"The coalition forces on the outlying islands are vulnerable!"

Seeing that the outlying island coalition forces were about to collapse, Tian Beixi became excited again and immediately gathered his own bodyguards, preparing to attack Huang Xuan, the head coach of the outlying island coalition forces.

Tian Beixi's personal guard is a fanatic she carefully selected from the soldiers of Guhong Island. Let alone attack the coalition camp on the outlying island, even if they kill their own lord Shi Yi, these people will not blink an eye. .

Whether she was guarding Ji Sihan or conveying military orders, she relied on this private guard. It was with the power of this private guard that she was able to build her own command system and completely oust Shi Yi, the lord of Guhong Island.

Now that Tian Beixi has allowed this elite force to charge against the coalition forces on the outlying islands, he is obviously putting all his chips on the line!

Seeing Tian Beixi leading the guards to rush out, Ji Sihan, who was tied up and thrown into the tent, repeatedly stopped him. However, no one in the rebel army cared about what he, a prisoner, thought.

After it was confirmed that Tian Beixi had left, Ji Sihan, who was tied up and unable to move, was completely desperate. He could only curse in a tone of hatred: "This witch has lost her mind! Even if she puts all the chips on her, she will win in the end." , it’s just bad luck!”

In fact, Tian Beixi's gambling results are quite good.

With the addition of this elite force, the entire outlying island coalition forward was immediately killed, and it seemed like a massive defeat on the spot. It was not until the major outlying island lords put their own soldiers on top to protect the coalition's command center. It barely blocked the overwhelming advance of the Guhong Island army, but if this situation continues, it will only be a matter of time before the outlying island coalition forces are completely defeated.

At this time, the rain had gradually stopped, and the changes in the battle situation were seen by Han Fu, who was commanding the battle on the deck of the Ruicheng. He couldn't help but urged: "Advisor Yang, Master Lin, and the outlying island coalition forces have been defeated by Tian Beixi's troops. I'm so frightened by the sorcery, so I ask you two to use the lion's roar to calm down the morale of the army!"

However, Yang Lu refused this time: "It's not that I don't want to help, but my level of cultivation is not high to begin with. The lion's roar just now has consumed all my mana. Furthermore, the coalition forces on the outlying island have no control over the monsters." The fear of surgery has penetrated deep into my bones, and even a few words can’t boost my confidence. I’m afraid there’s nothing I can do!”

Lin Muhu also spread his hands and said: "I need to be prepared for Tian Beixi's sneak attack. If I waste my spiritual power rashly, if Tian Beixi himself comes to kill me, I will be unable to resist."

The explanations given by these two people are actually half-truths and half-falsehoods.

Yang Lu was indeed depleted of mana, but his mana was not consumed by the lion's roar, but was consumed during the sneak attack on Lin Dong. Otherwise, he would definitely not mind taking action again to help his die-hard interest ally Han Fulai reverse the situation.

Lin Muhu was not so much guarding against Tian Beixi as he was guarding against Yang Lu and Han Fulai. After all, Tian Beixi didn't even have the strength to shout, and he didn't look like he could launch a sneak attack.

But no matter what, the rejection attitude of the two people was already very obvious, and even if Han Fulai doubted their words, it was impossible for him to really play hard with these two cultivators.

He looked at the avalanche of outlying island coalition forces with a gloomy expression, and murmured: "The outlying island lords really can't hold up the wall with mud. If the main force of Guhong Island is allowed to fight out of this tidal flat, even if the battle is won, there will probably be consequences. It becomes a protracted war..."

Han Fulai's worries are not unreasonable.

In the era of cold weapons, it was very difficult to form an organized system to annihilate the enemy. The coalition forces on the outlying islands were defeated so many times by Tian Beixi, and they were able to gather the remnants of the defeated generals, which speaks volumes.

Now Tian Beixi has chosen a narrow tidal flat for some unknown reason. It is a good time to catch turtles in the urn. If they fail to annihilate all the enemies this time, they will inevitably fall into a tug-of-war and a war of attrition.

Although the defeated army's combat effectiveness was very poor, the mercenaries of the Sea Cliff Fleet were only marines after all. If a tug-of-war really started on land, I don't know how long it would drag on.

This is a result that Han Fulai absolutely cannot accept.

Thinking of this, Han Fu looked at the newly appointed flag bearer of the Fleet Division and ordered boldly: "All the ballistae that can still be used should be adjusted to the maximum scale. Let me aim at the flag of the outlying island alliance and fire!"

At this time, the elite troops of Guhong Island have reached the command center of the outlying island coalition forces. On both sides, there are me and me, and there are even more outlying island coalition forces.

Therefore, the flag bearer was stunned on the spot and said: "Manager Han, there are a lot of friendly troops in that direction!"

Han Fulai said fiercely: "Where are the friendly forces? Apart from blocking roads, these trash on the outlying islands have no fighting power at all. Even if they beat me hard, I will bear all the consequences!"

This was what Han Fu was talking about when he came, so the flag bearer had no choice but to pass on this tactic of beating up enemies and friendly forces.


As the sound of the crossbows breaking the wind sounded again, dozens of crossbows were fired towards the confrontation between the outlying island coalition forces and the Guhong Island army.

Because the terrain of the battlefield chosen by Tian Beixi was very dangerous, and the main force of the Guhong Island army had already pressed forward, the personnel of the two armies here were extremely dense, and the damage caused by the crossbows was extremely terrifying.

The kinetic energy carried by the ballista is no less than that of artillery shells, and it can even collapse a wooden temporary command tower. After hitting a person, the bloody scene is even more terrifying than the most R-rated horror movie Yang Lu has ever seen.

Although the actual damage caused by the crossbows was not large, after seeing twenty or thirty people around him being bombarded into bloody and indescribable existences by the crossbows, whether it was the Guhong Island army or the outlying coalition forces, both sides My mentality completely collapsed.

Since the outlying island coalition forces had little morale to begin with, the reaction on the front was that the outlying island coalition forces were retreating steadily, and the Guhong Island troops were unable to take the opportunity to launch an active attack on the outlying island coalition forces.

However, the Guhong Island army was attacked from two sides after all. Although the morale of the outlying coalition forces was low and they were unable to launch an attack, the Haiya Fleet behind them was inspired by the spirit stone coins and pressed forward step by step despite the mud on the ground. The main force of Guhong Island The space for troops to maneuver is getting smaller and smaller.

As the battlefield was continuously compressed, the soldiers on Guhongdao who had nowhere to escape finally surrendered.

Seeing the Guhong Island army disintegrating at a speed visible to the naked eye, with a large number of soldiers abandoning their weapons regardless of their superiors' orders, Han Fulai quietly concluded: "At this point in the war, Tian Beixi may be unable to recover!"

Even if Han Fulai didn't say anything, Yang Lu could see the situation clearly.

The Sea Cliff Fleet won!

However, Yang Lu did not celebrate the victory. Instead, he used his last bit of mana to activate the Eagle Eye Technique and searched desperately for Tian Beixi among the chaos.

I don't know whether it was because Tian Beixi's spiritual power was almost exhausted, or because Yang Lu's cultivation level was too low, he could no longer feel Tian Beixi's breath through his spiritual consciousness. He even seriously suspected that Tian Beixi's silence for a long time might be because she had already taken advantage of the chaos and ran away!

Noticing Yang Lu's wandering eyes, Lin Muhu said: "I can't feel Tian Beixi's aura either. I don't know if the witch ran away or was killed on the spot."

After hearing the conversation between the two cultivators, Han Fulai also interjected: "Brother Yang, although we have won this battle and have basically completed the task assigned by the Wuliang Sword Sect, as long as Tian Beixi himself is not captured, it will still be unfinished. Full credit!”

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