The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 239 The grassroots ecology of Wuliang Sword Sect

While the two were chatting, the mountain-guarding disciples of the Infinite Sword Sect also boarded the Feitian Spirit Boat and registered as visitors.

As the largest sect in the Kyushu cultivation world, the Wuliang Sword Sect cannot only have the Great Senluo Wanxiang Sword Formation as its only means of protection. In fact, there are various protective restrictions and protective spells layered around the Wuliang Mountains.

If the visiting cultivator does not have the identity token of a disciple of the Wuliang Sword Sect, or does not report to the Wuliang Sword Sect in advance, entering the Wuliang Mountains without permission will be a dead end. Only Nascent Soul Stage monks who use their supreme magic power to break the void can sneak into the Infinite Mountains by crossing the Infinite Sea of ​​Void.

The Wuliang Sword Sect is heavily guarded, but for the grassroots disciples of the Wuliang Sword Sect, guarding the mountain gate is definitely a dirty job.

There are three cultivators from the Wuliang Sword Sect who are responsible for this matter. One of them, a Golden Core cultivator, has been practicing in seclusion in a cave not far from the mountain gate all year round. He will only stand up and take charge of the situation when there are cultivators from other places making trouble. The usual daily work is taken care of by two Qi refining period disciples who have been in the business for less than ten years.

Although they are only Qi Refining Stage disciples, the momentum of the Qi Refining Stage disciples of the Wuliang Sword Sect is extraordinary.

Facing Han Xinhe, a "foundation-building monk from out of town", the disciple of the Wuliang Sword Sect who was responsible for guarding the mountain gate did not show any respect. He impatiently asked about his background, what he was doing when visiting the Wuliang Sword Sect, and whether he was invited. Letter and other questions, the tone was like a police interrogating a prisoner, and he did not pay any attention to this ninth-level monk who was ranked first in Haiya City.

Han Xinhe didn't feel angry at all and treated the two mountain-guarding monks very politely.

In the end, Li Qingning couldn't stand it anymore and coughed heavily, which attracted the attention of the two disciples of the Infinite Sword Sect.

Noticing Li Qingning's beauty, the eyes of one of the younger disciples of the Infinite Sword Sect suddenly lit up. He was about to come up to talk to the beauty, but was pulled away by another older monk of the Infinite Sword Sect next to him. live.

Obviously, the older monk from the Infinite Sword Sect should have recognized Li Qingning.

This is not surprising. Li Qingning has lived in the headquarters of the Infinite Sword Sect for almost twenty years. With her good looks, family background, and talent for cultivating top-quality spiritual roots, it would be strange if she was unknown in the Infinite Sword Sect.

After the two whispered, the young disciple's expression changed, and then he stopped. The older monk took the initiative to step forward and greeted Li Qingning: "It turns out that Miss Qingning is back. You are here on a special trip." Are you visiting Mr. Li?"

Li Qingning just said "hmm" very proudly, as if he didn't intend to talk nonsense with the monk guarding the mountain.

The monk guarding the mountain knew that there was a huge gap in status between himself and Li Qingning, so he did not continue to get close to Li Qingning. Instead, he smiled bitterly, handed each of the three of them a visitor token, and waved to indicate that Han Xinhe could pass.

He didn't even ask the names of these three people!

A monk like him who guards the mountain knows best who can be offended and who cannot be offended. The cultivators of the vassal sect, even those at the elder level, are still the second party in front of the Wuliang Sword Sect.

After all, the vassal sect's interference in the internal affairs of the Wuliang Sword Sect is the biggest political taboo in Zhongzhou. Not to mention that Han Xinhe is the elder of the Haiya Sect. Even if the leader of the Haiya Sect, Jiang Hua'an, wants to become a disciple of the Shoushan disciple, he would not dare to recognize Jiang Hua'an as his sworn brother.

Since the elders of the vassal sect were completely useless to him, of course he would not give Han Xinhe any face.

This attitude is quite similar to that of a ministerial staff member facing the local county-level leaders who come to handle matters: You can neither promote me nor dare to accept the benefits you give me, so what attitude should I use towards you?

Of course it’s business!

However, Li Qingyang, who is in charge of Lingshi Reserve Bank, is different. This is his big party!

If Li Qingyang wants to deal with the mountain-guarding disciples like himself, he only needs one sentence. Although the mountain-guarding disciples already have a very hard job, the Wuliang Sword Sect does not have more difficult work to do, such as going to the water spirit stone veins. Digging for rocks, or going to the Wuliangjian Sect Stock Exchange to work as a human quotation machine...

Just like any public official anywhere, only the person who can decide your job promotion has the real power. As the apple of Li Qingyang's eye, Li Qingning is someone who the disciples of Shoushan cannot afford to offend.

Thinking of this, the older monk couldn't help but sigh with emotion:

If he had a backer of Li Qingyang's level, how could he earn contributions to the sect by guarding the gate?

An ordinary Qi Refining Stage disciple of the Wuliang Sword Sect like him is a nobody in the headquarters of the Wuliang Sword Sect. However, if he works in the local Merit Hall and Duzhi Hall and has the power of supervision and finance, even the foundation-building monks of the vassal sect will have to kneel down. lick.

Among the brothers who joined the Wuliang Sword Sect in the same class as him, there are many cultivators who have the middle and high-level officials of the Wuliang Sword Sect as their backers. Under the deliberate care of the elders of the sect, these guys with backgrounds have long been assigned to serve as subordinate sects. Your Majesty, not only did your contribution to the sect be no less than that of a janitor like yourself, but the benefits you gained privately were inestimable. I don’t know when I would have the opportunity to work as a temporary employee at the local branch of the Wuliang Sword Sect for training...

Watching the Feitian Lingzhou go straight to the headquarters of Lingshi Reserve Bank, the young disciple was also a little emotional. He was not as complicated as his senior brother thought. Instead, he murmured to himself: "Senior brother, is that female monk from the Golden Blade Sect Li Qingning? ?”

"Yes, have you never seen her?"

"I only joined the Wuliang Sword Sect the year before last. At that time, she had already gone to Haiya City to develop. She is indeed a beautiful cultivator who is famous in our Wuliang Sword Sect. She is so beautiful!"

The older monk couldn't help but tease: "What? You still want to eat swan meat?"

The young disciple scratched his head and said: "I heard that Li Xing's longevity is about to expire, so I may not have the opportunity to take advantage of it!"

"What are you dreaming about!" The older monk hit his junior brother's head hard and said speechlessly, "Even if President Li Qingyang goes to immortality, the young talents who want to marry Miss Li can still go around Wuliang Mountains three times. Circle. Not to mention the distance, didn’t Lin Dong, the cultivation genius of the leader’s lineage who just died on an outlying island, once threatened not to marry anyone other than Li Qingning?”

"But isn't Lin Dong dead too?"

"If he dies, won't it be your turn?"

The young disciple touched his buzzing head and couldn't help but retorted: "I see Miss Li and the Golden Sword Sect monk next to her talking and laughing. I, a disciple of the Infinite Sword Sect, am not as good as the Golden Sword Sect monk." Sword Sect monk?"

The older monk also felt a little strange when he recalled the situation just now.

The Golden Knife Sect is an outlier to the Zhongzhou sect. From the perspective of an earthling, the Golden Knife Sect is more of an academic organization than a cultivation sect, because it does not even have its own base camp.

Ordinary Jindaomen cultivators are like earth's ancient craftsmen. The elders of the sect lead their own apprentices and serve as consultants on cultivation economics and cultivation management in various sects and chambers of commerce. They only have limited exchanges and mutual assistance on a regular basis. Most of the core disciples of the sect like Xu Yannan will work directly in the Lingshi Reserve Bank.

The older monk has been serving as the mountain guardian monk for seven or eight years. He always greets and greets people at the gate of Wuliang Sword Sect. It is precisely because the elites of Golden Sword Sect and Wuliang Sword Sect co-locate all the year round that he can call out almost all the rising stars of Golden Sword Sect. name.

However, he had no impression of the Golden Knife Sect monk who was close to Li Qingning just now!

"It's a bit strange. Who was that guy just now?"

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