The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 222 Xi Jinhu

Less than a hundred miles away from the headquarters of Wuliang Sword Sect, there is a large city called Yunlai City.

The city is located at the end of the Wuliang Mountains and at the uppermost reaches of the main channel of the Qinglan River, the largest river in Zhongzhou. By taking a boat down the river, you can enter the Eastern Ocean through Haiya City. The terrain here is flat and the transportation is convenient. As the nearest big city to the headquarters of the Wuliang Sword Sect, it is responsible for most of the logistics support work of the Wuliang Sword Sect.

In addition, there is another very special place in Yunlai City:

There is no local sect in this city!

The administrative work of Yunlai City is entirely responsible for the branch office of Wuliang Sword Sect. Therefore, Yunlai City is also considered to be a city directly under the jurisdiction of Wuliang Sword Sect. Yunlaifang City, located at the core of the city, is not only the largest city in Zhongzhou Xiuzhenfang City also has many well-known large-scale chambers of commerce, financial institutions, and even international organizations from Kyushu.

The famous Zhongzhou editorial office of Xiuzhen Financial Weekly is located in a prime location in Yunlaifang City.

As the newspaper with the largest circulation in the world of cultivation in Kyushu, "Cultivation Financial Daily" can be called the uncrowned king of public opinion. It can not only influence social conditions and public opinion, but the news it publishes can even cause violent fluctuations in commodity prices. Even the Wuliang Sword Sect and Lingshi The Reserve Bank attaches great importance to communication with "Xu Zhen Financial Weekly".

Although "Xiu Zhen Financial Weekly" is nominally issued by Pan's Trading Company, Pan's Trading Company only has the right to distribute dividends. The actual operation of "Xu Zhen Financial Weekly" is handled by several full-time editors. This kind of detached independence is also the basis of "Xiu Zhen Financial Weekly" that year. The rules were set by Lu Yang, the founder of Financial Weekly, and Pan Heng, the former Supreme Elder of the Wuliang Sword Sect.

However, rules are dead, but people are alive.

Similar to the dilemma faced by Lingshi Reserve Bank, because the interests involved in "Xu Zhen Financial Weekly" are too huge, various forces have never given up infiltrating the editorial department of "Xu Zhen Financial Weekly".

Today’s Xiuzhen Financial Weekly can no longer be called an objective and neutral financial media.

Although the "Xiu Zhen Financial Weekly" has become crooked, and several chief editors have gradually been recruited by various parties, the ancestral law set by President Lu cannot be ignored. Therefore, the eight editors-in-chief of Xiu Zhen Financial Weekly stationed across Kyushu still hold great power, and they are also big figures that all forces need to curry favor with.

As one of the eight chief editors of the "Cultivation Financial Weekly", Xi Jinhu, an early Jindan monk whose ancestral home is Haiya City, is mainly responsible for publishing news releases about the cultivation world in Zhongzhou.

Zhongzhou cultivators who want to appear in the "Cultivation Financial Weekly" must first pass Xi Jinhu's test.

Xi Jinhu looks like an ordinary man of medium build, with greasy hair that looks like he hasn't been washed for half a month. He's not ugly, but he always has a rustic look, like a lumpy potato just dug out of the soil. The hanging triangular eyes are very charming, giving people a sense of sharpness and smoothness that is inconsistent with the face.

But the most eye-catching thing about Xi Jinhu is not his appearance.

No matter where Xi Jinhu goes, he always holds an ordinary native dog in his arms, looking like Marlon Brando in "The Godfather" who always holds a cat.

This dog does not have any monster blood. It is said that Chief Editor Xi has kept it at home for generations. It has a history of hundreds of years. I don’t know why Chief Editor Xi loves it so much.

Xi Jinhu has been the editor-in-chief of "Xiu Zhen Financial Weekly" for nearly a hundred years. With his versatile skills, Xi Jinhu has been able to win over all the major forces in Zhongzhou, and even people in the world have written poems praising:

When he is three hundred years old, he has the capacity to support thousands of people;

He is six feet tall and speaks volumes equal to those in the world.

His eyes are bright and his gaze never turns left or right;

The warehouse is full, and the allusions are from ancient times to the present.

The pen falls in the wind and rain, but the carving does not let Elder Luo;

The poem refers to ghosts and gods, and their pertinent names are spread throughout the country.

As the next issue of Xiuzhen Financial Weekly is about to be published, the Zhongzhou editorial department has become busy.

On this day, as usual, Xi Jinhu came to his editor-in-chief's office with the native dog named "Frisbee" in his arms. However, before his buttocks got hot, a small editor came over there holding a stack of manuscripts to ask for instructions. Said: "Editor-in-Chief, according to the request of Lingshi Reserve Bank, we should publish a special report exposing the shady story of Luo's Commercial Bank in the next issue."

Xi Jinhu carefully placed his pet dog and said in a rather impatient tone: "Just send it out. Can we still reject President Li's manuscript? Don't ask for permission specifically for this kind of thing in the future!"

Seeing Xi Jinhu's indifferent expression, the young editor said anxiously: "Editor-in-Chief, the Wuliang Sword Sect also has clear requirements that all matters involving Zhongzhou need to be publicized positively. But the shady story of Luo's Trading Company, no matter what, The publicity must be negative. Now we have to choose between the Lingshi Reserve Bank and the Infinite Sword Sect!"

Xi Jinhu took the manuscript and glanced at it twice, then sneered and threw it back.

"Your thinking is too rigid!" Xi Jinhu scolded him all over his face, which made the editor tremble all over. Then he explained, "Although the shady story of Luo's Trading Company is a bad thing, you can completely sublimate the theme and turn a bad thing into a good thing! "

"A bad thing turned into a good thing?" The young editor was still relatively ignorant and obviously failed to understand the profound meaning of Chief Editor Xi.

Xi Jinhu explained in a tone that hates iron but cannot be made into steel: "Is this difficult? For example, in the end, you can say that although the problems of Luo's Trading Company are huge, the senior officials of Wuliang Sword Sect are still wise, otherwise they would not be able to take the initiative to expose the problems. Zhongzhou may not be perfect yet, but this requires everyone to work harder to build Zhongzhou; if you feel that the current society in Zhongzhou is dark, then you must start by being yourself, instead of blindly attacking the Wuliang Sword Sect; Zhongzhou is what you are. In this way, if you are bright, Zhongzhou will never be dark!"

"If you are bright, Zhongzhou will never be dark..."

The young editor repeated Editor Xi's golden words and couldn't help showing admiration: "As expected of Editor Xi, the quality of this writing is so high! In this way, we can expose the existence of the problem without damaging the positive image of the Infinite Sword Sect."

"These are all the basic skills of being an editor!" Hearing the praise from his subordinates, Xi Jinhu's tone also became a bit complacent, "Didn't I tell you the last time there was a beast disaster in Tianshu City? Write a news report Don't focus on the beast disaster itself, but try to focus on the theme, 'If there were no cultivators, mortals would have been eaten by monsters long ago.' You see, after Elder Cheng Shuying saw our report, didn't he praise us specifically? The professional level of the Zhongzhou editorial department of Xiuzhen Financial Weekly is high!"

The young editor simply admired his boss's professional skills.

The same thing, interpreted from different angles, can give people completely opposite feelings in the end.

This is the art of language!

Under Editor-in-Chief's encouraging gaze, the young editor had an idea flash in his mind and came up with a good idea: "By the way, I remember not long ago, didn't we just send monks to the Eastern Barren State to check on the situation of their civil war? When we expose the problems of Luo's Trading Company, we can also publish more news about the civil strife in Eastern Barren State, and then say that there may be many problems in Zhongzhou, but compared to the mortals of Eastern Barren State who are in dire straits, we mortals in Zhongzhou are too happy."

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