The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 226 Arresting People (Part 2)

During the war in which Fire Cloud State invaded the outlying islands, in order to protect Huang Xuan, a nominal subordinate, the Wuliang Sword Sect set out an astonishing budget of 30 million spirit stone coins, but even so, Huang Xuan, the lord of the outlying islands, did not appreciate it. If it weren't for Yang Lu and Han Fulai's proper handling, the offshore coalition forces would have almost had a fight with the Haiya Fleet.

According to Xi Jinhu's life experience, a leader like Lin Jianxing who has such a good reputation would never do something like arresting interstate media, which would make overseas sects laugh.

"But they are all here, Editor Xi——"

Before Xie Yu could finish speaking, the door to Xi Jinhu's office was violently pushed open with a bang again, and then he saw a monk in the Qi Refining Stage wearing the attire of an outer disciple of the Infinite Sword Sect walking in.

Seeing the sudden appearance of a disciple of the Law Enforcement Hall of the Wuliang Sword Sect, Xie Yu became even more panicked. However, after feeling the aura of this disciple of the Wuliang Sword Sect, Xi Jinhu's expression instantly relaxed:

If the Law Enforcement Hall of the Wuliang Sword Sect plans to arrest the editor of "Cultivation Financial Weekly", it is absolutely impossible to send only a Qi Refining Stage disciple!

Being stared at by Xi Jinhu with a scrutinizing gaze, this disciple of the Wuliang Sword Sect cupped his hands and said: "Hello, Chief Editor Xi, this junior is Yang Chenglong, an outer disciple of the Law Enforcement Hall of the Wuliang Sword Sect. This time, I am here specifically to help "Xu Zhen Financial Weekly" "Cleaning the door!"

This disciple of the Wuliang Sword Sect named Yang Chenglong is young. He looks dignified against the cool blue and white uniforms of the Wuliang Sword Sect, but his whole body exudes an aura of decadence that cannot be concealed.

This person seems to be unsuccessful in the Wuliang Sword Sect, otherwise it would be impossible to meet such a big shot as Xi Jinhu. He also has a business-like expression on his face, as if he is just here to complete the task.

"Clean up the family?" Sensing Yang Chenglong's lazy attitude, Xi Jinhu raised his eyebrows and said, "I, Xi Jinhu, am also a Golden Core monk of the Wuliang Sword Sect. Whose family are you planning to clean up?"

"Excuse me, Editor-in-Chief!" Faced with Xi Jinhu's aggressive tone, Yang Chenglong just casually handed over his hand again, "This junior was ordered by the Law Enforcement Hall to arrest Ji Xiangde, a mortal cleaner in the Zhongzhou Editorial Department of Xiu Zhen Financial Weekly! "

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand and saw a tied-up figure falling heavily to the floor of Xi Jinhu's office. This person was the old cleaner who had just cleaned Xi Jinhu's office!

Seeing Xi Jinhu, Ji Xiangde, who has served Xiu Zhen Financial Weekly for many years, repeatedly begged for mercy: "Editor Xi, help me! I am also an old man who has served you for decades. Please save me with your noble hands!"

Hearing the begging for mercy from his mortal servant, Xi Jinhu asked in a deep voice: "Is your law enforcement hall full of food? Are you still in the mood to embarrass my cleaners?"

Yang Chenglong, a disciple of the Law Enforcement Hall, seemed not to hear Jin Hu’s threat and introduced in a businesslike tone: “Chief Editor Xi does not know that this person recently opened an anonymous account at Haiya Bank and deposited money into the account. The huge sum of 120,000 yuan in Lingshi coins, our Law Enforcement Hall also received reliable information from the Lingshi Reserve Bank, and then decided to officially close the net!"

Xi Jinhu pointed at Chen Xiangde who was kneeling on the ground and said in shock: "How can this guy be so rich?"

Yang Chenglong pointed to the red envelope on Xi Jinhu's desk, curled his lips and said: "According to the results of our preliminary investigation, every time this person cleans the office for editors, he will take away a few Lingshi coins and large banknotes from the envelope. Over time, over time, , I saved this huge sum of money, Editor-in-Chief Xi, that’s it, you don’t want me to say it more clearly!”

Hearing this, Xi Jinhu's expression changed drastically.

No wonder the customers who gave him red envelopes over the years have never given him a round amount of money. They have always given him tens of thousands or hundreds of dollars. Now it seems that the missing part of the spirit stone coins has been used by mortal cleaners. Ji Xiangde stole it!

Since it was impossible for Xi Jinhu to directly ask how much money the briber had given him, and it was impossible for the briber to take the initiative to tell Xi Jinhu how much money he had given away, after so many years, Ji Xiangde's secret of pocketing the red envelope was surprisingly not exposed.

You know, this is a full 120,000 yuan of spirit stone coins!

Not to mention mere mortals, such money can even buy the life of an ordinary cultivator in the Qi Refining Period at Tinghe Yu Pavilion!


Seeing Xi Jinhu's eyes that were about to spit fire, the old cleaner at "Xu Zhen Financial Weekly" was so scared that he peed.

He explained tremblingly: "Xi, Editor Xi, I really know my mistake. My granddaughter has just tested her spiritual root qualifications. I just want to leave some cultivation resources for her. If I had known earlier that you would be willing to take care of her personally. , I won’t touch the red envelope on your table no matter what you say, I can return all the money to you, I just ask you to show your kindness!”

"You are so arrogant?! You little slave, you actually embarrassed me and threw me into the Law Enforcement Hall and the Spiritual Stone Reserve Bank!"

"Master Xi, I have served you for so many years. Even if I don't have any credit, I still have hard work!"

Before Xi Jinhu could continue to get angry, Yang Chenglong took the lead and said: "Stealing a cultivator's property is a serious crime that cannot be tolerated by heaven. According to the regulations of our Law Enforcement Hall, we will confiscate all of his illegal gains and use them to enrich the Infinite Sword Sect." Pai has assets, and as for this guy...if the whole family is willing to sign a selling agreement, we can sell him as a slave and make another profit. If he doesn't want to, then we have to send him on his way. I don't know--"

At this point, Yang Chenglong couldn't talk any more.

Because Xi Jinhu has already made a choice for Ji Xiangde!

The golden elixir stage monk raised his right hand slightly, and shot out a sharp sword energy from his fingertips, hitting Ji Xiangde's head on the spot. The powerful power left on his fingers even made Yang Chenglong and Xie Yu I feel like my hair is standing on end!


Ji Xiangde's body hit the floor hard, his head had exploded, and a thick smell of blood slowly filled the office he had just tidied up.

Seeing the surprised looks of Yang Chenglong and Xie Yu, Xi Jinhu slowly put down his right hand and said in a cold voice: "If a dog can do what a dog should do well, even if it makes some mistakes, it can be forgiven, but if the dog cannot recognize its own If you want to bite someone, you will only die! Fellow Daoist Xiao Yang, my cleaner Ji Xiangde refused to sign the contract of betrayal, and now I have killed him on the spot. Is this okay to deal with it? "

You killed everyone and you asked me if it was okay?

Although Yang Chenglong kept complaining in his heart, the other party was a powerful Golden Core monk after all, so he had to smile bitterly and said: "Yes, that's what happened. Then I'll go back and report!"

Xi Jinhu also raised his tea cup to see the guests off and said, "Thank you for your hard work. I don't want more people to know about what happened today!"

Yang Chenglong quickly bowed his head and said yes: "Well, this is also what our elder Qiu Longbo means!"

After speaking, Yang Chenglong handed over a document.

Xi Jinhu looked at the contents of the document and knew that Yang Chenglong wanted to sign to confirm the outcome of the case, so he casually printed his personal magic mark.

He thought that the matter would end there, but unexpectedly, Yang Chenglong actually took out another identical document and asked him to sign it.

"what do you mean?"

"Two copies to confirm each other!"

Xi Jinhu estimated that this was 80% the latest internal control process of the Law Enforcement Hall of the Wuliang Sword Sect. Considering that the mana consumed by a mere magic mark was only a drop in the bucket for a Golden Core monk, Xi Jinhu signed the second document casually.

After completing the prescribed actions, Xi Jinhu tapped Xie Yu with his chin and said, "Xiao Xie, it's time to see off the guests! By the way, I'm looking for someone to help clean up my office!"

Xie Yu received the order and quickly made a "please" gesture.

Just as Yang Chenglong turned around and left, Xie Yu flicked his wrist slightly, and two hundred-yuan spiritual stone coins slid steadily into Yang Chenglong's pocket. Obviously, this was not the first time he had done this.

After everyone left, Xi Jinhu looked at Ji Xiangde's body, shook his head and sighed: "You have been with me for so many years, but you haven't learned the most important thing. It's a pity for a good worker..."

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