The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 274 Re-drawing lots

While Yang Lu and Chen Ming were chatting happily, Su Yuanfeng was also waiting for a special guest at his residence.

In order to welcome this special guest, Su Yuanfeng not only sent away all Haiya Chamber of Commerce allies such as Yang Lu and Qu Jing in advance, but even his close confidant, junior Su Cheng, was arranged by him to visit him.

Just when Su Yuanfeng set up the spiritual tea and waited silently for the guests, the spiritual energy environment in the room suddenly shook violently, and the originally flat space seemed to suddenly tear open a crack. From this small crack, a man with a majestic face flashed out. This middle-aged man is none other than Li Feiyu, the host of the Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference!

When Su Yuanfeng saw this, he immediately stood up to greet him and said, "Elder Li, you're welcome!"

Li Feiyu nodded slightly and said: "Now the Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference is going on. I don't know how many pairs of eyes of the Wuliang Sword Sect are watching me secretly. Please forgive me for having to sneak up to see you in this way!"

Su Yuanfeng did not show the slightest displeasure, but praised continuously: "It seems that Elder Li's Six Path Sword has been cultivated to the pinnacle, and it can actually break the void with the body. I'm afraid you are already the first person under the Nascent Soul in Zhongzhou today! "

"It's just a short-distance displacement with the help of the Infinite Sea of ​​Void. Even Senior Brother Mo himself can't achieve the true meaning of Shattering the Void!" Although Li Feiyu's tone was very humble, a trace of complacency flashed across his face.

As for the person who can be called Senior Brother Mo by Li Feiyu, a late-stage Jindan cultivator, it is naturally Mo Yunlan, the Supreme Elder of the Nascent Soul Stage of the Wuliang Sword Sect. Although the two of them are a big difference in realm, they were both members of the Lingshi Reserve Bank back then. There is nothing wrong with the disciples of the second president, Li Rui, calling each other brothers.

After the two parties exchanged polite greetings, they heard Elder Li Feiyu take the lead in apologizing: "President Su, this time I, Li Feiyu, messed up something you personally told me to do. I came here at the invitation with the intention of specifically apologizing to you! "

How could Su Yuanfeng accept Li Feiyu's apology openly?

He quickly waved his hands and said: "This is a crime that is not a war crime. Who would have thought that Chen Ming would dare to let his disciples practice forbidden arts!"

Li Feiyu had a look of dissatisfaction on his face and snorted coldly: "Chen Ming is just instructing his disciples to practice forbidden arts, but he actually dares not to ventilate with me in advance. He is deliberately trying to embarrass me! I see Chen Ming fawning over Cheng Shuying. , obviously something is not going to happen, no wonder the Mountain Eagle Sect has been suppressed by you, the Haiya Sect, for so many years."

Chen Ming is certainly not a fool with low emotional intelligence.

If he had communicated with Li Feiyu in advance, then Li Feiyu would definitely not put Ye Chen and Su Cheng in the same group. Chen Ming chose to kill first and tell later, because he deliberately wanted to ruin the good things of the Haiya Chamber of Commerce!

However, Chen Ming was an old enemy of the Haiya Chamber of Commerce after all. Su Yuanfeng would definitely not excuse Chen Ming in front of Li Feiyu, so he followed the other party's words and angrily scolded Chen Ming for his ungrateful behavior.

The two of them became more and more angry as they talked, and finally Li Feiyu took the initiative to bring the topic back on track: "President Su took the initiative to come to me this time. He must have other things for me to do, right?"

Su Yuanfeng nodded and said: "I hope Elder Li can rearrange the order of the next lottery."

"Rearrange the draw?"

"Yes, I hope to replace Ye Chen's opponent in the next round with Guyun Zong Ren Yi!"

"What did you say?" Li Feiyu's pupils shrank slightly when he heard Su Yuanfeng's suggestion, "You should know who Ren Yi is! If you do this nonsense... won't you offend Elder Ren Tianyuan?"

Su Yuanfeng quickly made a calm expression and said comfortingly: "Elder Ren has such a transcendent status. Who dares to confront Ren Yi head-on in this sword discussion conference? For Elder Ren, it doesn't matter whoever Ren Yi chooses as his opponent. , as long as it is not Mu Sen from the Arctic Cold Palace, anyone will give him the face of the old man, I don’t believe that Chen Ming dares to let his disciples eliminate the junior Ren Elder!”

"What if Ye Chen really eliminates Ren Yi?"

"That's because Chen Ming doesn't have eyes and is seeking death. What does this have to do with you, Elder Li Feiyu?"


Seeing that Li Feiyu was hesitant, Su Yuanfeng struck while the iron was hot: "Besides, there are good reasons for you to reschedule the draw now. According to the current draw order, Mu Sen from Arctic Cold Palace will face Pan Yue from Pan's Trading Company in the next round. If Pan Yue is accidentally eliminated by Mu Sen, Elder Li, you can't explain it to Elder Wen! After all, Pan Yue, like Ren Yi, wants to enter the top eight no matter what, we can just use this as an excuse to rearrange Players draw lots!”

Although the draw was rescheduled at the final stage of the competition, and the suspicion of back-room manipulation is indeed very high, the many back-room manipulations of the Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference are originally the unspoken rules of the Zhongzhou cultivation world, just like "The Emperor's New Clothes", everyone knows What happened, it’s just that no one dared to say it publicly.

As the host of the sword discussion conference, Li Feiyu forced the finalists to re-draw lots on the grounds of protecting the interests of Pan's Trading Company. No one dared to stand up and say something wrong with him.

After all, the first person who exposed the emperor's new clothes was not Li Feiyu, but Wen Hanqing, a great monk at the Nascent Soul Stage of the Infinite Sword Sect!

After sorting through the backgrounds of the major stakeholders in this sword discussion conference, Li Feiyu finally nodded and agreed: "President Su's method is okay, but if Ye Chen is allowed to fight against Ren Yi, then who can give Pan Yue trouble?"

Li Feiyu was now asking for soul torture.

The players who can reach the top sixteen, except for Ye Chen, are all super connected. No matter who is eliminated, it is inappropriate. No matter which second-generation immortal you replace Pan Yue's opponent with, you will undoubtedly offend the first-generation immortal behind the second-generation immortal.

Although these relatives are not people who are clearly protected by Nascent Soul monks like Pan Yue and Ren Yi, they are not people that Li Feiyu can easily offend. For example, Taishang Elder Qiu Longbo patted him on the shoulder some time ago and treated him hypocritically. He said, "Feiyu, I think Xiao Liu who participated in the Sword Discussion Conference in Tianjian Valley is very good!"

If Li Feiyu still couldn't understand this naked hint, then he wouldn't have to hang out in the Wuliang Sword Sect.

However, Su Yuanfeng seemed to have planned this for a long time, and said confidently: "Don't worry, Elder Li, I can persuade Li Qingning to let go!"

According to the original plan, Li Qingning was going to take the initiative to give Su Cheng some water. Now that Su Cheng has cooled down, there seems to be nothing wrong with Li Qingning continuing to give Pan Yue some water.

What's more, when the Haiya Clan acquired Yangjiang Port, Pan's Trading Company also helped a lot, and everyone blended in to enhance their relationship. It was a win-win strategy for the Haiya Clan, the Qingning Chamber of Commerce, and Pan's Trading Company!

Li Feiyu didn't know about the collusion of interests between Qingning Chamber of Commerce, Haiya Chamber of Commerce, and Pan's Trading Company.

Hearing that Su Yuanfeng could persuade Li Qingning to let go, Li Feiyu was overjoyed. This meant that he could offend one less person, so he repeatedly praised: "President Su, you helped me solve a huge problem this time! "

Su Yuanfeng was not stupid, and he immediately took advantage of the situation and said: "Elder Li is the most important partner of our Haiya family. In order to solve Elder Li's problem, let alone persuade Li Qingning to let go. No matter how difficult the task is, it will not be a problem. However, Regarding Ye Chen and Ren Yi, I have to ask Elder Li to help with the drawing of lots!"

After receiving Su Yuanfeng's promise, Li Feiyu said confidently: "President Su, don't worry, I will go back and arrange a new draw!"

Time was tight, and Elder Li didn't want to delay any more, so he just said goodbye. When Li Feiyu suddenly disappeared again, Su Yuanfeng couldn't help but sneered: "Chen Ming, Chen Ming, I want to see if you still want to win the next game, and if you dare to win!"

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