The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 245 Deep Talk

Hearing Li Qingyang take the initiative to talk about himself and Li Qingning, Yang Lu couldn't help but perked up: "So what's your conclusion?"

Li Qingyang closed his eyes again and said slowly: "You are fine! With you helping her, self-preservation should not be a problem, but my physical condition may be worse than what the outside world speculated, and I may not be able to survive the battlefield outside the territory. It's turned on, so I didn't see that girl Qing Ning this time, and I didn't want her to be sad..."

Hearing Li Qingyang's ambiguous statement, Yang Lu felt even more itchy: You can give me an accurate answer. How far can Miss Qingning and I develop?

But now is obviously not a good time to ask such a thing.

Seeing that Li Qingyang's tone was a little depressed, Yang Lu quickly comforted him: "Miss, I can definitely understand your good intentions."

Li Qingyang hummed noncommittally and continued: "I should be able to survive for another two or three months. During this time, you should quickly accumulate more capital for the Qingning Chamber of Commerce. Even if you go out to do things under my banner, you are People who do things in a measured way should know how to maximize the utility of my reputation."

Li Qingyang actually allowed himself to use his name to cheat?

Yang Lu was almost stunned by this huge surprise, and quickly asked: "Why do you trust me so much? Is it because President Lu and I are extraterrestrial demons from the same extraterrestrial world?"

Li Qingyang smiled slightly and said: "Although I am in Baiyu Pavilion and cannot go out, I am the president of the Lingshi Reserve Bank after all. There are countless people outside Baiyu Pavilion who are willing to take the initiative to tell what happened around Qingning girl through various channels in order to please me. Report to me through various channels, because they all know that these little things are what I care about most now. In other words, everyone you meet in Haiya City is actually my potential informant."

Yang Lu knew that Li Qingyang must have his own intelligence channels, but he thought that these intelligence channels were just people like Butler Zhou or Xu Yannan. But now it seems that he still seriously underestimated the old president's intelligence capabilities.

If someone could exchange some simple information for the favor of the president of the Lingshi Reserve Bank, they wouldn't hesitate even if they sold the color of their underwear, let alone the information about betraying Yang Lu!

Seeing that Yang Lu was obviously restrained by his own methods, Li Qingyang smiled gently and said: "You are actually a lot like President Lu, and you are very careful and prudent in handling things. It's just that you devils from outside the world are outsiders in this world after all, so you can't cover everything. Back then, I was just a wandering monk with no social experience, so I was deceived by Governor Lu, but now I am not as easy to deceive as I was then!"

Speaking of this, Li Qingyang's old face actually showed a hint of pride for the first time.

If Wang Ziwei, the assistant to the president who has been following Li Qingyang for decades, saw this expression, he would probably be so surprised that he would hit his chin on the floor, because Li Qingyang has never been the kind of person who would write his true feelings on his face. After Yang Lu, Li Qingyang couldn't help but think of himself as a teenager, and even his mentality was much younger.

Although Yang Lu was not familiar with Li Qingyang's personality, he could tell that he was in a good mood, so he took the opportunity to ask: "But you haven't told me yet, why did you choose to trust me and even be willing to hand over Miss Qingning to me?" take care of……."

Li Qingyang snorted and said: "My understanding of what you have done is far beyond your imagination. You demons from outside the world still underestimate the methods of high-level cultivators like us. But no matter what, I It can be seen that you and I are the same kind of people, and even President Lu is the same kind of person. We are both exquisite egoists, and interest is undoubtedly our best binding method."

Since Li Qingyang calls himself a refined egoist, this is obviously not a derogatory term.

Yang Lu asked doubtfully: "What do you mean?"

"President Lu has no direct disciples, only two named disciples: myself and Tian Daxiao. I am the successor designated by President Lu personally, but Tian Daxiao is not. Therefore, as my only successor, Qingning is born to be the banner of Governor Lu's lineage, even if I am Shouyuan She died of exhaustion. No one in the entire Kyushu cultivation world dared to publicly embarrass her, not even Lin Jianxing! To embarrass my great-granddaughter is to embarrass the two heads of the seven major sects in Kyushu and more than a dozen Nascent Soul Tai Tai at the same time. Go to the elders!"

If someone else had said such big words, they would undoubtedly be ridiculed, but as a person who stood at the apex of power in the world of cultivation, Li Qingyang didn't feel any sense of violation when he said such harsh words.

Yang Lu couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "Are you so sure that I will assist the eldest lady wholeheartedly?"

Li Qingyang asked: "Why not? With her as a flag, you will get twice the result with half the effort in everything you do. What motive do you have to betray her? Of course, if you really make up your mind to betray her, then just give it a try. …”

At the end, Li Qingyang's tone became obviously stern, and he was obviously warning Yang Lu.

Yang Lu knew without guessing that Li Qingyang had definitely prepared multiple insurance policies for his great-granddaughter. He even suspected that Li Qingyang might have bribed Tingheyuge's heaven-level killer in advance. As long as something happened to Li Qingning, there would be money. The Danqi Dzogchen killer killed him on the grounds that "protecting Li Qingning was detrimental".

This is not Yang Lu's arrogant speculation. If he were Li Qingyang, he would definitely not hesitate to spend millions of spirit stone coins to "supervise" a certain "tool man" named Yang to work hard for Li Qingning.

Seeing the change in Yang Lu's face, Li Qingyang said again in a relaxed tone: "Qingning needs someone who is capable enough and can control her. You also need her to work under the banner, and we can work together." It’s a win-win situation for both parties!”

Cooperation will benefit both sides, and the subtext is that division will cause two harms.

Although Li Qingyang didn't say it explicitly, he had actually acquiesced in Yang Lu's guess. If he failed to help the eldest lady, even if Mr. Li died, he would definitely make him look good!

But Li Qingyang was indeed right. Being bound to Li Qingning was indeed a big advantage for him. He had no reason to refuse. What's more, Li Qingning was a rare beauty. Since the other party's parents allowed him to assist her Well, there seems to be nothing wrong with taking advantage of the situation...

So Yang Lu quickly raised his hands and said: "I will definitely not betray your trust!"

Li Qingyang nodded with satisfaction and said: "So far, your action strategies are very good. I won't comment too much, but there are two points that you need to keep in mind."

"President Li, please speak!"

"First, the methods of high-level cultivators are hard to guard against. You must be more cautious in your future actions. Second, there is no problem with you binding to the sea cliff system, but you must be careful about Jiang Hua'an!"

Yang Lu had long suspected Jiang Hua'an's background.

Hearing Li Qingyang take the initiative to bring up this topic, Yang Lu immediately asked: "Do you know the details of Jiang Hua'an?"

Li Qingyang said noncommittally: "I'm not very sure. After all, I rarely interact with Jiang Hua'an. But this person is definitely not simple. He should have a deep collusion with some powerful interstate cultivation forces, and even have the ability to intervene thousands of miles away." The internal affairs of the cultivation forces. Although Chen Ming, Su Yuanfeng, and Han Xinhe are not ordinary people, and they each have some energy, they are nothing compared to this person!"

Yang Lu said with a serious expression: "I remember. One more thing. I just heard Assistant Wang say that you ordered him to take Han Xinhe to see President Yun..."

"This is the price I offered to the Han family in Haiya City. It should be able to exchange for Han Xinhe's full support for the Qingning Chamber of Commerce. You should know how to make good use of this advantage. I won't say more, including that Su Yuanfeng asked you to run the Zhongzhou Forum Regarding the Sword Conference, this is also a good opportunity, but you also grasped it well..."

"You actually know what Su Yuanfeng asked for?!"

Li Qingyang smiled and said: "Do you think Su Yuanfeng dared to do something like this when he persuaded Qing Ning to participate in a sword debate without telling me? I, the president of the Lingshi Reserve Bank, am not dead yet!"

Yang Lu said with shame: "That's right!"

However, Li Qingyang sighed again: "These things are secondary, just..."

"Just what?"

Li Qingyang flashed a helpless expression: "It's nothing, I'm just a little worried about the next foreign battlefield. My influence can only prevent open guns, but it can't stop hidden arrows, and the lawless foreign battlefield is undoubtedly the densest place for hidden arrows. Place... Of course, you only have the third level of Qi refining, so you can't help Qing Ning much. It still depends on her own destiny! I'm just a little worried, will my old enemies wait for me after my death? What despicable methods were used on the battlefield outside the territory?"

Yang Lu's current cultivation level is too low. Even with the help of plug-ins, he can only reach the fourth level of Qi Refining when the outer battlefield is opened.

Theoretically, cultivators from the fourth level to the tenth level of Qi Refining are all eligible to participate in the extraterritorial battlefield trials. However, when the fourth level of Qi Refining cultivators enter the extraterritorial battlefield, they are out-and-out cannon fodder at the bottom. Yang Lu didn't have any particularly strong fighting skills. Going to the battlefield outside the territory was tantamount to courting death. Even Li Qingning, who had blind trust in him, suggested that he practice for another five years before participating in the extraterritorial battlefield trial.

So Yang Lu could only smile bitterly and said: "I believe that the eldest lady Jiren has her own destiny, and I will try my best to create the best external environment for her."

After saying so many words, Li Qingyang looked a little tired. After hearing Yang Lu's promise, he closed his eyes and remained silent.

Yang Lu knew that Li Qingyang was about to issue an expulsion order, but it was an extremely rare opportunity for Yang Lu to meet a legendary figure like Li Qingyang, so he still had some questions to ask him: "President Li, I have one last person. Question. May I ask, Governor Lu, where did they go after they ascended during the day?"

Li Qingyang did not open his eyes, but shook his head and said: "I don't know, it may be the extraterritorial world called the Immortal Realm, or it may be the world where you demons from outside the world originally lived... I originally thought you would know the answer to this question. "

Yang Lu could only answer honestly: "I really don't know this."

Li Qingyang hummed noncommittally, and said with some emotion: "I, Li Qingyang, only have inferior spiritual root qualifications, but by chance, I have achieved the realm of the golden elixir. This life has been considered a complete success. The only regret is that I was not able to see Mr. Lu again before I died. , I still have a lot of questions, and I want to ask him personally..."

Seeing Li Qingyang's face full of regret, Yang Lu couldn't help but blurt out: "If you have anything to ask, you can ask me. After all, I am also a demon from outside the world. I know some of the things that President Lu knows."

Li Qingyang did not open his eyes this time, but said in a calm tone: "Then tell me about the situation in the extraterritorial world where you were born! I can swear to heaven that I will never reveal a word to others. I have already I'm a little tired, so you can just say whatever you want, don't worry about my state, I'll just listen."

After saying that, Li Qingyang seemed to have fallen asleep, without any breath anymore.

If Yang Lu hadn't been able to feel the spiritual energy circulating in his body through his spiritual consciousness, he would have even thought that the other party had died.

Through the conversation just now, Yang Lu has confirmed that Li Qingyang is not hostile to him.

Kyushu Tiandao will only protect the indigenous residents of Kyushu, and demons from outside the world are obviously not within the protection scope of Jiuzhou Tiandao. If Li Qingyang is really hostile to him, or wants to get information from himself, after confirming that he is a demon from outside the world, , he could have ordered Wang Ziwei to take him down and torture him on the spot, and there was no need to go through so many twists and turns.

Moreover, the Jiuzhou cultivators are not inexperienced earthlings. These guys have long realized that there are thousands of worlds within the boundless void sea. The extraterrestrial worlds that the cultivators have explored include the ancient demon world, the wilderness, and the extraterrestrial battlefield. , Ancient Heaven, etc...

If a time traveler appeared on the earth, they might be captured by the country and sliced ​​into pieces for study. However, from the perspective of a native of the cultivation world like Li Qingyang, the time traveler is actually no big deal. Therefore, when he heard that Yang Lu came from the outside world, he did not show much surprise. Yang Lu's so-called earth stories seemed to Li Qingyang to be nothing more than anecdotes.

If Governor Lu hadn't also been born on Earth, he wouldn't have even listened to this kind of gossip. After all, his lifespan was about to run out. Spending time listening to Yang Lu's stories was equivalent to consuming the few remaining lifespans he had left.

After confirming that Li Qingyang's condition was okay, Yang Lu introduced: "The world I live in is called Earth. It is a world without spiritual energy, but a development path called science and technology was born..."

In the next half hour, Yang Lu gave a general introduction to the basic situation of the earth.

It's just that earth's civilization is so complicated. Even if he has introduced key points, after half an hour of mouth-drying explanation, he still only gave a general introduction. Li Qingyang didn't show any expression from beginning to end, as if he really fell asleep.

It wasn't until Yang Lu's introduction came to an end that he spoke for the first time: "Earth's civilization is indeed interesting. It can actually rival cultivators in a mortal body, and is even far more advanced than the cultivators in the fields of finance and mathematics."

Finally encountering an occasion where he could speak freely, Yang Lu did not continue to hide his secrets, but said bluntly: "Although the world of cultivation is vast and has a population of hundreds of billions, the society is severely polarized. Only a few people really participate in social activities. There are tens of millions of cultivators, and the remaining mortals are just slaves who depend on the cultivators' lives. And cultivators spend most of their time practicing in seclusion, which will inevitably lead to extremely inactive social and economic activities in the cultivator world. In comparison, Although the earth has only a few billion people, everyone is a main body participating in social activities. Just comparing the length of the economic cycle, the economic cycle of the earth is only a few decades, while the economic cycle of the cultivation world takes hundreds, even thousands of years. Time itself is different."

However, Li Qingyang smiled softly and said: "Then let me ask you a question in turn, why is it that the cultivation world has a history of millions of years, but its development in economics and financial economic theory is not as good as that of the earth?"

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