The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 223 Requesting a Draft

Seeing that his subordinates had learned to draw inferences from one example, Xi Jinhu finally showed a satisfied smile.

He encouraged in a childlike tone: "You have to remember, the key to "Xu Zhen Financial Weekly" is not to offend anyone, not to cause trouble to the Wuliang Sword Sect, to do more things like carrying the sedan chair, and not to tear others down. matter."

After being reminded by Chief Editor Xi personally, the young editor nodded heavily and said sincerely: "Chief Editor Xi, I remember it!"

Seeing that the young editor had fully understood what he meant, Xi Jinhu waved him away.

After the young editor left, Chief Editor Xi was just about to feed the dog some spiritual rice sent from various sects. Before he could take action, he was interrupted by a flying sword passing a message from afar.

This flying sword came from the southeast and landed firmly on Xi Jinhu's desk.

This flying sword transmission did not carry any letters, but directly left an envelope with a bulging interior. Xi Jinhu knew without looking at it that it must be filled with spirit stone coins.

Xi Jinhu casually placed the envelope on the table, then lightly tapped the flying sword, and the flying sword automatically returned to its original path.

Watching the flying sword disappear into the sky, Xi Jinhu sighed softly and said: "This is Han Xinhe's natal flying sword. It seems that he has some trouble again, and I need to deal with it personally..."

Sure enough, soon another young editor came up to report: "Editor-in-Chief, I just received an encrypted communication spell. It should be that we want us to add an exclusive interview article temporarily!"

Xi Jinhu didn't even raise his eyelids and asked directly: "Who handed the note this time?"

The young editor used a soundproof spell and carefully reported the report: "It's Elder Han Xinhe of the Haiya Sect!"

Xi Jinhu showed an expression of surprise.

Few people know that as early as the founding of Xiu Zhen Financial Weekly, the Han family in Haiya City had placed people on the editorial board of Xiu Zhen Financial Weekly through the relationship between Xu Yannan’s ancestor Xu Xihong.

Although Xu Yannan's great-great-great-grandfather was only a low-grade spiritual monk, he was President Lu Yang's lifelong friend.

Xu Xihong not only met President Lu at a young age, but also had a life-long friendship with President Li Qingyang. This is why Li Qingyang chose Xu Xihong's descendants as the successors to his mantle.

Xi Jinhu was born in the Yunlai City Xi family, which was also a family that settled in Haiya City in his early years. He was related by marriage to the Han family in Haiya City for generations. At that time, when "Xiu Zhen Financial Weekly" was being founded, the ancestors of the Han family recommended the writing style to Xu Xihong. The great ancestor of the Xi family served as the chief editor of the Zhongzhou editorial department, and from then on the Xi family began to settle in Yunlaicheng.

Despite this, the Xi family will still let some family members with poor cultivation qualifications join the Haiya sect to make a living.

Since the Xi family has worked for "Xiu Zhen Financial Weekly" for generations, coupled with the financial support of the Han family in Shanghai Yacheng, the Xi family has long maintained a strong influence in the Zhongzhou editorial department of "Xiu Zhen Financial Weekly".

This generation of Xijiajia Chairman Jin Hu is even more talented. Not only did he become a member of the Wuliang Sword Sect, he also became a great monk of the Golden Core Stage, and was naturally elected as the latest editor-in-chief of the Zhongzhou Editorial Department.

As the saying goes, it takes a thousand days to raise an army, but it takes only a moment to deploy it.

Han Xinhe, his most important supporter, suddenly handed over a note, and Xi Jinhu wanted to reciprocate the favor no matter what.

"Turn over the communication spell!"

After hearing Xi Jinhu's instructions, the young editor spread out his clenched right hand, and a communication spell penetrated Xi Jinhu's body.

"Han Xinhe has a good nephew!" Xi Jinhu closed his eyes and pondered for a moment, digesting the information in the communication spell, and then slowly said: "Since Elder Han wrote the letter and asked for the manuscript, I will polish this article myself. Xiao Xie, after I finish polishing the article, you can quickly type it into the latest issue of "Xiu Zhen Financial Weekly" that will be printed tonight."

The young editor quickly asked for instructions: "Editor-in-Chief, have we done too much urgent typesetting recently? Especially the article last time by Elder Fei Fan of the Mountain Eagle Sect, "Under the strong leadership of the senior leaders of the Mountain Eagle Sect, the stability of Tianshu City We had already helped to get the manuscript for publication "An Animal Disaster Once in a Thousand Years", but as a result, the Mountain Eagle Faction had to urgently withdraw the manuscript. If we had not acted in time, the flattering article praising virtues would have almost caused trouble. There was an interstate joke.”

Xi Jinhu's face turned a little ugly when he mentioned the invitation from Elder Fei Fan of the Mountain Eagle Sect.

Although the Shan Ying Faction and the Haiya Faction are feuding, Xi Jinhu’s political ally is not the Haiya Faction, but the Han family of Haiya City, and the person who came to make an appointment was not Chen Ming, the head of the Shan Ying Faction, but Shan Ying Faction. Fei Fan, the elder of the Eagle Faction Law Enforcement Hall, Fei Fan and Han Xinhe, as the second in command of the Mountain Eagle Faction and the third in command of the Haiya Faction, actually have no conflict of interest.

Considering that Fei Fan's flattering article was mainly used to praise himself rather than the Mountain Eagles, Xi Jinhu believed that helping Elder Fei publish this article would not offend Han Xinhe.

Of course, these are secondary reasons.

The main reason is that Elder Fei gave too much!

In order to publish this article, Elder Fei gave him a total of 48,800 yuan in spiritual stone coins. Although I don’t know why Elder Fei didn’t just round up the whole amount, this huge sum of money was used to publish this article. Apart from the sense of existence, flattery articles without any practical significance are more than enough. Xi Jinhu only thought that Elder Fei was just trying to get a lucky number.

But this flattery article almost caused a major news incident.

Due to a series of mysterious operations by Elder Fei and the Shanying sect, Tianshu City was actually rampaged by an early-stage golden elixir monster, causing the "Tianshu City Incident" that shocked Kyushu. If it weren't for Chen Ming who was meeting outside If the leader rushes back in time, I am afraid that the Seven Thousand Years Mountain Eagle Sect will be destroyed. If the Zhongzhou Edition of "Xu Zhen Financial Weekly" publishes the article praising Elder Fei as scheduled, he, Xi Jinhu, will probably become a celebrity in the Kyushu press on the spot. The number one fun guy.

Although they finally intercepted those newspapers in time before they were officially published, "Xiu Zhen Financial Weekly" has always had an industry tradition of sending "advance editions" to senior executives of the seven major factions and the president of the Lingshi Reserve Bank. Some great monks at the Golden Core stage or even the Nascent Soul stage who had nothing to do accidentally read the article in advance.

As the top person in charge of the Zhongzhou editorial department of Xiu Zhen Financial Weekly, Xi Jinhu was held accountable by the Wuliang Sword Sect for this.

Every time he recalled this incident, Xi Jinhu was so angry that his teeth itched.

If Chen Minghui, the leader of the Mountain Eagle Sect, hadn't come forward and proactively handed him a red envelope of 78,800 yuan in spiritual stone coins afterwards, he would have already put the entire Mountain Eagle Sect on the blacklist of "Xu Zhen Financial Weekly" .

As for why Chen Ming was short of 1,200 yuan in spiritual stone coins and failed to round up the red envelope, Xi Jinhu could only understand it as a special local custom in Tianshu City. Maybe the number "eight" is auspicious in Tianshu City. What about numbers?

Precisely because it almost caused a major accident, the Zhongzhou Editorial Department of Xiu Zhen Financial Weekly has been very cautious in accepting manuscript requests recently.

However, the alliance between the Xi family in Yunlai City and the Han family in Haiya City can be regarded as a little secret about Xi Jinhu. Not many people in Zhongzhou know about it. Even the young editor Xie Yu who is reporting to him does not know. This relationship.

He thought that Han Xinhe, like Fei Fan, was just an ordinary backdoor who gave Editor Xi a red envelope!

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