The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 246 The Weird Medieval Era

Li Qingyang was indeed a master of cultivation economics. This question stopped Yang Lu on the spot.

Although the level of social activity in the Kyushu Cultivation World is only a few tenths of that on Earth, the history of the Cultivation World is millions of years old. Why has it not developed a highly developed financial theory in the Cultivation World for such a long time?

Since both civilizations attach great importance to the study of financial theory, even if the cultivation society develops slowly, its level of development of financial theory should not be lower than that of the earth!

So Yang Lu asked honestly: "Please give me some advice, Mr. Li!"

Li Qingyang just shook his head and said: "I don't know either... I once asked Governor Lu why cultivators in the Middle Ages could use spirit stones as currency and no financial crisis broke out for hundreds of thousands of years, while the modern spirit stone financial crisis has After another round of outbursts, President Lu just smiled and said nothing. Obviously he knew the answer, but he was unwilling to tell me."

Lingshi has the properties of consumer goods and is easy to hoard. When the consumption of Lingshi increases for a certain period of time, when cultivators realize that the price of Lingshi has increased, they will start to hoard Lingshi like the wealthy people on earth hoarding Moutai, and the more Lingshi is used Hoarding will increase prices even more rapidly. If spiritual stones are used as currency, such violent value fluctuations are enough to paralyze any commodity economic system.

But this does not mean that spiritual stones cannot be used as currency.

In ancient China, there was no stable currency system. Not only did most of the private economic activities take place in the form of barter, but sometimes even the army's salary had to rely on farming, salting, and local grain requisitions. Even if it is an official currency, it will become a tool for cutting leeks after only a few years of strength. Even when Zhang Juzheng's one-whip reform in the Ming Dynasty was implemented, the national finance could not achieve monetary revenue and expenditure.

Strictly speaking, as the lowest support of the financial system, the core function of currency is to improve the operating efficiency of the economic system.

If a carpenter wants to eat fish, he does not need to find a fisherman who has just caught fish and needs wooden furniture. He can make furniture for another person in need in exchange for currency, and then go to the fisherman to buy fish.

In other words, through currency as a medium, producers and consumers no longer need to be accurately matched, thereby increasing the degree of specialization in the social division of labor, and the increase in the degree of specialization in the social division of labor will make civilization more prosperous.

Without a stable monetary environment, it is nothing more than low social operating efficiency and low levels of division of labor, the commodity economy cannot develop, ordinary people are cut off by sharp fluctuations in currency values, and grassroots social governance is seriously compromised.

This level of corruption is nothing to the feudal society where corruption was everywhere. The so-called small-scale peasant economy is actually due to the lack of division of labor and cooperation in society, which requires a family to master all the necessary skills to survive at the same time.

However, even the so-called "low-level social equilibrium" of the ancient feudal dynasties will inevitably collapse again and again, and will be overthrown by wars and disasters in troubled times.

But the most bizarre thing about the Kyushu cultivation world in the medieval era is that it has been running continuously for hundreds of thousands of years without any record of a large-scale spiritual stone financial crisis.

This is very outrageous.

You must know that the level of social division of labor in the Jiuzhou cultivation world is not lagging behind at all, and the productivity far exceeds that of the ancient feudal dynasties on earth. Just running a fantasy and majestic mountain fairy city like Tianshu City requires a cultivator with a big fist. To achieve this, it must be supported by a professional social division of labor system and a highly developed commodity economic system.

For example, the metal building materials in Tianshu City may come from Luanshi City, the bricks and stones may come from Qingyun City, the food supply may come from Luoxia City, the transportation and circulation may be handled by the Haiya Chamber of Commerce, and urban sanitation is outsourced to the local chamber of commerce, while Tianshu City The paper products also need suitable currency to be marketed throughout Zhongzhou.

If there is no stable currency system, the entire Tianshu City product supply chain will collapse in an instant. Even if cultivators have the ability to move mountains and reclaim seas, you cannot expect cultivators to personally burn bricks, lay ashes, farm, and pick crops. Shit!

However, according to the historical records of the cultivation world, the Kyushu cultivation world in the medieval era was really such an idyllic world, with majestic fairy cities, secluded sects in the mountains and old forests, and monsters everywhere walking at night with hundreds of ghosts. Everyone in the den is operating in a steady state. There are no management difficulties or supply chain problems. The Lingshi currency system is also quite stable. I have never heard of such a thing as the Lingshi financial crisis.

In the Kyushu cultivation world in the medieval era, the only social conflict seemed to be killing people and seizing treasures. Apart from fighting, cultivators did not need to study any sociological knowledge at all, and they could still manage the sect in an orderly manner.

Therefore, the question Li Qingyang asked was exactly what Yang Lu was puzzled about.

Comrade Marx told us that developed productive forces must match developed production relations. It is impossible to say that the productivity of the cultivation world has far exceeded that of the earth's feudal dynasties, but the production relations are still the same as those of the ancient feudal dynasties.

In Yang Lu's view, the current production relations in Kyushu's cultivation world are the production relations that can match the actual economic fundamentals of Kyushu. The idyllic world of cultivation in the medieval era should only exist in some earthly novels. It is impossible for the setting to operate stably in the real world for hundreds of thousands of years, nor can it support today's prosperous cultivation civilization.

If a civilization could operate so randomly, the civilization on earth would probably have achieved communism long ago.

And now it seems that this question is not without an answer. My time-traveling senior should know the truth, but the question is, why didn't President Lu tell Li Qingyang the truth...

As Yang Lu fell into deep thought, the entire White Jade Pavilion also fell into silence. Seeing that Yang Lu was silent, Li Qingyang took the initiative and said: "Although Governor Lu did not tell us the truth, Bo Nanke and other senior practitioners of cultivation economics have put forward some conjectures. According to senior Bo Nanke, during the second Tiandao crisis In the past, Kyushu Tiandao should be able to automatically adjust the output of spirit stone veins based on the actual demand for spiritual stones in the cultivation world. However, with the outbreak of the Tiandao crisis 7,000 years ago, our Kyushu Tiandao was irreversibly damaged, causing the output of spirit stones to automatically increase. The adjustment mechanism completely failed, which led to the Lingshi financial crisis erupting in the Kyushu cultivation world."

What theory is this?

Is the Tiandao smart money printing machine theory?

Yang Lu said in disbelief: "Do you think... Senior Bo Nanke's conjecture is possible?"

Li Qingyang shook his head and said: "I once thought this was the real answer. Although it does not explain all the problems, it does explain some of the problems. But I once tested Governor Lu with this conjecture, but Governor Lu's attitude towards this conjecture was very He didn't take it seriously, I even felt that he wanted to laugh a little bit, but he held it back..."

"This at least eliminates a wrong option!"

"I can only comfort myself in this way. After all, my life has come to an end. No matter how many thoughts I have, I will never have the chance to personally reveal the truth behind the history of Kyushu Cultivation World!"

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