The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 220 Leaving

After hearing the team leader's explanation, Shen Xiaotao suddenly understood.

"Not letting go of a remnant of Huoyun State" is a high-sounding excuse!

Manager Han's purpose is to consume the remaining combat supplies as much as possible, so that he can go back to the Haiya Chamber of Commerce for reimbursement. The Huoyunzhou merchant ship in front of him is just an excuse for Han Fu to stock up!

Thinking of this, Shen Xiaotao was speechless.

Now that the leaders have spoken, let’s just be soldiers and be done with it!

Following the decisive battle in the Outlying Island Strait a few hours ago, the Haiya Fleet once again launched a volley of crossbows at the Huoyunzhou merchant ship, just like a military exercise. Under the turns of dozens of crossbow cannons, the entire deck of the merchant ship was destroyed. It was completely overturned, the sides were penetrated by several ballistas, and sea water began to pour into the interior of the hull.

After being bombarded by crossbows from more than 20 giant ships, the dilapidated Huoyunzhou merchant ship soon became unable to withstand it. The hull of the entire merchant ship began to tilt significantly to the side, and it was only a matter of time before it sank.

At this moment, with the help of the eagle eye technique, Yang Lu clearly saw a large white flag hanging from the remaining mizzen mast of the ship.

The lookout on the Ruicheng also immediately reported: "Manager Han, the other party seems to be willing to surrender!"

"You must have read it wrong!" Han Fulai flatly denied the intelligence brought by the lookout without even looking at the merchant ship on the other side, and said decisively on the spot: "I think the other party is clearly going to fight to the end and continue shooting without my order." Don’t stop!”

Faced with the behavior of their boss openly calling a deer a horse, the lookouts and flag bearers did not dare to refute.

These two people are both senior crew members of the Ruicheng, and no one who can achieve this position is a fool. They know very well that if they refute Han Fulai at this time, it will be their turn to go to the sea to feed the fish.

Therefore, the semaphore displayed by the Ruicheng remained unchanged:

Keep shooting!

The indiscriminate bombardment of the ballistae lasted for more than ten minutes. It was not until the Huoyunzhou merchant ship was completely sunk that Han Fulai reluctantly expressed that thanks to everyone's joint efforts, the remnants of the Huoyunzhou were not allowed to escape in the end.

The continuous and indiscriminate bombing also depleted the inventory of ammunition of the Haiya Fleet. Even the most valuable parts of the crossbow, the crossbow strings made from the sinews and bones of monsters in the Tianshu Mountains, were abruptly broken several times. . According to Team Leader Qin, the Huoyunzhou merchant ship was blown up and sunk by Han Fulai with tens of thousands of spirit stone coins, so it was considered a worthy death.

At this point, the Island Battle finally ended successfully.

Three days later, the Haiya Fleet arrived at Yanbo Island and completed the previously agreed deal with Xu Tong.

Everyone did not stop and sailed directly from Yanbo Island into the sea fog area on the outskirts of the island. After a few hours of sailing, the sky full of sea fog suddenly opened up, and Yang Lu once again felt the long-lost aura environment through his spiritual consciousness.

Yang Lu felt okay, while Lin Muhu, a monk from the Wind Control Sect on the same boat, felt obviously relieved.

For the indigenous cultivators in the Kyushu cultivation world, the existence of the Kyushu Heavenly Way and the aura environment is as natural as the sun rising in the east and setting in the west.

Both cultivators and mortals have become accustomed to the shelter provided by the Heavenly Dao of Kyushu. Living on an outlying island without the protection of Heavenly Dao, we always have the insecurity of someone trying to kill us at any time; and without the aura environment, it is difficult for cultivators It's as unnatural as missing an arm.

After a little meditation to restore some mana, Lin Muhu raised his hand and shot a spell signal into the sky.

As the magic fireworks exploded, there was a sudden burst of vast spiritual energy fluctuations in the distant sky, and then a flying spirit boat the size of a private yacht was approaching at lightning speed towards the Haiya Fleet flagship Ruicheng.

Noticing Yang Lu's questioning gaze, Lin Muhu clasped his fists and said: "The crisis on the outlying island happened suddenly, and the Yufeng Sect was nearly 200,000 miles away from the island. I had to take the ancestor's flying spirit boat to arrive in time. This For this operation to be a great success, I would like to thank you Daoyou Yang and Manager Han for their generous help!"

Looking at the flying spirit boat heading straight towards Lin Muhu, Yang Lu said thoughtfully: "Fellow Daoist Lin, are you ready to say goodbye?"

"That's right, but we will see you again soon!" Noticing that Yang Lu was slightly surprised, Lin Muhu quickly added, "I don't mean anything else. I just saw that Fellow Daoist Yang is a disciple of Xingchang Li and has already cultivated to the level at a young age. In the early stage of Qi refining, I think I won’t miss the extraterritorial battlefield trial seven months later!”

Yang Lu quickly waved his hand and said: "I will survive a narrow escape in the foreign battlefield. According to my current cultivation progress, I will only be able to practice to the middle stage of Qi Refining at most. Although I have reached the minimum trial threshold, it is still not suitable for adventure in the foreign battlefield!"

"This is a bit of a pity!" Lin Muhu smacked his lips with regret, and couldn't help but persuade, "Although the battlefield outside the territory is dangerous, it is also a great opportunity for cultivators like us who are not from aristocratic families to stand up and counterattack. It is said that Senior Xiao Huang, the ascended immortal of your noble sect, killed three golden wheels of merit in the battlefield outside the territory. It is an unprecedented myth in the battlefield outside the territory. If you miss this opportunity, you will have wasted five years again!"

The battlefield outside the territory is the ancient battlefield where the ancient immortals and demons fought. It is also known as the most dangerous place in Kyushu.

Killing people on battlefields outside the territory not only does not result in loss of merit, but actually increases merit. It can be called the ultimate shortcut for cultivators to kill people, seize treasures, and change their fate against the will of heaven.

According to the Heavenly Dao Convention jointly signed by the seven sects of the Kyushu cultivation world, cultivators in the Qi Refining Stage must participate in foreign battlefields before they can advance to the Foundation Establishment Stage. Otherwise, a large amount of merit will be deducted due to breach of contract. This is why Li Qingning has stayed in the Great Perfection State of Qi Refining. In two years, I have not continued to break through to a higher level.

Yang Lu even once highly suspected that the so-called seven sects' extraterritorial battlefield convention was essentially a special means used by high-level cultivators to control the total number of low-level cultivators and prevent cultivators from excessive involution.

This speculation is not without basis. President Lu Yang once mentioned in his memoir "The Beginning and End of the Third Lingshi Financial Crisis" that during the climax of the third Lingshi Financial Crisis, Tian Shangcheng, who was the head of the Shenhuo Sect at the time, even It is proposed to amend this extraterritorial battlefield convention to force every cultivator in the Qi Refining Stage to participate in at least two consecutive extraterritorial battlefield trials. He wants to reduce the pressure on the redemption of spirit stone coupons by violently reducing the total cultivator population.

Although the proposal was jointly rejected by the other six sects because it was too crazy, President Lu Yang also pointed out that if he had not proposed a better "Lingshi Reserve Bank Plan", Tian Shangcheng's plan might not have been passed, at least it It is more reliable than the plan proposed by Yi Yuanzu, the head of the Yufeng Sect at that time, to tax all high-level cultivators to subsidize low-level cultivators. This "Yi Yuanzu Plan" of attacking local tyrants and dividing their land was even rejected in the preparation stage. .

Precisely because the battlefield outside the territory was too dangerous, Yang Lu always felt that he should practice for a few more years like Li Qingning before considering signing up.

Seeing that Yang Lu had made up his mind, Lin Muhu stopped trying to persuade him.

He stood up and jumped onto the oncoming Wind Yu Faction Flying Spirit Boat.

This flying spirit boat should be personally controlled by monks above the foundation-building stage of the Wind Control Sect. In an instant, it turned into a cyan rainbow and disappeared into the southeastern skyline.

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