The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 249 A way to deceive the way of heaven

Cheating heaven?

The way of heaven is the highest law recognized by the Jiuzhou cultivation world. Even though Yang Lu didn't have much respect for the way of heaven, after hearing this shocking statement, he was still almost scared to the point of jumping up on the spot!

After realizing that Jiuzhou Tiandao was very similar to strong artificial intelligence, Yang Lu actually had the idea of ​​manually blocking the Tiandao bug. However, the ultra-high level of intelligence displayed by Jiuzhou Tiandao made Yang Lu really not sure how to start.

He really didn't expect that Li Qingyang, a native of the world of cultivation, would have such thoughts, and listening to the meaning behind the other person's words, he seemed to have successfully deceived Heaven!

So Yang Lu quickly asked: "President Li, how did you deceive Heaven?"

However, Li Qingyang did not answer this question directly. Instead, he said: "This matter is the biggest secret of our Golden Blade Sect. I am also the first person in the past 7,000 years to successfully deceive Heaven. Ever since Director Lu ascended to the throne, After the Heaven Realm, no one else in the Jiuzhou Cultivation World will know this secret..."

Speaking of this, Li Qingyang's expression changed slightly. Then, the spiritual energy environment of the entire Baiyu Pavilion began to vibrate. At the same time, golden wheels of merit gradually emerged behind Li Qingyang, just like the murals of Christian saints.

one two three four five six……

When the spiritual energy fluctuations in Baiyu Pavilion reached their peak, six golden wheels of merit appeared behind Li Qingyang!

Seeing this incredible situation, Yang Lu almost dropped his jaw to the ground in shock!

According to historical legends in the world of cultivation, President Lu Yang is the monk with the largest number of golden wheels of merit in history, possessing seven golden wheels of merit. Ye Lun and Bo Nanke, two powerful seniors, each relied on their ability to resolve the first spirit. The achievements of the second spiritual stone financial crisis are closely followed, and the golden wheel of six merits is added to the body.

Except for the above three people, there is no fourth person in the world of Kyushu cultivation who can cultivate the Golden Wheel of Six Paths of Merit.

Therefore, cultivators generally believe that the sixth golden wheel of merit must be achieved by completing great deeds at the level of salvation, while the seventh golden wheel of merit is something that only ascended immortals are qualified to achieve. The limit of ordinary cultivators should be the Golden Wheel of Five Paths of Merit.

Yang Lu has long heard others mention that there are only two monks in the Jiuzhou cultivation world today who have the Five Golden Wheels of Merit. They are Li Qingyang, the president of the Lingshi Reserve Bank, and his registered senior brother, the leader of the Shenhuo Sect and a shareholder of Shentian Daxiao. . However, after seeing Li Qingyang's Golden Wheel of Six Paths of Merit, Yang Lu realized that this statement might be completely wrong!

In the past, he was a little curious about how Li Qingyang, a monk with inferior spiritual roots, cultivated to the realm of golden elixir.

As the president of the Lingshi Reserve Bank, Li Qingyang cannot be in seclusion every day like the monks of the Transcendental Sect. He often needs to be exposed to deal with secular affairs. Even if he has the Golden Wheel of Five Merits, it is equivalent to the middle-grade spiritual root qualification.

Although it is not impossible for mid-level spiritual root cultivators to advance to the golden elixir stage, cultivators of the worldly sect who focus on accumulating merit are not like those of the worldly sect who usually do not have as much time to spend in retreat.

Therefore, it is possible for cultivators with mid-level spiritual root qualifications who do not practice diligently to reach the foundation-building Dzogchen stage, but it is very difficult to reach the golden elixir stage.

Local sect leaders such as Jiang Hua'an were able to cultivate to the golden elixir stage by virtue of their mid-grade spiritual root qualifications. This was also because they, as the top leaders of local forces, were able to obtain heavenly rewards by defending their territory. Basically, they would have one or two golden wheels of merit added to their bodies.

The vast majority of local sects who have middle-grade spiritual cultivation without merit, even if they have been in seclusion for many years, are at most in the late stage of foundation building.

According to official statements from the Wuliang Sword Sect and the Lingshi Reserve Bank, Li Qingyang was able to advance to the Golden Core stage because the Wuliang Sword Sect allocated a lot of cultivation resources to him.

However, methods that can increase the speed of practice are extremely rare. For example, the most common method is to find a Taoist companion with high-quality spiritual roots to practice together, but Li Qingyang does not seem to do this.

Now it seems that Li Qingyang's real trump card is probably the sixth golden wheel of merit!

Seeing that Yang Lu was so shocked that he was speechless, Li Qingyang smiled and explained: "This sixth golden wheel of merit is the result of me deceiving the way of heaven. Anyone who masters this trick can cultivate the four The five golden wheels of merit are not a problem. I am relatively lucky. Xu Yannan’s ancestors Xu Xihong and Mr. Lu helped me a lot, and I was lucky enough to cultivate the sixth golden wheel of merit."

There have long been rumors in Haiya City that Xu Yannan was accepted as a direct disciple by Li Qingyang, mainly because his ancestors had a close relationship with Li Qingyang. However, no one could tell the specific relationship between Li Qingyang and the ancestors of the Xu family. If Li Qingyang hadn't told him personally today, he would never have imagined that Xu Yannan's ancestors had helped Li Qingyang deceive Jiuzhou Tiandao!

No wonder Li Qingyang would vigorously support Xu Yannan. With this important relationship, it would not be too much for Li Qingyang to adopt Xu Yannan as his adopted son!

However, Xu Yannan’s life background was obviously not the focus of the conversation. Hearing that there was such a method to upgrade the bug, Yang Lu quickly handed over his hand and asked for advice: "Please tell me, Mr. Li!"

However, Li Qingyang suddenly laughed: "I didn't even tell Qingning girl, Wang Ziwei, or Xu Yannan about this method of deceiving Heaven. Do you think I will tell you easily?"

Hearing this, Yang Lu's heart moved slightly.

He was keenly aware that Li Qingyang mentioned Li Qingning first, then Wang Ziwei, and finally Xu Yannan.

This order is not quite right!

When mentioning several parallel matters, most people will subconsciously put the most important thing first because that is the first image that comes to their minds. Unless they are professionally trained people, ordinary people Basically everyone has this speaking habit.

Therefore, it is normal for Li Qingyang to mention Li Qingning first.

But the abnormal thing is that Li Qingyang ranked his secretary Wang Ziwei in front of Xu Yannan.

Since Xu Yannan's ancestors once helped Li Qingyang deceive Jiuzhou Tiandao, the Li family and the Xu family can be regarded as life and death friends, but why is Wang Ziwei's relationship with Li Qingyang closer than that of Xu Yannan?

What is Wang Ziwei’s background?

This is not Yang Lu's random speculation.

Also to support the younger generation, Li Qingyang sent Xu Yannan to take charge of the field, but kept Wang Ziwei by his side to train him. This is already very revealing. In particular, Xu Yannan is very capable and is not incompetent for the position of president's secretary, which makes even less sense.

All signs indicate that Li Qingyang, the secretary, is definitely not a simple person, and can even be said to be his second most valued junior!

Although Yang Lu had some doubts in his heart, it was obviously not the time to analyze this. Seeing that Li Qingyang seemed to be regretting it, Yang Lu was speechless and said, "Didn't you just say that you wanted to tell me this secret?"

However, Li Qingyang shook his head and said: "I will indeed tell you the method of deceiving Heaven, but the time has not come yet. I put this method into the ancestral hall of the Xu family in Haiya City and protected it with special restrictions. Only mine Only direct descendants can take it out. I have already told Xu Yannan that if the Qingning girl can successfully survive the trial on the extraterritorial battlefield, he will lead you to take out this secret. If she does anything wrong on the extraterritorial battlefield, then let her Let this secret be buried with her!"

Obviously, in order to get him to help Li Qingning wholeheartedly, Li Qingyang used a way to deceive Tiandao as a bait, but Yang Lu couldn't even accept this bait.

This is a way to deceive Heaven!

So Yang Lu quickly asked: "The battlefield outside the territory is full of dangers. You don't go to those direct disciples of the seven major sects to help protect the eldest lady. Instead, you go to me, a guy with low strength. What's the point?"

Li Qingyang said: "You have no idea how many enemies our Li family has and how high their status is. This cannot be solved by hiring one or two thugs. President Lu's experience back then has proven that if you want to get out of the battlefield outside the territory, you must be far wiser." It’s more important than force, I believe that with your wisdom, you should be able to help think of some solutions!”

With his cultivation level of the fourth level of Qi Refining, Governor Lu was in an uninhabited battlefield outside the territory. This story was known to almost everyone in the Kyushu cultivation world. Since Li Qingyang compared him to Lu Yang, what else could Yang Lu say?

So he had to say: "Since President Li trusts me so much, I will do my best!"

However, Li Qingyang smiled noncommittally and said: "You don't have to promise me. Even if you get the secret for the sake of heaven, I believe you will do it. Offering a price that the other party cannot refuse is also considered a cultivation economist. The basic qualities...Okay, we have talked about a lot today, and I am a little tired, so I won’t leave you to continue chatting!”

Seeing that Li Qingyang issued an order to expel guests, Yang Lu bowed slightly and turned around to leave.

As the outsiders left, the White Jade Pavilion, which was firmly protected by layers of restrictions, once again fell into absolute silence.


After Li Qingyang was the only one left in the room, a faint sigh came from the Baiyu Pavilion, but what exactly this sigh meant may be only known to the dying legendary cultivation economist himself.

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