The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 227 Yangjiang Port Tender

After Yang Lu returned to the headquarters of the Qingning Chamber of Commerce, he immediately summoned all managers to hold a high-level strategic meeting of the chamber of commerce. He Mingyuan, Ji Sihan, and their close subordinates were all present.

It is worth mentioning that many of Ji Sihan's close subordinates were temporarily released from the prisons of the Qingning Chamber of Commerce and the Haiya City Lord's Mansion. After seeing He Mingyuan's subordinates, the two sides almost started fighting on the spot.

Fortunately, Yang Lu was at the scene to suppress the situation, and the meeting finally settled on the division of responsibilities of the senior officials of the Qingning Chamber of Commerce.

Although He Mingyuan tried his best to persuade Yang Lu, saying that Ji Sihan's ambition was very dangerous, Yang Lu still insisted on his original point of view. According to the general tone set at the meeting, people from He Mingyuan's department are responsible for the anti-corruption work at the headquarters of the Qingning Chamber of Commerce, while people from Ji Sihan's department will continue to be responsible for the work of Xuantie Mine and accept the supervision of the anti-corruption department led by He Mingyuan. However, if He Mingyuan's department appears, If there is a problem, Ji Sihan also has the right to report directly to Yang Lu.

Generally speaking, He Mingyuan, who possesses the "power of following the dragon", still firmly dominates Ji Sihan in terms of status.

After the meeting, Ji Sihan couldn't sit still immediately.

If there were one sentence to describe Ji Sihan's current state of mind, it would be "I don't want to stay in Haiya City for a minute anymore."

Jiuzhou Tiandao can use merit as a starting point to maintain the stability of the cultivating society, but it can only restrain cultivators who need to cultivate merit and cannot effectively restrain the behavior of ordinary mortals.

Haiya City is He Mingyuan's absolute home court. Every time he sees He Mingyuan, Ji Sihan always has the feeling that this guy has always wanted to find an opportunity to be himself.

So after Yang Lu had just arranged everyone's work policy, Ji Sihan took the initiative to say goodbye to Yang Lu, saying that there were many things going on in the Xuantie Mine in Luanshi City, and he needed to go to Luanshicheng overnight to take charge of the situation.

And He Mingyuan was not idle either. He also sent his direct followers to follow him, ready to catch Ji Sihan's pigtails at any time.

Yang Lu originally planned to give these two crouching dragons and phoenixes a few more words to prevent the two guys from getting too serious. However, before he could speak, he was dragged back to the office by the impatient Li Qingning.

Li Qingning has always been someone who can't hide things in his heart. Yang Lu knew without guessing that the Qingning Chamber of Commerce was probably in trouble again.

Sighing silently in his heart, he could only pray that the trouble this time was not caused by Miss Li trying to commit suicide...

I don't know if Yang Lu's repeated persuasion had an effect, but Li Qingning really didn't cause any trouble this time.

After confirming that no one was around, Li Qingning took the initiative to talk about the new situation he encountered this time: "Junior Brother Yang, there have been some changes in our cooperation with the Haiya Chamber of Commerce. I understand what the Haiya Chamber of Commerce means. They seem to have some thoughts." I regretted it!”

Yang Lu was also startled when he suddenly heard this.

It stands to reason that the cooperation between the Qingning Chamber of Commerce and the Haiya Clan is in the honeymoon period. The Han family, their die-hard ally, is riding on the power of victory and its reputation is at its peak. Su Yuanfeng, the president of the Haiya Chamber of Commerce, is now half of his ally. Even Jiang Hua'an, the lord of Haiya City , now it is difficult to destroy the cooperation between Qingning Chamber of Commerce and Haiya Chamber of Commerce. Could it be that something happened that I don't know about?

Li Qingning didn't keep him waiting for long, and quickly introduced the specific situation. After listening to Li Qingning's narration, Yang Lu discovered that there was a problem in Huoyun State.

The proposal to strengthen cooperation between the Qingning Chamber of Commerce and the Haiya Chamber of Commerce is a method that Han Fulai and Yang Lu came up with to strengthen the relationship between the two parties. The purpose is to highly bind the interests of the Haiya Chamber of Commerce and the Qingning Chamber of Commerce. In this way, if the Qingning Chamber of Commerce encounters any trouble in the future, even if Jiang Hua'an dislikes the Qingning Chamber of Commerce, he will not be able to sit back and watch the interests of the Haiya Chamber of Commerce be damaged.

It's just that the return on investment in the Kyushu cultivation world is very low. Even if it is a business leader like the Haiya Chamber of Commerce, it does not mean that it can expand its business if it wants to. It must wait for suitable investment opportunities.

If investment is carried out regardless of the return on investment, then the Han family of the Haiya family, as the leader, will definitely bear the main responsibility for the failure of the investment. Even if the Han family is now extremely prestigious, it is impossible for them to be willing to bear such a big reputation for the Qingning Chamber of Commerce. , it is necessary to calculate the costs and benefits in advance.

But fortunately, the Haiya Chamber of Commerce's business covers all major ports in Kyushu. When looking for investment opportunities, it does not have to be limited to Zhongzhou, but can look at the entire Kyushu cultivation world.

With the change of leadership of the Shenhuo Sect, the overlord of Huoyun State, and the reformist cultivation economist Tian Daxiao coming to power, Huoyun State has naturally become the first choice target for the business expansion of Haiya Chamber of Commerce.

However, the problem of Haiya Chamber of Commerce's business in Huoyunzhou has little to do with the war on the outlying islands.

Although the Wuliang Sword Sect and the Shenhuo Sect fought through proxies on the outlying islands, neither side really broke out.

In fact, since the power of high-level cultivators far exceeds that of nuclear weapons, no one of the seven major factions in Kyushu can afford the risk of provoking a full-scale war. Therefore, in the propaganda of both sides, the Outlying Island War is just a civil war between the outlying island lords, and the Fire Cloud State, Wuliang Sword Sect, and Yufeng Faction only provide so-called "military assistance" to the outlying island lords they support.

In other words, this outlying island war involving the three major cultivation forces does not exist at all in the official propaganda of each sect!

In addition, since Tian Daxiao came to power, he has been vigorously carrying out investment promotion activities to guide overseas cultivation capital, especially the wealthy Zhongzhou cultivation capital, to flow into Huoyun State. Although the Haiya Fleet has just defeated Tian Beixi and fled, unless Tian Daxiao does not want to Doing business in Zhongzhou, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible to stumble against the vassal forces of the Wuliang Sword Sect like the Haiya Chamber of Commerce.

This time, the Haiya Chamber of Commerce and the Qingning Chamber of Commerce are preparing to jointly bid for the equity of Yangjiang Port, a large port in the southwest of Huoyun Prefecture.

Yangjiang Port is the Huoyunzhou port closest to Zhongzhou, and it is also the main logistics base for Tian Beixi to launch the outlying island war. However, because the economy of Huoyunzhou is not as developed as Zhongzhou, the cargo throughput of Yangjiang Port is only one-fifth of Haiya Port, although In this way, Yangjiang Port, which occupies a favorable geographical advantage, can still be regarded as a money printing machine in the ocean trade industry.

The Shenhuo Sect transferred the equity of Yangjiang Port not for charity, but to implement Tian Daxiao's governance philosophy of "lightening the sect's assets" and "introducing private cultivation capital to improve the sect's asset utilization".

In the past, Yangjiang Port was directly operated and managed by the Shenhuo Sect, which was very inefficient because the Shenhuo Sect, like the Wuliang Sword Sect, managed the Huoyunzhou continent with a radius of tens of thousands of miles. It was unable to improve the operating conditions of Yangjiang Port and introduce private and overseas cultivation capital. , carrying out mixed ownership reform is also a good strategy to improve operating efficiency.

As the main trading customer of Yangjiang Port, Haiya Chamber of Commerce is undoubtedly one of the most powerful bidders.

But in addition to the Haiya Chamber of Commerce, there are also several other large-scale sea trade trusts such as Haiyuan Island in Arctic State. They are also eyeing this piece of fat. The Haiya Department, which has just fought against the Shenhuo Sect, cannot guarantee that it will win it. .

What's more, Yangjiang Port is too large. Even if the Shenhuo Sect transfers only 10% of its equity, it will cost at least hundreds of millions of spiritual stone coins in working capital. This is also a heavy burden for the wealthy Haiya Chamber of Commerce. .

In order to win over more allies, strengthen the momentum of the Haiya Chamber of Commerce, and increase political chips, and also to share the direct capital expenditures of the Haiya Chamber of Commerce, the Haiya Department finally chose to form a consortium to participate in the Yangjiang Port bid, and after Su Yuanfeng and Han Fulai Under the joint operation of the Qingning Chamber of Commerce, the Qingning Chamber of Commerce was easily selected into the consortium's big list.

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