixi did not sit still and wait for death. Instead, he decisively gave Shi Yi an order so that he no longer had to hold on to the beach position and only needed to leave a few soldiers to block the advance of the Haiya fleet. , let the large forces retreat to the open areas inland to reorganize their situation, and then rely on their numerical advantage to slowly deal with the Haiya Fleet.

It has to be said that under the unfavorable situation of the war, this is indeed the best solution for the Guhong Island army.

Although the Guhong Island army is at a disadvantage, only the forward has been suppressed and the army has not yet been defeated. If the two sides engage in a real decisive battle on the open plains, it is difficult to determine the outcome of the war.

It is true that the Haiya fleet is well-equipped, but after all, it is just a militia that has been hastily trained for a few months. If it is just facing the enemy head-on, everyone can maintain the formation and charge, but if it is a melee in an open area, the Haiya soldiers are at a disadvantage. , faced with siege from all directions, they may not be able to defeat the experienced slave soldiers of Guhong Island.

The combat effectiveness of slave soldiers on offshore islands may not be bad.

The Lishan Prisoner Army led by General Zhang Han of the Qin Dynasty was not bad at all in terms of combat effectiveness. This kind of melee tested the personal bravery and bloody spirit of the army more than discipline. This was precisely the biggest advantage of the outlying island army and the biggest advantage of the Haiya mercenaries. Disadvantages.

If Tian Beixi's plan to regroup succeeds, the Haiya mercenaries will undoubtedly face great danger.

However, retreating before battle is a taboo in cold-weapon warfare.

Seniors such as Fu Jian and Wang Mang have fully proved that a rapid retreat of the front army is likely to directly bring down the entire situation.

Seeing that the soldiers on Guhong Island began to retreat gradually, Yang Lu couldn't let go of this great opportunity. He immediately turned on the microphone and shouted: "The army on Guhong Island has been defeated. Tian Beixi is about to flee. Everyone, work harder. Don't do it." Run away that field witch!"

This kind of rogue move without martial ethics really shaken the morale of the retreating Guhong Island soldiers.

However, Tian Beixi reacted very quickly. He immediately came to imitate Yang Lu and urged the lion to shout: "Don't listen to Yang Lu's nonsense. I, Tian Beixi, did not run away! There are not many people in the Haiya fleet. Thirty thousand versus ten thousand, the advantage lies with me, as long as we retreat to the open area, the Haiya Fleet is no match for us!"

Tian Beixi's voice is sweet. From a purely anchor point of view, it is so much higher than that of Yang Lu. With the help of magic, her volume is not much lower than that of Yang Lu.

Even Yang Lu was a little surprised when he heard that Tian Beixi started to imitate him and call out "Mai".

Tian Beixi's learning ability is indeed very strong!

She unexpectedly learned the skill of shouting wheat so quickly, and also analyzed the war situation in a decent manner, and soon stabilized the military morale of Guhong Island during the retreat.

And what puzzled Yang Lu even more was that he had never met Tian Beixi, so how did she know that his name was Yang Lu?

Although he is somewhat famous in Haiya City, he shouldn't be famous as far as Huoyun State!

Yang Lu didn't know that Ji Sihan had secretly observed him, and thought that Li Qingning had betrayed his whereabouts.

After all, Li Qingning specifically told him before leaving, saying that her personal relationship with Tian Beixi was not bad (Miss Li thought so), and if the Haiya Fleet really couldn't defeat Tian Beixi, they could surrender to the opponent under her banner.

Now that he had been recognized by the other party, Yang Lu felt that Li Qingning must have greeted Tian Beixi in advance.

Even Yang Lu didn't expect that his eldest lady had such a heart-warming side, that she was willing to lower her face and beg for help for him. This inadvertent move made her really touched.

However, the Haiya Fleet has gradually gained the upper hand, and Yang Lu is not too entangled in these details.

He urged the lion's roar again and said nonsense: "Tian Yao girl, don't use your magic words to deceive the public! Our Haiya fleet has a total of nearly 20,000 people. Even if you include the dogs on your Guhong Island, you can't make up 30,000 people. There is no such thing." The so-called 30,000 vs. 10,000, not to mention that our Haiya Chamber of Commerce is far better equipped than the outlying islands. Even if we are dragged to an open area to fight, we can still beat you to a pulp!"

"That's nonsense!" Of course Tian Beixi would not admit defeat, and immediately refuted it fiercely: "The remaining 10,000 people in your Haiya fleet are all sailors. After landing, they have no combat effectiveness at all. They are all just fake people. …”

"Tian Yaonv, my eldest lady asked me to give you a message. We are all descendants of Mr. Lu. As long as you surrender honestly to the emperor...our army, we promise to leave you a decent life——"

"Daydreaming! Don't even think about humiliating me in this way!"

"This script is wrong! The eldest lady once said that you are her best friend, and she often recalls the days when she met you in Fire Cloud State!"

"Shut up and don't mention that woman Li Qingning to me!"


In this way, this cold weapon war involving tens of thousands of people actually felt like a live broadcast. The coaches of both sides didn't seem to be directing the battle at all, but instead looked like online PK between Internet celebrity anchors.

After a while, Yang Lu announced that the right wing of the Guhong Island army had been broken through. The brothers in Haiya City had done a great job. After the victory, everyone would be rewarded. After a while, Tian Beixi refuted the rumor, saying that the right wing of Guhong Island was as stable as Mount Tai. The fleet's offensive has been defeated by us. Immediately afterwards, Yang Lu announced that Shi Yi, the commander of Guhong Island, had been shot dead on the spot. Then Tian Beixi would once again refute the rumor that Shi Yi was not dead, and instead claimed that the commander-in-chief of the Haiya Fleet, Han Fulai, had been shot dead by a stray arrow.

Since the frontline soldiers did not have an overall perspective, everyone was stunned by the two at first, and even felt excited and excited by the various "good news" and "bad news" brought by Yang Lu and Tian Beixi. Frustrated, but after a long time, even the soldiers with the slowest reaction felt that something was wrong:

Obviously the total number of both sides is tens of thousands, but according to the coaches of both sides, it seems that both sides have wiped out 100,000 enemies. The right wing of the Guhong Island army alone was defeated more than 20 times in a row, and the leader of the Haiya bandit Han Fu came. He was shot seven or eight times during propaganda…

However, Tian Beixi was relatively thin-skinned to begin with, and the successive battles consumed too much spiritual energy, so she quickly lost the battle. What's more, the Haiya Fleet has a complete semaphore command system. Even if Yang Lu shouts Mai with all his strength, it will not affect Han Fu's command of the battle. However, Tian Beixi has to take into account the task of issuing combat orders while arguing with Yang Lu.

After the two sides sprayed each other in the air for a few minutes, Tian Beixi, who had exhausted his spiritual energy, could only be beaten passively.

Fortunately, Tian Beixi's efforts were not in vain. After the Guhong Island soldiers realized that their commander was still struggling to "refute the rumors," the organization finally failed to collapse. Under Shi Yi's full command, a large number of Guhong Island soldiers successfully escaped. fighting, and retreated to the open areas inland, trying to regroup and fight again.

Of course, Han Fulai understood Tian Beixi's intention and repeatedly urged the Haiya soldiers to move forward and break through the Guhong Island soldiers' defenses as soon as possible, trying to completely break up the opponent's team structure before the Guhong Island soldiers could reorganize.

However, there are a lot of obstacles in the defensive position of Guhong Island, and the soldiers of the Haiya Fleet are not only heavily armored, but also have to march in formation in the rain. The muddy ground soaked in water also greatly affects the progress of the infantry. Although the rear troops of Guhong Island The blockade is not tenacious, but it is difficult for the Haiya soldiers to complete a breakthrough in a short time.

"It's not a good idea to go on like this..."

Just when Han Fulai was feeling a little anxious, another group of troops appeared on the distant skyline!

"It seems our reinforcements have arrived!"

Looking at the sudden appearance of the army, a smile suddenly appeared on Yang Lu's face. This smile was as if the Duke of Wellington had waited for Blücher at the Waterloo battlefield.

If conditions didn't allow it, Yang Lu would have even wanted to order a steak Wellington on the spot to celebrate.

Lin Muhu obviously didn't know about the arrangements of Yang Lu and Han Fulai, so he quickly asked: "Who are these people?"

"This should be the remnants of the outlying island coalition forces!" Seeing the arrival of reinforcements, Han Fulai laughed loudly: "Before the war started, we had already written a letter asking them to attack the Guhong Island army from front to back. These guys are not far away from us in the first place. Yuan, it stands to reason that they should have arrived a long time ago. I guess they were frightened by Tian Beixi and had to see us gain an advantage before they dared to come and beat up the drowned dog!"

Yang Lu used his eagle eye technique to observe the status of the coalition forces on the outlying islands, and found that Han Fulai's judgment was basically correct.

The so-called coalition forces on the outlying islands were completely frightened paper tigers. Most of the soldiers were too timid to step forward, as if they were afraid of being blown up by Tian Beixi's gunpowder.

This kind of army, whose combat effectiveness is very questionable, is not so much here to support as to cheer up.

But it doesn’t matter. The soldiers on Guhong Island do not have the eagle eye skills and do not know the true status of the coalition forces on the outlying island. Yang Lu immediately activated the lion’s roar and broadcast the “good news” of the reinforcements from the Haiya Fleet to Gu Hong, who was fighting against the trapped beasts. island army.

Due to the considerable momentum of the coalition forces on the outlying islands, many soldiers on Guhong Island noticed this mighty force.

Through the vast curtain of rain, the Guhong Island soldiers couldn't even see clearly which troops were coming. They could only see the shadowy army appearing behind them, as if they were trying to cut off their retreat, and were about to meet the sea in front of them. The cliff fleet surrounded itself.

After discovering that their only numerical advantage was gone, and that the omnipotent Tian Xianzi was scolded by the opponent's immortal master and did not dare to say a word (actually because his spiritual energy was almost exhausted), the soldiers of Guhong Island finally despaired.

Yang Lu broke through the psychological defense line. Even with Shi Yi's full suppression, the collapse of the entire Guhong Island army was inevitable. Some grassroots officers of Guhong Island's elite troops had already begun to organize teams privately to break out in all directions.

Their idea is simple.

Nowadays, the situation on the outlying islands is chaotic. Since the situation on Guhong Island is over, if I can lead a group of people to fight out, I might be able to become a grass-head king in troubled times on the outlying islands where there is a power vacuum!

Due to the greatly increased subjective initiative of these breakout troops, they actually exploded with astonishing combat effectiveness.

The low morale of the offshore coalition forces originally planned to beat up the drowned dogs, but they never expected that these remnants of Guhong Island still had fighting capacity. The loose formation they put up to defend themselves against sorcery was quickly poked through several holes.

With the help of eagle eye skills to get an overview of the overall situation on the Haiya fleet flagship, Yang Lu saw a very funny scene. The Haiya mercenaries with the smallest number were desperately chasing after the Guhong Island rear troops who were three times as many as themselves, and Guhong The most elite troops on the island were all concentrated in the direction of the breakout, killing the largest number of outlying island coalition forces and retreating steadily. The entire battlefield suddenly became a mess.

Among the rebellious troops, Tian Beixi still did not intend to admit defeat. After discovering the morale problem of the coalition forces on the outlying islands, she decisively detonated all the gunpowder planted in the direction of the coalition forces on the outlying islands.



Several loud thunder-like noises were heard in succession from the direction of the coalition positions on the outlying islands.

Although the power of the explosion is still very unbearable, the outlying island coalition forces have been defeated by gunpowder more than ten times, and the psychological shadow of gunpowder is far deeper than that of the Sea Cliff Fleet.

Seeing the flames produced by the sorcery again, the morale of the entire outlying island coalition army was seriously shaken. Even the commander of the great lord Huang Xuan was so frightened that he began to retreat to the rear.

The coalition forces on the outlying islands that lost their flag command were suddenly in chaos, and the team that could barely maintain itself could no longer maintain it.

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