Just when Li Qingyang asked Yang Lu for help, Lin Jianxing was also summoning Liu Hanxing to talk.

The meeting place between the two people was in the meeting hall of the Wuliang Sword Sect next to the headquarters of the Lingshi Reserve Bank. This empty and grand hall was located at the core of the Wuliang Sword Sect. There was no order from the head, and even several Supreme Elders were there. Not qualified to break in without permission.

For Lin Jianxing, the much-anticipated leader of the Wuliang Sword Sect, there is no place more suitable for discussing personal matters than here.

Looking at Liu Hanxing who was bowing respectfully in front of him, Lin Jianxing said calmly: "Has there been any result on the matter I asked you to investigate?"

"We have preliminary investigation results!" Liu Hanxing lowered his head by two points and reported to his master in a deep voice: "In order to track down the mastermind behind the scenes, I borrowed the most precious commemorative mirror from Zijin Pavilion. According to the commemorative realm, I have been digging for clues all the way, and I have now basically determined that it was Yang Lu, the monk from the Jindaomen in Haiya City, who fraudulently used the private token I sent to internal personnel, infiltrated Liu Qi's secret meeting, and then carried out the Tianshu City operation. It was leaked to Cheng Shuying in advance!"

Although Yang Lu believed that he had done a perfect job in the Tianshu City operation, he still underestimated the ability of the big brother in the cultivation world to solve crimes.

The commemorative realm Liu Qi mentioned is the treasure of Zijin Pavilion.

This treasure can not only restore all the image information of a certain place in a certain period of time in the past, but also has the ability to see through all illusions, so it will not be easily lent to outsiders.

If the Tianshu City incident had not had such a bad impact, Liu Hanxing would not have paid a huge price to borrow this artifact from Zijin Pavilion to investigate the mastermind behind the Tianshu City operation.

"I knew that Cheng Shuying must have seen the trump card in advance!" After learning the news, Lin Jianxing smiled instead of being angry, "Tianshu City suffered such a catastrophe. Under normal circumstances, how could Cheng Shuying let Mo Yunlan go so easily? ? How dare he interrupt my closed-door meeting and recall Chen Ming from the Mountain Eagle Sect? Good thing now, because of your serious mistake, these two troublesome guys Cheng Shuying and Mo Yunlan got together instead! Liu Hanxing, you really disappoint me!"

Seeing that Lin Jianxing was furious and even called him out by name, which was very rare. Even though Liu Hanxing had found a reason to excuse himself, he didn't dare to say it now. He could only apologize with cold sweat on his face: "It's my disciple's fault. , I also ask the head master to punish me severely!"

Lin Jianxing ignored Liu Hanxing's apology, but said in a cold tone: "That monk from the Golden Sword Sect named Yang Lu is so brave, and he dares to get involved in the game of the top officials of the Wuliang Sword Sect! I'll find him immediately and kill him. ! I want everyone to know what kind of price they will pay for those who dare to play dirty tricks with me, Lin Jianxing!"

Although killing requires deducting heavenly merit, it is still easy for the leader of the Immeasurable Sword Sect to kill a monk in the Qi Refining Stage. As long as Lin Jianxing lets out the word, countless cultivators are willing to deduct merit and become his killer. He doesn't even need to I went specifically to listen to the murder commission from Heyu Pavilion.

If Yang Lu were here, he would definitely protest. It was obviously you who played the trick first, and everyone just used their own methods. What does it mean to flip the table if you can't do it now?

However, the world of cultivation has always been characterized by asymmetric competition, and there is never any reason. Lin Jianxing is just uglier.

Normally, after Lin Jianxing gave this order, Miss Li could wait to collect Yang Lu's body. However, this time, Liu Hanxing showed obvious hesitation.

Seeing his disciple's hesitation, Lin Jianxing frowned and said, "Why, do you have anything else to say?"

"Master, I'm afraid this is inappropriate!" Liu Hanxing mustered up the courage this time to directly reject Lin Jianxing's proposal, "Just now President Li's secretary Wang Ziwei came to me and said that President Li personally arranged for Yang Lu to be at the Qingning Chamber of Commerce. . He also said... Since we were the first to add sand to the Qingning Chamber of Commerce, don't blame him for counterattacking. If anything happens to Yang Lu, President Li will definitely publish the cause and effect of the matter in the "Xu Zhen Financial Weekly" .”

Lin Jianxing was about to get angry, but when he heard that it was Li Qingyang who wanted to protect this person, he was immediately choked and speechless.

If there was anyone in Zhongzhou that Lin Jianxing feared the most, it was definitely Li Qingyang. Behind this person stood the vested interest groups responsible for the entire Third Lingshi Financial Crisis, and he was even more difficult to deal with than the heads of the seven major sects.

No matter how conspiracies everyone used to do before, they were all done under the table. But if the conflict is made public, all parties will have no way out. This is why Cheng Shuying would rather suffer the consequences than stand up and accuse Lin Jianxing.

Cheng Shuying couldn't afford the price of betrayal, and Lin Jianxing couldn't afford it either.

This is like two superpowers on earth supporting proxies to fight local wars, and the losing side can only suffer the consequences. If you insist on saying that I refuse to admit defeat and insist on using nuclear bombs to kill the agents supported by the opposite country, then it is equivalent to overturning the table. The next process is for everyone to press the nuclear button on each other and then die together.

Lin Jianxing was silent for a long time, and then said word by word: "What is the relationship between Yang Lu and Li Qingyang?"

Liu Hanxing suddenly looked embarrassed and hesitantly said: "I think what Wang Ziwei means, this person seems... this person seems to be the wild man Li Qingning was looking for in Haiya City."

Hearing this outrageous answer, Lin Jianxing, who was originally serious, almost lost his composure on the spot.

After finally managing his expression again, Lin Jianxing said speechlessly: "No wonder President Li wants to protect this person. This time, he really found a reason why I have to sell his face..."

Liu Hanxing's emotional intelligence was extremely high, and he could see that Lin Jianxing was trying to find a way out for him, so he quickly agreed: "What the head master said is absolutely true. Since this person is Li Qingyang's great-grandson-in-law, it is really difficult for us to get things done. Absolutely awesome!"

Lin Jianxing nodded, tentatively agreeing with this conclusion.

Seeing that Liu Hanxing seemed to have something to say, Lin Jianxing continued to ask: "Several elders will come to discuss matters soon. If you have anything worth reporting, please take this opportunity to talk about it!"

Liu Hanxing immediately reported: "I really have another thing. Just now Li Qingning ran to your retreat, probably to find that junior sister Murong. But I remember that you had specifically ordered her before, saying that she was not allowed to He wanted to contact anyone at will, so I ordered someone to shirk it by saying that Junior Sister Murong had already gone into seclusion and sent Li Qingning away."

After taking a deep look at his disciple, Lin Jianxing said expressionlessly: "You have done a good job. Murong is the only disciple of the Holy Grade Spiritual Root in our sect for hundreds of years. Her status is very special. Do not let her contact anyone before the foundation building period. .”

Liu Hanxing didn't know that Murong was an immortal. Although he felt that Lin Jianxing valued this junior sister a little too much, he still bowed his hands again and said: "Then this disciple needs to report these things!"

"Well, but I have another thing I want to entrust you to do!"

Seeing Liu Hanxing pretending to be all ears, Lin Jianxing dropped a bombshell this time: "I have discussed the future arrangements of Lingshi Reserve Bank with President Li a few days ago. Yuntianhua will succeed Li Qingyang as the fourth President of Lingshi Reserve Bank, and on my side... I am preparing to nominate you to replace Yuntianhua as the vice president!"

Hearing these words, Liu Hanxing's breathing suddenly became rapid.

Yuntianhua is the number one vice president of Lingshi Reserve Bank. For him to take over Yuntianhua's position is obviously to appoint him as the fifth candidate of Lingshi Reserve Bank.

Since Lin Jianxing dared to mention this news to him personally, it means that there is basically no suspense about this nomination. Considering that Yuntian Hua Shouyuan only has a hundred years left, doesn't this mean that in a hundred years, he, Liu Hanxing, will be expected to take charge of the highest financial institution in the Kyushu cultivation world? authority?

Thinking of this, Liu Hanxing quickly thanked him and said, "Thank you, Master, for your cultivation!"

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