The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 224 Issues of Principle

Seeing that Xi Jinhu was silent for a long time, the young editor Xie Yu quickly asked for instructions: "Editor Xi, look..."

Xi Jinhu did not explain too much, but simply gave instructions: "The nephew of Elder Han of the Haiya Sect has made great contributions to the Wuliang Sword Sect on the outlying island. This matter has been confirmed by the Huoyunzhou Editorial Department, and even the Shenhuo Sect is unwilling to accept it. Media interview. According to normal procedures, this article must be published in the newspaper immediately!"

Although Xi Jinhu had made the final decision, Xie Yu was still hesitant.

He said in a somewhat hesitant tone: "Editor-in-chief, even if this manuscript is indeed true, we can't arrange for urgent typesetting. Since the last Oolong incident in Tianshu City, the Law Enforcement Hall of the Infinite Sword Sect has The risks caused by expedited typesetting have been listed as the key rectification issues of Xiuzhen Financial Weekly this year, and we have all signed a compliance commitment..."

As a subordinate, Xie Yu couldn't speak clearly.

In fact, what he really wanted to say was that the Wuliang Sword Sect did not prohibit Xiuzhen Financial Weekly from arranging expedited typesetting, but rather prohibited them from accepting other people's money to arrange expedited typesetting. At this juncture, if they continue to collect money from the Haiya Clan to arrange for expedited typesetting, they are undoubtedly committing crimes against the law enforcement hall's intentions.

However, Xi Jinhu laughed.

Just when Xie Yu was confused, Xi Jinhu slowly stopped laughing and said meaningfully: "Xiao Xie, do you know the meaning of the existence of our Xiuzhen Financial Weekly?"

It was obvious that a young editor like Xie Yu couldn't answer such a macro question, so he had to ask for advice honestly: "I would also like to ask Chief Editor Xi to give me some advice!"

Xi Jinhu did not answer, but took out a Frisbee from the drawer and threw it out the window.

Then Xie Yu saw that the native dog's ears that were sleeping peacefully in Xi Jinhu's arms suddenly stood up, and then he jumped out of the window, accurately predicted the landing point of the Frisbee before it landed, and held it firmly in his mouth.

When the native dog ran back with the Frisbee in its mouth and wagging its tail, Xi Jinhu touched the dog's head and said with a smile, "Do you understand?"

Xie Yu looked confused.

"Editor-in-Chief, what do you mean?"

Xi Jinhu took the Frisbee and held the pet dog in his arms again: "Anyone who has raised a dog knows that dog owners don't care how much dog food is spent on raising a dog, as long as it can hold the Frisbee and please the owner, then The owner is willing to spend money to raise it..."

As he said that, he fed the spiritual rice given to him by the leader of a certain sect in his pocket to the native dog.

This kind of spiritual rice is very valuable. Mortals can live longer if they eat it. Each kilogram is worth dozens of spiritual stone coins. However, for the powerful Jindan monk Xi Jinhu, this kind of rice can only be used to feed dogs.

Raising his head again, Xi Jinhu continued to explain: "For native dogs, spiritual rice is undoubtedly a priceless treasure, and wasting spiritual rice is obviously a waste of natural resources; but for cultivators, spiritual rice is not a valuable object, as long as it is Our own dogs are obedient enough, and if they are spoiled, they will be spoiled. Everyone in our Yunlaichengxi family will raise dogs. Only when we see the native dogs we raise can we identify our own position and ensure that we do not make principled mistakes."

Xie Yu completely realized this time.

Whether the dog spends money or not is a matter of details, but whether the dog is obedient or not is a matter of principle. As long as no mistakes are made on matters of principle, other issues are details that can be forgiven.

So Xie Yu said sincerely: "Thank you Editor-in-Chief Xi for the pointer, I completely understand it!"

Xi Jinhu waved his hands casually and said: "So don't worry, the Wuliang Sword Sect definitely hopes that this article that slaps the Shenhuo Sect in the face will be published in the newspaper as soon as possible, and the Law Enforcement Hall will never trouble us because of this matter. Well... Elder Han submitted this article In fact, it’s already written very well, I just need to polish a few more words!”

As he spoke, Xi Jinhu used his spiritual mind to control the ink and quickly copied the revised article onto the draft paper.

Based on Han Xinhe's original manuscript, Xi Jinhu just added a few finishing touches such as "In this outlying island incident, the Shenhuo Sect can be said to have used the Fire Cloud Gold to smash itself in the foot." However, just these few sentences raised the tone of the entire article to a new level, and the young editor Xie Yu was amazed.

This is simply written like a knife, and the pen and ink are heart-piercing!

With the blessing of celestial beings, Xi Jinhu's writing speed was as fast as ten lines in one stroke. A eloquent article with a thousand words quickly appeared on the paper. The entire set of actions was completed in one go, as efficiently as a human printer.

After the article was completed, Xi Jinhu reviewed the full text again and said with a satisfied expression: "This is enough to change it. It is estimated that after the Shenhuo Sect sees this article, they will immediately have the Huoyunzhou editorial department work overtime to refute it."

The major editorial offices of Xiu Zhen Financial Weekly compile news from their respective states.

Just like the Zhongzhou Editorial Department of "Xu Zhen Financial Weekly" will wave the flag for the Wuliang Sword Sect in the Zhongzhou section, the Huoyunzhou Editorial Department of "Xuizhen Financial Weekly" will also support the Shenhuo Sect platform in the Huoyunzhou section.

Hearing what the editor-in-chief said, Xie Yu hurriedly asked: "This article is so sharp, will it offend the Huoyunzhou editorial department?"

However, Xi Jinhu laughed and said: "Everyone is his own master, and public and private matters cannot be mixed up. On the stage, everyone has to criticize each other for the master behind them, but in private, the editor-in-chief of Huoyunzhou Editorial Department is my best Friends. If we really encounter big trouble, we might have to rely on the Huoyunzhou editorial department for help..."

What big trouble can our Zhongzhou Editorial Department of Xiu Zhen Financial Weekly have and still need help from Huoyunzhou Editorial Department?

Xi Jinhu obviously meant something in his words in the end, but for the very young, simple, and sometimes naive young editor Xie Yu, he really did not understand what Xi Jinhu meant.

However, Xi Jinhu had no intention of explaining and threw the manuscript back.

"Okay, you go and do things quickly!"

After receiving the expulsion order, Xie Yu immediately picked up Xi Jinhu's article and stood up to leave, preparing to rush to typesetting.

Just as Xie Yu's figure disappeared at the door of the office, another figure appeared outside Xi Jinhu's office again: "Editor Xi, do you still need me to clean your office today?"

Seeing that the editor-in-chief's office had been trampled by his own dog, Xi Jinhu casually ordered the honest janitor of the editorial department: "You came just in time, I was just about to go out to buy some dog food, so you can help me clean up the house a little bit." Bar!"

With Xi Jinhu's permission, the mortal cleaner carefully walked in with tools.

According to rumors, keeping the environment clean seems to promote the improvement of merit, but mortals cannot accumulate merit, so the heavenly merit generated by the mortal cleaner's cleaning will also be recorded on the head of the cultivator who hires him.

In fact, a cultivator can complete a small task like cleaning with just a raise of his hand. The efficiency is definitely more than ten times higher than that of a mortal cleaner. However, a cultivator's time is also dozens of times more valuable than that of a mortal. Therefore, such things as cleaning, Cultivators are very happy to leave it to mortals to do it, and they can also reflect their status as a master.

After Xi Jinhu finished giving the instructions, without even looking at the humble mortal cleaner, he went to the downtown area of ​​Yunlaicheng with his hands behind his back, preparing to buy a few more kilograms of spiritual rice to use as dog food for his local dog "Frisbee".

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