The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 275 He dares to lose, but you dare to win?

Chapter 275 If he dares to lose, you dare to win

After their own disciples were eliminated, although some sects took the initiative to leave Luoxia City, there were still hundreds of sect representatives who remained.

The vassal sects who can stay and watch the battle are not fools.

Everyone knows very well that on the surface, the Zhongzhou Sword Competition is a competition, but in fact it is a political game between various forces. Everyone hopes that the details revealed in the game can clearly understand the direction of the political situation in Zhongzhou.

Early the next morning, after hearing that the top 16 players would be redrawn, public opinion was in an uproar. However, the subsequent development of the matter did not deviate from Su Yuanfeng's expectations.

When the new lottery results were announced, the originally turbulent public opinion immediately fell silent.

Seeing that the opponent of Pan Yue, the seed player of Pan's Trading Company, suddenly changed from Mu Sen of the Arctic Han Palace to Li Qingning of the Golden Blade Sect, anyone with a little political sense realized that Pan's Trading Company had probably reached a drawer agreement with the Qingning Chamber of Commerce. If you still forcefully come forward to make noise at this time, isn't that just giving eye drops to the two big bosses, Li Qingyang and Wen Hanqing?

Some ideological sects also read deeper meanings from it.

You must know that Li Qingyang's life is short, but Wen Hanqing and Pan's Trading Company are still willing to cooperate with Li Qingning. No matter what the reason is, it shows that even if Li Qingyang passes away, the background of Qingning Chamber of Commerce cannot be underestimated.

In contrast, the fact that Ren Yi's opponent was replaced by Ye Chen did not attract public attention at all.

Even in the eyes of some big shots who know the inside story of this Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference, Li Feiyu's arrangement is the most reasonable.

Compared with other related households with strong backgrounds, using Ye Chen, who does not have a strong backer, as Ren Yi's stepping stone can best satisfy the interests of all parties.

Of course, not everyone wins.

Seeing Ye Chen inexplicably confronting Ren Yi, this time it was Chen Ming's turn to turn green.

He glanced back and forth between Li Feiyu and Su Yuanfeng with angry eyes, but the former was unwilling to offend him at all, while the latter just gave him a provocative smile, which made Master Chen so angry that he tightly grasped the hilt of the Mountain Eagle Sword.

Now Chen Ming understood everything.

This must be Su Yuanfeng activating his money ability again!

The relationship between Li Feiyu and the Chen Family Chamber of Commerce in Haiya City is not a secret. Su Yuanfeng used this relationship to gain access to Li Feiyu, which did not exceed Chen Ming's expectations. It was precisely because he realized that Su Yuanfeng might be colluding with Li Feiyu that he did not follow the unspoken rules of the Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference and go to Li Feiyu to pay homage to the dock in advance.

But he never expected that Su Yuanfeng would be able to instruct Li Feiyu to modify the lottery table!

I'm afraid this is no longer something that Lingshi coins can do.

Chen Ming had long heard through the undercover agents of the Shanying Sect in the Haiya Sect that the Haiya Chamber of Commerce often secretly collected extremely rare dual-cultivation furnaces from Haiya City with huge sums of money, and bribed the senior officials of the Wuliang Sword Sect. He originally thought this was a businessman. There were rumors, but now it seems that Li Feiyu might have accepted the spirit boat and furnace cauldron given by the Haiya Chamber of Commerce!

Otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible for him to do this for Su Yuanfeng!

Seeing the contemptuous smile on Su Yuanfeng's face, if the situation had not allowed him to do so, he would have drawn his sword and beheaded the big dog on the spot.

Although Ye Chen doesn't know much about politics, he's not really stupid.

Seeing that he was about to face the juniors of the Nascent Soul cultivator, he also felt that the situation was not good, so he hesitated and said: "Master, what should I do in my next game...?"

Chen Ming glanced at Ren Yi with a sullen face, gritted his teeth and said: "You can never win this game..."

Although Ye Chen was somewhat mentally prepared, when he heard Chen Ming admit it personally, he still showed a desperate expression: "Master! If I lose to Ren Yi, how can I join the Wuliang Sword Sect and avenge my family! "

Chen Ming took a deep look at Ye Chen and said in a deep voice: "It was also my mistake that things developed to this point. I didn't expect that Su Yuanfeng would be so ruthless. In order to get rid of you, he even made a farce of re-drawing lots. ...Don’t worry, as the saying goes, it’s never too late for a gentleman to take revenge. We don’t miss this opportunity, and we must not lose the big for the small!”

Seeing Chen Ming forcing himself to admit defeat, Ye Chen showed an extremely unwilling expression on his face.

He said in a trembling tone: "Master Chen, we have worked hard for so long, and we are about to join the Wuliang Sword Sect. How can we fall short like this? Aren't all our previous years of planning in vain?"

"There's nothing I can do about it!" After making the decision to let Ye Chen admit defeat, Chen Ming also made a lot of determination. Seeing that Ye Chen was still pestering him, he scolded him sternly on the spot, "Even if you offend Ren Tianyuan, Elder Cheng can’t protect our Mountain Eagle Sect! Don’t you even understand this truth if you keep the green hills and don’t worry about running out of firewood?”

"But Master, if this keeps going on, how long will we have to wait?"

"You are still young, so what if you wait two or three years?"

Hearing this, Ye Chen couldn't hold back at all: "When I practiced the Gengjin Body Transformation Technique, you clearly agreed that it would be three years, but three years later, three years later, and three years later, it was already ten years. It’s been a year, master!”

If Chen Ming has watched "Infernal Affairs", he should be able to tell that his disciple has an emotional problem.

However, this film and television masterpiece does not exist in the world of cultivation.

Chen Ming still said expressionlessly: "Nonsense! In this society, you can't do whatever you want! If you can't bear this grievance, why do you want to seek revenge from the Haiya clan? Even a golden elixir like me, Master Even the monks in the early stage have to endure it, why can't you endure it? Do you think you are Ren Yi and have the ancestors of the Nascent Soul stage to support you?"

Chen Ming's words made it seem like he couldn't stand up and talk without pain in his back.

It is Ye Chen who practices the Geng Metal Body Transformation Technique, not you Chen Ming. Of course you can endure it, but I, Ye Chen, carry a blood feud and have been tortured by forbidden techniques for more than ten years!

Seeing Chen Ming's insistence on surrendering, Ye Chen turned livid and said nothing. However, his trembling hands and pounding heart proved that he was not at peace in his heart at this time.

Chen Ming also looked gloomy and stopped talking while leaning on the Mountain Eagle Sword, and the scene suddenly fell silent.

At this moment, Yang Lu and Li Qingning also came to the auditorium.

Yang Lu had long known that Su Yuanfeng was definitely up to something. In order to avoid suspicion, he specifically did not come to the competition with Su Yuanfeng today. Su Yuanfeng also deliberately avoided inviting him to avoid suspicion, so the two sides reached a silent understanding.

Yang Lu himself is a person who reacts very quickly.

After seeing Li Qingning's opponent Pan Yue suddenly appear, he was stunned for a moment, and then quickly realized what happened.

He quickly turned to look at Su Yuanfeng, only to find that Su Yuanfeng nodded slightly to him.

So Yang Lu immediately turned to Li Qingning and said: "Miss, it seems that the person you are betraying is going to change. This time you may have to betray Pan Yue of Pan's Trading Company."

Li Qingning didn't realize what happened at all, and said with a confused look on his face: "Huh? Didn't you say that you would release water for Su Cheng at first, and then you said you would release water for Ye Chen, and now you have changed to release water for Pan Yue?"

At this moment, the eldest lady's face was full of cuteness, and she didn't have the demeanor of the battlefield Valkyrie in the ring. Yang Lu couldn't help but smile knowingly and said: "This is a favor given to us by President Su!"

"That's right! If I let Pan Yue go, wouldn't it mean that the richest man in Zhongzhou would owe us a favor?" Li Qingning was not stupid either. He was immediately exposed by Yang Lu and quickly realized what was going on. He asked questions like a barrage of questions: "Is this a good thing Su Yuanfeng arranged for us? Why is he suddenly so nice to us?"

It's no wonder that Li Qingning was confused.

She had obviously participated in a Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference, but for some reason, Su Yuanfeng, the president of the Haiya Chamber of Commerce, Chen Ming, the leader of the Mountain Eagle Sect, and the Pan family, the richest man in Zhongzhou, each owed her a favor. Yang Lu's cunning operation of splitting one favor into three and selling it made Miss Li feel like she was about to be knocked unconscious by a pie falling from the sky.

Yang Lu scratched his head and said, "I'm best at making friends with others. It's not surprising to have a friend like President Su!"

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