The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 247 Terrifying Speculation

Hearing that there was obviously something in Li Qingyang's words, Yang Lu quickly asked: "President Li, do you have any other guesses?"

"Of course I have my own ideas, but this idea is too unconventional. I have never even mentioned it to anyone. But since you are a demon from outside the world, I might as well tell you."

There are too many secrets in the history and social structure of the Kyushu Cultivation World. If there is anyone in the entire Kyushu Cultivation World who is most likely to know the answers to these secrets, it is undoubtedly Li Qingyang, the president of the Lingshi Reserve Bank.

Li Qingyang is not only a registered disciple of the Ascending Immortal, a legendary cultivation economist, but also a great figure who stands at the top of the world. Even President Lu Yang once said that Li Qingyang is a true genius. If his spiritual qualifications can be higher, he will achieve great results. I'm afraid it won't be inferior to senior masters like Ma Tianyi, Bo Nanke, and Dongfang Jiu.

Let me digress.

Governor Lu's metaphor also caused a moderate controversy back then. This is not to say that Li Qingyang does not deserve such a high evaluation, but that there is something wrong with the three people listed by President Lu.

It's okay for Ma Tianyi and Bo Nanke, after all, these two are important figures who have rewritten the history of Kyushu's cultivation world.

However, Dongfang Jiu, the 23rd generation leader of the Wuliang Sword Sect, Ma Tianyi's senior brother and Bo Nanke's eldest disciple, delayed his practice because of his addiction to mathematics, and was recognized as the weakest leader in the history of the Wuliang Sword Sect. As a negative example of losing one's ambition with things, only Lin Jianxing, the current leader of the Wuliang Sword Sect, has the hope of challenging the position of being the last leader in the history of Dongfang.

Governor Lu compared Dongfang Jiu to the other two, which was obviously a deliberate attempt to flatter this person. However, according to time calculation, when Governor Lu was born, the head of Dongfang Jiu had been dead for hundreds of years. The two of them should not have Any intersection is right.

Although this evaluation is quite controversial, President Lu has never paid attention to these rumors. Not to mention this level of controversy, some people who deliberately smeared President Lu even openly slandered him, saying that he likes to play with young black-haired lolita fairies the most, but President Lu has never publicly revealed the rumor...

Putting aside these gossips, Lu Yang's evaluation of Li Qingyang can be said to be quite high. Seeing that a big boss like Li Qingyang wanted to take the initiative to share his opinions, Yang Lu quickly humbly asked for advice: "I would like to ask President Li to make it clear!"

Li Qingyang said in a serious tone: "In my opinion, Senior Bo Nanke's theory may be only half right. The monetary system in the medieval era does have obvious signs of external intervention, and it definitely did not evolve naturally. This is not true in cultivation. There is no longer any controversy in the economics community, but I think this guess is still a bit too conservative..."

"Too conservative?"

Li Qingyang said in a deep voice: "My inference is too shocking. I'm afraid if I tell it, I will only be regarded as crazy. So I have never told anyone. I originally planned to reveal this idea in private before I die. Wang Ziwei or Mo Yunlan, but after seeing you, I had some other ideas..."

Yang Lu originally wanted to ask how Mo Yunlan and Wang Ziwei were comparable, and why he didn't plan to tell Xu Yannan this idea, but in the end he said honestly: "You see that I am a demon from outside the world, so you think I am more suitable to know this secret?"

Li Qingyang nodded, then shook his head: "This is only for one reason. On the other hand, this is also a reward for taking care of Qing Ning."

Having said this, Li Qingyang paused for a moment, as if he was considering his words, and then continued: "Based on my many years of research, I feel that the intervention of external forces in Kyushu's history may not be limited to monetary policy, but also very important." Maybe the development of the entire Kyushu civilization is controlled by some higher-level existence!"

Hearing this speculation, Yang Lu was shocked: "Is Kyushu civilization controlled by higher-level beings? By higher-level beings, do you mean the legendary immortals?"

When mentioning things related to immortals, Li Qingyang's cloudy old eyes also flashed a glimmer of light: "Immortals? Why must they be immortals?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why can't the Kyushu civilization be secretly controlled by you demons from outside the world? As a demon from outside the world, Mr. Lu can reshape the order of the entire world of cultivation by himself. If there are still demons from the world who are hundreds of times more powerful than Mr. Lu, Demon, can't you use Jiuzhou cultivators, even the so-called ascended immortals, as pawns?"

Li Qingyang's guess shocked Yang Lu.

This extremely bold guess made a very sci-fi word appear in Yang Lu's mind:

Advanced civilization!

President Lu Yang is able to turn his hands into clouds and rain in the world of Kyushu cultivation because Earth civilization is more advanced than Kyushu civilization in terms of financial theory. But seriously speaking, Earth civilization itself is not an advanced civilization, and even in a certain In some aspects, it is not as good as Kyushu cultivation civilization.

Since both Governor Lu and Yang Lu can travel to the world of Kyushu cultivation and turn their hands into clouds and rain, why can't "true advanced civilizations" with interstellar travel capabilities travel to Kyushu?

For those advanced civilizations standing at the apex of the universe, it is not impossible to control the cultivation civilization at will.

In the past, Yang Lu would have doubted the existence of advanced civilization, but now he no longer has any doubts.

Although Kyushu civilization lags far behind Earth in terms of social theory, Kyushu cultivators have a certain degree of interstellar travel capabilities. Just the alien planets they have explored include the Wilderness Realm, the Demonic Realm, extraterrestrial battlefields, and the ancient heaven...

In this case, it does not seem to be surprising that there are other advanced civilizations capable of interstellar travel in this universe.

Even earthlings like Yang Lu, who have read a lot of science fiction works, have not thought about advanced civilization. They did not expect that an indigenous cultivator like Li Qingyang could have such insight.

President Lu’s assessment is indeed correct.

Li Qingyang is definitely a genius in the world of cultivation, at least his imagination is really big enough!

Although Yang Lu's thoughts were instantly opened by Li Qingyang, there were still some problems in the other party's explanation.

"But why is this?" After learning the deepest secrets of the Kyushu world, Yang Lu asked like a curious baby, "Why do those powerful extraterrestrial civilizations treat cultivation civilizations as chess pieces and playthings to manipulate them at will?"

"How do I know this?" Li Qingyang showed a self-deprecating smile and said helplessly, "Can ants figure out human thoughts? If some extraterrestrial civilizations are hundreds of times more powerful than Kyushu civilization, then their ideologies and thinking Patterns and behaviors are bound to be fundamentally different from ours, and we may not be able to understand their thoughts at all.”

"That's true!"

"Haha, maybe the real situation is that some demons from outside the world just think it's fun to control the world of Jiuzhou cultivation! According to the records of some ancient cultivators, it seems that the demons from outside the world almost destroyed the world of Jiuzhou cultivation during the second heavenly crisis. They are not bad people, but they behave like giant babies who have suddenly mastered huge power, playing with the Kyushu cultivators like monkeys, and taking pleasure in it. Why can't this be the bad taste of the strong? "

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