"When did Grandpa entrust me to your care?!"

When Li Qingning heard what Yang Lu said, she immediately blushed, but she still insisted on her opinion: "You can't go anyway! I will solve the trouble I caused myself in my own way, and I will never let you get in trouble because of it!" If you accidentally die on a battlefield outside the territory, who should you look for to manage the Qingning Chamber of Commerce in the future?"

Seeing that the eldest lady was so concerned about his own safety, Yang Lu was moved and quickly comforted him: "You don't need to worry about me. Although the battlefield outside the territory is full of bloody killings, you definitely can't survive with a fist. I must be fully prepared before setting off, and I will never rush in and kill someone in vain!"

"Are you sure you're not trying to mess with me?"

"Everything I said is true! I went to the foreign battlefield to help you. If I get involved so easily, I am no longer worthy of being a consultant of the Qingning Chamber of Commerce!"

"If we both leave, who will be in charge of the Qingning Chamber of Commerce?"

"He Mingyuan can take care of us temporarily. If you are worried, my enlightened immortal master Xu Yannan can also help supervise. President Li should have told him to help take care of us. Although He Mingyuan is a shrewd person, he wants to fool Xu Yannan. Being a teacher is not that easy, not to mention, we have only been away for less than two months, and I will be able to come back to take charge of the work soon."

After some good talk. Li Qingning finally said dubiously: "Besides this Gu insect, what other plans do you have?"

Yang Lu waved his hand and said mysteriously: "There is no special plan. After all, plans cannot keep up with changes. After the general direction is set, the key is to adapt to changes. The kind of jokes that take one step and see a hundred steps can only appear in the story. In the meeting, the real world is a chaotic system, how can we make so many plans in advance?"

Seeing that Yang Lu had made up his mind, Li Qingning had no choice.

After all, the legs were on Yang Lu's own body, so she couldn't put Yang Lu under house arrest and not let him go out!

Seeing that Li Qingning finally gave up trying to persuade, Yang Lu carefully put the glass bottle containing the Shared Wealth and Suffering Gu into his arms (live animals cannot be put into storage bags. Although Yang Lu didn't know the principle of this setting, There are indeed various settings in the Kyushu cultivation world that look very cultivating, but cannot stand up to scrutiny if you think about it carefully). Then he threw Elder Fei Fan's natal flying sword into the air, and the natal flying sword was as if it had been received by the owner. The summons quickly shot back in the direction of Yunlaicheng, and disappeared completely after a few breaths.

After watching Elder Fei's flying sword leave, Li Qingning took a deep breath and prepared to redouble her efforts in practicing her killer moves. After hearing that Yang Lu would personally accompany her to the battlefield outside the territory, the pressure on her, the leader of the team, doubled.

However, at this moment, another golden ray of light flew from the sky in the distance, disrupting Li Qingning's practice plan.

"This escaping light is...Uncle Zhou?"

As soon as Li Qingning finished speaking, the escaping light came first and fell directly in front of the two of them.

Seeing Butler Zhou's figure gradually emerge from the light, Li Qingning couldn't help but wonder: "Uncle Zhou, didn't you cooperate with He Mingyuan in interrogating corrupt elements at the City Lord's Mansion? Why did you come back to the Chamber of Commerce so early today?"

However, Butler Zhou did not bow down to answer the eldest lady's question immediately as he usually did. Instead, he looked at Li Qingning with a very complicated expression, but said nothing.

This abnormal behavior immediately attracted Li Qingning's attention.

The eldest lady raised her eyebrows and said in an unhappy tone: "Uncle Zhou, what happened to you today?"


Butler Zhou just sighed helplessly and still did not answer Li Qingning's question directly.

Seeing that Li Qingning was about to have a seizure on the spot, everyone suddenly heard loud bells ringing from the direction of the City Lord's Mansion.

The bells rang one after another for a long time, allowing the entire Haiya City to hear it clearly. The last time Yang Lu heard such a loud bell was back when the Black Pool Dragon King led the demonic beasts to besiege Tianshu. city.

It's just that this time the bells ringing in Haiya City had a slow and long rhythm, and it didn't sound like an alarm at all.

I don’t know why, but this bell gives Yang Lu a very familiar feeling. This familiarity does not come from him himself, but from the distant memory left by his predecessor, "Haiya City Yang Lu"...

"This bell is..."

Li Qingning turned his head first, and then Yang Lu also realized what happened. Housekeeper Zhou sighed deeply again and said in a heavy tone: "Miss, this is the death knell, please forgive me..."

Yang Lu quickly looked at Li Qingning, but Li Qingning just stood there in shock, looking a little lost.


Her soft lips trembled slightly, but she was unable to spit out a complete syllable.

The last time Haiya City rang the death knell was when Tian Shangcheng, the head of the Shenhuo Sect, passed away three years ago. At that time, Haiya City rang the bell 7,749 times to commemorate the seven great men who stood at the top of the Kyushu cultivation world. Send the leader.

However, today, the death knell rang ninety-nine and eighty-one times!

As the highest standard of courtesy in the Kyushu cultivation world, looking at the entire Zhongzhou Continent, there are only two or three people who are qualified to let major cities ring the death knell in this way to see them off. Combined with Butler Zhou's abnormal performance, the conclusion is obvious. The thing that Li Qingning had to face finally happened as scheduled——

Li Qingyang, the greatest cultivation economist in the Kyushu cultivation world today, the registered disciple of the Ascended Immortal Lu Yang, the third president of the Lingshi Reserve Bank, and the contemporary head of the Golden Knife Sect, finally failed to withstand the erosion of time and was outside the territory. He died before the battlefield trial began!

Although Li Qingning had been mentally prepared, when this moment actually came, she still felt deeply frightened and helpless.

Yang Lu saw Li Qingning's uneasiness and quickly stepped forward and held her soft body in his arms.

Li Qingning neither spoke nor cried, she just put her arms around his waist and held him tightly, refusing to let go.

If it were normal times, Butler Zhou would definitely kick Yang Lu away when he saw this scene. However, today, he just looked at the intimate interaction between the young man and woman in front of him with a complicated expression and did not step forward to stop him. .

At the same time, if someone could stand in space and overlook the entire Jiuzhou cultivation world, they could see that just before the death knell of Haiya City rang, a large number of colorful communication spells rushed out of the headquarters of the Wuliang Sword Sect like a flash flood. And it quickly swept through every remote corner of the entire world of cultivation where there were cultivators.

From the inside to the outside of the headquarters of the Infinite Sword Sect, the bells of major cities rang one after another. Even if ordinary mortals did not receive specific news or any warning, everyone instinctively looked towards the headquarters of the Infinite Sword Sect. direction.

Not only that, Huoyun State, West Ji State, Nanman State, Bei Mo State, Donghuang State, Arctic State, Borneo State...

According to the absolute distance from Zhongzhou, the death knells of all the major cities in the Kyushu continent sounded one after another. Even in the inaccessible Antarctic state, there were small human strongholds that sounded the death knells.

From the Arctic Han Palace in the far north of Kyushu to the Antarctic Lone Peak in the south of Kyushu, from Yajiao City in Borneo in the east to Kyushu’s westernmost Thunder Cape in Xijizhou, the melodious bells can be heard everywhere. .

The death knell tolls, resounding throughout Kyushu!

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