The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 219 Destocking

While Han and Yang were having a secret conversation, another Haiya Fleet scout brought news from the other side of the outlying island strait:

The Haiya Fleet blockade failed and Tian Beixi ran away!

The ship responsible for blocking that sea area is the Yuxiang, the deputy flagship of the Haiya Fleet.

Just as Yang Lu expected, Tian Beixi boarded a Huoyunzhou light merchant ship and tried to escape from the island while taking advantage of the chaos.

The Ten Thousand Miles of Smoke Formation will only prevent cultivators from entering, but it will not prevent cultivators from leaving. When a ship sails from the interior of an outlying island into the foggy sea outside an outlying island, it does not even need to be navigated. It only needs to control the ship to sail forward at will. The Wanli Yanbo Array can automatically send the ships entering the foggy sea out of the array coverage. .

As long as Tian Beixi could get into the foggy sea outside the island, he would have successfully escaped.

However, as the deputy flagship of the Haiya Fleet, the Yuxiang is far from comparable to ordinary merchant ships in terms of tonnage and speed. After discovering that Tian Beixi was trying to escape by boat, the Yuxiang immediately took advantage of its speed and quickly approached the opponent. Crossbow gunner Shen Xiaotao It lived up to expectations, destroying the main mast of the Tianbeixi ship with one shot, causing the speed of the target merchant ship to drop by 80%.

Tian Beixi tried to fight back, but the mana in his body had bottomed out.

The Huoyunzhou merchant ship only flew out a dull light blade, barely cutting down the Yuxiang's front mast, and then there was no more movement. It was this light blade that allowed the Yuxiang captain to confirm Tian Beixi The presence.

The Yuxiang has three main masts and seven or eight auxiliary sails. Cutting off one mast will not affect the speed at all.

However, Han Fulai had clearly hinted to the captain of the Yuxiang in advance that he could not really capture Tian Beixi, so the Yuxiang did not continue the pursuit. Instead, he dropped the anchor on the spot and watched the Huoyunzhou merchant ship slowly sail into the sea of ​​smoke and fog outside the outlying island. , as long as Tian Beixi's brain is not broken, he will definitely be able to tell that Haiya Fleet deliberately let her go.

After learning that Tian Beixi successfully escaped, only Shi Yi was left by the top management of Guhong Island to deal with.

This careerist who "conquered his superiors" and murdered the former lord of Guhong Island was not actually very talented, otherwise he would not have been easily ignored by Tian Beixi. In order to survive, he quickly told Han Fulai the information he knew honestly. and Yang Lu, but he knew very little about the most important black gunpowder.

Seeing that Shi Yi could no longer ask for any valuable information, Han Fulai ordered people to serve him well and well. After returning to Haiya City, he would be sent to Yangjiang Port in Huoyun Prefecture via regular merchant ships. Leave it to Tian Beixi to handle it personally.

Once the favor is sold to this point, it is almost done.

As the saying goes, stay on the front line so that we can meet each other easily in the future. In the war on the outlying islands, everyone is just doing business and doing a good job in the aftermath. From now on, the Haiya Chamber of Commerce and Huoyunzhou will still be close trading partners!

With Tian Beixi successfully escaping the blockade, the Haiya Fleet also lost the meaning of staying on the outlying islands.

Loaded with 8,000 Guhong Island prisoners of war, the Haiya Fleet set off again to Yanbo Island in the evening of the same day under the "farewell" of the outlying island coalition forces, and then transferred back to Haiyanya City from Yanbo Island.

Just as the Haiya fleet was gradually sailing out of the outlying island strait, the substitute flagman of the Ruicheng suddenly reported loudly: "Manager Han, it seems that a Huoyunzhou merchant ship has been spotted on the sea in the distance. Do you want to catch up with it? ?”

Due to the fragmented terrain of the outlying islands, the Guhong Island army also needs to improve its logistics supply system to capture the city.

Although Huoyun Prefecture did not send troops to directly intervene on the outlying islands, it did send a small number of merchant ships to provide logistical support for the Guhong Island army. The merchant ship Tian Beixi took when he fled was one of them. However, the merchant ship in front of everyone had obviously experienced a battle. The mast and deck were riddled with holes, and its sailing speed was like a turtle crawling.

The battle had ended for several hours, and it had just sailed out of the outlying island strait.

Han Fulai pointed to the main mast of the opponent's ship that had been cut off at the waist, and asked loudly: "This Huoyunzhou merchant ship has obviously been attacked by the ballistae of our Haiya Fleet. Why is it here?"

After several rounds of signaling, the flagman of Ruicheng's division reported: "Yuxiang replied that this Huoyunzhou merchant ship was the one they stopped along the way when they were chasing Tianbeixi. Yuxiang and Yufeng are asking for your instructions. How should we deal with it?”

Obviously, Tian Beixi did not break out alone just now.

She should have arranged for many Huoyunzhou merchant ships to break out together, and then each merchant ship would cover each other.

Unfortunately, the speed and firepower of the merchant ships of the Haiya Fleet far exceeded Tian Beixi's expectations. Before these merchant ships broke out, the Yuxiang and Yufeng used their speed advantage and crossbow firepower to push the scattered Huoyunzhou merchant ships one after another. stop.

Han Fulai pondered for a moment, and then gave the order decisively: "Send the order, fire a volley of crossbows, and sink it on the spot!"

The flag bearer thought he had heard wrong and confirmed again: "Manager Han, the target merchant ship has completely lost its combat effectiveness. According to the observation of the lookout, there are not even a few living people on the target ship!"

Han Fulai's expression darkened and he sternly reprimanded: "Destroy the Huoyun State forces that invaded the outlying islands. This is the highest order of the Wuliang Sword Sect! Send the order immediately and sink it with a ballistae... This is an order!"

Seeing Han Fulai's unkind tone, the flag bearer did not dare to ask any more questions, and quickly issued a flag message to all members of the Haiya Fleet:

Ballista volley!

After receiving Ruicheng's "ballista salvo" signal, all the ships in the Haiya Fleet were greatly surprised.

In order to force the Huoyunzhou light merchant ship in front of it to stop as soon as possible, the Yuxiang almost plowed its surface with a ballistae. Not only did it smash the side of the merchant ship into a sieve, but even the crew members were not even left alive. .

Now Han Fulai ordered to continue firing volleys of crossbows. What does this mean?

Isn't this corpse whipping?

Shen Xiaotao, who was controlling the ballista of the Yuxiang, saw the Ruicheng next door firing the ballistae signal three times in a row. He was also a little confused and said: "Team leader Qin, this Huoyunzhou merchant ship is already a ghost ship. Why are we still there?" Want to keep shooting?"

However, Team Leader Qin hit him hard on the head and cursed: "Didn't you listen to what Manager Han just said? Don't let go of a remnant of Huoyun State. Let's just beat him up quickly. Where did you get so many?" question?"

But Shen Xiaotao didn't buy it easily: "The captain just asked us to deliberately let Tian Beixi go. Why is Manager Han trying to kill a rickety ship now? The loss of our crossbows is not cheap, let alone if the crossbow is damaged The mechanical mechanism itself is very expensive to maintain..."

After getting along for a long time, Team Leader Qin also knew that Shen Xiaotao was a person who wanted to get to the bottom of things.

Considering that this boy was very respectful to me along the way, not only did he not expose his corruption tricks, but he also gave himself the huge credit for forcing Tian Beixi to stop and take the ship, so that he could be promoted to the third officer of the Yuxiang. Team leader Qin couldn't get angry with Shen Xiaotao, so he patiently said: "Do you think that just because this kid is smart, everyone else is stupid? In my opinion, Manager Han is not afraid of spending money at all. I’m afraid we won’t spend enough money!”

Shen Xiaotao said in astonishment: "Why is Manager Han worried that we don't spend enough money?"

Team Leader Qin sneered: "The Haiya City arms business is handled by the Han family. The more ordnance we lose, the more replenishment orders the Han family will receive after the war. If it were before the war started, Manager Han might still He was worried that the combat supplies would not be enough, but after the battle, Manager Han would be worried that the combat supplies would not be used up!”

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