After the agreement was reached, Yang Lu and Han Fulai returned to the Ruicheng without stopping and began to organize the handover of prisoners. The outlying island coalition also sent Ke Laibo, the lord of Haihong Island, to dock with them.

As the main battlefield for the Haiya Fleet and the Guhong Island Army, on the beach where the Haiya Fleet temporarily docked, both sides left at least four to five thousand corpses of dead soldiers. Although washed away by heavy rain, the bloody smell of the battlefield has dissipated. Quite a few, but the brutality of the scene was still unbearable, and from time to time you could see the bodies of dead soldiers lying around.

In the more than half a year since he came to the world of cultivation, Yang Lu has seen such a bloody scene for the first time.

Unlike Advisor Yang, who was frowning, the soldiers and sailors of the Haiya Fleet who were responsible for cleaning the battlefield all looked very motivated. They were either busy throwing the bodies of soldiers who had just searched for their belongings into the sea, or they were counting the dead soldiers. Some of the prisoners captured alive on Guhong Island were carrying the still-breathing wounded back to the ship for treatment.

Although ordinary Haiya soldiers have little knowledge, they also know that they have just won an epic victory for Master Immortal. If they can return to Haiya City safely, they will not only receive sixty yuan of spiritual stone coins as promised, but they will also receive additional rewards from the immortal masters of the Haiya Chamber of Commerce. It is not an exaggeration to describe them as reaching the sky in one step.

At this time, seeing the fleet commander Han Fulai inspecting the battlefield in person, the ordinary members of the Haiya Fleet naturally worked harder. Han Fulai did not disappoint them. He casually rewarded the most active Haiya soldiers with some small change. This small trick to win over people's hearts once again aroused bursts of cheers from the members of the Haiya fleet. And Han Fulai also frequently bowed his hands to pay tribute to the members of the Haiya Fleet, completely acting like a leader saying "Thank you for your hard work, comrades."

However, this warm and cozy scene where the officers and soldiers of the Haiya Fleet were enjoying themselves did not last long.

Among the bustling crowd, a group of Haiya soldiers wearing sackcloth and mourning suddenly rushed out.

These soldiers seemed to have come specially to see Han Fulai. When they saw the three men appearing, they rushed over carrying a coffin and shouted as they ran: "Manager Han, something bad has happened. Immortal Master Lin Dong of the Wuliang Sword Sect was killed on the battlefield. Got it!"

After hearing the reports from these soldiers, Yang Lu suddenly felt like his memory was confused.

Didn’t Lin Dong die long ago?

Why do these Haiya soldiers look like they just discovered that Lin Dong is dead?

Unexpectedly, Han Fulai's performance was even more outrageous. He staggered forward and grabbed the Haiya soldiers who came to report the news. He stared angrily and roared loudly: "What did you just say?! Master Lin Xian is dead!" Already?"

The Haiya soldier who reported the news said with a dull expression: "Master Lin Xian was brutally murdered by Tian Beixi, the chief demon of divine fire, and not even his ashes were left!"

Hearing this, Yang Lu felt even more wrong.

Lin Dong was clearly pierced through the head with his crescent hairpin and died, and his body should have fallen into Tian Beixi's tent.

Why can't even the ashes be found now?

However, Han Fulai did not question the other party's statement at all. Instead, he knelt down on the spot and said, "How could it be like this?! Master Lin Xian possessed the supreme skill of the Six-Path Sword, how could he die at the hands of that witch?"

The soldier stammered in reply: "Han... Manager Han, please forgive me. This must be because the Shenhuo Sect demon girl is too cunning!"

When Han Fulai heard this, he immediately fell to the ground and cried, tears welling up in his eyes and said: "I thought that with Lin Xianshi's method, taking Tian Beixi's life would be like searching for something, and at least I could escape unscathed, but I didn't expect that this would be the result in the end. If I had known, The last time we said goodbye, we were separated forever. How could I allow him to go to the meeting alone... Now that Immortal Master Lin has left, even though Jiuzhou is so big, I am afraid that I, Han Fu, will never hear from me again!"

Hearing Manager Han's true feelings revealed, the soldiers of the Haiya Fleet who were watching from the side were all moved.

Ke Laibo, the outlying island negotiator who accompanied Han Fulai, did not know the specific details of the battle just now.

He only knew that the Haiya Fleet defeated Tian Beixi's army, and then Han Fulai brought a Qi Refining Stage monk named Yang to negotiate with him. He did not know that Tian Beixi and Lin Dong had had a confrontation before.

Seeing that Han Fulai was as grief-stricken as his dead father, the lord of Haihong Island who came to take over the work said with a confused face: "Ahem, uh... who is this Immortal Master Lin Dong in charge of Han?"

However, Han Fulai only focused on crying on the ground and seemed not to hear the other party's questions at all.

In the end, Yang Lu replied with twitching corners of his mouth: "Fellow Daoist Lin is a monk specially sent by Wuliang Sword Sect to behead Tian Beixi. Unfortunately, Tian Yaonv is cunning and the beheading operation fell short. It seems that he has unfortunately died!"

Ke Laibo looked solemn and said: "The relationship between Master Lin and Manager Han must be very good!"

Seeing that Han Fu was crying and had no intention of answering, Yang Lu could only answer on his behalf: "Master Lin and Manager Han hit it off immediately and became close friends. He must be so heartbroken that he can't answer you now..."

Ke Laibo saw that Han Fulai was so sad, and he also stepped forward and bowed to the coffin, and said in a deep voice to comfort: "Life and death are determined by destiny, wealth and honor are in heaven. This is beyond human power. I would like to ask Han Guanshi to express his condolences."

"Many...many thanks to Island Master Ke, I just lost my temper."

After everyone took turns to persuade him, Han Fulai's mood finally calmed down.

After Ke Laibo ran to arrange the handover of prisoners, Yang Lu found an opportunity to approach Han Fulai and asked softly: "Brother Han, what show were you performing just now?"

"Have you noticed?" Han Fulai took out a handkerchief and wiped his eyes, cleaning off the onion water that had just been put into his eyes, and then replied in a low voice with red eyes. "Brother Yang doesn't know that these outlying island lords are backed by overseas cultivation forces. If something happens here, all forces will definitely inquire about the history of this war. After Ke Laibo and I acted like this, these guys will definitely Bring the news to the master behind them, so that no one will suspect that we killed Lin Dong."

Yang Lu subconsciously observed his surroundings with his peripheral vision.

After making sure that there was no wall behind his ears, he asked in a deep voice: "Brother Han, what do you mean?"

"Brother Yang, please stop acting with me!" Han Fulai seemed to have seen through Yang Lu's tricks a long time ago. He chuckled and said, "If what I expected is right, Lin Dong should have been killed by you yourself! It's just you. His hands and feet were not very clean, and the Immortal Masters of the Wuliang Sword Sect were very powerful. If his body was transported back to the Wuliang Sword Sect, clues might be discovered, so I sent someone to crush his body. The ashes were thrown into the sea!”

Yang Lu's pupils shrank slightly and said, "Brother Han, how do you know-"

Han Fulai raised his hand to interrupt him: "I'm just guessing! A direct disciple of the Wuliang Sword Sect died on an outlying island. This is not a trivial matter that can be easily fooled. As soon as the war ended, I went to check on Lin Lin Dong’s body was taken out, and all the Guhong Island soldiers who witnessed Lin Dong’s death were killed..."

"Brother Han is really good at it!"

Han Fulai chuckled and said: "Brother Yang, there is no need to be polite to me. Our Han family and the Qingning Chamber of Commerce have a mutually prosperous and mutually destructive relationship. This is what I should do."

"So...this matter has been finalized?"

Han Fulai nodded with a smile and said: "Brother Yang, don't worry, if this matter is revealed, it will do no harm to our Haiya family. As long as you and I don't say anything, this matter will never be overturned!"

Yang Lu quickly handed over his hand and thanked him, which was regarded as accepting the favor. He even couldn't help but look at Han Fulai with admiration.

Just because he broke people's bones and turned them into ashes, and still cried like that, this kind of acting is not something ordinary people can do. It's no wonder that Han Xinhe chose his mortal nephew to be the spokesman for his interests. Such scheming methods, ordinary people can't do it. The cultivators may be tricked to death by him for not knowing why.

I am afraid that no one who can prosper in Haiya City is a fuel-efficient lamp!

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