The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 248 The Secret of the Golden Knife Sect

Because an advanced civilization finds it fun, so it wants to control another alien civilization for fun?

Li Qingyang's explanation sounded outrageous, but Yang Lu thought about it carefully and found that it was not completely unreasonable.

Many people enjoyed filling wild ant nests with water or trapping wild ants that climbed out of the ant nest when they were young. But in addition to these relatively low-level gameplays, there are also more advanced gameplays, the most typical of which is the so-called Ant Workshop.

This kind of ant workshop is sold in many pet stores.

For example, the ant workshop that Yang Lu played when he was a child is shaped like a huge glass bottle. The transparent soil inside is filled with nutritional gel cooked from seaweed powder and very few plant pigments. Just put the ants in and cover it. By closing the lid to prevent the ants from crawling out, humans can clearly observe the life of these ants. If you use a magnifying glass, you can also see more details of the ants. You can even clearly observe the entire process of the ants digging their nests and tunnels, as well as the How to communicate and collaborate with each other.

For humans, making ant workshops is a very interesting activity. Even many primary school science classes in first-tier cities will let children make ant workshops by themselves to cultivate children's hands-on ability and interest in biology.

But for the ant civilization, this kind of ant workshop is not a good thing, but a civilization-level annihilation disaster. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the "Xth Crisis of Heaven" for the ant civilization.

Because ants do not dig holes normally in the ant workshop, they only frantically look for an exit. The tunnels they dig are not ant nests dug in nature, but tunnels dug to escape; and ants have dark tendency, In order to facilitate human observation, the gel inside the ant workshop is made of light-transmitting material. Ants will be extremely disturbed by strong light and die. In addition, after ants enter the artificial environment from the natural environment, there will be a long adaptation period and a weak elimination period, which will This caused a large number of individuals to die due to acclimatization, and the gel material of the workshop would seep out water after being left for a long time, causing the ant eggs to be directly drowned. This is also an important reason for the limited shelf life of the ant workshop.

In a sense, Ant Workshop is an ant civilization that has been strongly intervened by humans.

Do humans need to care about what ants think when they interfere in ant civilization?

It does not need!

Does human intervention in ant civilization have any special meaning?

Actually not!

The ant civilization is very weak compared to human civilization, and the Kyushu civilization is undoubtedly extremely weak compared to the advanced civilizations of the universe that can carry out interstellar travel. Even the earth's civilization, which is not much more advanced than the Kyushu world, can make all kinds of troubles after the time traveler comes over. Damn it, if a more advanced civilization visits the world of cultivation and transforms it into a cosmic-level ant workshop, wouldn't it be possible?

Could it be that the various contradictions in the historical records and social forms of Kyushu's cultivation world are the side effects of some advanced civilizations' dimensionality reduction attacks on lower civilizations...

I have to say that Li Qingyang did give an inference that is terrifying to think about!

Li Qingyang saw that Yang Lu was stunned by his reasoning, and couldn't help laughing: "It seems that my theory is indeed a bit unorthodox, and it can surprise the legendary demon from outside the world, but in any case, I have no Now that I have the opportunity to continue studying this secret, I can only leave this secret to you, the future generations. But I have no regrets, after all, what I have seen and heard in my life has far exceeded the level of ordinary cultivators!"

Yang Lu also promised solemnly: "Don't worry, Mr. Li, even if it's for myself, I will definitely get to the bottom of the secrets of the Kyushu cultivation world!"

Li Qingyang waved his hands slowly, indicating that he no longer cared about the truth of the matter, and then changed the subject: "I don't have much time anymore, and there is no point in discussing these metaphysical things now. There are more urgent things that need to be done. If If you have nothing else to do, you can leave on your own. This bad old man like me must rest more so that I can survive for a while longer and buy more time for that girl Qingning. As long as I still have breath, it will be easier for you to do many things. …”

Hearing Li Qingyang's voice become deeper again, Yang Lu couldn't help but sigh:

My eldest daughter has a great grandfather!

In order to buy more time for his great-granddaughter, Li Qingyang would rather sit motionless in the White Jade Pavilion, meditating and resting like he was in prison, just to buy enough time for the Qingning Chamber of Commerce.

Yang Lu clearly remembered that when Li Qingning visited Li Qingyang for the first time, the old man was still willing to chat with her, but now that he realized that he might not be able to survive the opening of the extraterritorial battlefield, he was not even willing to see Li Qingning in person.

If he hadn't realized that he was probably an extraterrestrial demon from the earth, Li Qingyang wouldn't have asked to see him by name.

Although the old president didn't say it explicitly, Yang Lu knew that the other party was obviously planning to leave Li Qingning alone!

But even so, he treated Yang Lu as preciously as words.

If Yang Lu had not asked about the secret of Bairi Ascension, but had left voluntarily after seeing Li Qingyang closing his eyes and not answering, he might never have known the blockbuster information Li Qingyang had just revealed.

Although he knew that he should not continue to disturb Li Qingyang's rest, Yang Lu couldn't help but ask: "If I didn't show up, what would you have planned to do with Miss Qingning?"

Li Qingyang slowly said: "There is no good way. I don't even know if she can survive the trial on the battlefield outside the territory. During the third Lingshi Financial Crisis, countless cultivators were killed and their families were broken. I don't know how many friends our Li family has made." A blood feud. If she could survive the battlefield outside the territory, I was originally going to entrust her to Tian Daxiao. For the sake of President Lu, Tian Daxiao would treat her well. This was also the condition I negotiated with Tian Daxiao in Huoyun Prefecture five years ago. "

Five years ago...

Before Yang Lu left for the outlying island, Li Qingning told him that she had met Tian Beixi once with Li Qingyang in Huoyun Prefecture five years ago. It turned out that Li Qingyang took her to Huoyun Prefecture specifically to find Tian Daxiao. !

Tian Daxiao just turned six hundred years old this year, but he has already cultivated to the first level of Nascent Soul and has at least seven or eight hundred years of life left. Li Qingyang entrusted his helpless great-granddaughter to the care of him, which was a very reasonable choice.

Li Qingyang took the initiative to bring up this matter at this time, which also hinted that if he had no way out, he could consider going to Huoyun State to seek refuge with Tian Daxiao.

But the problem is that before he has met Tian Daxiao, he has severely humiliated Tian Beixi, his most popular disciple. After this relationship is formed, things will not be easy to handle...

No matter how powerful Li Qingyang's intelligence network is, it will definitely not be able to cover the outlying islands. I'm afraid he still doesn't know the bad things he did on the outlying islands!

Forcibly concealing his embarrassment, Yang Lu solemnly cupped his hands and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Li, I will definitely take good care of the eldest lady and try not to let her go to Huoyun State to live under someone else's roof."

Li Qingyang just nodded slightly and did not answer.

Yang Lu couldn't bear to bother him any more, and after bowing to Li Qingyang gently, he was about to get up and leave Baiyu Pavilion. However, just when he was about to turn around and leave, Li Qingyang stopped him again: "By the way, I'm still here. There is a very important secret. I thought about it and thought it would be better to tell you now..."

Hearing Li Qingyang's sudden request to stay, Yang Lu quickly stopped and said, "It doesn't matter if you just say it!"

Li Qingyang hummed, and then slowly said: "This matter is a secret that has been kept secret by all the heads of our Golden Blade Sect, even the chairman of the Wuliang Sword Sect Stock Exchange who is about to take over from me as the next head of the Golden Sword Sect. Zeng Zhiquan didn’t even know…”

Yang Lu clearly remembered that before Li Qingyang took over the Golden Blade Sect, his sect had been passed down for nine consecutive generations. Li Qingyang, who wandered around in his youth, could be said to be a sect alone.

Yang Lu often heard comments from others that the Golden Knife Sect had no historical background. He never expected that his own sect would have such a secret that had been passed down by generations of masters!

Seeing Yang Lu's interested expression, Li Qingyang continued: "This secret was first discovered by the eighth generation ancestor of our Golden Blade Sect. It was verified by successive ancestors of the Golden Sword Sect. It was not until my master's generation that it was finally discovered. It has been confirmed and tangible research results have been achieved..."

The master Li Qingyang mentioned at this time definitely did not refer to President Lu Yang. Governor Lu was only Li Qingyang’s registered master, and did not teach him the martial arts of the Infinite Sword Sect. Even the "Infinite Heart Sutra - From Beginner to Mastery" was given to the entire Golden Sword Sect by Governor Lu before his ascension. At that time, Li Qingyang was about to advance to the Golden Core stage, and it was impossible to re-learn the heaven-level skills of the Wuliang Sword Sect.

As the only remaining disciple of the Golden Knife Sect, Li Qingyang must have had a personal master who passed on his mantle in his early years. However, because of the dazzling light of President Lu, many people inadvertently ignored the fact that Li Qingyang also had a personal master. I remember that he had a registered master who ascended in the daytime.

But now it seems that Li Qingyang's personal master may not be simple. After all, the secret that can make Li Qingyang speak so solemnly, Yang Lu must be able to know it with his toes.

Li Qingyang didn't care about Yang Lu's thoughts, but said to himself: "I have only told Governor Lu this secret in my life. But now that Governor Lu has ascended to heaven, my life span is about to be exhausted, and I don't want to The most important research results of the Golden Blade Sect’s ancestors have been lost!”

Although Yang Lu was very curious about what the secret was, he still asked patiently: "Since this secret is of great importance, why don't you tell it to Miss Qingning, Xu Yannan, or Wang Ziwei? They are also golden swordsmen. Disciple!"

Li Qingyang said in a deep voice: "Because this secret is too important, it may even completely destroy the entire Jiuzhou cultivation world. If our Golden Blade Sect had not been at the end of the road, the founder of the Golden Sword Sect who discovered this secret would never have passed this secret to the world. My generation. I originally thought that since the Golden Knife Sect has re-emerged in my hands, I have successfully fulfilled the last wishes of the ancestors of the past generations. Therefore, I should not continue to pass on this secret, but your arrival, let I changed my mind temporarily!"

Yang Lu pointed at himself and said in surprise: "Is this also because of my arrival?"

Li Qingyang slowly said: "You are the legendary demon from outside the world. If left unchecked, you can even pose a threat to the safety of the entire Kyushu cultivation world, just like when President Lu made a huge bet with the financial stability of Kyushu. Therefore, I discovered that After your arrival, I actually have only two choices. The first choice is to shoot you to death on the spot!"

Yang Lu suddenly shuddered and said cautiously: "You shouldn't embarrass me, a junior, like this!"

"Don't you really think that I have never considered the possibility of killing you on the spot?" Li Qingyang showed a scary expression that was half a smile, which made Yang Lu subconsciously take half a step back. Before Yang Lu could take his place, After opening his mouth to defend, Li Qingyang continued to add, "Of course, it would be safer to kill you on the spot, but I still don't plan to do that, so I only have the last option left, which is to help you."

Yang Lu smiled bitterly and said, "Why did you choose to let me go?"

Li Qingyang replied casually: "For the same reason, you are not a bad person, you and I are the same type of person."

Yang Lu has never been issued a good guy card in his life.

Suddenly hearing Li Qingyang describe himself as "not a bad person", he almost couldn't hold back his laughter on the spot.

Yang Luke never thought that he was a good person!

But before he could speak, Li Qingyang continued to explain: "To be precise, you and I are the kind of people who will always make the best choice for ourselves and always do things according to our own preferences, which is the so-called exquisiteness." Egoist. This word was actually taught to me by President Lu back then, although I vaguely feel that it is not a good word..."

Maybe it was because Li Qingyang was the first native of Kyushu to see through his identity as a time traveler, or maybe because Li Qingyang had a similar way of thinking to him. Yang Lu felt very relaxed when chatting with Li Qingyang. After hearing the other party's evaluation of him, , Yang Lu couldn't help but joke: "Just because of this, you are not worried about the safety of Jiuzhou?"

Li Qingyang smiled slightly disdainfully: "What does the survival of Jiuzhou have to do with me, Li Qingyang?"

The dignified president of the Lingshi Reserve Bank actually said that he didn't care about Kyushu's survival at all?

Such an unconventional speech made Yang Lu look around subconsciously. After all, if what Li Qingyang just said were spread to the outside world, I am afraid that the entire Kyushu cultivation world would explode.

Li Qingyang saw Yang Lu's surprised expression and couldn't help laughing: "I am an ordinary person. Being the president of Lingshi Reserve Bank does not mean that I will immediately become a moral saint. In fact, many of the auras about me are actually It all comes from the power in my hands, not my character. Except for the Qingning girl's matter, I no longer want to take care of other things in the Kyushu cultivation world, and I have no ability to continue to take care of it. Whether you are willing or not, your position has already been established. You are bound to my sect, and I tell you this secret. Not only will I form a good relationship with you in advance, I will sell you a huge favor, and it will also be considered as a way to support my junior..."

"President Li, you think highly of me!"

Li Qingyang didn't care about Yang Lu's politeness, and his expression became serious again, and he slowly revealed his biggest secret: "Many years ago, our founder of the Golden Blade Sect already discovered that the Heavenly Way of the Nine Provinces can actually be deceived by cultivators. !”

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