The peaks of the Wuliang Mountains are like a giant fairy sword stuck upside down on the ground.

The prototype of the Wuliang Golden Summit, the highest peak of the Wuliang Sword Sect, is said to be an immortal sword that was directly dropped from the heaven during the ancient war between immortals and demons. After millions of years of wind and rain, it finally formed the magnificent landform it is today.

At the end of the hilt of the sword at the top of the Wuliang Golden Dome is the core meeting hall of the sect. Only the core members of the decision-making team of the Wuliang Sword Sect are qualified to go here to discuss matters. There are also side halls on the left and right sides of the main meeting hall. One of the side halls is where the headquarters of Lingshi Reserve Bank is located.

Even if it is not an important day at this time, you can still see the escaping light of the Wuliang Sword Sect and the Golden Sword Sect monks landing at the entrance of the Lingshi Reserve Bank, or flying out from the Lingshi Reserve Bank. Judging from the terrifying aura exuding from these monks, the monks who can come to the headquarters of Lingshi Reserve Bank for official business probably have at least the foundation-building level.

Since every inch of land is precious, Lingshi Reserve Bank is not a traditional oriental courtyard with a low floor area ratio, but a high-rise oriental-style building mixed with modern architectural concepts, making maximum use of the limited land.

Only Li Qingyang, as the president, has a separate small attic.

This attic is the famous White Jade Pavilion. Legend has it that this pavilion was the place where Governor Lu studied the fourth generation of cultivation currency system. It is also the academic holy place of Lingshi Reserve Bank. Since then, every president of Lingshi Reserve Bank has used this pavilion as his office. , the private club opened by the Liu Family Chamber of Commerce in Tianshu City copied the shape and structure of this White Jade Pavilion.

As soon as the three of them approached Baiyu Pavilion, a staff member of the Lingshi Reserve Bank came up to them.

The Golden Blade Sect monk looked at Yang Lu and Han Xinhe up and down, and then took the initiative to speak: "I am Wang Ziwei, the deacon of the Golden Sword Sect, who is responsible for the comprehensive work of the Lingshi Reserve Bank. President Li already knew that you were coming, but he Now that my energy is a little low, I can only see Yang Lu alone. If Elder Han wants to cooperate with Lingshi Reserve Bank on behalf of the Haiya Chamber of Commerce, I can help you introduce Vice President Yun, which is what President Li himself wants."

Wang Ziwei claims to be responsible for the comprehensive work of Lingshi Reserve Bank, but he is actually equivalent to the secretary to the central bank governor. In the job sequence of Lingshi Reserve Bank, he is probably one level higher than Xu Yannan.

Han Xinhe had never expected Li Qingyang to receive him in person.

When he heard Li Qingyang's secretary say that President Li was willing to introduce him to Yuntianhua, the vice president of the Lingshi Reserve Bank and a great monk in the late Jindan period of the Infinite Sword Sect, his expression immediately cheered up.

This shows that Li Qingyang has recognized the cooperative relationship between the Qingning Chamber of Commerce and the Han family!

Li Qingyang is a leader in cultivation economics in Kyushu, with a circle of students, former officials, and friends all over Kyushu.

As long as he can get Li Qingyang's approval, even if Li Qingyang himself dies after running out of life, the political legacy he left behind will be enough to benefit the Han family in Haiya City.

This is why Han Fulai knew that Li Qingyang's time was running out, but after realizing that Yang Lu was Li Qingyang's spokesperson, he was still willing to bind the Han family to the Qingning Chamber of Commerce. As long as there is Li Qingyang's endorsement, even if the Qingning Chamber of Commerce collapses in the end, President Lu's group will still regard the Han family as one of their own.

Now it seems that the Han family's bet on the Qingning Chamber of Commerce has indeed been rewarded by Li Qingyang. A ninth-level golden elixir monk like Yuntianhua, even if Jiang Hua'an comes to report to the Wuliang Sword Sect, he can't even think of talking to him. Two sentences!

Han Xinhe's excitement was palpable here, but Li Qingning's face fell down over there.

"Wang Ziwei, what do you mean?" She asked without giving Wang Ziwei any face, "Since my great-grandfather is willing to see Yang Lu, why don't he want to see me? Are you using tricks because you think my great-grandfather is dying?" You deceived him!”

Even though Wang Ziwei was a dignified monk in the Foundation Stage, he couldn't help but tremble when he saw Li Qingning coming up and throwing a huge blame: "Miss, can't you talk nonsense? Even if you lend me ten courages, I wouldn't dare. Fooling President is indeed the old man's personal order, he just wants to see Yang Lu alone!"

To be able to frighten the dignified deacon of the inner sect of the Golden Knife Sect and the assistant to the president of the Lingshi Reserve Bank to this extent, it seems that the rumors in the market are not unfounded. Miss Qingning probably often snitches to her great-grandfather!

But Li Qingyang actually wanted to see him alone, which was indeed unusual...

So Yang Lu immediately asked: "Did President Li say why he wanted to see me alone?"

Wang Ziwei spread his hands and said, "President Li just said that you will know everything when you see him!"

Perhaps because Yang Lu was the person Li Qingyang wanted to see by name, Wang Ziwei's tone was very polite, not at all condescending like Fang Jiancai and Lu Anping, the outer deacons of the Infinite Sword Sect's foundation-building period.

Yang Lu used his spiritual sense to sense the surroundings and found that there were at least dozens of powerful cultivator auras around him. Even if the other party had any conspiracy, they probably would not do it in public in the headquarters of the Infinite Sword Sect.

After confirming that this was not some palace drama about "Ten Chang Shi Jiao Jiao to pass the imperial edict to General He Jin to enter the palace", Yang Lu stopped Li Qingning who wanted to continue to get angry, nodded to Wang Ziwei and said: "Then I will go and see Mr. Li alone first." Well, the eldest lady can accompany Elder Han to discuss cooperation with President Yun first!"

Li Qingning looked at Yang Lu in surprise and found that he made a reassuring expression towards him, so he curled his lips and stopped talking.

Wang Ziwei has been Li Qingyang's secretary for a long time, and he is very aware of Li Qingning's noisy and arbitrary character. Seeing that she is so obedient to this guy named Yang Lu, he can't help but become suspicious:

This Yang Lu has no background, but has a very close relationship with Li Qingning. Even President Li insisted on meeting him by name. Could it be...

Thinking of this, the president's assistant was suddenly shocked.

He quickly turned his questioning eyes to Han Xinhe.

However, Han Xinhe also thought of the same thing at this time. When he saw Secretary Wang's questioning eyes, he nodded slightly and imperceptibly.

After receiving Han Xinhe's affirmative hint, Wang Ziwei took a breath of cold air on the spot:

Did this guy really sleep with Miss Qingning? !

After imagining the scene of the rich lady falling in love with the poor boy, Wang Ziwei's eyes changed when he looked at Yang Lu. If there weren't others present, he would have wanted to ask Yang Lu how he licked your boy. White, rich and beautiful girl? If you could practice your licking skills to this level, which man would still want to fight?

Turning to look at Yang Lu, Wang Ziwei's face became even more enthusiastic: "Consultant Yang, please invite me, President Li is already waiting for you!"

Li Qingning also shrugged and said: "Then I will go to the leader of the Wuliang Sword Sect to see Murong first. I haven't heard from her for a long time and I don't know how she is. If anything happens, just use the communication spell to contact me! "

After saying that, Li Qingning turned into a cyan light and flew away into the distance.

Even Wang Ziwei would not dare to enter Baiyu Pavilion, a confidential place of the Lingshi Reserve Bank.

Following Wang Ziwei's instructions, Yang Lu gently pushed the door open and entered.

Having visited the fake version of Bai Jade Pavilion, Yang Lu was no stranger to the internal structure of Bai Jade Pavilion. However, the walls on both sides of the genuine White Jade Pavilion did not have a large number of arty calligraphy and paintings hanging like those of the Liu Family Chamber of Commerce. Instead, they were covered with a large number of arty calligraphy and paintings. Documents similar to academic papers occupied the originally exquisite side walls of the attic, making it appear quite disorganized.

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