The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 276 You are not even worthy of acting!

While the two were chatting, the first battle between Li Qingning and Pan Yue was about to begin.

Knowing that he was bound to lose in this match, Li Qingning walked onto the ring as if walking around with a broadsword in his hand. He was still a few feet away from Pan Yue, so he casually cupped his hands and said, "I am Li Qingning. Please give me some advice, fellow Taoist Pan."

After all, Li Qingning is a famous second-generation beauty. Pan Yue also returned the favor and said: "Miss Li, you're welcome!"

After saying that, Pan Yue's spiritual energy suddenly burst out, and a large amount of spiritual energy surged out of his body, forming a set of fully armed spiritual energy armor. This was also Pan Yue's proud defensive spell that he had easily defeated his opponents in the past few rounds.

However, unexpectedly, as soon as the spiritual energy in his body surged out, Li Qingning let out a cry of pain and flew backwards.

"Such a strong spiritual pressure, I, Li Qingning, was defeated!"

As Li Qingning screamed in pain, everyone watched her delicate body fall out of the ring. Such a beautiful woman fell to the ground in embarrassment, instantly attracting the attention of all male cultivators.

I have to say that the way Li Qingning fell looked like that. Even Yang Lu, who was watching in the audience, seriously suspected that after Li Qingning heard that he was going to give his opponent a break, he must have specially practiced how to be defeated by his opponent, and the whole set of moves was very smooth.

However, the crux of the problem is obviously not here.

Pan Yue, who had just put on the spiritual energy armor, was at a loss and said: "This... Miss Li, I, I haven't done anything just yet!"

Li Qingning also noticed that something was not right about the atmosphere at the scene. He rolled up from the ground and stood up. He scratched his head slightly and said: "I saw that your momentum was so strong. I thought you were going to use your killing move. Who knew you actually used it?" Defensive spells...well, how about not counting what I did just now, I return to the ring, and we can compete again?"

Good guy, it turns out that Miss Li didn't pay attention to Pan Yue's previous battles at all!

In the previous games, Pan Yue would always use this unique aura armor first, arming himself into a Gundam-like existence, and then officially attack others. As a result, Li Qingning saw his aura soaring and thought he was about to get serious, so he activated the acting skills he had practiced hard for a long time without saying a word.

Li Qingning's embarrassing acting skills left the entire audience silent.

Although everyone knows that you are showing off, please can you not be so blatant!

Fortunately, the prestige of the two big brothers in the cultivation world, Li Qingyang and Wen Hanqing, was high enough. Although the scene was completely silent and all the cultivators were dumbfounded, no one dared to jump out to expose the emperor's new clothes. In the end, it was Li Feiyu who took the lead and jumped out to save the situation and said: "I declare that the winner of this competition is - Pan Yue of Pan's Trading Company!"

When he heard Li Feiyu announce the result, Yang Lu reacted quickly, stood up and cheered: "Awesome, fellow Taoist Pan Yue is worthy of being a descendant of the Pan family. Our Qingning Chamber of Commerce is convinced that we lost!"

Su Yuanfeng's reaction was not slow, and he immediately stood up and applauded: "Congratulations to this fellow Daoist Pan for being promoted. It's true that a hero comes from a young boy!"

Immediately afterwards, Qu Jing, Ling Yang, the Luoxia Sect monks, the Guyun Sect monks and other friends of President Su, who were slow to react, as well as the allies of Pan's Trading Company, also woke up from their dreams and stood up one after another. Come on.

With everyone's active participation, the applause at the scene lasted for a long time!

Just looking at this heated scene, it's hard for you to imagine what happened just now. It even confused the person involved, Ms. Li, who sat back down in her seat with a bewildered face while holding a sword.

Even Pan Yue himself blushed and returned the favor in turn to the audience who cheered for him. This polite performance made the cheers at the scene even more enthusiastic.

Yang Lu could even imagine that the next issue of "Cultivation Financial Weekly" might have an article titled "Epic Showdown, Pan Yueli of Pan's Trading Company defeated Princess Lingshi Reserve Bank". Considering that the major shareholder of "Xiuzhen Financial Weekly" is Pan's Trading Company, the probability of such an article appearing is at least 80%.

After Li Qingning was defeated in public, it was the turn of Ren Yi, another important person with a big relationship, to make his debut.

As a green leaf to set off Ren Yi, before Ye Chen stepped onto the ring, Chen Ming patted him on the shoulder and warned him sternly: "You can only lose in this game, not win. I will fully cooperate with all the other party's requirements. What are you doing?" Master, have you remembered it?"

Ye Chen just nodded expressionlessly, not knowing how much he listened.

When Ye Chen walked onto the ring with heavy steps, Ren Yi, who had been waiting on the ring, was already impatient. After seeing Ye Chen's expression as ugly as his dead father, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and said: "Are you the dark horse Ye Chen? I heard... you defeated Su from the Haiya Chamber of Commerce two days ago. Cheng and Ling Yang of the Hanguang Sword Sect!"

Ye Chen's lips twitched slightly and he said, "It's just luck!"

"Luck? I think you are desperate for your life!" Ren Yi said with a look of disdain on his face, narrowing his eyes, "After that guy Chen Ming flattered Elder Cheng Shuying, his courage became fatter, and he dared to send If you go and slap the faces of the Haiya Chamber of Commerce and the Hanguang Sword Sect, you don’t really think that the huge name of the Six Extreme North Sects is just bragging, do you?”

Ren Yi was not mocking Ye Chen for no reason.

The main reason is that Elder Ren Tianyuan has a good personal relationship with the Haiya Chamber of Commerce and the Hanguang Sword Sect.

Su Yuanfeng, the president of Haiya Chamber of Commerce, not only helped Elder Ren solve many financial problems, but also specially hosted a banquet for Ren Yi in Haiya City before the Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference, which gave Master Ren enough face. In addition, Ye Chen With an extremely unlucky look on his face, Ren Yi had no good impression of the unlucky guy in front of him.

Hearing Ren Yi wantonly slandered his mentor, Ye Chen's eyes flashed with anger, and he said hatefully: "Stop talking nonsense and do it!"

Seeing Ye Chen staring at him with hostile eyes, Ren Yi became even more unhappy. You, Ye Chen, are just a dog raised by Chen Ming. What qualifications do you have to look at me like this?

So he snorted disdainfully and used the sound transmission spell to secretly transmit the sound into the secret passage: "Chen Ming should have told you what to do just now, right? Don't lose too embarrassingly to me later!"

Ye Chen suppressed his anger and asked in a deep voice: "I just lose, do you still care how I lose?"

"Do you think you are the eldest lady of the Li family, and no one dares to scold you no matter how you act?" As if he heard some big joke, Ren Yi actually laughed out loud, "I tell you, you can't even act well?" I don’t even have the qualifications to act! I am a junior of Elder Ren Tianyuan of the Wuliang Sword Sect, and I represent the face of Elder Ren and the Wuliang Sword Sect. Therefore, I must crush you with my strength in front of everyone! If you don’t cooperate well with what I will do next, The demand is to slap Elder Ren in the face openly! Don’t say you can’t afford the price, even if it were Chen Ming, he wouldn’t be able to pay it!”

As the competition progressed to this round, Ren Yi actually felt an unknown fire in his heart.

It is because the acting skills of the slickers represented by Spirit Sword Sect Yan Yuan are too exaggerated, Ren Yi has never tried his best until now.

He even heard that many people were secretly stabbing him in the spine, even if the leader of Guyun Sect deliberately concealed it, saying things like "Ren Yi is nothing but a good ancestor" and "If there is a real fight with real swords and guns, "Ren Yi can't pass the second round at all." Such sarcastic remarks would still reach his ears from time to time.

Therefore, he made up his mind this time. In this last battle, he must show his own majesty and momentum!

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