The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 290 I will accompany you personally

I have to say that when Li Qingning really used his brain, his reaction was quite astute.

Yang Lu also smiled and nodded, agreeing with her guess.

However, Li Qingning still had some questions that he couldn't figure out: "So when Ye Chen and Ren Yi competed, it wasn't because they were crazy at all, but someone activated the Shared Wealth and Suffering Gu! But the problem is... Elder Fei Fan was not at the competition site that day!"

Yang Lu snapped his fingers and continued to explain: "Yes, of course things are not that simple. The Gu worm that shares the joys and sorrows in Ye Chen's body should have been implanted in him by Chen Ming himself, and there must be another one in Chen Ming's hand. Otherwise, it would be impossible to control Ye Chen on the spot, otherwise it would be impossible to control Ye Chen on the spot. But even Chen Ming himself didn’t know that the Shanying Sect had not only two of the group of Shared Joys Gu worms, but a total of three. This third Gu insect, which shares weal and woe, is in the hands of our old friend Elder Fei!"

Li Qingning said in shock: "Why does that old guy Fei Fan have such a thing in his hand?"

Yang Lu pointed at the glass bottle in front of him, and then explained: "Share the joys and sorrows Gu is a serious evil Gu, which is against the way of heaven. It is definitely not something you can buy casually in Xiuzhenfang City. As Shan Ying, Chen Ming The leader of the sect usually has to manage such a large sect, and it is certainly impossible for him to collect these messy materials himself. Whether it is the innate rare treasure for practicing the Gengjin Body Transformation Technique, or this group of Gu Insects who share the joys and sorrows, he always orders his disciples I helped get them, but I just didn’t tell my disciples the specific uses of these things.”

Li Qingning suddenly realized: "So Elder Fei found out about this?"

Yang Lu nodded with a smile and said: "Any secret in this world is most feared by someone who is interested. As for who in the Shanying Sect is most concerned about the movements of our head Chen, it is naturally the cunning elder Fei Fan. ”

The cause and effect of the matter is actually that simple.

After seeing Chen Ming ordering the collection of materials for the Shared Wealth and Suffering Gu, anyone with a discerning eye could realize that Chen Ming wanted to use it to control certain key characters. Although Elder Fei didn't know who Chen Ming specifically wanted to control, he secretly kept his suspicions. , and secretly ordered the disciple who was doing the work to leave an extra copy for him as a backup when collecting the materials for refining the Sharing the Suffering Gu.

The disciples in charge have no idea what Head Chen’s purpose is in refining this thing. For ordinary Mountain Eagle Sect disciples, he couldn't afford to offend Master Chen Ming, but he couldn't afford to offend the law enforcement elder Fei Fan, so he secretly left an extra piece of material for Fei Fan and refined three mutual weapons. Paired Gu worms.

At this introduction, Yang Lu raised the crystal bottle and introduced: "Sharing joys and sorrows Gu can not only share the suffering, but also the joys. As long as you inject spiritual energy into one of the Gu worms, you can feel the position of the other two Gu worms through them. Elder Fei In order to prevent Chen Ming from sensing the third Gu insect, this special crystal bottle was specially used to imprison it. As long as we have this Gu in hand, we can quickly find Ye Chen on the battlefield outside the territory and take this fierce general into his own. Use it for yourself!”

Only then did Li Qingning realize that Yang Lu was not joking with her that night when he said he wanted to use Ye Chen as a tool.

He really plans to do this!

She couldn't help but be surprised: "You are obviously younger than me, how on earth do you know so many secrets of the Mountain Eagle Sect?"

Yang Lu said in a confident tone: "Chen Ming secretly cultivated a direct disciple with superior strength and attempted to send him to the Wuliang Sword Sect. Even the Haiya Sect, the old rival of the Mountain Eagle Sect, did not know about it. If there is no one behind this It’s weird! I only wanted to try my luck with Elder Fei, but I didn’t expect that Elder Fei actually knew the color of Chen Ming’s underwear.”

Hearing Yang Lu's vulgar metaphor, Li Qingning couldn't help laughing and said: "Then how did you convince Elder Fei Fan to help?"

Yang Lu chuckled and said: "Elder Fei Fan was at a low point in his life. In order to report Chen Ming to the Wuliang Sword Sect, he almost lost all his wealth, so I took advantage of the opportunity and persuaded him to sell this Gu insect for thirty He sold it to me for a sky-high price of 10,000 Yuan Lingshi Coin, uh... You shouldn't be reluctant to part with this money!"

The cost of sharing the joys and sorrows Gu itself is not expensive.

The reason why this kind of thing is rare is mainly because it requires precious heavenly merit to activate it.

At that time, Chen Ming also wanted to prevent Ye Chen from going crazy in the ring and publicly humiliating Ren Yi, so he had to use the Shared Wealth and Suffering Gu to torture Ye Chen. He probably lost a lot of merit because of this. It is no wonder that Chen Ming was then His face was livid, like an A-share investor who had witnessed his full stock position fall to the limit.

If you look at it from a cost perspective alone, this Gu insect that shares the joys and sorrows is worth at most 20,000 yuan in spirit stone coins. In other words, Yang Lu paid a full fifteen times premium for this acquisition!

But if you look at it from the perspective of income, you can hire a master who is the direct descendant of the seven major sects, or even better, to work for you on the battlefield outside the territory for only 300,000 yuan of spirit stone coins. This price is simply not a good deal.

What's more, the battlefield outside the territory does not belong to the jurisdiction of Jiuzhou Tiandao, which means that if Yang Lu wants to activate this evil Gu insect in the battlefield outside the territory, he does not even need to pay the price of merit, and he can do it for free!

Also looking for elder Fei to blend in, Yang Lu focused on Chen Ming's method of controlling Ye Chen; while Zhu Ziming focused on Ye Chen's background.

As a result, Yang Lu spent a huge sum of 300,000 yuan in spirit stone coins to buy the Shared Wealth and Suffering Gu, while Zhu Ziming bought the mystery of Ye Chen's life experience through Liu Hanxing's favor. He got what he needed; as for Elder Fei, he split a secret into two halves and sold them to two different forces, and also made a profit.

In this "win-win-win" situation, only the leader Chen Ming was sold out by his former second-in-command without even knowing it.

In fact, Yang Lu's reaction was not faster than Zhu Ziming's this time.

It's just that Zhu Ziming is now dependent on others and cannot make decisions on many matters by himself. He must ask Liu Hanxing for permission before taking action against Elder Fei.

On the other hand, Yang Lu is now the uncrowned king of the Qingning Chamber of Commerce. After he became suspicious of the Shanying Sect, he did not even need to ask Li Qingning for instructions. He could use the magic mark left when he was in Tianshu City to blend with Elder Fei. Zhu Ziming took the lead and got the key to controlling Ye Chen.

Just like without Adou delegating power, Prime Minister Zhuge would not have been able to leave Qishan six times. Without a hands-off shopkeeper like Li Qingning who fully supported him, Yang Lu would not have been able to solve various problems quickly. For Yang Lu, Miss Li is like this The good cultivation boss is definitely a treasure.

Looking at this strange-looking Gu insect, Li Qingning asked softly: "Is this the trump card you prepared for me?"

"To be precise, this is the trump card prepared for us!" Yang Lu took the initiative to correct Li Qingning's statement, and under the surprised look of the other party, he said firmly, "I have decided that this time I will personally accompany you to the battlefield outside the territory. !”

Li Qingning shook his head repeatedly and said: "This is not possible! The battlefield outside the territory is full of dangers. Aren't you going to die if you are at the fourth level of Qi refining?"

Yang Lu also put away his smile and said sternly: "Since President Li has entrusted you to my care, I have to go to this extraterrestrial battlefield myself no matter what! I have thought about it carefully. If I just do off-site work, it is not necessary at all. It’s possible to cover everything. For some tasks, I have to personally take charge of them to ensure everything goes smoothly!”

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