The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 251 The Spiritual Tribe of the Wilderness Territory

The conversation between Yang Lu and Li Qingyang was not very long.

After he left Baiyu Pavilion, Han Xinhe and Li Qingning had not rushed back to gather, and only Wang Ziwei was waiting for him silently.

No matter what social form, the position closer to the leader is always more important, just like the eunuchs in the courts of ancient China and the Eastern Roman Empire, the imperial guards of Ottoman Turkey, and the secretaries, drivers and health doctors of modern leaders...

These "close ministers" are basically the ones most trusted by those in power. For example, a banned book about a certain leader's private life was written by the leader's health doctor.

Wang Ziwei has been the assistant to the president of the Lingshi Reserve Bank for decades. To be able to be taken care of by a leader in the cultivation world like Li Qingyang all year round, this person must have a very unique background.

Through the conversation just now, Yang Lu had clearly felt that Li Qingyang's trust in Wang Ziwei might be higher than his trust in Xu Yannan.

Yang Lu felt that Wang Ziwei and Li Qingyang were definitely not just the same sect, so he admired the scenery at the highest peak of the Wuliang Sword Sect and took the opportunity to chat with each other.

Wang Ziwei also knew that his leader valued Yang Lu very much, especially after seeing that Yang Lu had chatted for so long with Li Qingyang, who had been closed to the public for several months. Yang Lu chatted and flirted with each other.

Seeing the disciples of the Wuliang Sword Sect flying through the mountains like meteors, Yang Lu couldn't help but said curiously: "Assistant Wang, it is said that there are more than 20,000 disciples of the Wuliang Sword Sect living in the Wuliang Mountains all year round, and transportation requires the help of Dunguang. Light. With such high-intensity spiritual energy consumption, why is the spiritual energy environment in Wuliang Mountains still so rich?"

Yang Lu had nothing to say, so he asked casually.

However, after hearing this question, Wang Ziwei showed a strange expression.

Just when Yang Lu thought he had asked the wrong question, Wang Ziweicai explained with a wry smile: "It seems that Advisor Yang has indeed entered the Immortal Sect not long ago, and he still knows very little about the basic situation of the Wuliang Sword Sect and the headquarters of the Lingshi Reserve Bank!"

Yang Lu didn't mind exposing his ignorance, but asked for advice calmly: "Please ask Assistant Wang for advice!"

Wang Ziwei nodded slightly, and then explained patiently: "Hundreds of years ago, the Wuliang Sword Sect headquarters did have a serious shortage of spiritual energy. At that time, the Wuliang Sword Sect even issued a death order to all cultivators operating in the Wuliang Mountains." "Don't cast spells unless necessary" to prevent Wuliang Mountains from being drained into a spiritual energy vacuum, making it impossible to deal with certain emergencies. If you are caught by the Wuliang Sword Sect arbitrarily wasting spiritual energy in Wuliang Mountains, you will be sentenced to fourteen days of confinement to reflect on your mistakes. In severe cases, a huge fine will be imposed, but..."

"But what?"

"However, this problem was properly solved five hundred years ago by Ma Tianyi, the former leader of the Infinite Sword Sect, and Leader Ma's solution was the so-called Spirit Slave Breeding Plan."

Hearing this unfamiliar vocabulary, Yang Lu asked curiously: "Spirit slave breeding? What is this?"

Wang Ziwei coughed lightly and said: "Although the existence of Lingnu is not a secret, the various sects will never take the initiative to mention it. Consultant Yang is not from the Wuliang Sword Sect or the Lingshi Reserve Bank, so it is normal for him not to know about this matter. . When talking about the origin of the spirit slaves in the Wilderness Territory, we must mention the expedition to the world of cultivation jointly organized by the three ascended immortals five hundred years ago..."

According to Wang Ziwei's detailed account, Yang Lu learned about a hidden history of the world of cultivation for the first time.

It is said that five hundred years ago, after Ma Tianyi, the predecessor of the Wuliang Sword Sect, came to the immortal realm, he used his supreme magic power to discover an extraterrestrial world called the Wilderness Territory. The name of this extraterritorial world was known to Yang Lu for a long time. I heard that it was said that the largest fragment of the ancient heaven [Star City] fell in the center of the wilderness.

According to Wang Ziwei, there are actually aborigines in this wilderness area, and the local aborigines are also called spiritual tribes by Jiuzhou cultivators.

The appearance of the Eldar is no different from that of ordinary humans.

But these spirit races have a very powerful innate magical power, that is, they can automatically generate spiritual energy in their bodies.

Not only that, the spirit race can also continuously temper their physical body through the spiritual energy generated in the body, reaching the state of destroying the world and destroying the earth with every move, which is very similar to the body-building technique that existed in the ancient legends of Kyushu cultivation world. There are even rumors that the most powerful spiritual martial arts cultivator is stronger than the Kyushu cultivators in the late Nascent Soul.

In addition, some ancient myths and legends are also circulated by the local aborigines in the Wilderness Territory, saying that the cultivation system of the Wilderness Territory was inherited from the Star Capital. Therefore, through reasonable inference, the Kyushu cultivators believe that the martial arts of the Spiritual People in the Wilderness Territory are The inheritance should be the ancient martial arts of Kyushu brought to this other world by the "fall of the ancient heavenly palace debris". But for some reason, the world of Kyushu cultivation itself gradually lost these powerful inheritances during the long ancient and medieval times.

Even though the physical talent of the Spirit Race in the Wilderness Realm is so powerful, they also have fatal flaws.

Since the wilderness does not have the constraints of the heavenly laws of the Nine Provinces, the strong can crush the weak to death as easily as crushing an ant to death. This makes the wilderness become a dark forest where the weak can eat the strong. If others do not kill me, I will kill, and the overall mortality rate of society is Scary high. It is said that the first batch of cultivation adventurers who entered the Wilderness Territory could not even find any local natives who could live past the age of thirty.

In the wilderness, fighting, murder and robbery are commonplace.

Since the cost of murder and arson in the Wilderness Realm is too low, when two strange Spirit Races meet, unless they are of equal strength, one of them will most likely die. If a large number of Spirit Races gather together, these people will die within a few days. Kill each other until the winner is determined, and the weak become the slave of the strong.

Precisely because the only criterion in the wilderness is violence, the social structure of the Eldar is a bit like the monkey mountain in the zoo.

In the Monkey Mountain, the strongest monkey king is the dictator of the monkey mountain. He enjoys the most resources of the monkey group and the female monkey. The other monkeys can only surrender to the monkey king, work for the monkey king as cattle and horses, and share some leftovers. Zhi. As long as two groups of monkeys are put together, there will definitely be a bloody battle, which will not end until the winner is decided and a new "big monkey king" appears.

The form of social organization in the Wilderness Territory is similar to that of a mountain village.

Due to the lack of hard constraints of the Nine Provinces of Heaven and the huge differentiation of individual combat capabilities, the social order of the Spirit Clan is almost in a state of semi-collapse. The strong and the weak cannot reach a stable game equilibrium at all, and the inheritance of civilization is also close to being cut off. Despite the combat potential of the Spirit Clan, Stronger than cultivators, but the social structure is like a piece of loose sand. Even if there are indeed a few spiritual martial arts masters in the Wilderness Territory who can compete with Jindan or even Yuanying, they are no match for the Jiuzhou cultivators who fight in a group.

As we all know, spiritual energy is the most precious resource in the Kyushu cultivation world. These spiritual people in the wilderness who can automatically produce spiritual energy in their bodies have naturally become the coveted objects of the Kyushu cultivators.

With the help of the supreme power of Ma Tianyi's natal immortal weapon [Three Thousand Worlds], cultivators from Kyushu continued to return to Kyushu and the wilderness, and launched a large-scale expedition (slave capture) plan——

This is the famous Wilderness Domain Development Plan!

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