The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 1005: without a trace

Chapter 1005 Without a trace

Cheng Kun knew that his credibility was very low, but he didn't feel uncomfortable because of Meng Hejing's distrust, so he readily made the oath.

 Only in this way can we join forces to succeed.

Cheng Kun didn’t really just want the soul stone from Yan Xiangluo, but he knew very well that he didn’t have the strength to get more. After weighing the pros and cons, what he wanted more was the soul stone, and it was easier to succeed if he wanted the soul stone.

Meng Hejing has a somewhat different regard for Cheng Kun. This person is obviously bad, but he also accepts everything others do to him. He will not have any impact on him just because you look down on him. His mood is not generally strong.

“Now can you tell where the incense fell?” Meng Hejing said.

"She is training in the secret realm of Langtian Sect. I have made arrangements to introduce her to a place in Langtian Mountain. The rest requires Saint He Jing to take action. After all, the people in my hands are not strong enough. We must once Success, otherwise there would never be a second chance to plot against her like this."

He knew this, not even Meng Hejing, "Are you sure you can lure her there?"

Cheng Kun said, "The white fox, her spiritual pet in her previous life, is in my hands and will definitely obey my orders."

Meng Hejing was a little surprised. He felt that everyone had underestimated Cheng Kun, who had betrayed his master before. He could hold the spiritual pet of Ruan Xiangluo's previous life in the palm of his hand. This man did have some abilities.

“Tell me more about it so I can arrange for people.” Meng Hejing no longer doubted Cheng Kun’s news at this time.

 The two discussed for a long time before Cheng Kun left.

 At this time, such a joint effort occurred among various forces in Jiuchongtian Continent, but other forces were not so lucky and did not know the exact whereabouts of Yan Xiangluo.

Zhao Jingyu went to Ziyun Palace, but he failed to achieve his goal. Saint Ziyun didn't even see him.

Zhao Jingyu, who was in a depressed mood, thought of one person at this time, and that was Ji Jiuzhong's cousin Ji Junze in his previous life.

Although Ji Jiuzhong's mother was forced into desperation by her own father and mother, the most fatal blow was given by Ji Junze.

Now that Ji Junze knows that Ji Jiuchong is back, he must be worried that he will avenge his mother. With Ji Junze's unyielding temper, he will definitely not be too arrogant.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Now Ji Junze is his best partner, and if he has something belonging to Ji Jiuzhong's mother, Ji Jiuzhong will definitely want to take it back.

 Zhao Jingyu immediately went to Ji's house.

The Ji family used to have Ji Jiuzhong and his son to support their appearance, but it has long since declined. This is the main reason why Ji Junze even plotted against his biological aunt.

The Ji family’s residence was so old that even Zhao Jingyu, who was mentally prepared, was surprised.

There are some conditions in my heart like drumming. Is Ji Junze capable of cooperating with him?

But now he has no choice but to give it a try. After all, he could only think of Ji Junze as the person who had such a deep hatred against Ji Jiuzhong.

Ji Junze heard Zhao Jingyu’s intention and immediately agreed to his request. He heard that Ji Jiuzhong was reincarnated and was restless after he came back.

He believed that Ji Jiuzhong in his previous life would not take action against him, but he did not believe that Ji Jiuzhong in his reincarnation would still tolerate him.

 Hence, he must strike first and eradicate him completely before he becomes stronger.

 Two people who worked together in collusion plotted for a long time before Zhao Jingyu left the Ji family in a happy mood.

 Go back to ask for someone from your father.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong didn't care at all about the turmoil caused by Jiuchongtian Continent. They practiced in the secret realm for a month.

They are very confident that after this experience, they can directly break through to the peak of the ninth level of the Golden Path. After all, for them, cultivation under the Great Sage can only be achieved by accumulating spiritual power. Experience can also consolidate their cultivation and avoid excessive strength.

However, in the secret realm, they cannot break through and advance. After going out and advancing one after another, their location will inevitably be exposed. Therefore, Yan Xiangluo directly sent Ji Jiuzhong into the Pangu space to break through and advance. She first left the secret realm and then entered to break through and advance.

 The secret realm can be practiced for up to one month. Very few people who come in for the first time can experience it for a month, and some can practice it for a few days or ten.

Ji Jiuzhong is because his state of mind and strength are high enough, so he can practice for a month after entering for the first time.

 Time must go out together.

It was precisely because of her decision that they escaped the trap set outside the secret realm.

As soon as Yan Xiangluo left the secret realm, she immediately entered the Pangu space, and no one noticed her coming out.

But even though it was just a moment of respite, she also felt the trap set against them outside the secret realm.

Yan Xiangluo didn’t have time to see how many people were outside. As soon as she entered Pangu Space, she began to break through and advance.

At this time, Ji Jiuzhong had broken through to the peak of the ninth level of the Golden Dao, just as they expected.

 After Ji Jiuzhong broke through and advanced, he saw Yuan Xiang was promoted and went to see the lotus platform.

Now Wushuang is sitting on the lotus platform, and they are practicing on the space stone milk together, as if they are one body.

A white soft dumpling on top of a small lotus flower is quite harmonious.

 As expected of being from the same family, even though they have become independent individuals, they are still very close when we meet again.

Ji Jiuzhong thought about what Luoluo told him and narrowed his eyes. How will Wushuang and Wuwei help them eliminate demons?

While he was meditating, Yan Xiangluo completed his breakthrough and was also at the ninth level of the Golden Path.

Yan Xiangluo came to him and said, "There are many people ambushing outside."

Ji Jiuzhong was not surprised, "If they want to guard, then they can guard. We can just go to the abyss to pick up Hei Tuanzi. If possible, we can go directly to the bottom of the abyss to explore."

 At this time, everyone was focused on looking for them, and no one would go to the abyss.

While no one knows that all the abyssal bugs have been eaten by the black dumplings, they can go down and take a look first to see what is under the abyss that can make the Underworld Abyss have such a protective existence.

 Any abnormal situation that exists in Jiuchongtian Continent is not accidental, since there is a reason.

 In their previous life, they had neither the opportunity nor the time to check these things. Now they have the heavy responsibility of exterminating demons and must visit all the places that may help them gain strength.

Yan Xiangluo said, "The people ambushing outside have great sage cultivation. How can we avoid them?"

Ji Jiuzhong smiled, "As long as I'm here, there's no one I can't avoid."

He raised his hand and directly carved a mysterious pattern on their bodies. It was a mysterious pattern that Yan Xiangluo had never seen before.

“What mysterious pattern is this? Is it also from the last ten li?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Ji Jiuzhong nodded, "Yes, this mysterious pattern is called Wuyingwutang. It is the last of the ten mysterious patterns and is stronger than the invisible mysterious pattern. You can understand that it is the sublimation of the invisible mysterious pattern, which is the ninth level of the Great Sage. The cultivators can’t even notice us.”

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