The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 256 Banquet Invitation

As usual, the Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference is still held in Luoxia City.

Luoxia City is only more than two thousand miles away from Haiya City in a straight line. It is said that 500 years ago, the ascended immortal Xiao Huang was at the Luoxia Sect's martial arts arena. With a shocking competition, he defeated the talented cultivation girl of the Murong family at that time.

This competition can be recorded in history not only because of the participation of ascended immortals.

The more important reason is that during the competition, Immortal Xiao exuded the aura of domineering king and tyrant, and he frequently uttered golden sentences and contributed countless well-known and domineering famous lines.

Like "Don't bully young people into poverty", "Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi", "I want the sky to no longer be able to cover my eyes, I want this land to no longer be able to bury my heart", "Heaven will never make me miserable" "Fire King, the path of immortality is as long as the night." Commonly used famous lines in Kyushu cultivation world novels all come from this epic competition. I don't know how this ascended immortal came up with so many saucy words.

Yang Lu even suspected that Immortal Xiao was not participating in a martial arts competition, but in a poetry recitation conference.

After all, cultivators' fights usually don't last too long. It won't be like in a story novel where you play a hole card, I play a hole card, you play another hole card, and I play another hole card, and they fight each other for dozens of times. The round is over.

In most cases, after two or three rounds of fighting, the two sides can decide the winner.

In the battle of the Outlying Islands War, Tian Beixi, Lin Dong, and Lin Muhu basically decided the winner in an instant. It was quite tight to say so many shameful words in one battle. , if you don’t believe it, you can try saying it yourself in public.

In any case, with Xiao Huang's epic victory, he not only completed his revenge on the Murong family who had broken off their engagement to him, but also impressed the Murong family's genius cultivation girl and successfully embraced the beauty. It is precisely because of this martial arts competition that has been recorded in history that the Luoxia Sect's martial arts arena has since become a holy place for Zhongzhou cultivators to make friends through martial arts.

Whether competitions can be held in the Luoxia Sect's martial arts arena has even become a symbol of whether the standards of various martial arts competitions are high enough. It is said that the Luoxia Sect can earn a lot of rental income every year just by renting out the "Ascending Immortal's Same Style Martial Arts Arena" .

As a fast track for ordinary sect monks to advance directly to the Wuliang Sword Sect, it is also a big stage for the major vassal sects to show off their strength. Both the Wuliang Sword Sect and the major vassal sects attach great importance to the Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference. The Wuliang Sword Sect even A late-stage Golden Elixir monk was specially sent to personally host the event.

Such a high-level event would naturally be held at the Luoxia City Martial Arts Arena, a venue with special significance.

Li Qingning has always been interested in martial arts.

Even if Zhu Ziming hired Li Wen, the killer of Heyu Pavilion, to assassinate her, she would have an upright duel with him. However, Li Wen did not follow martial ethics, which made Miss Li very frustrated.

After hearing that Yang Lu had signed up for the Zhongzhou Sword Competition on his own initiative, Li Qingning's reaction could be described as "not surprised but happy" because the Golden Blade Sect had not originally planned to send her to fight on behalf of the sect.

After all, Li Qingning's identity is quite special. If she loses, the Golden Blade Sect will definitely be embarrassed. If she wins, she won't be able to join the Wuliang Sword Sect. Even if she has a very positive attitude, Xu Yannan, as her guardian, will never allow her to join in this. It was lively until Yang Lu brought out Li Qingyang's top instructions, and then Xu Yannan pinched his nose and agreed to her request to participate.

Speaking of which, Yang Lu has become much more courageous than before since he visited Baiyu Pavilion.

In the past few days, he has used the banner of President Li to deceive more than once, but Li Qingyang himself has not said anything and has always maintained a tacit attitude. Wang Ziwei is also fully cooperating with his work.

Yang Lu is not so arrogant as to think that Li Qingyang doesn't know what he is doing outside. It can be seen from Li Qingyang's past performance that although he stays in Baiyu Pavilion all year round to live in seclusion, he is not as concerned about what is happening in the outside world. He was as clear as a mirror, and could even occasionally remotely control the Lingshi Reserve Bank to fight with Tian Daxiao from a distance.

It seems that as Li Qingyang's deadline is approaching, he has let Yang Lu help the Qingning Chamber of Commerce operate. This can be regarded as the highest degree of recognition of Yang Lu's ability.

Li Qingning is actually very familiar with the situation in Luoxia City.

Originally, the headquarters of the Qingning Chamber of Commerce was planned to be located in Luoxia City. In the end, because Li Qingning insisted on fighting with Xu Yannan, the location of the headquarters was abruptly changed to Haiya City, a frontline where many forces were competing.

Despite this, the Luoxia City branch is still the first branch established by the Qingning Chamber of Commerce. It was in Luoxia City that the Qingning Chamber of Commerce recruited He Mingyuan, the chamber's third-ranked executive and head of the anti-corruption department.

Li Qingning and Yang Lu originally planned to let He Mingyuan lead the way to Luoxia City, but before leaving, Su Yuanfeng, the president of the Haiya Chamber of Commerce, suddenly sent an invitation, asking them to ride the Feitian Spirit Boat with him to compete in Luoxia City. Yang Lu originally didn't want to waste the favor and borrow the Feitian Spirit Boat, but since it was Su Yuanfeng's initiative, he declined the invitation.

On the eve of the agreed departure, Su Yuanfeng specially held a banquet on the terrace of his Flying Spirit Boat and invited several distinguished guests from the Haiya Chamber of Commerce to enjoy an extremely luxurious aerial dinner above the Haiya Chamber of Commerce.

Li Qingning had always shown little interest in such social occasions, and in the end Yang Lu went to the banquet alone.

Fortunately, Yang Lu has recently been deceiving everyone under the banner of Li Qingyang, and has confirmed the identity of Li Qingyang's direct heir and great-grandson-in-law, so President Su will not feel that he has been neglected.

After all, the young people who were supported by President Lu back then are now the mainstays of the seven major sects. With Yang Lu's current status, not to mention attending Su Yuanfeng's banquet, even attending the banquet hosted by Mo Yunlan is not considered a slight. According to Han Fulai, Yang Lu is already considered Mr. Lu’s junior!

As a high-level member of the Haiya Department, Su Yuanfeng, the president of the Haiya Chamber of Commerce, was significantly stronger than Han Fulai's uncle and nephew in all aspects.

There are rumors that Su Yuanfeng is expected to advance to the Jindan stage in the near future and become the second Jindan stage monk in the Haiya family. Not only that, his family's financial resources completely overwhelm Han Xinhe, and even Jiang Hua'an is no match for him.

After witnessing Su Yuanfeng's cunning operation of using Haiya Bank as a cash machine, Yang Lu no longer had any doubts about this statement.

Although Han Fulai's Flying Spirit Boat was already quite luxurious, in front of Su Yuanfeng's Flying Spirit Boat, the difference between the two was almost like an Alto and an Audi. The size difference alone was several times greater. In comparison, the Flying Spirit Boat of Elder Fei of the Mountain Eagle Sect that Yang Lu first saw was not even as good as the Taiwanese turtle Sanbengzi.

Not only that, Su Yuanfeng's flying spirit boat can be used not only for traveling, but also for hosting banquets to entertain guests.

On the afternoon of the banquet, his luxurious flying spirit boat had already taken off early and was suspended directly above the headquarters of the Haiya Chamber of Commerce. Looking up, it seemed that there was a floating palace above Haiya City!

Su Yuanfeng obviously also knew that Yang Lu was only in the early stage of Qi refining, so as soon as Yang Lu arrived at the entrance of the Haiya Chamber of Commerce headquarters, he found that the gatekeeper who was originally responsible for accepting famous invitations had been replaced by a beautiful cultivator in Haiya sect costumes.

When Yang Lu handed over the name card to the other party, the other party just smiled and said, "President Su and the others have been waiting for a long time." Then he activated the Immortal Technique and pointed it at Yang Lu, and the two of them flew into the air with the help of magic power. rise.

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