As the light flashed, Yang Lu felt like he was riding in an invisible elevator, flying directly to an altitude of six to seven hundred meters, and then stopped steadily at the side door of the large flying spirit boat suspended in mid-air.

There are dozens of service staff busy working on Su Yuanfeng's beautiful and luxurious soul boat.

Most of the service staff are mortals, but there are also a few Qi Refining Stage disciples of the Haiya Sect among them. The beauty responsible for providing reception and explanation services to Yang Lu is a Qi Refining Stage disciple of the Haiya Sect.

Su Yuanfeng has always been known for his generosity towards others, and even has the title of "Haiya God of Wealth". Working as a handyman in his private spiritual boat is an outright job even for an ordinary disciple of the Haiya Sect, so this The attitude of the beautiful monk can be said to be quite attentive, and she did not feel scornful at all when she saw Yang Lu's low cultivation level.

Yang Lu has even met the legendary cultivation economist Li Qingyang, and his daily life is more about "building foundations when talking and laughing, but not refining energy when coming and going". He has long been comfortable with this kind of social scene, and he accepts the other party's hospitality with peace of mind.

When Yang Lu arrived at the banquet location, which was the terrace of the giant flying spirit boat, he found that he was not the only guest at the dinner.

Before he arrived, two strange monks wearing khaki Guyun Sect costumes had already arrived, and after he arrived, two more strange monks in white robes appeared on the scene together with strange clothing styles.

In addition, the host Su Yuanfeng was accompanied by a strange monk from the Haiya Sect. This man was about thirty years old. He seemed to be younger than Han Fulai and looked quite capable.

As soon as this person met, he told Yang Lu that he was familiar with Yang Lu. He was none other than Su Cheng, a junior in the family who was cultivated vigorously by Su Yuanfeng and a Qi Refining Dzogchen cultivator.

After all five guests had arrived, Su Yuanfeng clapped his hands gently, and the height of the flying spirit boat increased again, and soon it was hovering about a thousand meters above Haiya City, allowing everyone to easily overlook the entire Haiya. Harbor night.

Since it had just fallen into the night, the lights in Haiya City were still bright like dragons. The dense aura lamps and torches illuminated the crisscrossing main avenues like daylight. Under the light of the lighthouse, there were still ocean-going merchant ships. As the night slowly enters the port, you can even vaguely see a large number of dock workers transporting goods from the port to various storage yards and distribution centers. Looking down from a high position, Haiya City is like a golden river that never sleeps, flowing with massive wealth from Kyushu.

All the guests, including Yang Lu, were attracted by the bright night view of Haiya City.

Although Yang Lu has seen more prosperous modern earth cities before, the unique scenery of this Zhongzhou Cultivation Commercial Center still has a special charm to him.

One of the older monks in white robes couldn't help but sigh: "Haiya City is indeed a beautiful place in Zhongzhou, the hub of maritime trade wealth, such a brightly lit night scene, and such a prosperous age of all industries, it is very exciting. My heart is so open, in the bitter cold land of our Arctic state, I am afraid that ordinary mortals will never have the opportunity to see such a magnificent scene in their lifetime!"

Su Yuanfeng responded with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Qu is ridiculous. The Hanguang Sword Sect in the Snowy Mountains of Arctic State is the legendary blessed land of immortals. Our Haiya City is just a secular city full of the smell of copper. It cannot be Such a good reputation.”

Only then did Yang Lu know that these two white-robed monks were actually monks from the Hanguang Sword Sect in Arctic State.

Hearing Su Yuanfeng's self-effacing words, the monk surnamed Qu shook his head and said: "When Qu was young, he also traveled to various parts of Jiuzhou. Many ports with geographical locations no less than those of Haiya City gave me a feeling of lifelessness. From the cultivation sect From the top to the mortals who handle government affairs for the cultivators, they are all exploiting the mortals at the bottom. Ordinary mortals, let alone working hard at night, are reluctant to even carry out the tasks assigned by the cultivators. What do you Haiya Sect have? Any management tips?”

Hearing the words of the monk surnamed Qu, Yang Lu couldn't help but think of what he had seen and heard in Tianshu City.

If you are used to the prosperity of Haiya City, you will indeed feel that Tianshu City is a bit lifeless. Now it seems that cities like Haiya City are only a few, and cities like Tianshu City are the norm in the Kyushu cultivation world.

Yang Lu was also curious as to how Su Yuanfeng, the president of the Haiya Chamber of Commerce, would answer this question.

"All the bustle in the world is for profit, and all the hustle and bustle in the world is for profit!" Su Yuanfeng pondered for a moment, and then solemnly gave an answer in the style of an Austrian economist, "Everyone's interests are actually very simple. , that is, to strive for more benefits for oneself. But if thousands of people want to maximize their own interests, things will become very troublesome, and when millions of people want to maximize their own interests, the entire society The contradiction will be so great that no one can reconcile it. What makes Haiya Sect better than other cultivation sects is that it knows how to actively restrain its power, delegate power to many market entities, and play the role of the market in transmitting signals, rather than Trying to vertically manage millions of people by itself."

Judging from what Yang Lu has observed, in addition to providing the most basic public services to the Haiya area, the Haiya system only firmly grasps the two main lines of maritime trade and finance. It is indeed a typical representative of streamlining administration and delegating power.

The monk surnamed Qu nodded thoughtfully and said: "Knowing the choices and advances and retreats, it is no accident that the Haiya Department can achieve today's glory!"

Su Yuanfeng laughed loudly when he heard this and said: "Su is hosting a banquet this time to entertain all the friends from the Haiya Chamber of Commerce. It is a bit too serious to talk about this kind of sect management. How about I introduce each other to you first?" Bar……"

After everyone's eyes were focused on him, Su Yuanfeng introduced to everyone one by one: "Today's distinguished guests are all important shareholders of the Huoyun Prefecture Yangjiang Port project, and they will all participate in the Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference to be held in a few days. This Taoist friend from Qujing of the Hanguang Sword Sect met Su during a trial on an extraterrestrial battlefield a hundred years ago. He is now an early stage Golden Elixir monk, and the young friend from Lingyang next to him will represent the Hanguang Sword Sect. For this Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference, both of you made a special trip from the Snowy Mountains of the Arctic State and came all the way to Haiya City."

The relationship between the six extreme northern sects and the seven major sects of Kyushu is very delicate.

Generally speaking, the two sides are roughly in a neutral relationship of "no unification, no independence, and no force."

The Wuliang Sword Sect did not say that neutral sects like the Arctic State would not be allowed to participate in the Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference, but it was unlikely that the Six Extreme North Sects would allow their elite disciples to join the Wuliang Sword Sect. Ling Yang, a disciple of the Hanguang Sword Sect, did not He traveled thousands of miles to participate in the competition and even accepted Su Yuanfeng's banquet. It was most likely Su Yuanfeng's invitation to Su Cheng.

The next words of the golden elixir stage monk named Qu Jing also verified Yang Lu's guess: "President Su, you are so polite! With President Su's ability, I am afraid that it will only take the next two years to advance to the golden elixir stage. We Hanguang The Sword Sect also made a special trip to act as a green leaf for President Su, to set off the red flower of little Taoist Su, I wonder if these three strange Taoist friends are..."

"This is Yang Lu, the successor of President Li Qingyang. He is currently serving as a consultant to the Qingning Chamber of Commerce." After introducing Yang Lu, Su Yuanfeng turned to the relatively young monk of the Guyun Sect again and introduced, "This Guyun Sect Fellow Daoist Ren Yi is also a strong contender for this Zhongzhou Sword Competition, but after many efforts, it has been determined that he will be assigned to the Eastern Division to compete."

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