The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 1004: what do you want

 Chapter 1004 What do you want?

Now that they knew their identities in their previous lives, the two of them dug out all the information about them in their own way. In the end, the two of them were filled with emotion. The fate of these two children in their previous lives was too rough.

I finally understand why they are so inaccessible in this life and have almost no friends.

 Now I know it was because I was afraid of being betrayed.

 Thinking that they still want to be a help to the two of them, but now the cultivation level of the couple has increased dramatically, and they are still only at the first level of Mahayana cultivation level.

Mu Changling, in particular, wanted to build another Xianyun Sect in Jiuchongtian to support Yan Xiangluo, but felt that time was too short.

 The two of them realized at the same time that improving their cultivation level first was the most important thing.

At this time, they also received news that the first training place in the mainland was about to open. Ji Zimo immediately contacted Mu Changling and invited him to go together so that they could take care of each other.

You don’t need to think about it, but you also know what you will face after entering. The two of them are in Jiuchongtian Continent without any power or friends. Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo’s husband and wife do not know where they are, and they cannot contact them using the sound transmission stone. , may have entered a certain training place to experience.

Mu Changling agreed without hesitation. What could be more important now than to experience and improve his cultivation level.

Ji Xiaozi and Yayatou’s enemies are not only powerful but also numerous. If they don’t improve their strength as soon as possible, how can they help them? Therefore, on the sixth day after Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong entered the secret realm to practice, the first training place in the mainland opened, and Ji Zimo and Mu Changling went in to practice together.

Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo completely forgot about them, and even forgot to tell them before entering the secret realm.

The various forces in Jiuchongtian all took back their own people after searching for the two for several days. They knew very well that Ji Jiuchong and Yan Xiangluo should have entered a certain secret realm to practice.

 After all, they are all people with memories of past lives. In their past lives, they were all great saints, and they know very well where they can gain experience in the Nine Heavens Continent.

 At the same time, they also understood that when the two of them appeared, it would be even more difficult for them to get what they wanted from Yan Xiangluo.

 Hence, the various forces that originally planned to get what they wanted based on their own ability have joined forces again.

  Layers of traps have been laid outside each secret realm that Yan Xiangluo is likely to enter. As soon as they come out, they will inevitably fall into the trap.

 At that time it is time for each of them to act according to their own abilities.

The only secret place without traps is the mainland's No. 1 training place, and they know very well that Yan Xiangluo will not go there.

Cheng Kun did not join forces with those forces. He knew the whereabouts of Yan Xiangluo, and he did not want to share the results with those people.

He just can't do it alone. The strong strength of Yan Xiangluo in his previous life has left a shadow on him.

 Hence, he wants to find a partner.

This person is Yan Xiangluo’s former master uncle and the current number one Celestial Master in Jiuzhongtian Continent, Meng Hejing.

Meng Hejing is the junior disciple of Saint Fengyuan, and their master only accepted them as two disciples in his life. However, Meng Hejing had evil intentions. In order to be stronger than his senior brother Fengyuan Saint, he used some underhanded means to frame his senior brother.

Their master found out and expelled him from the school, but still gave him leeway and did not tell the outside world what mistakes he had made.

After Meng Hejing was expelled from his master, he became the Black Sky Master by chance. From then on, he secretly opposed his senior brother. It was not until Saint Fengyuan died in order to seal the demon lord that Meng Hejing became prominent in Jiuchongtian Continent. No one knows his identity as the Black Heavenly Master. In the eyes of the Jiuzhongtian mainlanders, he is the supreme Heavenly Master in the mainland.

He was the heavenly master who captured the soul of Yan Xiangluo and wanted to get the divine pearl. Instead, he was the heavenly master who took the huge white crystal ball away from him.

At that time, Yan Xiangluo had no memory of her previous life, so she didn’t know that he was Meng Hejing, her uncle whom she had never met.

He can’t be considered an uncle anymore. After all, he has been expelled from the school by his master.

“Sage He Jing, I came here today because of Yan Xiangluo, and I want to join forces with the saint.” Cheng Kun said directly.

 Because he knew very well that it was not easy for him to meet Saint He Jing because of his status, he did not want to be kicked out before things were settled, so he directly stated his purpose.

Meng Hejing glanced at Cheng Kun. He knew that Cheng Kun was just a slave who betrayed his master. No one in Jiuzhongtian Continent wants to associate with such a person. Even if he is now a Great Sage, he is looked down upon by powerful men of the Great Sage level.

 “Why should I cooperate with you?” Meng Hejing asked.

“Because Yan Xiangluo has something we all want, and I know where she is and how to deal with her.” Cheng Kun stated his purpose and reasons directly.

 “What do you want?” Meng Hejing asked.

Although he looks down on Cheng Kun, the conditions he proposed are indeed very tempting. It's not impossible to cooperate temporarily once, after all, he himself is not a good person.

 There is no way to take advantage of him.

Cheng Kun said, "I want the soul stone in her hand. I don't have the strength to own the divine pearl, but Saint He Jing is the most qualified person to possess it."

Meng Hejing raised his brows and had to admit that although Cheng Kun was not a very good person, he was very good at talking and doing things. No wonder he could serve beside Yu Xiangluo.

“In case the divine bead is not in her hands, I won’t make wedding clothes for you.” Meng Hejing finally spat out, which also meant that he agreed to cooperate with Cheng Kun.

Meng Hejing has thought about it a long time ago. Nowadays, there are many people on the mainland who are worried about what Yu Xiangluo is holding, but the only one who is sure that the divine pearl is in her hand is himself.

 But he will not admit this. He must get more benefits from cooperation, so that it is in line with his style of doing things.

After all, although he is now a great sage, he has never been promoted since he broke through to the great sage level. If the heavenly master had not given him a facade, he would probably be nothing in the great sage level.

The most important thing is that no one knows his identity as a Black Sky Master. He needs a lot of spiritual treasures to practice. This is the main reason why he has never advanced again. He needs too many spiritual treasures.

Cheng Kun immediately said, "I only want the soul stone. No matter how precious other things are, I don't want them."

The implication is that regardless of whether the divine pearl is in Yan Xiangluo's hands or not, all she has is the soul stone, and the rest belongs to Meng Hejing.

"Deal." Meng Hejing knew very well that the white crystal ball was in Yu Xiangluo's hand.

 Not only does he want to get the divine bead, but he also wants to **** back the white crystal ball. As for Cheng Kun's bad character, there are ways to solve it.

Before Cheng Kun could be happy, Meng Hejing said again, "But if you want me to believe you, you have to make an oath."

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