The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 212 The aftermath

Nowadays, the outlying islands and straits are in chaos. Although the Guhong Island army has shown signs of disintegration, even if there are 30,000 pigs, it will take several days and nights for the Haiya Fleet, a landing force of less than 10,000 people, to gather together.

In such a chaotic situation, if Tian Beixi wanted to take advantage of the chaos and escape, it would be easy.

Although Han Fulai did not make his words clear, Yang Lu also knew what he meant. He hoped that Yang Lu and Lin Muhu would personally take action to hunt down Tian Beixi and prevent this woman from running away.

In the aura desert of the outlying island, as long as someone activates the aura, it will attract attention like a lantern in the dark night. If Yang Lu and Lin Muhu can use their spiritual consciousness to track Tian Beixi's aura, they will definitely be able to do twice the result with half the effort than ordinary Haiya soldiers. .

However, Yang Lu once again rejected Han Fulai's request, and in turn persuaded: "With all due respect, seizing Tian Beixi will not do any good to our Haiya City!"

Han Fulai raised his eyebrows: "Then what Consultant Yang means..."

Yang Lu said in a meaningful tone: "Business matters are public matters, and private matters are private matters. We can't mix them up. After all, Tian Beixi is the direct disciple of Tian Daxiao, the leader of the Shenhuo Sect!"

Han Fulai understood what Yang Lu meant.

Although the Wuliang Sword Sect really wanted to capture Tian Beixi alive, neither the Qingning Chamber of Commerce nor the Haiya Chamber of Commerce had the motivation to offend the Shenhuo Sect. After all, Huoyun Prefecture is the main trading target of Haiya Chamber of Commerce, and hundreds of merchant ships berth at Yangjiang Port in Huoyun Prefecture every year.

It’s okay for everyone to just do business. If we have a personal feud, how can we carry out ocean trading business in the future?

Han Fulai couldn't refute this point of view, so he nodded and said: "Then... we won't pursue it?"

"Chase! Of course we have to chase!" Unexpectedly, Yang Lu rejected Han Fulai's proposal again, "We not only want Tian Beixi to escape, but we also want Tian Beixi to realize that it was our Haiya Department who deliberately let her go. !”

Han Fulai's eyes lit up and he quickly asked: "What are Advisor Yang going to do?"

Yang Lu glanced at the crowded battlefield and suggested: "I think we'd better not rush to let the soldiers of the Haiya Fleet capture prisoners. We should immediately deploy the fleet to block the outlying island straits. As long as we control the sea, Tian Beixi will be unable to fly."

Han Fulai looked at the soldiers of Guhong Island running like wildfire, and a trace of pain flashed across his face.

Since the Ten Thousand Miles of Smoke Formation has isolated the spiritual energy from the outside world and the Heavenly Way of Nine Provinces, even if Han Fulai leads the Haiya Fleet to act recklessly, the bosses behind the Haiya Department will not lose even half of their merit.

In other words, the most valuable resource on the outlying island at present is not the training materials, but these mortal soldiers scurrying around!

Under the constraints of the Nine Provinces of Heaven, the price of indentured slaves in the world of cultivation remains high. Many mortals would rather die than sign a selling contract. If they want to capture slaves on a large scale, cultivators must capture a large number of mortals and torture them. This kind of Operations that seriously damage merit are simply not something ordinary cultivators can afford.

However, on the outlying islands, things don't have so many scruples.

This offshore island war involving multiple forces provided excellent conditions for the mass production of indentured servants.

Han Fulai could use force to force the mortal prisoners of war on Guhong Island to sign a contract of prostitution. If the other party refused to agree, there was no need to talk nonsense, just kick him into the sea and feed the sharks.

Even if only one-third of the prisoners of war choose to surrender, the Haiya Chamber of Commerce can take advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune.

In normal times, the people on the outlying islands would not allow external cultivation forces to go to the outlying islands to capture slaves on a large scale!

But capturing prisoners is not that easy.

Not only the Haiya Fleet knows the value of the Guhong Island prisoners of war, but also the outlying island coalition forces. If the Haiya Fleet pulls anchor and sets sail to block the outlying island straits, then most of these prisoners will fall into the hands of the outlying island coalition forces. It would be extremely difficult for the Ya Fleet to hand over the prisoners to the outlying island coalition forces.

The Haiya fleet has a small number of people, and the loss of combat materials is very serious. It does not have the help of gunpowder like Tian Beixi. It is obviously beyond its capabilities to continue to use blackmail to destroy the coalition forces on the outlying islands.

Han Fulai pondered for a moment, and finally made up his mind and ordered to his left and right: "Immediately send a fleet to block the exit of the outlying island strait. If you see an unknown ship leaving, shoot off its mainmast directly, but remember not to pursue it easily!"

Upon hearing this order, the adjutant quickly asked for instructions: "If our fleet leaves, where will the captured prisoners be kept?"

Han Fulai waved his hands a little irritably and said: "I will give you five more minutes to urgently load the prisoners onto the ship. The remaining prisoners will be taken care of on the spot. If you really can't control them, forget it. The most important thing at the moment is to block the outlying islands and straits!"

Seeing the adjutant hurriedly accept the order and leave, Han Fulai seemed to suddenly think of something and asked loudly: "Where is the meeting recorder?"

The minute-taker Han Fu mentioned was the servant Lin Dong brought.

As the supervisor of the Wuliang Sword Sect, in addition to the task of beheading, Lin Dong also bears responsibilities similar to those of a Byzantine historian in the Middle Ages. He needs to personally visit the front line of combat and truthfully record every combat order issued by the commander of the Haiya Fleet. This record is also It will be used as an important reference material for the Wuliang Sword Sect to evaluate the performance of the Haiya Sect.

However, as a dignified Immortal Master of the Infinite Sword Sect, Lin Dong would definitely not do such boring writing work himself, so he found a mortal servant to record the records on his behalf, and he was only responsible for signing and confirming.

This is also the routine operation that the Wuliang Sword Sect acquiesces to.

After Lin Dong was killed in a sneak attack by Yang Lu, this unlucky recorder lost his biggest supporter. Under such circumstances, how could he dare to continue recording Han Fulai's speech? He had already hid as far away as possible. Otherwise, if Han Fulai is accidentally made angry, even if he is thrown into the sea to feed the fish, no one will speak for him.

However, Han Fulai was just about to establish his image as a great and upright person. How could he do good deeds without leaving his name behind?

He immediately sent someone to invite the unlucky recorder over, pointed at the Haiya Fleet, which was about to pull anchor again, and said: "Look, in order to complete the mission of the Wuliang Sword Sect to capture Tian Beixi alive, our Haiya Fleet even The prisoners were not even bothered to be captured, so they immediately sealed off the outlying islands and straits. You must record this kind of behavior that takes the overall situation into consideration for us!"

Han Fulai had already said this, what else could the recorder say?

Not to mention that the Haiya Fleet had indeed begun to block the outlying island straits as Han Fulai said. Even if Han Fulai told lies with his eyes open, the recorder would not dare not remember it, so he nodded quickly and said: "What Manager Han said is true, it's just Lin." The Immortal Master has unfortunately passed away, and without his signature, this memorandum probably has no practical effect!"

Han Fulai waved his hand and said, "It's better to have records than no records. Just record them truthfully!"

Seeing the recorder honestly recording the deeds of the Haiya Fleet, Yang Lu couldn't help but wonder: "The recorder is right. Without Lin Dong's signature, no one will read this meeting minutes, no matter how authentic they are. Bar!"

However, Han Fulai chuckled and explained: "Whether anyone will read it depends on where it is finally published! If this meeting minutes can be published in Xiuzhen Financial Weekly, none of the things you mentioned will be a problem!"

Hearing this statement, Yang Lu was immediately shocked and said: "Your Han family actually has connections in Cultivation Financial Weekly?"

Han Fulai just smiled and said nothing, obviously acquiescing to Yang Lu's guess.

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