The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 1006: It's really different

Chapter 1006 is really different

Yan Xiangluo immediately became happy, "Can we walk past them without being discovered?"

  Although it is a question, the tone is affirmative.

Yan Xiangluo admired Ji Jiuzhong's profound pattern strength in her heart. Not only was this invisible pattern invisible to the mainland's top cultivation powerhouses, but the most important thing was that they used one mysterious pattern at the same time, which would not affect their ability to see. other side.

Although the previous invisibility mysterious pattern can also achieve this, it cannot be so arrogant in front of the powerful Great Saint level expert.

so amazing!

Ji Jiuzhong smiled and said, "Absolutely no problem."

This is the most difficult of the last ten mysterious patterns in Ji Yin, and he only carved it recently.

He is naturally very aware of the power of the mysterious patterns he carved himself.

Yan Xiangluo immediately pulled him and said, "Let's go and give it a try."

 While talking, the two of them came out of Pangu Space.

They didn't hide their presence either. As expected, the people hiding in the dark didn't notice them. The two of them avoided the various formations they had set up and walked right under their noses.

Having already walked a long way, Yan Xiangluo looked back at the secret place, "Everyone is besieged here, and it should be more serious down the mountain."

Ji Jiuzhong said, "We can remain invisible for three days. No one will find us no matter where we go during these three days."

Yan Xiangluo stood up on her tiptoes and kissed him **** the lips, "My husband is so amazing!"

Ji Jiuzhong was so distracted by her kiss, especially when she called her husband softly, she felt that her body was softened by her cry.

 After all, they were married, but since they left Jiuyuan Continent, they had no time to be intimate, especially when they arrived in Jiuzhongtian, they were almost never idle for a moment.

Their newlywed life was normal only when they were in Jiuyuan Continent. However, thinking of their situation at this time, the uneasiness in Ji Jiuchong's heart immediately dissipated.

"Don't tease me, we don't have time now." Ji Jiuchong said with great resentment.

Yan Xiangluo was stunned for a moment and then rolled her eyes to him. It was just a kiss, wasn't it?

Ji Jiuzhong sighed, Luoluo never knew how strong her temptation was to him, especially after getting married. He reached out to hold her hand and walked directly to the foot of Langtian Mountain.

“Don’t you want to see what trap Cheng Kun has laid?” Ji Jiuzhong changed the subject.

Yan Xiangluo shook his head, "He doesn't have the strength himself, so he must have joined forces with others. Now is not the time to deal with him, let him live for a few more days!"

First he betrayed, then he went after her reincarnation to frame her, and he actually captured her soul. And Xueer betrayed him. His contribution should be considerable. One by one, Yuan Xiangluo would settle the accounts with him. .

Ji Jiuzhong smiled and said, "I wonder what his expression would be like if he knew he had made a miscalculation?"

Yan Xiangluo's eyes paused for a moment, "He has a strong mentality and can face any difficulties and humiliations. He rarely loses his composure. If he had followed the right path, he would have been a man of great influence. It's a pity."

But she felt a little sorry for Xue'er in her heart. After all, she had already transformed. Since it was no longer useful to her, Cheng Kun would not show mercy.

Ji Jiuzhong is very familiar with Cheng Kun. After all, he has been the waiter beside Luo Luo since the Wuming Palace was built. Being able to hide it from his eyes shows that Cheng Kun's palace is very deep.

Knowing that I made a miscalculation, I am afraid that I will make full use of Xue'er's final value. I don't know what Luoluo will do when the time comes.

There are also people hiding in the dark at the foot of Langtian Mountain. This is to prevent people from outside the secret realm from missing.

Yan Xiangluo said mockingly, "You really think highly of us." Ji Jiuzhong said, "This also proves in disguise that we are strong enough."

Yu Xiangluo was speechless, and she was so boastful.

I’m afraid not many people are willing to prove their strength in this way.

“Let’s go. I wonder if Heituanzi is full?” Ji Jiuzhong said.

He didn't have to worry about whether he had eaten all the abyssal worms. With Black Dumpling's appetite, it would be good if he could eat enough.

 So he was worried about whether Black Dumpling was full.

Yan Xiangluo sensed it and said, "Heituanzi is very quiet. He should still be digesting his power. I don't know if there are any abyssal worms left. Let's be careful."

 Being targeted by abyssal worms is not a pleasant experience.

Ji Jiuzhong took Yan Xiangluo to the abyss, which is also the abyss of hell.

 The feeling at this time was different from when they came here a month ago. They clearly felt that all the abyssal worms had disappeared.

Yan Xiangluo said with emotion, "Black dumplings are really different."

Zhetian is a plant that also likes to eat poison, which is unusual enough, but anything bad is a delicacy of black dumplings. Therefore, compared with Heituanzi, Zhetian is definitely considered normal.

 “The black dumpling is down there.” Yan Xiangluo sensed it.

Ji Jiuzhong took her hand and flew down from the air, "Go down and have a look."

Yan Xiangluo was also very excited. They had never been there in the previous life, but they had the opportunity to go there in this life. They really have to thank Heituanzi.

 Not only do I have many spiritual pets in this life, they are also very powerful!

The two of them joined hands and descended into the abyss. As they went down, they saw countless medicinal materials with a long history growing on the mountains of the abyss. They were all elixirs, almost all of which were tens of thousands of years old.

Similarly, no one dares to come below the abyss. These medicinal materials can grow freely. No monks come, and no spiritual beasts or monsters dare to come.

Yan Xiangluo was not in a hurry to collect medicinal materials. She had a lot of medicinal materials in her space and they were quite old.

However, as an alchemist, she would never remain indifferent after seeing so many medicinal materials tens of thousands of years old. She wanted to collect some of these medicinal materials and put them in her own personal space when she came back.

No wonder it’s called the abyss. Although the two of them are not fast, they have been falling for such a long time and they haven’t reached the bottom yet?

Yan Xiangluo looked down and could already see a lush green area.

I didn’t expect that the territory occupied by the abyssal worms would still be so full of vitality. Although you can’t see clearly what kind of plant it is, you can tell that there are many types of plants.

Yan Xiangluo sensed the location of Heituanzi again, and pulled Ji Jiuzhong to fly into the sky where Heituanzi was.

As we got closer and closer, we realized that the location where Heituanzi was was actually in a cave.

The two of them landed at the entrance of the cave and looked at the entrance, which was only big enough for a three- or four-year-old child to crawl in.

They can't get into such a small hole, right?

Yan Xiangluo felt the black dumpling again and communicated with it using her spiritual consciousness.

 Tell Heituanzi that he is outside the cave entrance, but cannot get in. If it can come out, come out and enter the space to digest the power. If it cannot move at will, stay in it and continue to digest the power. When they are done, they will come to the entrance of the cave to wait for it.

Heituanzi didn’t answer and just struggled to squeeze out from the hole.

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