The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 225 Arresting People (Part 1)

This is not the first time that Xi Jinhu has gone out to buy dog ​​food for his pets.

After all, local sects don’t give gifts all the time, but my own dog has to eat every day.

Even the owner of the Xiuzhen shop that sells spiritual rice knows that the editor-in-chief of Xiuzhen Financial Weekly buys spiritual rice dog food for his dog from time to time, and has already prepared the goods for him in advance.

"These local sects are too ignorant. No one has taken the initiative to send me spiritual rice for several months. It seems that we need to hammer these guys to let them know that they can't wait until they need me to think of giving gifts..."

While complaining that the local sect was too snobbish, Xi Jinhu quickly bought what he wanted.

Special food for cultivators worth several hundred yuan of spiritual stone coins is enough for Shantang to feed dozens of ordinary mortals. However, for Xi Jinhu, a great monk in the Golden Core stage, these spiritual stone coins can only feed his own native dog.

This is the class difference in the world of cultivation!

When Xi Jinhu returned to the office with the local dog "Frisbee" in his arms, his office had been tidied up, and the floor that had been trampled on stolen goods had been completely renewed.

The editor-in-chief looked at Ji Xiangde, the old cleaner who had served him for many years, nodded with satisfaction and said: "Not bad, you understand what I mean, the cleaning was very good this time!"

After receiving the personal praise from the golden elixir-level monk, Ji Xiangde immediately showed a flattering smile and said: "Editor-in-Chief Xi, you are too complimentary. As long as we mortals can provide you with a little help, we will be lucky!"

Xi Jinhu waved his hand casually and said: "I don't praise ordinary people casually. Some time ago, you asked for leave and went back to Haiya City. The new cleaner didn't understand my thoughts at all and made my office a mess. Many things were not where they were before. The position makes it very uncomfortable for me to use, which makes me feel irritable when reviewing manuscripts. It’s not until you return to work that your life is back on track. With this guy, you don’t even know where each pen should be placed. It’s very clear!”

Ji Xiangde, like Xi Jinhu, was born in Haiya City.

It was precisely because of their relationship as fellow Haiya City fellows that Xi Jinhu kept Ji Xiangde by his side.

Ji Xiangde smiled sheepishly and said, "This is the result of Editor-in-Chief Xi's years of education!"

Xi Jinhu still had a good impression of this cleaner who had served him for more than 20 years, so he asked a few more questions today: "I remember that the last time you asked for leave, it was because someone in your family was tested for spiritual talent. ?”

Ji Xiangde also didn't expect that Xi Jinhu, a golden elixir-level boss, would actually ask about his family's affairs. He was surprised and said: "I didn't expect you to even remember such a thing! Yes, my granddaughter did get promoted to Haiya last year." The Fairy Assembly has tested out the inferior spiritual root qualifications, and now that I have officially joined the Haiya Sect, I might as well ask you to take care of me!"

Inferior spiritual root?

Seeing Ji Xiangde's proud expression, Xi Jinhu just sneered disdainfully.

A cultivator with such rubbish qualifications would be wasting his time even if he said a single word!

But since Ji Xiangde was begging for everything, Xi Jinhu agreed casually: "Well, the next time I go to see Han Xinhe, I will mention your granddaughter to him and let Han Xinhe take care of it a little!"

Xi Jinhu's relationship with the Haiya sect could be hidden from others, but he could not hide it from Ji Xiangde, a fellow Haiya man who had worked for him for twenty years.

After receiving Xi Jinhu's promise, Ji Xiangde knew that his granddaughter was going to achieve success in one step!

Xi Jinhu, who is that?

That is a person who can make Zhongzhou tremble with his words!

As long as he mentions his name, no matter how casual the tone is, ordinary local sects will treat it as a top priority!

Ji Xiangde was stunned by the huge surprise and bowed repeatedly to express his thanks: "Thank you, Mr. Xi, thank you, Mr. Xi!"

Xi Jinhu was very satisfied with his respectful attitude and said with a smile: "Okay, please step aside, I have other business to do!"

After Ji Xiangde bowed and left, Xi Jinhu picked up the red envelope sent by Han Xinhe and counted it.

"...twenty-eight thousand five, twenty-eight thousand six, twenty-eight thousand seven, twenty-eight thousand eight."

After quickly counting the hundred-yuan spirit stone coins in the red envelope, Xi Jinhu couldn't help but frown slightly: "How come people who stuff red envelopes these days like to make the numbers round and round? Now even Han Xinhe has started to You’re playing this trick! Although there’s nothing wrong with asking for a lucky number, doing it like this makes it very inconvenient for me to keep track of my accounts!”

After casually complaining about the quirks of today's bribers, Xi Jinhu casually threw the spirit stone coins into his storage bag. As for the red envelope containing the spirit stone coins, he just threw it on the desk.

As a golden elixir-level monk, no one in the editorial department of Xiu Zhen Financial Weekly would come to check him, and no one dared to check him!

Seeing that there was nothing left to decide on in the editorial department, Editor-in-Chief Xi planned to practice some practice in his office. After all, the state of cultivation is the foundation of Kyushu cultivators. For him to serve as one of the eight editors-in-chief of Xiuzhen Financial Weekly, his writing skills are only one aspect, and his golden elixir level is also very important.

However, before I could go to work and fish, there was a loud noise outside the door.

"What happened today..." Xi Jinhu complained casually, and pretended to find someone to ask questions.

However, before his communication spell could be sent out, young editor Xie Yu hurriedly opened the door and barged in.

"Editor-in-Chief, something bad! The Law Enforcement Hall of the Infinite Sword Sect is coming to our editorial department to arrest people!"

Is Wuliangjian sending the Law Enforcement Hall to arrest someone?

Upon hearing this outrageous news, Xi Jinhu waved his hand in the air, slammed the door shut, and then turned around and angrily shouted: "That's nonsense! How could the Law Enforcement Hall arrest our people without the permission of the top management of the Wuliang Sword Sect? Even if they are It’s impossible for Mr. Lin to come to the editorial office of Xiuzhen Financial Weekly to arrest people for no reason!”

"But we have received an official letter from the Law Enforcement Hall!" Xie Yu, who had just joined the industry and had never seen the harsh scenes of Wuliangjian Sect's Law Enforcement Hall arresting people, reported with tears in his eyes, "The Law Enforcement Hall didn't even notify us in advance. I sent people over directly, and although I temporarily blocked them from outside, they seemed to be planning to force their way in. Editor-in-Chief Xi, is it possible that the Law Enforcement Hall has already found out about us collecting dirty money to arrange for expedited typesetting?"

"How dare they!" Xi Jinhu slammed the table, frightening the local dog in his arms to tremble, "We at Xiuzhen Financial Weekly are the uncrowned king appointed by interstate media and President Lu back then, even if we did accept the Haiya Department. Money is also a normal business behavior, but if they arrest people casually, it will cause a diplomatic incident!"

As the mouthpiece of the Wuliang Sword Sect, Xi Jinhu knows his leader Lin Jianxing very well.

Although Lin Jianxing is known for being dictatorial in his affairs, he is very face-friendly and cares very much about his international image. He even has a reputation among the people as "he would rather be a friend than a domestic slave."

Huang Xuan, the chief executive of the outlying island, is the most typical example.

Through Han Xinhe's correspondence, Xi Jinhu had long known that Lord Huang, who nominally ruled the outlying islands, was a separatist prince who only listened to orders but refused to listen to propaganda. The Wuliang Sword Party had no influence on him at all. The huge income from the outlying island trade every year , were all divided up by ocean-going merchants like the Haiya Clan, and did not bring any benefit to the Wuliang Sword Sect.

Despite this, the Wuliang Sword Sect, under the leadership of Lin Jianxing, gives a large amount of financial subsidies and weapons assistance to Huang Xuan, the chief executive of the outlying islands, in exchange for the verbal allegiance of the chief executive of the outlying islands.

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